2017届高考英语一轮复习分层限时跟踪练:必修2-Unit 5《Music》(人教版新课标含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习分层限时跟踪练:必修2-Unit 5《Music》(人教版新课标含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.The famous doctor is going to set out to_perform (perform) the operation,so please keep calm.

  2.If you haven't read this book,please don't pretend to_have_read (read) it.

  3.Chinese traditional landscape paintings try to show harmony between man and nature while oil paintings attach more importance to humans.

  4.After months of unemployment all he asked for was a chance to_earn (earn) his bread.

  5.Chocolate is very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.

  6.Mr.White,who comes from a European country,has_formed (form) the habit of attending church on Sundays.

  7.He was saving his money for the house that they had dreamed of owning (own) someday.

  8.At that time,I had to rely on my friends to_help (help) me find a job.

  9.“There is no future between us,so I want to break up,” said the girl to her boyfriend.

  10.It is not difficult to sort out the materials as long as time permits.



  She would open a book,pretending_to_read,with tears dropping on the open page.


  It is high time that the country should_attach_importance_to energy saving and environment protection.


  Sean has formed_the_habit_of jogging along the tree­lined street for two hours every day.


  You may rely_on_it_that the work will be finished ahead of time.


  Modern technology is what we can't_live_without.



  At 17,Gao Bowen started to learn Pingtan,an ancient Chinese art form of singing and storytelling originated from Suzhou,Jiangsu Province,with a history of more than 400 years.Today,at 45,he is the president of Shanghai Pingtan Troupe that trains young students in the narrative (叙述)musical tradition.He has been promoting Pingtan with a modern touch in the past ten years.

  “Elderly people enjoy the tradition of sitting for days or even weeks to hear an entire story adapted from a legend or a historical event.However,young audiences like shorter stories and creative plots,” Gao says.“I try to appeal to young audiences with varied tastes while serving the older generations with classic tales.”

  Pingtan,unlike Peking Opera,has just two performers,one male and one female,who play the sanxian and pipa,while singing and telling stories in the Suzhou dialect at local teahouses or small theaters.

  Born in Shanghai,where Pingtan was very popular,Gao grew fond of the art form by listening to radio programs.He attended Shanghai Traditional Opera School to learn Pingtan as a teenager,and ever since then he has been determined to find new ways to tell the world about the tradition.

  In 2008,he mixed Pingtan with rock music,which helped bring people closer to the old art form.Gao also points out that young students are easily distracted (转移注意力) by today's various forms of entertainment.To train them,he starts with teaching the art of making and drinking tea,because it needs patience to enjoy a cup of tea,which is similar to enjoying Pingtan.

  Pingtan is a symbol of the slow and calm way of life.“For people who live in a fast­paced society,it's a luxury (奢侈) to spend a few hours sitting in a teahouse to enjoy the old art,” Gao says.“But it makes you slow down and relax,” he adds.“That is what is needed.”

  【答案速查】 1-3 DAB

  【语篇解读】 Gao Bowen致力于推广中国古老艺术形式——评弹。

  1.What is Gao Bowen's contribution to Pingtan?

  A.He plays an important part in the creation of Pingtan.

  B.He has founded Shanghai Pingtan Troupe.

  C.He spreads it to all the countries in the world.

  D.He has promoted it with a modern touch.

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据第一段“He has been promoting Pingtan with a modern touch in the past ten years.”可知,在过去的10年间,Gao Bowen把古老的评弹艺术与现代艺术相融合,这是他对评弹的贡献。

  【答案】 D

  2.According to Gao Bowen,________.

  A.elderly people have different tastes in art from young audiences

  B.Pingtan will disappear soon because few people can understand it

  C.elderly people are tired of today's various forms of entertainment

  D.it is hard for Pingtan to be popular because it involves singing in dialect

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据第二段“‘Elderly people enjoy the tradition of sitting for days or even weeks to hear an entire story adapted from a legend or a historical event.However,young audiences like shorter stories and creative plots,’Gao says.”可知,Gao说,“老年人喜欢传统的艺术而年轻的听众喜欢短故事和创造性的情节。”由此可推知,老年人和年轻人对艺术的欣赏口味是不同的。

  【答案】 A

  3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.Pingtan was very popular in Shanghai when Gao Bowen was born.

  B.Gao Bowen started to learn Pingtan by listening to radio programs.

  C.Gao Bowen mixed Pingtan with rock music in the year 2008.

  D.Gao Bowen starts with teaching students to make and drink tea.

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据第四段“Born in Shanghai,where Pingtan was very popular,Gao grew fond of the art form by listening to radio programs.”可知,Gao出生时评弹在上海很流行。由此可知A正确。根据第五段“In 2008,he mixed Pingtan with rock music,which helped bring people closer to the old art form.”可知,2008年,他将摇滚和评弹相结合。由此可知C正确。根据第五段“To train them,he starts with teaching the art of making and drinking tea,because it needs patience to enjoy a cup of tea,which is similar to enjoying Pingtan.”可知,为了训练他们,他开始教他们制茶和饮茶的艺术。由此可知D正确。根据第四段“He attended Shanghai Traditional Opera School to learn Pingtan as a teenager,and ever since then he has been determined to find new ways to tell the world about the tradition.”可知,他是在上海戏曲学校学习评弹的。由此可知B错误。

  【答案】 B


  Technology benefits us in countless and great ways.However,in this age of ever increasing digital contact,our technology use may promote or prevent our relationships,depending on our awareness of how to manage and monitor its use.

  Using a laptop while in the company of a partner,without interacting with him,resulted in a couple's negative influence on their relationship.On the contrary,couples who used technology together,while becoming involved with each other in the process,resulted in positive influence on their relationship.

  Technology is everywhere these days—especially cell­phones.In the past,when we waited in line at the grocery store or at a doctor's office,we would often start a conversation with a nearby stranger.Today,the default choice (默认选项) seems to be putting our heads down into our phones instead of face­to­face connection with each other.

  Perhaps you have experienced the following plot:You walk into an office that you believe to be empty because it is so deathly mute.You are surprised,instead,to find it filled with people,necks bent downward,busily tapping on their cell phones instead of becoming involved with one another.

  This phenomenon became particularly heartbreaking for me recently as I sat in my dentist's waiting room,seated next to a mother and her young daughter.The young girl sat quietly next to her mother who continued to focus her undivided attention on her cell phone.After what must have seemed to be a long time,the daughter said loudly in an annoyed voice,“Mom! I miss you!” With a frightened look of embarrassment,the mom hurriedly put her cell phone into her purse and scooped(抱起) her daughter up.

  Technology can certainly make things easier for us and has rightfully earned an essential place in our personal and professional lives.However,for the health of our relationships and the need to create more social and emotional intimacy (亲密度),we must carve out “technology­free” time.

  【答案速查】 4-7 BCDA

  【语篇解读】 如果我们的眼睛移开手机,会增加亲密度。

  4.According to the passage,technology ________.

  A.makes things more attractive to us






  our relationships

  C.changes our life completely

  D.brings us much convenience

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据第一段“our technology use may promote or prevent our relationships,depending on our awareness of how to manage and monitor its use”可知,我们的科学技术在使用过程中到底是提升我们的友谊还是阻碍我们友谊的发展,这一切往往取决于我们如何管理和监管科技的使用。由此可推知,对于我们的友情来说,科技是一把双刃剑,既有利,也有弊。

  【答案】 B

  5.The couple's using technology together in the case of interaction ________.

  A.can lead a happy life

  B.may make them have similar opinions on life

  C.is more beneficial to their relationship than only one uses

  D.makes the couple like communicating with others

  【解析】 推理判断题。第二段谈到:一个人在另外一个人的陪同下用笔记本的话,因为没有了交流,导致夫妻之间的关系产生了消极的影响。相反夫妻双方都用科技产品的话,在这种用科技产品交流的过程中,双方的参与能对他们的关系产生积极的影响。由此可推知,夫妻双方都用科技产品比夫妻一人用科技产品在夫妻关系上更有益。

  【答案】 C

  6.The underlined word “mute” in Para.4 can be replaced by “________”.

  A.dark B.cold



  【解析】 词义猜测题。根据画线词下文“You are surprised,instead,to find it filled with people,necks bent downward,busily tapping on their cell phones instead of becoming involved with one another.”可知,你会惊讶里面到处是人,人们低着头忙着敲击着他们的手机,而不是与别人交流。由此可知,你走进一间办公室以为是空屋子因为里面很安静。由此可猜出画线词的含义为“沉默的”。

  【答案】 D

  【规律技巧】 猜测熟词新义


  7.Which is the best title for the passage?

  A.Looking away from your phone

  B.Communicating with people around you

  C.Avoiding using cell phones while waiting

  D.Encouraging face­to­face connection

  【解析】 标题判断题。本文主要讲述了如果我们的眼睛移开手机,会增加亲密度。

  【答案】 A



  Recently Lindsay hasn't felt herself.She was a really good student,but her grades 1.________(fall) since three months ago.This is because she sometimes has trouble concentrating 2.________her study.She also refuses 3.________(talk) with teachers and friends.What's worse,she feels 4.________(tire) all the time but has difficulty in falling asleep.5.________she does is brought to her mother's attention.Therefore,her mother asks her what happens to her,but she just says she feels like 6.________(cry).

  As a matter of fact,Lindsay is suffering from clinical depression (临床抑郁症).What is clinical depression? It can be described as 7.________ mood which is so low that it affects your daily life 8.________ (serious).The first signs of it in teens are 9.________ (poor) school reports than before,learning difficulties and staying away from classmates and teachers.10.________you have these signs,don't worry.It is not so difficult to deal with clinical depression.There are many effective ways,such as medicine,small talk,more exercise and a balanced diet.

  【语篇解读】 本篇为说明文,以Lindsay为例,说明了临床抑郁症的特点。

  【答案】 1.have fallen 2.on 3.to talk 4.tired 5.What 6.crying 7.a 8.seriously 9.poorer 10.If




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