2017届高考英语一轮复习专题技能突破演练:19 短文改错之细品单词,纠正词法” 错误(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习专题技能突破演练:19 短文改错之细品单词,纠正词法” 错误(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题技能突破(19)短文改错之细品单词,纠正词法” 错误【技能讲解】 认真读每一句,分析每个词使用是否正确。名词的数与格,名词前该不该用冠词、用什么冠词,固定搭配是否完整、正确,有无缺少或多余介词,形容词、副词及其比较等级是否混用等典例剖析

  1.[2015·课标全国卷]Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted.

  [答案] on→with 考查介词。with表示“随着……”。

  2.[2015·陕西高考]My soccer coach retired in last week.

  [答案] 去掉in last week“上周”,前面不加介词。

  3.[2015·课标全国卷]Now I am living in a city ,but I miss my home in countryside.

  [答案] countryside前加the 考查冠词。 in the countryside “在乡下/农村“为固定表达。

  4.[2015·河南、河北、山西考前质检]This also gives the school authorities great pressures on meeting the need of academic levels.

  [答案] pressures→pressure 考查不可数名词pressure。常见的不可数名词还有:information, news, advice, furniture, baggage, equipment等。



  (1)It was getting dark, so he left there in the hurry and jumped into a car.


  (2)He is such learned person that we all admire him very much.


  (3)Under his help, we've learned how to analyze and settle problems.


  (4)Without hesitation, Jack made a immediate dive for the robber and controlled him by holding him down against the ground.


  (5)Instead of giving us answers immediate, he encourages us to think by

  ourselves whenever he puts forward questions.


  答案:(1)the→a (2)such后加a (3)Under→With (4)a→an 



  When I was in high school,

  I had an awful experience. At that time when I was not so brave and outgoing as others. Because that, a boy named Big Tom would do all kinds of bad things to me. I was scaring to see him.

  Yesterday therefore, a friend told me that Big Tom wanted to see me but invite me to dine out. I agreed. We met in a bar and I was so happy that nothing went well. At the end of that night, Big Tom apologized about what he has done to me. Now we have become close friends.

  In our life, we all make mistake. What counts most are that we have the courage to correct them.


  When I was in high school,

  I had an awful experience. At that time

  I was not so brave and outgoing as others. Because

  that, a boy named Big Tom would do all kinds of bad things to me. I was

  to see him.

  Yesterday , a friend told me that Big Tom wanted to see me

  invite me to dine out. I agreed. We met in a bar and I was so happy that

  went well. At the end of that night, Big Tom apologized

  what he

  done to me. Now we have become close friends.

  In our life, we all make . What counts most

  that we have the courage to correct them.


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