2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修5 Module 1《British and American English》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修5 Module 1《British and American English》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第一部分 必修五 Module 1


  1.(2015·太原高三质检改编)Generally speaking, the music of one country is quite a lot in ________ with its culture.

  答案:common 句意:一般而言,一个国家的音乐和这个国家的文化有很多共性。in common with“与……相同”,符合句意。

  2.(2015·济南一中高三质检改编)John and David are twins. They are similar ________ appearance, but differ widely ________ personality.

  答案:in; in 句意:约翰和戴维是双胞胎。他们外貌相似,但在个性方面大不相同。be similar in“在……方面相似”;differ in“在……方面不同”。

  3.(2015·天津宝坻区高三质量调查改编)As far as I know, it was the car accident due to drunk driving that led to his ________(kill).

  答案:being killed 句意:据我所知,是那次酒后驾驶引发的车祸致使他死亡。lead to“导致”,其中to是介词,后接动词­ing形式;his与being killed一起构成动词­ing形式的复合结构作介词to的宾语。

  4.In some places women are expected to earn money ________ men work at home and raise their children.

  答案:while 句意:在一些地区,妇女出去挣钱而男士在家干家务、照看孩子。前后形成对比,用while。

  5.(2015·河北衡水中学二模改编)The story shows that ________ knowledge of ________ first aid can make ________ real difference.

  答案:a; /; a 考查冠词的用法及固定搭配。句意:这个故事表明有了急救知识确实能起很大的作用。knowledge是不可数名词,一般前面不能加不定冠词,但a knowledge of sth.“掌握某方面的知识”,前面需加a;first aid前面不用加冠词;make a difference “有影响,有关系”,是固定短语。

  6.In an ________ to solve the problem, the chairman gathered all the ministers to hold a meeting at midnight.

  答案:attempt 句意:试图解决问题,主席在半夜召集所有的部长开会。in an attempt to do sth.“试图做某事”。

  7.________(compare) with his sister, Jerry is even more sensitive, and more easily troubled by emotional and relationship problems.

  答案:Compared 句意:和姐姐相比,杰瑞更敏感,更易受情感和交往方面问题的困扰。Jerry与compare之间为被动关系,故应选表被动的过去分词。compared with为固定搭配,意为“与……相比”,在句中作状语。

  8.—Linda, the phone in your office can't be connected all the time. Why?

  —Oh, sorry, Miss Miles. The service ________(stop) since last Wednesday.

  答案:has been stopped 考查时态和语态。句意:——“琳达,你办公室的电话一直打不通,为什么?”——“噢,对不起,迈尔斯小姐,自从上周三以来,电话服务就被中止了。”根据句意可知,电话中止开始于过去,并持续到现在,故用现在完成时态。service与stop之间为被动关系,故答案为has been stopped。

  9.The experts are trying to find out the reason why many teenagers have difficulty in ________(communicate) with their parents.

  答案:communicating 考查固定搭配。句意:专家们正在努力地弄清楚青少年和父母交流有困难的原因。have difficulty in doing sth.为固定搭配,表示“做某事有困难”。

  10.Mother ________(do) all the housework for my family, but lately she's been too weak to continue it.

  答案:does 考查时态。句意:我们家的所有家务活都由我母亲承担,但最近她身体太弱不能继续做了。根据句意可知,设空处表示现在的情况,故用现在时,且表示现在的习惯,故用一般现在时。



  The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival __1__(mark) by eating zong zi and racing dragon boats in honour of Qu Yuan, who is said to have committed suicide(自杀) by drowning himself.

  Qu was a minister of the State of Chu __2__(situate) in present­day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly respected. __3__, he was dismissed from office. __4__(realize) that the country was in the hands of evil officials, Qu leapt into River Miluo on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to save him but were __5__(able) to recover his body.

  The people of Chu __6__ mourned Qu's death threw rice into the river to feed his ghost __7__ year on the day of his death. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised __8__ to wrap the rice and bind it __9__ throwing it into the river.

  During the Duanwu Festival, zong zi is eaten to symbolize(象征,表示) the rice offerings to Qu. And the dragon­boat races symbolize __10__ many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body.

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______

  答案:1.has been marked 2.situated 3.However 4.Realizing

  5.unable 6.who 7.every 8.them 9.before 10.the


  If you want to learn a new language,the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a __1__ reason, such as your job or your studies?__2__ perhaps you're interested in the __3__, films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a __4__ of the language.

  Most people learn best using a variety of __5__, but traditional classes are an ideal (理想的) start for many people. They __6__ an environment where you can practice under the __7__ of someone who's good at the language. We all lead__8__lives and learning a language takes __8__. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a __10__. It doesn't matter if you haven't got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years,but learning to get by takes __11__.

  Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “l'm too __12__,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more __13__ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any __14__. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I've also heard people __15__ about the mistakes they make when __16__. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes __17__ you're much less likely to make them again.

  Learning a new language is never __18__. But with some work and devotion, you'll make progress. And you'll be __19__by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in __20__ own language. Good luck!




  C.practical D.physical

  答案:C 根据空后的“...such as your job or your studies?”可知,此处是指学习英语的实际(practical)原因,故选C项。technical“技术的”;political“政治的”;physical“身体的;物理的”。



  C.Though D.Or

  答案:D 联系上文中的a practical reason可知,此处是指你学习外语的另一种原因,故用or连接两个并列句。



  C.agriculture D.medicine

  答案:A 根据此处所表达的并列关系可知,所填词与后面的films,music一致,故用文学(literature)。transport“交通”;agriculture“农业”。



  C.form D.database

  答案:B 根据语境可知,此处是指如果你掌握了一门外语,你就会知道它的用途有多大。have a knowledge of意为“掌握”,是固定短语,符合语境。



  C.methods D.computers

  答案:C 根据空后的“...but traditional classes are an ideal start for many people.”可知,此处表示绝大多数人学习外语会采用不同的方法(methods)。regulation“规范”。



  C.respect D.provide

  答案:D 对许多人来说,既然传统的课堂是理想的开始,那么,它们当然可以提供(provide)一种学习外语的环境。protect“保护”,change“改变”,respect“尊重”,均不符合语境。



  C.guidance D.pressure

  答案:C 联系之后的“someone who's good at the language”可知,在传统的课堂上,你是在老师的指导(guidance)下来学习外语的。control“控制”,command“命令”,pressure“压力”,均不符合语境。



  C.simple D.normal

  答案:A 根据常识可知,我们的生活都很忙碌(busy)。



  C.energy D.place

  答案:B 根据下文中的“take years”可知,学习外语需要花费时间(time)。courage“勇气”,energy“精力”和place均不符合语境。



  C.routine D.project

  答案:C 根据空前的“if you study regularly”可知,此处强调学习外语要形成一种惯例(routine)。theory“理论”,business“生意”;project“工程,项目”,均不符合语境。

  11.A.some risks

  B.a lot less

  C.some notes D.a lot more

  答案:B 根据语境可知,学习外语需要花费多年的时间。但如果能够把握规律,就能够节省时间,即花费的时间会少很多(a lot less)。



  C.weak D.tired

  答案:A 根据下一句中的“children do learn languages more __13__ than adults”可以推断出,有些人放弃学习外语的借口是:他们认为自己老了(old)。



  C.privately D.quietly

  答案:B 根据常识可知,孩子学习外语比成年人要快(quickly),但是研究表明处在任何年龄(age),你都可以学习外语。



  C.distance D.school

  答案:A 由上文提到的children和adults的对比意义可知答案。



  C.think D.quarrel

  答案:A 联系下文中作者的建议可知,很多人担心(worry)自己会犯错误。



  C.bargaining D.learning

  答案:D 根据语境可知,有些人担心自己在学习(learning)外语的过程中会犯错误。bargain“讨价还价”。



  C.but D.before

  答案:B 根据“祈使句+and+简单句”的句式结构可知,此处是指:对于你所犯的错误要放松并付诸一笑,你很可能会避免再犯同样的错误。



  C.interesting D.easy

  答案:D 结合下文中but表示的转折意义可知,此处强调学习外语从来都不是一件容易的(easy)事情。



  C.interrupted D.informed

  答案:B 根据语境可知,当你用一门外语说了仅仅几句话,而以这门语言为母语的一些人对你做出积极评价时,你会感到很吃惊(amazed)。



  C.our D.your

  答案:A 此处指上文提到的some people,也就是以这门语言为母语的人,故用their。



  I prefer Lynne Truss's phraseology: I am a grammar “sticker”. And, like Truss—author of Eats, Shoots & Leaves—I have a “zero tolerance” approach to grammar mistakes that make people look stupid.

  Now, Truss and I disagree on what it means to have “zero tolerance”. She thinks that people who mix up basic grammar “deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked (砍) up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave”, while I just think they deserve to be passed over for a job—even if they are otherwise qualified for the position.

  Everyone who applies for a position at either of my companies, iFixit or Dozuki, takes a compulsory grammar test. If job hopefuls can't distinguish between “to” and “too”, their applications go into the bin.

  Of course, we write for a living. iFixit. com is the world's largest online repair manual (指南), and Dozuki helps companies write their own technical documentation, like paperless work instructions and step­by­step user manuals. So, it makes sense that we've made a strong strike against grammar errors.

  But grammar is relevant for all companies. Yes, language is constantly changing, but that doesn't make grammar unimportant. Good grammar is credibility, especially on the Internet. And, for better or worse, people judge you if you can't tell the difference between “their” “there” and “they're”.

  Good grammar makes good business sense—and not just when it comes to hiring writers. Writing isn't in the official job description of most people in our office. Still, we give our grammar test to everybody, including our salespeople, our operations staff, and our programmers.

  Grammar signifies more than just a person's ability to remember high school English. I've found that people who make fewer mistakes on a grammar test also make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to writing—like stocking shelves or labeling parts. It is the same with programmers. Applicants who don't think writing is important are likely to think lots of other things also aren't important.


  1.The author agrees with Lynne Truss in that ________.

  A.grammar mistakes can't be tolerated

  B.books on grammar make people stupid

  C.people need to learn basic grammar

  D.grammar mistakes are absolutely unavoidable

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,作者在不容忍语法错误方面和林恩·特拉斯观点相同。故选A项。

  2.What's the author's “zero tolerance” approach to these job seekers who mix up basic grammar?

  A.They should be left out for a job.

  B.They have to correct their mistakes.

  C.They aren't qualified for their jobs.

  D.They must be severely punished.

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“...while I just think they deserve to be passed over for a job—even if they are otherwise qualified for the position.”可知,作者认为对那些混淆基础语法的求职者应该不予考虑。故选A项。

  3.Which of the following is TRUE of iFixit and Dozuki?

  A.Only one of them has a compulsory grammar test.

  B.They are companies where one learns grammar.

  C.Grammar is quite important for the two companies.

  D.They depend on grammar correction for a living.

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,iFixit和Dozuki两家公司会把连基础语法都无法分清的求职者的申请表扔到垃圾箱里。由此可见其对语法的重视。故选C项。

  4.What can we learn from the text?

  A.Companies giving grammar tests may have no good business sense.

  B.Grammar becomes unimportant as language is constantly changing.

  C.A “zero tolerance” approach to grammar errors might seem a little unfair.

  D.People who pay attention to writing may pay attention to other things.

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“Applicants who don't think writing is important are likely to think lots of other things also aren't important.”可知,认为写作不重要的员工可能认为其他事情也不重要。由此可以推断,重视写作的人也可能会重视其他的事情。故选D项。






  Today we had a chemistry test. I found the test difficulty, but I tried hardly to do it. Suddenly Mary, my best friend, asking me to let her to copy my answers. After think for some time, I let her copy my answers. But after the test, all of us were called to the teacher's office. The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the tests. We were warned not to cheat again so she would need to see our parents. I was very upset. I didn't cheat. I was just helping a friend. Why does she punish me?


  Today we had a chemistry test. I found the test , but I tried

  to do it. Suddenly Mary, my best friend,

  me to let her to copy my answers. After

  for some time, I let her copy my answers. But after the test,

  of us were called to the teacher's office. The teacher was angry because we had

  same answers in the . We were warned not to cheat again

  she would need to see our parents. I was very upset. I didn't cheat. I was just helping a friend. Why

  she punish me?


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