2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M6U2《What is happiness to you》(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M6U2《What is happiness to you》(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  a.根据回信做出答复。 b.写信时间、称呼语,最后签名; 使用习惯的开头语和结束语。

  Unit 2 What is happiness to you? 项目 内容

  认 知 词 汇

  Listen and translate the words into Chinese: viewer____________________ 2. mat____________________  3. specialist____________________

  4. broadcasting______________ 

  5. appreciation______________ 

  6. advocate______________ 7. admirable______________ 

  8. alcohol______________

  9. instant______________

  10. ski______________ 

  11. instructor______________ 

  12. unbearable______________ 13. procedure______________ 

  14. allocate______________ 

  15. vivid______________

  16. workday______________

  17. automatic______________ 

  18. motivation______________ 19. maximum______________ 

  20. minimum______________

  21. mature______________

  【答案】1. 观看者 2. (体育运动用的)厚垫子 3. 专家 4. 广播 5. 欣赏;感激 6. 提倡 7. 令人钦佩的 8. 含酒精的饮料;酒 9.即食的 10. 滑雪 11. 导师 12. 无法忍受的 13. 程序 14. 分配 15. 生动的 16. 工作日 17. 自动的 18. 动机 19. 最大的;最大值 20. 最小的;最小值 21. 成熟;使发展

  项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1.________


  2. ________


  3. ________

  ________ 4. ________


  5. ________


  6. ________

  ________ 7. ________


  8. ________


  9. ________

  ________ 10. ________

  ________ 11. ________


  12. ________

  ________ 13. ________

  ________ 14. ________


  15. ________

  ________ 16. ________

  ________ 17. ________


  18. ________

  ________ 19. ________

  ________ 20. ________


  21. ________

  ________ 22. ________


  【答案】 1. surround 围绕 2. suffering 痛苦 3. injure伤害 4. junior 青少年的;地位低下的 5. severe 严重的;严格的

  6. accomplish 完成,实现  7. thankful 感激的 8. imagine 想象 9. struggle 努力;挣扎 10. accompany 陪同

  11. directly 径直地 12. obey 服从 13. talent 天赋 14. adequate 足够的 15. quit 停止;放弃

  16. entertainment 娱乐 17. devote投入;献身  18. predict 预言 19. inspire鼓舞 20. assist 帮助;协助

  21. ache 疼痛  22. adapt (使)适应;改编 项目 内容


  Translate the following into English:

  远离;除了__________________2. 心情好__________________ 3. 追求,谋求____________________

  4. 独自;独立地______________ 

  5. 前往______________ 

  6. 在那时______________ 7. 匆忙地______________ 

  8. 在……的前面;比……先进_________________ 9. 鼓舞某人______________

  10. 回顾______________ 

  11. 集中;聚焦于______________

  12. 为……感到骄傲______________

  13. 适应______________


  【答案】1. apart from 2. in good spirits 3. go after 4. on one’s own 5. head for 6. at that point 7. in a rush 8. ahead of 9. cheer sb. up 10. look back on 11. focus on 12. be proud of 13. adapt to 14. earch for 项目 内容


  1.All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.(P30,L10­11)

  [仿写]雷锋所做的一切都是为人民服务。 All ______________________ serve __________________. 2.Then families will be able to spend the maximum amount of their precious time enjoying each other's company and the minimum amount of time doing homework. (P31,L15­17) [仿写]她劝丈夫最大限度地把精力花在工作和学习上,用最少的时间照顾家庭。 She advised her husband _____________________. 3.We have to work so hard at school, and when we try to take time to relax, there is always someone telling us things we should be doing or learning. (P31, L19­21) [仿写]他说自己很幸运。每当陷入困境时,总有好心人来帮忙。 He said he was very lucky. Whenever ____________________,there was _______________. 4. I realized how grateful I was to my parents for all that I had. (P113, A) [仿写]我十分 (extremely) 感谢老师给我的帮助。 I am _____________________.

  项目 内容


  【答案】 1.(that) Lei Feng did was; the people 2.to / (that) he (should) spend the maximum amount of his energy (in) working and learning and the minimum amount of his time caring for their family 3.he got into trouble; always someone kind­hearted helping him out 4.extremely grateful to my teachers for their help / the help they offered 项目 内容


  写作:A letter of reply

  struggles against search for search look ——— on/upon on/upon down on/upon out

  (for) up up to through into around/round/about up and down on/upon concentrate fix one’s eyes take call turn get move depend hold put of ahead of go look set the clock


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