2017届高考英语(全国卷地区)一轮总复习课件:必修4 Unit 5《Theme parks》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(全国卷地区)一轮总复习课件:必修4 Unit 5《Theme parks》

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ◇ 短语储存 ◇ 1 be modelled after/on 根据……模仿;仿造 (1)model…after/on 根据……模仿;以……做……的榜样 (2)a working model  一个劳模

  a model husband/employee


  the latest model

  最新的型号 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)The library was modelled after/on the Library of Congress in Washington.

  这个图书馆是按照位于华盛顿的国会图书馆的式样设计建造的。 (2)The design of the building __________________ classical Greek forms.

  那座建筑物的设计模仿的是希腊的古典式样。 is modelled on/after Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)Before our bus pulled into the city centre,we could see clearly the symbolic buildings

  ____________________________animals from the distance.

  在我们乘坐的公共汽车驶入市中心之前,我们可以从远处很清楚地看到根据动物仿造的象征性建筑。 (which were) modelled after/on Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 2 come to life  活跃起来;苏醒过来 bring sth to life使……生动;使恢复生机 true to life

  栩栩如生;逼真的 live a(n)…life

  过着……的生活 make a life


  Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015·重庆卷·阅读D] As the sun's rays pass through the dust kicked up by the horses, the romance of Africa comes to life.

  当太阳的光线穿过马匹扬起的灰尘时,非洲浪漫的生活显得很逼真。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (2)用life短语的适当形式填空。 ①The smile on her face suggested that she was ____________________.

  ②It's hard for him to ___________with a low salary. ③After the earthquake, the villagers tried their best to ________the village ____________.

  make a life Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 bring to life 返回目录 living a happy life ◇ 句型透视 ◇ 1 With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.


  句型公式 No wonder (that)…=It's no wonder (that)… 难怪……;……不足为奇。


  Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录


  no wonder (that)…意为“难怪;不足为奇”,常用于口语中,是“It is no wonder (that)…”句型的省略形式,后面接从句,在非正式语中that通常可以省略。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【相关拓展】 There is no doubt that…毫无疑问…… No way!门儿都没有!/不行! There is no point (in) doing sth.做某事无意义。 There is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.

  难怪他不饿,原来他整天都在吃糖果。 (2)He is the best student in the school. There is no doubt that he can get first prize.

  他是学校里最好的学生,毫无疑问他会获得一等奖。 (3)_____________________________ he has passed the exam; he worked so hard.

  难怪他考试及格了,他学习太努力了。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 No wonder/It's no wonder that 返回目录 (4)There is no need________; everything will be all right.

  没有必要烦恼,一切都会好起来的。 (5)Now that we have finished our work,_________________ (in) staying any longer; we may as well go home.

  既然我们的工作做完了,再待下去也毫无意义了,所以我们还是回家比较好。 to worry there is no point Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 2 Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.


  句型公式 some…others…有些……有些……


  Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录


  此句中的some…others…意为“有些……有些……”,表示一种对比关系,相当于some…while others…。others for showing the famous sights…culture是一种承上省略的用法。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)Some of the statues stand alone; others are grouped.

  这些塑像有些是单个的,有些是成群的。 (2)Some people have naturally beautiful voices, ________ rich facial expressions.

  有些人天生就有一副好嗓子,有些人则有丰富的面部表情。 (3)________ people waste the food while others haven't enough food.

  有些人浪费食物,而另一些人却没有足够的食物。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 others Some 返回目录 Ⅰ.单句填空 1.When the boy first came to the army, he saw the soldiers __________(swing) their arms together as they marched. 2.The living room of the house is double the________ (long) of the bedroom, which suits the family pretty well. 3.I was close to ____________(knock)

  down the other day when a car passed by me with full speed. 4.People are usually well informed of what is happening due to the _________(advance) media, such as television, newspapers and the Internet. 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 Unit 5 Theme parks

  返回目录 swinging length being knocked advanced 5.Of all the universities in the world, those in the EU are the ______________ (attract) because they have a variety of cultures and teaching methods. 6.You must work hard __________ (preserve) the position if you want to survive in the competitive career field. 7.She looked around. Behind her, she saw a wall of water quickly ____________(advance) towards her. 8.When the head teacher announced his plan for a spring outing, the majority of the students in the class ________ (be) for it. 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 Unit 5 Theme parks

  返回目录 most attractive to preserve advancing were 9.The young man, who by then had gained admission _______a university, decided to do some part­time jobs to gain more practical experience. 10.The old woman is warm­hearted. She is always ready to help __________ is in trouble. Unit 5 Theme parks

  返回目录 to whoever 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 Ⅱ.单句改错 1.It was snowing heavily. The homeless children felt cold, so they stood closely to each other.  _____________________________________________ 2.Not only did we forget to turn off the lights in the kitchen, we also failed to lock the front door.  _____________________________________________ 3.The scientist is said to be famous as his genetic research and is now working on bacteria planting.  _____________________________________________ Unit 5 Theme parks

  返回目录 closely改为close 第二个we前加but as改为for 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 4.Laughter is the best medicine—at least when it comes to protect your heart.   _____________________________________________ 5.As tourist attraction, the Summer Palace does have strong attraction to visitors from home and abroad.   ____________________________________________  6.I have three cars, and you may have whatever you like.   _____________________________________________  7.When the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, it was not very popular and came close to be torn down.

  _____________________________________________ Unit 5 Theme parks

  返回目录 protect改为protecting tourist前加a whatever改为whichever

  be改为being 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 8.Disneyland in California was one of the first theme park to become popular around the world.   _____________________________________________  9.They spend almost every night in the library and have never been able to

  take a break or have a fun.  

  _____________________________________________  10.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of them are beyond our control.

  _____________________________________________ Unit 5 Theme parks

  返回目录 park改为parks 去掉fun前面的a them改为which或most前加and 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 Unit 5 Theme parks

  佳 作 晨 读 赏 析

  考 点 互 动 探 究 步 步 跟 踪 验 收 基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 Unit 5 Theme parks

  假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,记述你和朋友上周日去北京奥林匹克森林公园(Beijing Olympic Forest Park)游玩时发生的一件事。 佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 ——

  精 彩 美 文


  Last Sunday, I went to Beijing Olympic Forest Park with my friend Chris. As soon as we got there, we were so attracted by the breathtaking scenery that we couldn't help taking many photos to record the beautiful moments. As we walked on, we noticed a kite hanging up on a branch, but its owner, a little boy, was too short to get it down. The boy looked worried and we decided to help him. Unluckily, the kite was also beyond our reach. Then we looked around and found a stick, with which we got the kite down. We gave the kite back to the boy. He was Unit 5 Theme parks

  佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 very delighted and thanked us for what we did. We also felt very happy and it made our outing more enjoyable. Unit 5 Theme parks

  佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 ——

  名 师 点 睛

  —— 1.文章体裁:记叙文——看图写话。 2.行文逻辑:记叙事件的经过→个人看法。 3.词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:can't help doing(情不自禁地做……),too…to…(太……而不能),unluckily(不幸的是),beyond our reach(我们够不到)等。 4.句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:①时间状语从句:As soon as we got there;②结果状语从句:so attracted by the breathtaking scenery that…;③同位语:a little boy;④定语从句:with which we got the kite down;⑤介词后的宾语从句:what we did等。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  佳 作 晨 读 赏 析 返回目录 Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.________adj.中心的;中央的→________n.中心;中央 2.________adj.不同的;各种各样的→________n.多样性;(植物)品种→________v.使……多样化 3.________n.幻想;怪念头→________adj.奇异的;稀奇古怪的 4.___________n.消遣;娱乐(活动)→________ vt.使发笑;使愉快→________adj.愉快的

  5.________n.有吸引力的事物;吸引→________vt.吸引→________adj. 吸引人的 6.________n.旅游业→________n.旅行者, 旅游者 Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 centre various variety fantasy amusement amuse attraction attract attractive tourist central vary fantastic amused tourism 返回目录 7.________adj.独一无二的;仅有的→________adv.独特地;唯一地 8.________vt.保存,保留 n.保护区→____________

  n.保护,保留 9.________n.移民者,殖民者→________v.定居,安顿下来 10.________adj.运动的→________n.运动员;运动选手→________n.体育(运动) 11.________n. 译员;翻译→________vt.翻译→__________n.翻译;译文 Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 uniquely preserve preservation settle athlete athletics translate translation unique settler athletic translator 返回目录 12.________n.少数;少数民族→________adj.较小的;次要的→________n.多数 13.________v.前进;促进;提前→________adj.高级的;年老的;先进的 14.__________n.允许进入;入场费→________v.承认;容许;接纳 Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 minor majority advance admission admit minority advanced 返回目录 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.以……而闻名 _________________ 2.难怪;不足为奇

  ______________ 3.根据……模仿;仿造

  _________________ 4.提前

  ________________________ 5.接近

  ________________________ 6.活跃起来

  ____________________ 7.熟悉,熟知

  ____________________ 8.使……可供……之用

  __________________ be famous for no wonder be modelled after in advance get close to come to life

  be familiar with Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 make…available for 返回目录 Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.Futuroscope is ____________for individuals, ________is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.

  观测未来主题公园不仅仅适合个人,也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。 2.With all these attractions, ____________ tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

  有这么多引人入胜之处,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。 not only but no wonder Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 3.____________in 1987, Futuroscope is one of the largest space­age parks in the world.

  开放于1987年的观测未来主题公园是世界上最大的太空时代公园之一。 4.____________,Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway.

  假如(你)开车的话,观测未来主题公园在距离高速公路很近的地方。 Opened

  If driving Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 5.__________ parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, ________ for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.

  有些主题公园因为有最大或最长的过山车而闻名,另外一些则因为展示了一种文化的著名景象和声音而闻名。 Some Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 others Ⅳ.课文回顾

  All around the world, there are 1.______ (variety) theme parks. Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks nowadays can both entertain and educate visitors to make sure they leave 2.________ (know) more about their theme. 3._______ they all have in common is that they combine fun 4._______ the opportunity to learn something. A good example of such parks is Ocean Park in Hong Kong, which 5.__________ (open) in 1977. It is one of 6.______ most famous ocean parks in the world. The park has two parts: the Lowland site and the Headland site.

  various Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 knowing What with was opened the

  The Lowland site shows all kinds of creatures. Education is the main aim of the 7.__________ (attract) in this part of the park. Much can be learned about the animals 8.________ watching them and attending the shows which take place at set times each day.

  The Headland site shows sea life. There are all kinds of fish here. At Wave Cove,9.________ a machine creates waves up to one metre high, visitors can observe birds and animals 10.________(live) together. The greatest attraction, however, is the Ocean Theatre.

  attractions Unit 5 Theme parks

  基 础 自 主 梳 理 返回目录 by where living ◇ 单词点睛 ◇

  1 various adj. (of several kinds, unlike one another)

  不同的;各种各样的 (1)for various reasons  由于种种原因

  many and various

  丰富多样的(多作表语) (2)variety n.


  a variety/varieties of

  各种各样的 (3)vary vi.


  vary from…to…

  从……变化到…… 考 点 互 动 探 究 Unit 5 Theme parks



  “a variety of+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数;“the variety of+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015·广东卷·阅读A] He also found some lists of game fans looking for various versions of the game.

  他还发现一些游戏支持者正在寻找这个游戏的各种版本。 (2)The island offers such a wide ________ of scenery and wildlife.

  这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生生物。 variety Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)The buildings in this city vary ________very old and very new.

  这个城市的建筑物差别很大,有的非常古老,有的十分现代化。 (4)A great variety of flowers __________(show) in the park last week, some of which were unfamiliar to me.

  上周公园里展出了很多品种的花,其中有些我不熟悉。 between Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 were shown 返回目录 2 swing n. (a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes or chains)秋千;(a swinging movement or action or rhythm)摇摆vt.& vi.(swung, swung) (to cause sb/sth to move to and fro while hanging or supported)摇摆;摆动 swing around  (使)转过…… swing at

  向……猛打/猛击 swing round

  突然地转向,转身;使改变主意 swing sb from sth to sth


  Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015·四川卷·阅读表达] Out of breath, I swung open the door and got a blast of cold air that instantly cooled me off.

  我累得喘不过来气,快速推开门,一股冷空气让我马上凉爽下来。 (2)He could swing his key in the lock, but didn't open the door.

  他能转动插入锁中的钥匙,但没能把门打开。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)I picked up his baseball bat and ____________the man's head.

  我捡起他的棒球棒后朝那个人的头打去。 (4)He lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, one leg __________.

  他点燃了一支烟,坐在桌子的一端,一条腿晃来晃去。 swung at swinging Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 3 unique adj.(being the only one of a particular type; single)独一无二的,仅有的;罕有的,极好的 unique feature 特色;特点;特性 be unique to…

  只有……才有的 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录

  【易混辨析】 unique, strange与rare 这三个词均含有“不平常的”之意,但有很大的区别。 (1)unique 可指在某一方面不同寻常、特别,尤指

  “独一无二”。 (2)strange 词义最广,指非一般的、不平常的、费解

  的或与预期不同的,还强调陌生、不熟悉。 (3)rare意为“罕见的,稀少的”,指某事物少见。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015·广东卷·阅读D] It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction. Each class had unique characteristics.

  人们曾经普遍认为英国社会存在着阶层划分,每个阶层人们都有其独有的特征。 (2)用 strange, unique或rare填空。 ①His calligraphic style is ________. ②With so many ________ faces around her, she felt a bit nervous. ③That bird is very ________ in this country. Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 unique strange rare

  返回目录 4 preserve vt. (to keep a particular quality, feature,

  etc.; to make sure that sth is kept)保护,维护,保留

  n.(动植物)保护区;禁猎区 (1)preserve sb/sth from sth

  保护……免受…… (2)preservation n.


  Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【巧学助记】 【活学活用】 (1)[2017·安徽卷·阅读D] In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area.


  (2)What can we do to preserve the company __________ ruin?

  我们怎么做才能保护这家公司不破产? from Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 (3)The salted fish made in winter will go bad if it ____________ for too long.

  如果保存的时间太久,冬天腌制的咸鱼会变味。 (4)______________ as the car is, there is something wrong with its engine and wheels.

  虽然车子保养得很好,但引擎和车轮还是有点儿问题。 is preserved Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 Well preserved 返回目录 5 advance vt.& vi. (to come or go forward)前进;促

  进;提前 n.(the forward movement)前进;提高 (1)advance on/towards朝……前进 (2)in advance of(=in front of/ahead of)


  in advance


  make advances (in)

  (在……方面)进步,进展 (3)advanced adj.

  高等的;先进的;高深的 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 【活学活用】 (1)[2015·北京卷·阅读D] Thanks to the advanced technology, we live in an age of bettered communication.

  得益于先进的技术,我们生活在一个更加方便的信息时代。 (2)Our tofu processing line is the most __________ and well known in the world.

  我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的且久负盛名。 Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录 advanced (3)[2015·湖北卷·多项选择] This meeting room is a non­smoking area. I would like to warn you __________ that if you smoked here you would be fined.

  这个会议室是非烟区。我想提前告诫你,在这里吸烟会被罚款的。 (4)Because of the reform and opening­up policy, China's industrial technology ____________ to ever­higher levels.

  由于改革开放,中国的工业技术正向着越来越高的水平发展。 in advance is advancing Unit 5 Theme parks

  考 点 互 动 探 究 返回目录


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