2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:选修7 Modules 1-2(第1课时)(外研版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:选修7 Modules 1-2(第1课时)(外研版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 选修七 Modules 1-2


  1.David a________ for his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan.

  2.The union said that they would take action to d________ their members' rights.

  3.She is so t________ that her success can only be a question of time.

  4.Only some of Lin Dan's good friends a________ his wedding ceremony.

  5.Li Na ________(应得) to win the match because she is the best among the players.

  6.The secretary has left, so you must ________(任命) a new one as soon as possible.

  7.We must help children d________ the habit of leading as early as possible.

  8.C________ what she had done for us, we consider her to be a very considerate and caring person.

  9.It's difficult to find a time that s________ everybody.

  10.What ________(吸引) the new graduates most to the job was the chance to travel around the world.

  11.Sony Corporation is no longer ________(有竞争力的) as before in the world market.

  12.It's time for our government to ________(解决)the dispute of the Diaoyu Islands with Japan.

  答案:1.apologized 2.defend 3.talented 4.attended 5.deserves 6.appoint 7.develop 8.Considering 9.suits 10.attracted 11.competitive 12.settle


  take possession of, in the history of, draw one's attention,grow up, name after, be rude to, be based on, at one point

  1.We must ______________________ the fact that the young don't look up to the old nowadays.

  2.The thoughts of confucius have been playing an important part ______________________ China.

  3.We can't ________ the house until all the papers have been signed.

  4.The naughty boy has ______________________ to be a handsome man.

  5.The report ______________________ figures from six different European cities.

  6.Why ________ you so ________ your mother? It's too impolite.

  7.____________, Xu Jinglei dreamed of becoming an artist, but later she became a famous director.

  8.The new bridge in our hometown __________________ the designer.

  答案:1.draw our attention to 2.in the history of 3.take possession of 4.grown up 5.is based on 6.are; rude to 7.At one point 8.was named after



  (1)I don't doubt that Chinese diet is the healthiest in the world.

  →There ________ ________ ________ ________ Chinese diet is the healthiest in the world.

  (2)I doubt whether/if he'll change his mind.

  →There ________ ________ ________ ________ he'll change his mind.

  (3)Look out for the cars while you are crossing the road.

  →Look out for the cars ________ ________ the road.

  (4)If it is necessary, I will be glad to pick you up after school.

  →________ ________, I will be glad to pick you up after school.

  (5)What a pity! You didn't come to see the 3D film, Titanic, with us last night.

  →________ ________ ________ ________ ________ you didn't come to see the 3D film,Titanic, with us last night.

  (6)The famous star is likely to attend the concert today.

  →________ ________ ________ ________ the famous star will attend the concert today.

  (7)She is a fan of Yao Ming, and her brother is also one of his fans.

  →She is a fan of Yao Ming, and ________ ________ ________ ________.

  (8)I didn't realize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses.

  →________ ________ ________ ________ she took off her dark glasses ________ I realized she was a famous film star.



  __________________Jeremy Shu­How Lin is talented in playing basketball.


  __________________I see the picture, I always think of the days we spent together.


  ______________ that he is lost in Internet games all day.


  Liu Yang is the first female astronaut ________.


  When they returned home from the holiday, ____________________________.


  ________________you have failed in the exam.


  ____________________he came lack ________ we finished our work.


  Jane won't join us for dinner tonight, ________________.

  答案:1.(1)is no doubt that (2)is some doubt that (3)while crossing (4)If necessary (5)It is a pity that (6)It is likely that (7)so is her brother (8)It was not until; that

  2.(1)There is no doubt that (2)Each/Every time (3)It is a pity (4)to fly into space (5)they found their house stolen (6)It's a pity that (7)It was not until; that (4)neither will Tom

















  My schooldays are full of fun. First of all, after­school activities bring us a lot of joy. Besides, taking part in after­school activities can make students show their special talents and ability to get on with others, in which we can learn how to compete with others successfully. Secondly, it is common to help each other in the school. It is clear that it is good for our development to help our classmates to settle problems. School life is an important part of our life. As a result, there is no doubt that we will remember the wonderful schooldays.


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