2017届高考英语一轮复习分层限时跟踪练:选修6-Unit 1《art》(人教版新课标含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习分层限时跟踪练:选修6-Unit 1《art》(人教版新课标含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.To our shock,the spelend house was in the possession(possess) of the man in rags.

  2.Someone has made an attempt on the President's life.

  3.Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you?

  4.They treated him as their own son, aiming(aim) to convey love to him.

  5.He worked very hard and gave a deep impression on me.


  1.I wish I live on the seashore with my family.


  【答案】 live→lived

  2.If you followed my advice,you wouldn't have failed.


  【答案】 在第一个you后加had

  3.It was quite difficult of her to forget her first love.


  【答案】 of→for

  4.Outside the classroom stands a teacher and two students.


  【答案】 stands→stand

  5.She is the youngest swimmer swim across the channel.


  【答案】 swim前加to


  1.一方面,他们向往国外生活,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃与孩子在一起的生活。(give up)

  On the one hand,they are eager to live abroad,but on_the_other_hand,they_don't_want_to_give_up_living_with_their_children.


  The project (which/that_is)aimed_at_helping_young_unemployed_people is very significant.


  They finally adopted_our_advice_on_how_to_finish_the_work.


  The prisoner made_an_attempt_at_escaping,but failed.


  The government is_appealing_to_protect_environment for our future.



  I started dancing when I was 11 years old.It was all I wanted for my 11th birthday and I promised my parents I would never ask for an MP3 player or iPhone or even a car ever again if I could start ballet(芭蕾)classes.If they couldn't put me in classes because it was too expensive,I asked for ballet in a box,a video and books to follow.My parents decided that maybe they should make real ballet classes happen.

  I was the tallest in my level 1 class—most of the other students were 7 and 8 years old.I stuck out like a strange and foolish thumb(拇指).Nine months later,I mastered pointe (芭蕾舞中足尖站立的姿势)and a year after that,I was invited to join my studio's Company Two and I really started to get serious about ballet.A secret hope began to grow.My instructors and my parents kept telling me that I had talent.I was tall for my age and had all long arms and legs;ballet just felt right in my body.When dancing,I felt so free that I was oblivious of my technique.Being able to move in such a different way made me free and easy.

  I don't still like to look in the mirror,honestly.Seeing myself made me uncomfortable;I thought I wasn't pretty and I didn't look as graceful (优雅的) as I felt but the studio mirror is one of the main tools a dancer has to use and eventually I had to face myself.It wasn't easy.

  When I was 5,I went through a very painful experience that changed me.I became terrified of just everything in life as a result of the harm I experienced from a teenage boy of our neighbor.To this day,even with lots of comfort,I still struggle with that fear and shame.But when I dance,I feel free.

  What I didn't know at first was that ballet would also be healing.It has been five years since I started ballet,during which I have learnt how not to live in fear and shame.I will never stop dancing.

  【答案】 1-4 CBAC

  【语篇解读】 学习芭蕾的经历使作者受到创伤的心灵慢慢得到恢复。

  1.What do you know about the author from Para.2?

  A.Her progress inspired her to go on dancing.

  B.She made the least progress in the dance class.

  C.She realized she could do ballet professionally.

  D.She could have given up without others' encouragement.

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据第二段“...I really started to get serious about ballet.A secret hope began to grow.”可知,作者在被一家公司邀请之后,开始对芭蕾认真起来,于是一个秘密的希望就此产生,也就是成为一个专业的芭蕾舞演员。

  【答案】 C

  2.What does the underlined word “oblivious” mean?

  A.Afraid. B.Forgetful.



  【解析】 词义猜测题。根据画线词上下文“When dancing,I felt so free...Being able to move in such a different way made me free and easy.”可知,当作者跳舞的时候,她感到非常自由,由此可知她跳舞时根本就没注意跳舞的技巧。这种不同的跳舞方式让作者感到无拘无束。所以画线词的含义是“不注意的”。

  【答案】 B

  【规律技巧】 词义猜测之因果法

  因果法就是由原因推测结果或由结果推测原因。本题由When dancing,I felt so free和Being able to move in such a different way made me free and easy.可知画线词意为“不注意的”。

  3.Why didn't the author want to look in the mirror?

  A.She thought she wasn't good enough.

  B.She felt upset when others looked at her.

  C.It made her look less pretty.

  D.It made her recall bad memories.

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据第三段“Seeing myself made me uncomfortable;I thought I wasn't pretty and I didn't look as graceful(优雅的)as I felt...”可知,从镜子中看到自己令作者感到很不舒服,因为她觉得自己不够漂亮,也没有想象当中那么优雅。由此可推知,作者是因为觉得自己不够好,所以才不想对着镜子跳舞。

  【答案】 A

  4.We can learn from the passage that the author


  A.has left the old place with her family

  B.is still suffering from the bad memories

  C.is stepping out from the shadow of her life

  D.feels so shameful as to refuse to see a doctor

  【解析】 细节理解题。根据最后一段“It has been five years since I started ballet,during which I have learnt how not to live in fear and shame.”可知,作者在学习芭蕾的过程中也渐渐学会了如何摆脱恐惧和羞耻去生活,也就是说她正从生活的阴影里慢慢走出来。

  【答案】 C


  Millions of New Yorkers and visitors ride the city's subways and other trains each day.The public transportation system offers more than just a trip,however.It also has one of the most extensive public art collections in the world, with many of them under city streets.

  Some people call it New York's“underground art museum”.It includes more than 250 works of art.They are meant to brighten everyone's ride around the city.

  There is a huge painting of the night sky on the ceiling of Grand Central Terminal.New Yorkers have been looking up at that artwork for 111 years.In the nearby Grand Central Market, you can find a large, crystal light fixture,which was completed by sculptor Donald Lipski in 1988.Other artists include new ones and the long­famous ones such as Roy Lichtenstein and Sol Lewitt.

  Sandra Bloodworth has directed the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's arts program since it began in 1985.But actually, it really began much earlier,and some of it even dates back to the time when the subway first opened in 1904.

  For the past 30 years, artists have been asked to make works that relate to city life or to the neighborhood around a train station.There are coastal scenes at stations near the Atlantic Ocean.Native plants and flowers can be found in a garden scene in Brooklyn.

  Alejandra Acosta, a visitor from Colombia, said,“I think it's nice to see these kinds of things when you're walking in spaces like the subway stations that seem a little bit dull.They don't have a lot of decorations.”

  Those art works in New York's“underground art museum”bring life into the dark passages.

  【语篇解读】 本文介绍了纽约的“地铁博物馆”。艺术作品的装饰使得地铁站不再沉闷阴暗。

  5.The art works are decorated in subway stations to ________.

  A.display those art works

  B.introduce famous artists

  C.make the subway trips enjoyable

  D.attract tourists to visit the subway

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据第二段的“They are meant to brighten everyone's ride around the city.”可知,装饰艺术品的目的是为了给乘客们带来愉悦的乘车体验。

  【答案】 C

  6.When were art works probably first used to decorate the subway stations?

  A.In 1985.

  B.In 1904.

  C.In 1988.

  D.In 1934.

  【解析】 推理计算题。根据文章第三段的“New Yorkers have been looking up at that artwork for 111 years.”及第四段的“But actually,it really began much earlier,and some of it even dates back to the time when the subway first opened in 1904.”可知,地铁于1904年运营开始,艺术品装饰的工作也同时开始了。

  【答案】 B

  7.It can be inferred from Alejandra Acosta's words that ________.

  A. it's boring to take the subway

  B.people hate taking the subway

  C.the subway stations are complexly designed

  D.people welcome the art works in subway stations

  【解析】 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“I think it's nice to see these kinds of things when you're walking in spaces like the subway stations that seem a little bit dull.”可知正确答案。

  【答案】 D

  8.What is the text mainly about?

  A.New Yorkers' opinions on museums.

  B.Sandra Bloodworth's achievements.

  C.“Underground art museum” in New York.

  D.An effort to make public transport popular.

  【解析】 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了纽约的“地铁博物馆”,其中的艺术品给乘客们带来了快乐。

  【答案】 C



  Music festivals are popular across Africa.However,it might be impossible 1.________(hold) them in Goma because so far the city 2.________(link)to wars.Some young people were tired of years of 3.________(violent),and a youth group was set up to organize a music festival 4.________ peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo.They decided to hold the event in an 5.________(east)city of the country,Goma.

  Their first attempt in 2017 was cancelled 6.________ Goma came under attack then.But last year,25,000 people came to the city 7.________(cheer)to hear their favorite artists play.And this year,some of Africa's top musicians decided to attend.

  The crowd cheered when Habib Koite arrived for his performance.The smoke machines fired up.Some people stood one behind another,8.________(form) a line.Thousands of other people ate,drank and danced in the dust.

  Vianney Bisimwa was one of the organizers of the festival.He says he and other young people want to change the image of Goma and hope many 9.________(many)people can join in them.

  Although the country is known for wars,it is also famous for its music.Many local artists sing openly about the conflict.Vianney Bisimwa says this gives people 10.________ chance to express their feelings.

  【答案】 1.to hold 2.has been linked 3.violence

  4.for 5.eastern 6.because 7.cheerfully

  8.forming 9.more 10.a

  【语篇解读】 一些年轻人在战争频发的Goma举办音乐节,希望能以此改变Goma的形象。

  1.to hold 考查动词。句中it是逻辑主语,to hold...是句子的真正主语。

  2.has been linked 考查动词。根据so far可知,句子需用现在完成时;又因为city与link之间是动宾关系,故需用被动语态。

  3.violence 考查名词。跟在介词of后面应该用名词形式。

  4.for 考查介词。从上下文看,这里意思是组织音乐节的目的是为了和平。

  5.eastern 考查形容词。这里意思是东部的城市,应用形容词形式。

  6.because 考查连词。根据句意可知,Goma came under attack then是音乐节取消的原因。

  7.cheerfully 考查副词。根据句意,25,000人兴致勃勃地来到这个城市。用副词cheerfully修饰动词came。

  8.forming 考查非谓语动词。一些人一个挨着一个地站着,排成一队,故用现在分词形式,表结果。

  9.more 考查形容词。根据句意,希望改变Goma的形象,希望更多的人能加入他们。

  10.a 考查冠词。这给了人们一个机会来表达思想感情,应该用不定冠词a。


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