2017届高考英语大一轮复习专题课件:专题14 语法填空(全国通用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语大一轮复习专题课件:专题14 语法填空(全国通用)

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4.I was ________ nervous when I stood on the stage that I forgot everything.

  答案 so [so...that...意思是“如此……以至于……”。]

  ②由倒装句式判断,是填构成倒装条件的only,so,neither,nor,never,hardly,seldom,not until,had等,还是填do,does,did等。 【典例】 Not ________ I caught sight of my teacher in the crowd did I calm down.

  解析 句意:直到我在人群中看见我的老师我才平静下来。not until放在句首,句子要部分倒装。

  答案 until ③由it作形式主语或形式宾语的句式判断,空格处是否填it。 【典例】 She remembered how difficult ________ was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. 解析 句型:it is difficult(for sb)to do(某人)难以做……。how引导的宾语从句缺少主语,用it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to choose...。 答案 it 【方法指导】 如果句中缺少谓语动词,并确定所给动词要填写为谓语动词,就要考虑时态和语态。 【典例】 He ________ (pretend)that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. 解析 句意:他假装那个老虎玩具是真的……此处表达“我”上车时他正在做的事,故用过去进行时态。 答案 was pretending 给出动词题 1.He walked in as if he ________ (buy)the school.And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.

  答案 had bought [这是由as if引导的虚拟语气(他没有买下学校),因为是与过去事实相反,故用过去完成时。] 2.Where men control the household,less money ________(spend)on healthcare and food,which results in poorer health for children.

  答案 is spent [考查时态和语态。money与spend之间存在被动关系,因此使用被动语态,根据从句的时态可知应用一般现在时。] 【方法指导】 如果句中已有谓语动词,并确定所给动词要填写为非谓语动词,就要考虑是v.-ing形式、过去分词形式还是动词不定式: ①作主语,v.-ing形式与不定式一般可以互换,意义无多大区别;但在疑问句和句型“There is no+主语”中,主语需用动名词而不用不定式。 【典例】 It is widely believed that ________(form)a good habit will benefit us all our lives. 解析 It is widely believed that...从句中缺主语,这里使用动名词短语作主语,表示泛指意义的行为。 答案 forming ②作目的状语或在形容词后作状语,一般用不定式。 【典例】 For example,the proverb,“plucking up a crop ________(help)it grow”,is based on the following story. 解析 根据句子的意思,谚语是“揠苗助长”,要用动词不定式作目的状语。 答案 to help 3.She wished that he was as easy ________(please)as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume.

  答案 to please [她希望他像她的母亲一样容易满足。宾语从句的谓语是was easy,并且空格位于表语形容词easy之后,故考虑填动词不定式作补语,这时应联想到句型:He is easy to please.(=It is easy to please him.)“使他很容易满足”。] ③作伴随状语,通常用分词:与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词;与逻辑主语是被动关系,用过去分词。 【典例】 Mary will never forget the first time she saw him.He suddenly appeared in class

  one day,________(wear) sunglasses. 解析 由前面的逗号可知这里不是并列谓语,应该是分词短语作伴随状语,因为逻辑主语是he,故用现在分词形式。 答案 wearing 4.After the student left,the teacher let another student taste the water.He spit it out,________(say)it was awful.

  答案 saying [他把喝进口里的水吐了出来,同时说这水很难喝。out与空格之间是逗号,并且say的逻辑主语也是句子的主语he,谓语动词spit的动作与say的动作相伴发生,故填saying作伴随状语。] ④作宾语,通常用动名词或不定式,介词后面要用动名词。 【典例】 I remember ________(cry)on my mother’s lap at a family gathering to read her will. 解析 remember doing sth意思是“记得做过某事”。 答案 crying ⑤作定语,不定式表将来;现在分词表进行;过去分词表被动与完成。 【典例】 When there was no place in the whole field ________(leave)to dig,the rabbit dug a tunnel right to where the dog had been lying all the time.There he found the carrot and the bone. 解析 此处为place的后置定语,leave与place构成逻辑上的被动关系,因此使用过去分词形式。 答案 left 5.The doors to the theater were open and we handed our tickets to the ticket takers ________(stand)in the doorway.

  答案 standing [the ticket takers是动作stand的执行者,故要用现在分词形式作后置定语。] 6.Their lives are made a bit easier to have this opportunity ________(find)nice

  clothing for not a single penny.

  答案 to find [此处用不定式作定语,修饰opportunity。] ⑥作宾语补足语,不定式表动作全过程;现在分词表主动或进行;过去分词表被动或完成。 【典例】 I noticed a man ________(sit)at the front. 解析 notice sb doing sth现在分词作宾语的补足语,表示正在做某事。 答案 sitting 7.While she was getting me ________(settle)into a tiny but clean room,the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car.

  答案 settled [把“我”安置在一个很小但很干净的房间里。get sb done。故填过去分词settled作宾补。] ⑦独立主格和with复合结构。 【典例】 Anyone who finds a dead bird with a band on its legs is asked to send the band to Washington with a note ________(tell)where the bird was found. 解析 with复合结构中,非谓语动词和其逻辑主语note为主谓关系,所以用现在分词形式。 答案 telling 易错点1 思维定势干扰 He was very tired

  ______ doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher. 解析 tired的短语搭配。be tired of具有很强的干扰性,其意为“对……厌烦”,很明显,本句解释不通。同时,我们还应想到be tired after/from,其意为“因……而劳累”。本句句意为:农夫劳作一整天后很疲劳,但是他对庄稼长“高”了感到很高兴。 答案 after/from 【即时小练】 (1)July 1,1997 saw the return of Hong Kong to China.The day our Chinese people had looked forward to ________ (come) at last. 答案 came [句子主语是the day,此处缺少谓语动词,并不是考查look forward to doing结构。] (2)Cursing my misfortune,I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to who should have the honor of receiving me ______ a guest in their house. 答案 as [因为receive的搭配receive...from,这给考生解题造成了干扰,但是如果我们考虑到receive...as意为“把……当作……来接待”,那么答案就很清楚了。] 以题说法 有考生看到be tired马上联想到be tired of结构,但这里不是“厌倦”之意,而是表示“在……之后累”“因……而疲倦”。 突破指南 为了避免思维定势的干扰,考生应认真理清句子含义和固定搭配结构,判断出合乎情理的句子意思。 易错点2 词形变化干扰 (2017·广东)But such a small thing couldn’t __23__ (possible) destroy a village. 解析 possible修饰谓语动词destroy作状语,将possible变成副词,但是考生容易把possible的副词写成possiblely或possiblly,而不是possibly,这就造成本题失分。 答案 possibly 【即时小练】 (1)(2017·广东)She was __22__(surprise) helpful. 答案 surprisingly [此处修饰helpful,要用副词,故用surprisingly。] (2)(2017·新课标全国Ⅰ)While there are __68__(amaze) stories of instant transformation,for most of us the changes are gradual and require a lot of effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river. 答案 amazing [此处修饰stories,要用形容词,故用amazing。因为amazing意为“令人惊讶的”,amazed意为“(人)感到惊讶的”。换言之,现在分词转换的形容词常常修饰事物,过去分词转换的形容词常常修饰人或者与人有关的事物。横线后面是名词story,说明应该使用现在分词转换的形容词。] (3)(2017·新课标全国Ⅱ)There were many people waiting at the bus stop,and some of them looked very anxious and __43__(disappoint). 答案 disappointed [此处考查系动词look的用法,在本空中look后接形容词。但是,考生很容易写成disappointing而造成失分,因为disappointed意为“(人)感到失望的”,而disappointing意为“令人感到失望的”,与句子意思不相符。] 以题说法 词形变化干扰是指提示词本身具有特殊变形所引起的干扰。在语法填空中,有些形容词在变化为副词时拼写发生变化。例如: (1)以-le结尾的形容词,变-le为ly:possible—possibly,terrible—terribly,comfortable—comfortably,gentle—gently,simple—simply (2)以-y结尾的形容词,变-y为ily:easy—easily,angry—angrily,noisy—noisily,happy—happily,heavy—heavily,healthy—healthily (3)容易拼错的词:excitedly,rudely,truly,healthily,politely,widely,nicely,closely,surprisingly,disappointedly,fortunately 还有些名词的特殊变化形式,例如:argue→argument 突破指南 词形的变化要求考查有扎实的基础知识,需要积累,多用心记忆。 附录:语法填空做题技巧 “语法填空”考查的主要内容是句子结构、句子成分之间的一致性和句子与篇章在结构和意义两个层面上的制约性。语言结构的分析能力是本题考查的重点,在做题时应该遵循“先总后分”的原则。(1)总体。先通读全文,掌握主旨大意,了解短文的体裁、题材、时态、内容、线索、写作意图、观点看法、段落大意、逻辑层次等。在“总”读的过程中,可顺便填写某些空。(2)分项。 “分”就是下一步的具体填空。正确理解挖空句子的含义,分析其句子成分,判断该空需要填入的是介词、冠词、代词,还是连词或引导词。如果是介词,则大部分是词组或固定搭配;如果是冠词,主要是在篇章中考查其语法功能,表示泛指、特指或类别等;如果是代词,通常考查的是人称代词的主格、宾格或物主代词等;如果是连词、引导词,就要判断其连接的是并列句、定语从句、状语从句还是名词性从句等。 最近在学校的论坛上,你看到有不少同学用英语在交流听力如何突破的问题。根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语网帖参与交流。内容包括: 1.掌握听力技巧和方法,多向老师和同学求助; 2.听、说相结合,多听的同时注重口语训练。 3.充分利用网络、英文电台等听力资源。 注意:1.词数100左右。 2.可以适当展开联想。 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 【范文实例】 1.本文是一个主题贴,针对如何提高听力水平提出了自己的方法和观点。文章层次清晰,first, besides, third的运用让读者一目了然,并使得上下文衔接紧密,过渡自然。 2.文章合理地运用了一些高级句型,从而增加了文章的亮点,如:Every student may feel it a little difficult to...中的feel后面跟复合宾语;when necessary状语从句的省略;Only if your oral English is perfect is your listening ability perfect, too.倒装句型的使用;以及在第三点中祈使句的运用等,使句型结构多样化。 3.作者书写稍显潦草,如能改正,则能锦上添花。 读后启示:__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 专题十四 语法填空 一般来说,语法填空试题有两种试题形式:词类转化题和纯空格题。对于每一类试题要采用不同的解题方法。同时要特别注意对动词类的考查,它是考试中的重中之重。 词类转换题 【方法指导】 作表语(系动词之后)、定语(修饰名词)或补语(表性质状态)时,通常用形容词形式。 【典例】 He spoke to me in English and started explaining his past life when he was ________(health). 解析 句中缺表语,根据空后提示词及语意可知,此处应填health的形容词形式healthy。 答案 healthy 1....and other times they make a very ________ (consider) effort to communicate with you.

  答案 considerable [修饰名词effort,要用形容词形式,故填considerable。] 【方法指导】 作主语,或在及物动词、介词后作宾语时,前面可能有形容词修饰,通常用名词形式,注意单复数形式。 【典例】 He had witnessed too many ________(die) and wounds at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years earlier,in which

  40,000 people were killed,wounded or missing. 解析 考查词形变化。这里指的是死亡,是可数名词,在句中作及物动词witness的宾语,空前的too many也暗示应用death的复数形式。 答案 deaths 2.Apple’s new machine,the Lisa,proved to be an expensive ________(fail).

  答案 failure [考查派生词的用法。从空前的an expensive可知此处缺少一个名词,故填failure。] 【方法指导】 在指示代词、形容词性物主代词或者“冠词(+形容词)”后,用名词形式。 【典例】 I ran into my neighbor,Dennis,yesterday afternoon.He asked if I wanted two tickets to the theater.He had season tickets but couldn’t go to this ________(perform). 解析 根据this的提示,此处应该使用perform的名词形式。 答案 performance 【方法指导】 修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,或作状语时,用副词形式。 【典例】 One hundred percent of all donations will go ________(direct) to the charities. 解析 用副词修饰动词go。 答案 directly 3.The country now has a total of 178 million people over 60,accounting for 13.26 percent of the total population,and the figure will increase by 3 percent ________(annual).

  答案 annually [此处使用副词修饰整个句子。所以填annually,意思是“一年一次地”。] 【方法指导】 根据句子意思及前后逻辑关系,有可能是词义转换题,词性不一定要变,主要考查与词根意义相反的派生词,需要在词根前加un、im、in等,或在词根后加less等。 【典例】 Lost in the tune,he came suddenly upon a ________(home) beggar lying in the midst of the sidewalk.He reached down,touched the beggar’s cheek,and left a 100-dollar bill to him. 解析 此处需要形容词修饰名词beggar。他突然发现一个无家可归的乞丐躺在人行道中间。 答案 homeless 【方法指导】 若括号中所给词为动词,也有可能考词类转换;若是形容词或副词,有可能考查其比较级或最高级。 【典例】 Also,the more children young couples have,the ________(happy)they become. 解析 “the+比较级,the+比较级”意思是“越……就越……”。根据句中的the more children可知,此处要用比较级。且语境表示“孩子越多,年轻夫妇就越不幸福”,故应填unhappier。 答案 unhappier 【方法指导】 如果句子缺主语或宾语,则一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)。 【典例】 Behind him were other people to whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes ________ walked away and sat near me,looking annoyed. 解析 句子缺少主语,根据上文可知此处仍指上文提到的那位男子,所以用he。 答案 he 纯空格试题 【方法指导】 如果句子不缺主语或表语,动词后又不缺宾语,则在名词或代词前面一定是填介词。 【典例】 The new boy looked at the teacher ________ a few seconds and... 解析 for a few seconds意思是“几秒钟”,for接一段时间构成的介词短语作状语。 答案 for 1.The young man went home ________

  a happy heart.

  答案 with [本空格处缺介词,故填with构成介词短语with a happy heart“心情愉快地”,作伴随状语。] 【方法指导】 名词前面若没有限定词(冠词、形容词性物主代词、不定代词),则很可能是填限定词。 【典例】 But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her,it was probably the fact that she sat in ________ last row. 解析 “最后一排”为特指,要加定冠词the,即in the last row。 答案 the 2.After the student left,the teacher let ________ student taste the water.

  答案 another [空格后接的词是student,是单数,another student表示另一个学生,无限定范围的另一个。] 【方法指导】 若两个或两个以上的单词或短语之间没有连词,则可能是填连词。 【典例】 Each time the boy did something good,a thousand tiny angels gathered around the boy’s heart

  ________ started tickling it. 解析 根据本句内容可知,gathered around the boy’s heart和started tickling it是并列关系,故用并列连词and。 答案 and 【方法指导】 若两句(一个主谓关系算一个句子)之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,则一定是填并列连词或从属连词。 【典例】 The Unicef found that,although the situation has slightly improved,many women

  are still not included in family decisions,________ as a result their children are more likely to suffer from poor health. 解析 考查连词。根据句意可知,空格前后都在说明男女不平等的结果,因此使用并列连词and。 答案 and 3.One day,he came up with an idea ________ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches.He did so the next day.

  答案 that [他提出一个想法(idea)即他将把所有的禾苗拔高几英寸。空格后的句子意义完整并不缺少成分,故该空格处应填纯粹的连词that(不作成分,也没有含义)引导同位语从句解释先行词idea的内容。] 【方法指导】 若结构较完整,并且空格后的谓语动词是原形,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,则很可能是填情态动词或表示强调或倒装的助动词(do,does,did等)。 【典例】 He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife,but he

  ________ bring home a regular salary. 解析 这是一个由but连接的并列句,由前一分句的谓语动词had可知,后一分句的谓语动词bring也应用一般过去时。可是,bring却用原形,既与语境的时态不符,也与主语he不一致,而且该句不是倒装句,因此,此处必定是填情态动词或表示强调的助动词did(的确)。 答案 did 【方法指导】 由特殊的句式结构来判断空格应填的词。 ①由it is...that...强调结构判断,填it还是that;so/such...that,(n)either...(n)or等。 【典例】 The uneducated person,on the other hand,either is unable to do it,________ does it

  badly,... 解析 此处表示“或者”,要注意either...or搭配。 答案 or


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