2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M7U2《Fit for life》(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语大一轮全册复习课件:M7U2《Fit for life》(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  a.开头提醒注意,结尾重复重点注意事项; b.多短句,少用或不用长句; c.不宜用小括号、破折号、省略号; d.广播稿的叙事,一般按事物过程的发展顺序。

  Unit 2 Fit for life 项目 内容

  认 知 词 汇

  Listen and translate the words into Chinese: 1. chemist____________________2. needle____________________ 3. surgeon____________________

  4. operating theatre________________ 5. life­saving________________

  6. cupboard________________ 7. acid________________

  8. tablet________________ 9. best­selling________________

  10. heart attack________________ 11. circulate________________

  12. blood sugar________________ 13. accelerate________________14. symptom________________ 15. bleed________________

  16. sword________________ 17. swell________________

  18. stainless________________ 19. pulse________________

  20. wrist________________  21. organ________________

  22. alcoholic________________ 23. relate________________

  【答案】1. 药剂师 2. 针 3. 外科医师 4. 手术室 5. 救命的 6. 橱柜 7. 酸性物质 8. 药片 9. 畅销的

  10. 心脏病发作 11. 循环 12. 血糖 13. 加速 14. 症状 15. 流血 16. 剑 17. 肿胀 18. 不生锈的

  19. 脉搏 20. 手腕 21. 器官  22. 酒鬼 23. 联系,叙述

  项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1.________


  2. ________


  3. ________

  ________ 4. ________


  5. ________


  6. ________

  ________ 7. ________


  8. ________


  9. ________

  ________ 10. ________


  11. ________


  12. ________

  ________ 13. ________


  14. ________


  15. ________

  ________ 16. ________


  17. ________


  18. ________

  ________ 19. ________


  20. ________


  21. ________

  ________ 22. ________


  【答案】1. counter 柜台,反驳,抵消 2. pressure 压力 3. beneficial 有益的 4. name命名;名字 5. possess 拥有

  6. vital 对……极重要的 7. potential 潜力 8. abnormal 不正常的 9. astonish 使吃惊 10. application 应用

  11. unable 无法 12. effective 有效的 13. approval 批准 14. mass 大规模的 15. reasonable 合理的

  16. applaud 鼓掌 17. arrangement 安排 18. recommend 推荐 19. relief(痛苦等的)减轻

  20. complex 复杂的 21. addicted 上瘾的 22. phenomenon 现象 项目 内容

  重点短语 Translate the following into English:

  1. 试验______________ 

  2. 批量生产______________  3. 使筋疲力尽______________

  4. 放出________________  5. 同意________________ 

  6. 打开________________ 7. 大量的________________

   8. 消失________________  9. 对做某事物上瘾 ________________

  10. 肿胀,膨胀________________

  【答案】1. try out 2. mass production 3. wear sb. out 4. let out 5. subscribe to 6. open up 7. in large quantities 8. fade away 9. be addicted to doing  10. swell up 项目 内容


  1.It astonished him to see the bacteria surrounding the mould dead, which meant that the mould had killed them. (P19,L37-38) [仿写]见到那些高楼他大吃一惊,这说明他以前未曾来过这里。 It __________________,which _______________________. 2.One theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.(P31,L39-41) [仿写]正在台上发言的那个人表示谁也不能阻止孩子们上学。 The man ______________ suggests _______________. 3.There is evidence that acupuncture began during the Stone Age, when stone tools called bian(砭) were used to press areas of the body. (P30,L3-4) [仿写]有证据表明这所学校是100多年前建立的,当时它的旁边有一座小山。 There is evidence that __________,when __________.

  【答案】 1.astonished him to see those tall buildings; meant that he had not come here 2.speaking on the stage; that no one can block the children from going to school 3.this school was founded a hundred years ago; a hill was nearby / by it 项目 内容

  书面表达 写作:Radio announcement name all the plants and trees under pressure due owing thanks according try let find figure make count come carry bring fill addicted devoted used sentenced related joined connected


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