2017届高考英语一轮复习分层限时跟踪练:必修3-Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》(人教版新课标含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习分层限时跟踪练:必修3-Unit 4《Astronomy the science of the stars》(人教版新课标含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.I am puzzled(puzzle)by his failure to reply that he hasn't replied to my letter.

  2.It was said that this was the only copy of the book in existence(exist).

  3.As we all know,a bad eating habit is harmful(harm) to one's health.

  4.Unlike(like)what he said,he didn't carry out his promise.

  5.As the old saying goes,it is easier to_pull(pull) down than to build up.

  6.Give Mary a call;she needs cheering up.

  7.I was warned to watch out for the terrifying dog.

  8.Last night a fire broke out in the hotel across the street.

  9.Last night,Mrs.Green had a heart attack.But luckily,the doctor came in time to save her life.

  10.Class Three should be responsible for raising the red flag this week in its turn.



  These days,breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon,causing_serious_harm_to_life_and_the_environment.


  There_existed_huge_animals_on the earth a long time ago.


  The_puzzled_look_on_her_face suggested she didn't understand what I said.


  He is believed to arrive in_time.


  They made_it_clear_to_the_public_that they did an important and necessary job.



  The International Children's Wildlife Photography Competition is organized every year by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Foundation for Global Peace and Environment.It has been held since 1991 and has received more than 3 million entries from children in over 100 countries.It is open to photographers from any country in the world.

  Theme:“Wildlife And Environment”

  After the competition,the photos will be used to raise environmental awareness through exhibition,websites,posters,publications etc.and to raise funds to further promote environmental activities by children.

  Eligibility(资格):Children between the ages of 6 and 14 can enter the competition.Only the hard copies of photos will be accepted.The full name,age,and full address including phone number and e­mail must be on the back of the photos.



  Limit:There is no limitation of how many photos one can submit (提交).

  Entry Fee:£10

  Prizes:Cash prize of £5,000 for the champion

  The winning photographs will be included in a touring exhibition across the UK and an excellent coffee table book,published by AA Publishing.During September 2016 the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in London.

  Image requirements:

  The photos should be no more than 1024 pixels(像素)along the longest side.All those on the shortlist will be contacted and will then have about 12 days to supply a high­resolution (高分辨率的) file.

  Photos of family pets and farm animals are not eligible,nor are wildlife photographs published in newspapers and magazines.

  Copyright(版权): Note that by entering the competition,you have given the copyright of your photograph(s) to the organizers.The photograph(s) will not be returned.

  【答案速查】 1-4 ACBC

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。介绍了国际儿童野生动物摄影比赛的主题、参赛资格、入场费、奖项、照片的版权等问题。

  1.What do you know about the competition?

  A.It is a worldwide competition.

  B.It is organized by the United States.

  C.It has been held every other year since 1991.

  D.Three million children took part in the competition in 1991.

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据第一段“It is open to photographers from any country in the world.”可知,这个比赛面向来自世界上任何一个国家的摄影师。由此可知,这是一个世界范围的比赛。

  【答案】 A

  2.How will the photos be dealt with after the competition?

  A.They will be sold to collect money for environmental protection.

  B.They will be kept in museums and not shown to any person.

  C.They will be used to improve people's environmental awareness.

  D.They will be given back to the participants.

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据Theme一项中的说明“After the competition,the photos will be used to raise environmental awareness through exhibition,websites,posters,publications etc.and to raise funds to further promote environmental activities by children.”可知,比赛之后,这些照片将会通过展览、网络、海报、出版物等形式来提高人们的环保意识并筹集资金进一步推广由孩子们组织的环保活动。

  【答案】 C

  3.It can be known from the passage that ________.

  A.only primary school students are eligible for the competition

  B.each participant can submit more than one photo

  C.personal information is not required in the competition

  D.winners in the competition will receive $5,000

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据Limit一项中的说明“There is no limitation of how many photos one can submit(提交).”可知,这次比赛对于每个选手提交的参赛照片的数量没有限制。由此推知,每个选手可以提交不止一张照片。

  【答案】 B

  4.Which of the following photos has the eligibility for the competition?

  A.A published photo of tigers.

  B.A photo of a lovely pet dog.

  C.A photo of a wild elephant.

  D.A photo of a milk cow.

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据Image requirements一项中的说明“Photos of family pets and farm animals are not eligible,nor are wildlife

  photographs published in newspapers and magazines.”可知,家庭宠物和农场动物的照片都没资格参赛,已经出版在报纸和杂志中的野生动物的照片也没资格参赛。再根据Theme一项中的说明“‘Wildlife And Environment’”可知,本次比赛的主题是野生动物和环境。由此推知,野生大象的照片有资格参加比赛。

  【答案】 C


  Anger often makes us uncomfortable.It's uncomfortable to witness and uncomfortable to feel.Witnessing your child's anger can be especially uncomfortable.In order to relieve this feeling,parents will often encourage children to “stop crying” and say things like “it's nothing to cry about.” It's moments like these that plant the seeds of unhealthy anger.

  The“stop crying” parents are just doing what they were taught by their own parents,who were probably taught that by their parents.Telling your child to stop crying is a kind of emotional abuse.If you don't know how to help him,your child may still need help with depression or other issues later in life.This cycle can be stopped,however,if we learn how to create healthy anger in our kids.

  To understand why stopping children crying is unhealthy,think of physical wounds.When you cut your finger,your body knows to tighten blood vessels and release white blood cells.In order to let your cut finger heal,you've got to let the body's natural process work.Like the body,the mind knows what needs to happen to heal emotional wounds.To heal your anger,you've got to let yourself go through a healing process as well.

  The first thing you can do to create healthy anger in your children is to create healthy anger in yourself.Try mindfulness exercises to start feeling more comfortable being angry.It's our resistance to anger that often makes our anger worse.Once you're better at experiencing anger and expressing it in a healthy way—a way that isn't an explosion of rage (暴怒)—you'll be able to model a good anger style for your kids.

  Preventing kids from expressing their feelings may also create shame.Children can't segregate their feelings from their self­image,so when they express their feelings by crying and are told that it's “nothing to cry about,” they come to the conclusion that they themselves are bad.

  We need to raise them in an environment where it's safe to express feelings.Once you feel more comfortable with your own anger,you can explain to your children why anger is a helpful emotion.When your kid expresses anger,help them examine what it is that has made them angry.Then,you can teach them that while emotions are never wrong and are always understandable,our expressions of our emotions are within our control.

  【答案速查】 5-8 ACCD

  【语篇解读】 孩子因愤怒而哭泣时,父母压制孩子哭泣的做法是错误的,父母应该帮助孩子形成健康的愤怒情绪。

  5.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.Parents should help their children to create healthy anger.

  B.We need to resist our anger to feel less angry.

  C.Parents should avoid making their children angry.

  D.Being angry makes children feel more comfortable.

  【解析】 主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知,父母强行阻止孩子哭泣的做法是错误的,这会让孩子形成不健康的愤怒情绪,也会让孩子产生羞愧的心理。父母应该率先实践,为孩子树立一个良好的对待愤怒的榜样,让孩子形成健康的愤怒情绪。由此可知,文章主要讲述了父母应该帮助孩子形成健康的愤怒情绪。

  【答案】 A

  6.What do parents usually do when they see their children crying because of anger?

  A.Encouraging them to cry loudly.

  B.Comforting them in words.

  C.Stopping them from crying.

  D.Pushing them out of home.

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据第一段“Witnessing your child's anger can be especially uncomfortable.In order to relieve this feeling,parents will often encourage children to ‘stop crying’ and say things like ‘it's nothing to cry about.”可知,当父母见到孩子愤怒时,会非常不舒服,为了缓解这种不舒服的感觉,父母通常要求孩子“别哭”或者说“没什么好哭的”之类的话。由此可知,当父母看到孩子因为愤怒而哭泣时,通常会禁止他们哭泣。

  【答案】 C

  7.What does the author intend to tell us by mentioning “physical wounds”?

  A.Physical wounds need a long time to heal.

  B.We needn't take physical wounds seriously.

  C.Crying is a natural process of healing anger.

  D.Physical wounds can do great harm to our health.

  【解析】 推理判断题。第三段谈到:要了解强行阻止孩子哭泣为什么不健康,可以想想身体上的伤口。当你切到自己的手指时,你的身体会使血管收缩,并释放出白细胞。为了让手指痊愈,你得让身体的自然机制进行工作。与身体一样,心灵也知道如何治愈情绪创伤。要让愤怒痊愈,你也需要让自己经历一段修复过程。由此推知,作者是想通过身体创伤的愈合过程告诉我们,哭泣是使愤怒愈合的一种自然过程。

  【答案】 C

  8.What does the underlined word“segregate” in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?

  A.Hide. B.Choose.



  【解析】 词义猜测题。根据画线词的下文可知,当孩子通过哭泣表达自己的情绪却被告知这“没什么好哭的”时,他们会得出自己是坏孩子的结论。由此推知,孩子不能把他们的情绪和自身的形象分离开来。

  【答案】 D



  My grandmother is now 96 years old,so every time I visit her,I know 1.________ might be the last time we see each other.Recently,I cooked for her and read her some


  leaving, I was


  for 2.________ good way to leave something 3.________(interest).So I intended 4.________ (write) her five different love and gratitude notes to let her know how much she meant to me.Having written the five notes,I hid them in different places 5.________ she would find them.One was under the sheets,one was hanging from the lamp,one was by her toothbrush,one was in her mailbox,and the last one was on her car's steering wheel.I knew these cards would 6.________ (sure) cheer her up after I left.

  Later,she called me and said she 7.________ (find)my three cards by the time I caught my plane,and 8.________ they did her so much good! I smiled to myself,knowing she still had two to go!9.________ I was sitting on the plane back to the US,I was thinking about writing five appreciation cards for different people,the pilots 10.________(include),because they took us safely to our destination.

  【语篇解读】 这是一篇情感小文章,文章中作者为年迈的奶奶留下了5张便条,其目的是让奶奶感到家人的关爱。

  【答案】 1.it 2.a 3.interesting 4.to write

  5.where 6.surely 7.had found 8.that 9.While


  【规律技巧】 解决动词时态的四个技巧





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