2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修1 Module 4《Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元演练:必修1 Module 4《Social Survey—My Neighbourhood》(第2课时)(外研版含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Module 4


  1.(福建高考改编)Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy ________(affordable) priced bikes.

  答案:affordably 考查副词词义辨析。句意:那些穷困潦倒的青少年在拐角找到一家商店很兴奋,在那里他们能买到付得起钱的自行车。affordably“付得起地”,符合句意。

  2.(2015·玉溪模拟改编)Five workers ________(survive) the mine disaster. After the injured ________(rush) to the hospital, doctors and nurses immediately got down to saving their lives.

  答案:survived; were rushed 句意:在矿难事故中五名工人幸免于难。伤员被紧急送到医院后,医护人员立刻着手挽救他们的生命。survive sth.“经历(地震、火灾、事故等)幸存下来”;the injured“伤员”,为集体名词,作主语时谓语动词用复数;根据句意可知应使用一般过去时的被动语态。

  3.(2015·南京模拟改编)—This is the first time I ________(take) my first picture with my own hands.

  —It's time that you ________(take) a picture for me.

  答案:have taken;took 句意:——这是我第一次亲自照像。——是你给我照像的时候了。It/This is the first time...中,从句谓语动词用现在完成时;It is time sb. did sth.意为“是某人干某事的时间了。”

  4.(2015·漳州模拟改编)As I ________(approach) the little grass house in the forest, my heart beat more and more quickly.

  答案:approached 考查动词。句意:当我接近森林中那座小草房时,我的心跳得越来越快。

  5.(2015·长春模拟改编)After the earthquake, many people had to be put ________ in the tents because most of their houses were badly damaged.

  答案:up 句意:地震后,许多人不得不在帐篷里住宿,因为大多数房屋毁坏严重。put up“提供住宿”,符合句意。

  6.I have offered to paint the house in exchange ________ a week's accommodation.

  答案:for 句意:我通过油漆房屋换来一周的膳宿。in exchange for意为“交换,以此易彼”。

  7.(2015·安徽省皖南八校高三第二次联考改编)Peterson used to work in a remote mountain village school, which is only ________(access) on foot.

  答案:accessible 考查形容词用法。句意:彼得森过去在一个遥远的山村学校工作,而且只适合步行去上班。accessible“可行的;可接近的”,符合句意。

  8.—Would you like to see a film with us this evening?

  —I'd like to. But I can't ________ the time because I have to finish my composition.

  答案:afford 句意:——你愿意今晚和我们去看电影吗?——愿意。但是我没有时间,因为我要完成我的作文。can't afford the time表示“没时间”。

  9.Don't try to cheat in the exam; you will never ________ it.

  答案:get away with 句意:不要尝试考试作弊,你永远也不会侥幸逃脱的,符合题意。get away with“做坏事而未受惩罚”,符合题意。

  10.—What do you think I should do, Anny?

  —In my opinion, you will need to seek ________(profession) advice about your case.

  答案:professional 句意:——Anny,你认为我该怎么办?——在我看来,关于你的案件你需要寻求专业人士的建议。professional“专业的,职业的”,符合句意。



  Were you the first or the last child in your family? Or were you a middle or an only child? Some people think __1__ matters where you were born in your family. But there are different ideas about what birth order means. Some people say that oldest children, __2__ are smart and strong­willed, are very likely __3__(succeed). The reason __4__ this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child and give him or her a lot of attention. An only child will succeed for __5__ same reason. What happens to the __6__ children in the family? Middle children don't get so much attention, so they don't feel that important. If a family has many children, the middle one sometimes gets lost in the crowd. The youngest child, __7__, often gets special treatment. Often this child grows up to be funny. But a recent study saw things quite __8__(difference). The study found that first children believed in family rules. They didn't take many chances in __9__ lives. They usually __10__ (follow) orders. Rules didn't mean as much to later children in the family. They took chances and they often did better in life.

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______



  1.it 考查代词。It matters where you were born in your family这个句子it是形式主语,真正的主语是where引导的主语从句。

  2.who 考查定语从句。who引导的是oldest children的定语从句,做主语。

  3.to succeed 考查固定搭配。be likely to do sth“可能做某事”。

  4.for 考查介词。The reason for...表示“……的原因”。

  5.the 考查冠词。the same reason“同样的原因”。

  6.other 考查代词。句意:家里的其它孩子呢?

  7.however/though 考查副词。句意:然而,最小的孩子通常会得到特殊的照顾。

  8.differently 考查副词。句意:但最后一项研究看问题的角度很是不同。

  9.their 考查代词。句意:他们没有抓住生活中出现的机会。

  10.followed 考查动词的时态。根据They didn't take many chances in 9.________ lives可知用一般过去时。


  Tim Becker and his neighbours are doing something to make their neighbourhood a trouble­free area.

  When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesn't __1__ drive to a store and back home. He always looks __2__ up and down the streets of his neighbourhood. He looks for anything __3__ such as strange cars, loud noises, __4__ windows, or people gathering on street corners.

  Tim __5__ to a neighbourhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana, USA. The neighbourhood watch group __6__ on the third Wednesday of every month.That's __7___ Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss community(社区) __8__ . Members of the neighbourhood watch group want to help the police __9__ their homes, streets,and families safe.

  Tina Stedman, president of __10__ neighbourhood watch group, agrees with Tim. “People seem to think that crime (犯罪) happens to other people but not __11__ them. Well, it's never happened to me,” she said,“but I don't think anyone has the __12__ to steal from other people or to make them feel

  __13__ sitting in their own homes.”

  Alex, a member of the group, said that all the neighbours __14__ out for one another. “We __15__ each other's homes. We keep watch on the neighbourhood at night and on weekends. Usually a __16__ of four or five of us goes out together. If something doesn't look right, then we call the __17__. For example,if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for __18__, or someone destroying property (财产), we report to the police.”

  Alex feels the neighbourhood watch groups __19__ a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees, “Police are good people, but they can't do __20__.”

  1. A. yet

  B. still

  C. just D. rather

  答案:C 蒂姆和他的邻居正在努力使他们的邻里变得无忧无虑、安全通畅。 自然每当蒂姆开车出门购物时就不仅仅只是(not just)开车去商店再开车回家,而是还有别的事情要做。not yet“尚未”;not just“不仅仅;不只是”。

  2. A. carefully B. clearly

  C. nervously D. coldly

  答案:A 根据句意推断,他总是在邻里的街道上上下下仔细地(carefully)查看。carefully“小心地;谨慎地”;clearly“明显地;无疑地”;nervously“神经紧张地;不安地”;coldly“冷淡地”。

  3. A. familiar B. unusual

  C. expensive D. interesting

  答案:B 该句指查看是否有像陌生的车子或喧哗的噪音之类的异常情况。

  4. A. curtained B. open

  C. old D. broken

  答案:D 与前面strange cars,loud noises构成并列意义不应是开着的(open)、旧的(old)、挂有窗帘的(curtained)窗户,而是破了的(broken)窗户。

  5. A. attends B. belongs

  C. goes D. turns

  答案:B 蒂姆属于一个邻里监护队。attend to“留心;护理”;belong to“属于”;go to“去;求助于”;turn to“转向;求助于”。

  6. A. meets B. quarrels

  C. sings D. searches

  答案:A 邻里监护队每月第三个周三碰头开会(meet),而不是争吵(quarrel)、唱歌(sing)或搜查(search)。后文“gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss community safety”有所暗示。

  7. A. where B. why

  C. when D. how

  答案:C 根据前文on the third Wednesday of every month可知此处指时间。

  8. A. politics B. wealth

  C. health D. safety

  答案:D 从前文蒂姆的行为及本段最后的safe一词可以看出,他们聚集在一起研讨社区的安全(safety)问题,而非政治(politics)、健康(health)或财富(wealth)问题。

  9. A. keep B. hold

  C. let D. protect

  答案:A “keep+宾语+adj.”表示“使……保持某种状态”。该句指帮助警察使(keep)他们的家、街道和家人安全。

  10. A. its B. his

  C. their D. your

  答案:C 根据上下文推断,此处指“他们的(their)”邻里监护队的队长。

  11. A. round B. on

  C. about D. to

  答案:D 承接前面的happen to sb.结构,此处用介词to。

  12. A. right B. chance

  C. courage D. mind

  答案:A 根据句意推断,任何人都可能有机会(chance)、勇气(courage)或心思(mind),但却没有权力(right)去偷别人的东西或使别人感到不安全。

  13. A. unlucky B. unsafe

  C. disappointed D. discouraged

  答案:B 该句表示“没有权力使别人坐在自己家里而感到不安全”,与前文偷东西等安全问题联系起来,就不可能是不幸(unlucky)、失望(disappointed)或泄气(discouraged)。

  14.A. set B. let

  C. hold D. look

  答案:D set out“出发;开始”;let out“发出”;hold out“坚持;伸出”;look out“注意;留神”。根据上下文可知所有的邻居都要相互注意留神(look out),提高警惕。

  15. A. care B. enter

  C. watch D. manage

  答案:C 根据上下文推断,我们应该相互守护(watch)好彼此的家。前文已有所暗示,也与后文keep watch on一致。care“注意;照料;关心”;enter“进入”;watch“注视;注意;看守;守护”;manage“管理;设法”。

  16. A. group B. set

  C. number D. crowd

  答案:A 前文已有暗示,四五个人形成一组/队(group)。

  17. A. judges B. police

  C. firemen D. doctors

  答案:B 如果看到有什么事情不对劲,就叫警察(police),而不是叫法官(judge)、消防员(fireman)或是大夫(doctor)。前文“help the police keep their homes,streets,and families safe”和后文“we report to the police”有所暗示。

  18. A. work B. money

  C. service D. trouble

  答案:D  look for service“找服务”;look for trouble“找麻烦”;look for work“找工作”;look for money“找钱”。从上下文判断,该句指发现一群十几岁的孩子似乎想捣乱、想找麻烦(trouble)。

  19. A. produce B. find

  C. get D. help

  答案:D 在制止犯罪方面邻里监护队起到了辅助(help)的作用,充当了助手的功能,而不是生产(produce)、发现(find)或得到(get)什么。

  20. A. anything B. everything

  C. harm D. wrong

  答案:B 警察很好,但他们并不可能每件事情(everything)都做得到。anything与not连用表示全部否定;everything与not连用表示部分否定。do harm/wrong“伤害/做坏事”。



  If you are a wealthy person of India,madly in love and planning your big fat wedding—or being pressured into arranged marriage—Thailand wants you to exchange vows(誓言) in Bangkok, Phuket or elsewhere in this “wedding paradise(乐园)”.

  This wedding business starts from overseas with the Indians. Thai embassies in India give quick services for the visas. Not only the couples,you can bring anyone, say, your own cook. So, feel free to invite hundreds of your friends and relatives.

  Why would Indians want to spend so much on weddings in Thailand? Because they have similarities in religion. When Indian weddings want to have some religious prayer for the couples. Thailand can do that. But the more obvious appeal are Thailand's fancy hotels, tropical islands, and delicious Thai food, allowing new couples to include a honeymoon in Thailand after they say “I do” while their guests also celebrate on a holiday here. But on the other hand,love does have a price.

  Kasu Rajagopal arranged for his daughter to have a wedding in Phuket. They arranged entertainment to begin three days before the wedding because guests' arrival time varied. Yachts(游艇) were arranged to take guests to small islands, while a DJ, flow in from Bangalore, India, was booked to help them dance in the evening. Kasu also arranged priests(祭祀)for the Hindu wedding, and cooks to prepare Indian food. The approximate costs are around half a million U. S. dollars, including the airfares, hotel accommodation, food, transportation, the yachts on hire and the wedding ceremony expenses, for 225 to 250 guests.

  Thailand wants to make itself a wedding paradise for all couples,not just from India, but from around the world. Last year, there were around 500 to 600 couples from China, and the numbers are slowly coming up. Westerners also arrive to get married, but in much smaller numbers.


  1.The Indians would go to Thailand for weddings mainly because ________.

  A.they will be pressured into arranged married in India

  B.India shares the same religion as Thailand

  C.Thailand offers them more than just a wedding ceremony

  D.guests are not satisfied with Indian weddings

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句可知,泰国吸引人的地方有昂贵的旅馆、热带岛屿、美味的食物,新婚夫妇可以度蜜月,客人们也可以度假。选C。

  2.The underlined phrase “have a price” in paragraph 3 probably means ________.

  A.pay for B.cost a lot

  C.be bought D.cost little

  答案:B 根据本段大意可知,爱情也需要花费一定金钱,因此选B。

  3.Kasu Rajagopal's example in the fourth paragraph shows ______.

  A.it may cost you a fortune to have such a wedding

  B.you can bring whatever you want to Thailand

  C.what Thailand offers hardly satisfies customers' needs

  D.there are quite a few activities after the wedding

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据第四段第五句中的“The approximate costs are around half a million U.S. dollars”可知,本次婚礼的费用大约50万美元,在那里举办婚礼是浪漫难忘的,但是费用也是不菲的。

  4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A.Cost of weddings in Thailand will be reduced.

  B.More people will get married in Thailand.

  C.Fewer westerners will have Thai weddings.

  D.Chinese will be Thailand's No. 1 customers.

  答案:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句中“the numbers are slowly coming up”可知,数量在慢慢上升,因此选B。


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