2017届高考英语一轮复习全册课件:必修2 2.1 unit1《friends and friendship》(重大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习全册课件:必修2 2.1 unit1《friends and friendship》(重大版)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  -*- 重点单词 核心句式 核心短语 (1)It seems(to sb.)that/as if...(对某人来说)似乎……,as if后面可用虚拟语气。 (2)seem to be/like+n....似乎……,好像…… seem to have done sth.好像已经做了某事  (3)seem(to be)+n./adj.似乎是…… There seems to be...好像有……  -*- 重点单词 核心句式 核心短语 领悟考法·用考点 翻译句子 (4)It seemed as if/that he enjoyed my company.(2017广东,阅读理解) =He seemed to enjoy my company. 他似乎喜欢我的陪伴。 (5)What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?(2017大纲全国,听力) 说话者似乎最喜欢哪种生活? -*- 重点单词 核心句式 核心短语 (6)The ring seemed to have disappeared. =It seemed that the ring had disappeared. 那个戒指似乎已经消失了。 (7)There seems to be no one for her to turn to when she is in trouble. 当她遇到困难时,好像没有人可以求助。 -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1. To  our delight,everything goes well.  2.I appreciate Mr Wang’s new approach to  teaching (teach)a lot.  3.Thanks for your invitation.I’d be delighted to come(come).  4.He was determined to do it even  at  the risk of being ridiculed.  5.How long has the child been suffering  from  repeated stomach trouble?  6.Some plants are tolerant  of  extreme heat.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅱ.短语填空 suffer from by chance die of pick up be based on 1.He died of cancer.  2.The TV play was based on real life.  3.His schoolwork suffered from a number of social activities.  4.I heard their talk by chance.  5.He picked up the story where he had left it the day before.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅲ.完成句子 1.通常,他都会尽力去帮助我。  As   a   general   rule ,he would try his best to help me.  2.他过去了解她,但现在不再是朋友了。 He once knew her,but  they   are   no   longer   friends  now.  3.打扰了,我能和您换一下座位吗? Excuse me, can   I   exchange   the   seat  with  you ?  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 4.汤姆非常喜欢写作。 Tom  takes/finds/has   great   delight   in  writing.  5.他冒险把车开得很快。 He  took   risks / took   a   risk  to drive so fast.  课前预习 对应演练 必修2 Theme A Learning to Be Unit 1 Friends and Friendship -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 1.view vt.看待;观看 n.观点;风景 领悟高考·究考法 诵读句子,说出view的含义 (1)What is the grandfather’s view on life? 观点   (2)From the teacher’s point of view,children should be left to decide what to read and how to read.(2015浙江,阅读理解) 见解   (3)I enjoyed sitting close to the windows and looking at the view. 风景   (4)He viewed the battle from the top of the hill. 观看   (5)...people view“volunteer” as an important social role.(2015江苏,阅读理解) 看作   -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 2.general adj.一般的;普通的 generally adv.一般地;大体上地 领悟高考·究考法 完成句子 (1) In   general ,the kind of news which may be expected to give immediate reward is news of crime and corruption,accidents and disasters,sports,social events,and human interests.  一般地,这类可能有望立刻得到回报的消息是犯罪和腐败、事故和灾难、体育、社会大事及人类利益的消息。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 (2) It’s   generally   believed   that  people act the way they do because of their personalities and attitudes.(2017重庆,阅读理解)  人们普遍认为品格和态度决定人们的行为。 (3) As   a   general   rule ,all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规)basis.(2017课标全国Ⅰ,完形填空)  通常,活动的所有形式当以常规的基础来表现时,会导致厌倦。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 3.exchange vt.交换 n.交换 领悟高考·究考法 翻译句子 (1)Last spring,I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program.(2017浙江,完形填空) 去年春天,我有幸被选中参加了一个交换生学习项目。  (2)Tom gave Helen an apple in exchange for a piece of cake. 汤姆用一个苹果与海伦换一块蛋糕。  (3)I’d like to exchange a watch for a camera. 我想用一块手表换一部相机。 (4)He likes to exchange ideas with others. 他喜欢与别人交流思想。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 4.delight v.使高兴 n.高兴 领悟高考·究考法 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义 (1)I was delighted by the tomatoes in sight. 看到西红柿后我很高兴。 (2)To my delight,I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.(2015福建,单项填空) 令我高兴的是,我从数百名候选人中被选中参加开幕式。 (3)Your visit last week delighted us. 你上星期的来访使我们很高兴。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 5.tolerate vt.忍受;承受 adj.tolerant 容忍的,忍受的 领悟高考·究考法 诵读或翻译句子 (1)How can you tolerate his shouting at you? 你怎么能忍受他那么对你叫嚷? (2)Luckily,my parents were tolerant of my choice of music. 所幸的是,我父母容忍了我对音乐的选择。  (3)However,we cannot always be intolerant of tardiness,for ordinary living requires some tolerance.(2015陕西,六选五) 然而,我们并不总是无法容忍拖延,因为日常的生活需要一些宽容。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 6.approach vi.接近;靠近 n.方法;途径;通路 领悟高考·究考法 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义 (1)Absorbed in painting,John didn’t notice evening approaching.(2015天津,单项填空) 专心于绘画,约翰没有注意到夜晚已经来临。 (2)The brown bear approached the family in order to start an attack.(2017北京,阅读理解) 这只棕熊走近这家人,目的是要展开进攻。 -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 2 3 4 5 6 1 (3)Some approaches are more successful than others.(2017广东,完形填空) 有一些方法比其他方法更成功。 (4)The approach to the house was a narrow path. 通往这所房子的路是一条狭窄的小径。  -*- 重点单词 核心短语 核心句式 be based on/upon 建于……之上 领悟高考·究考法 翻译句子 (1)His view is based on a recent survey of the Internet use. 他的观点是以最近的一次网络使用情况的调查为基础的。 (2)My hopes are based on the good news we heard yesterday. 我把希望寄托在我们昨天听到的好消息上。 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 核心短语 It seemed nothing could ever happen to change that. 似乎没有什么事情能改变那种情况。 分析提炼·究考法 It seems/seemed that...看起来似乎…… 此句型中it是代词,并无汉语意思,指的是某种情况;seem为系动词,that引导表语从句。强调根据一定的事实所得出的一种接近于实际情况的判断(可以转换成“名词或代词+seem+动词不定式”句型,其意不变,如果动词不定式为“to be+形容词”时,to be往往省略)。 课前预习 对应演练


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