2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M4U2《Sporting events》(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M4U2《Sporting events》(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  a.演讲词一般出现在很正规的场合,而发言稿则是根据个别观点在短时间内结合自己的想法表达出来的个人意见,篇幅一般不会很长。高考多考简短的发言稿。 b.称呼一般以Dear...开头,也可以不用称呼,直接写正文。 c.语言简明扼要,但不要遗漏要点,结尾要有一两句总结。

  项目 内容

  认 知 词 汇

  Listen and translate the words into Chinese: 1.significance__________________2.committee__________________3.medal____________________



  6.wrestling__________ 7.frequent__________


  9.stadium__________ 10.association__________


  12.routine__________ 13.champion__________


  15.rugby__________ 16.gymnastics__________


  18.continent__________ 19.precious__________

  20.transport __________ 【答案】1.重要性 2.委员会 3.奖牌 4.技术;技巧 5.裁判 6.摔跤 7.频繁的 8.火焰 9.体育馆 10.协会,社团 11.边界,界限 12.常规(的) 13.冠军 14.现代的,当代的 15.橄榄球运动 16.体操 17.重量级拳击手 18.洲,大陆 19.宝贵的 20.交通运输系统;运输(车辆,方式)

  项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1.________


  2. ________


  3. ________

  ________ 4. ________


  5. ________


  6. ________

  ________ 7. ________


  8. ________


  9. ________

  ________ 10. ________

  ________ 11. ________


  12. ________

  ________ 13. ________

  ________ 14. ________


  15. ________

  ________ 16. ________

  ________ 17. ________


  18. ________

  ________ 19. ________

  ________ 20. ________


  【答案】1.delighted 愉快的 2.compete 比赛;竞争 3.toast烤面包;为……干杯 4.well­known著名的 5.nation 国家 6.honour 尊敬 7.absence 缺席 8.attempt 尝试,努力 9.excite 使兴奋 10.budget预算  11.power 力量;能量 12.tie 打成平局 13.meanwhile 与此同时  14.remove 去除;开除  15.joy 喜悦,欢乐 16.otherwise 否则,不然

  17.origin 起源 18.tradition 传统;风俗 19.unusual 特别的,不寻常的 20.final 最终的;决赛 项目 内容


  Translate the following into English: 1.肩并肩_____________2.向……表示敬意;为庆祝……________________ 3.控制住;使……处于控制之下__________

  4.(在逆境中)坚持下去__________ 5.和平地__________

  6.对……作出贡献__________ 7.根据传统__________

  8.被牵连__________ 9.在……中起作用__________

  10.给……带来欢乐__________ 11.引起公众关注__________

  12.期待,盼望__________ 13.与……相似__________

  14.受……欢迎__________ 15.传递,转交__________

  16.希望得到__________ 17.让位于……, 给……让路__________

  18.还原,恢复,使再生__________ 19.密切关注__________

  20.为某事而(和……)竞争__________ 21.领先__________

  【答案】1.side by side 2.in honour of 3.keep...under control 4.hang on 5.in peace 6.make contributions to

  7.by tradition

   8.be involved in 9.play a role in 10.bring joy to sb. 11.come to public attention 12.look forward to 13.be similar to 14.be popular with / among 15.pass sth. on (to sb.) 16.hope for 17.make way for sth. 18.bring...back to life 19.keep a close watch on 20.compete (with sb.) for sth. 21.lead the way 项目 内容


  1.As a member of the International Olympic Committee, I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.(P22,L1­3) [仿写]作为一位农民歌手,朱之文很高兴地接受了电视记者的采访。 As _______________, Zhu Zhiwen_______________________. 2.I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country.(P23,L37­39) [仿写]我相信他一定回来了。 I ________________________ he ____________________. 3.In order for a new sport to be added, another sport must be dropped. (P38, L7­8) [仿写]为了让孩子受到良好教育,那对夫妇选择了在这座城市打工。 In order ________________________________________,the husband and wife chose to _______________________________.

  项目 内容


  【答案】 1.a farmer singer; was pleased / delighted / glad to be interviewed by the TV reporter 2.am sure; must have come back 3.for their child to be well educated; take jobs in this city 项目 内容


  写作:A short speech It was a great honour with a personal

  visit compete with Owing to my absence made an attempt involved trouble involved absorbed interested dressed experienced occupied engaged buried lost side side in in to to to to


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