探究点一 难句的表达
【举例说明】假设你是李华, 请根据你校美化校园的规划, 用英语给你在美国的笔友Peter写一封信, 介绍该规划。信的主要内容如下:
1.应包含所给出的全部信息, 开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总句数;
Dear Peter,
I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program.
Welcome to our school if you have any chance.
Li Hua
Dear Peter,
I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program.①In order to make our school beautiful and clean the air, we plan to have more trees in our school now.②In order to get good places to study and live, we have many plans.③First, we plan to build a botanical garden and let students visit and use.④Second, we plan to build up a small garden for people to rest and study.⑤At last, we plan to build some statues of famous people to effect students and teachers.
Welcome to our school if you have any chance.
Li Hua
【评论点拨】 我们来看看学生的样本有什么地方可以改进:
第①句:“In order to make our school beautiful and clean the air ”比较生硬, to make our school beautiful应该改为to make our school more beautiful;“we plan to have more trees in our school now”中的have改为plant会好些。
第②句:没有涉及表格内的内容, 是个废句, 而且还霸占了后面的信息的位置。
第③句:“First, we plan to build a botanical garden and let students visit and use.”中的画线部分没有表达出“供同学们参观、实践”的意思。
第④句:“Second, we plan to build up a small garden for people to rest and study.”中应删掉up, study后应该加上in。不过改为“Second, we plan to build a small garden in which we can take a rest and do some reading.”会好些。
第⑤句:“At last, we plan to build some statues of famous people to effect students and teachers.”中的effect应该改为encourage。
另外,这篇文章的主语全部都是we, 虽然可以最大限度地减少英语表达方面的错误, 但是比较单调, 可能影响高分。不过, 我们只要变换句式, 例如改为被动语态等, 就可以达到很好的效果。
Dear Peter,
I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program.The purposes of the program are to make our school more beautiful, to make the air cleaner and fresher, and to turn our school into a better place for us to study and live in.According to the program, we will plant different kinds of trees, flowers and grass in and around our school.A botanical garden will be built for us to visit and practice in.Besides, we are to build a small garden in which we can do some reading and take a rest.What’s more,
some statues of famous people will be set up to encourage us to work harder.
Welcome to our school if you have any chance.
Li Hua
【注】 由于主语灵活变动, 使文章读起来摆脱了呆板, 行文有了生气。
探究点二 句子的质量
我们经常说某个句子地道, 就是因为这个句子体现了英语民族的思维方式。在基础写作中,要经常使用这种地道的句子。
1.Clinton had wanted to collect a heavy tax on the middle class.
修改后:A heavy tax on the middle class was Clinton’s idea.
2.The people who listen to the radio have a habit of getting up early, but those who watch TV usually go to bed late.
修改后:Radio listeners are early birds, but TV viewers are usually night owls.
3.After the American farmers used the industrial methods into agriculture, they made great progress in agriculture.
修改后: The use of industrial methods was the reason for America’s great progress in agriculture.
第1句首先呈现信息的焦点“向中产阶级征收重税”, 然后才说“这是克林顿想干的事情”。句子的was就是“曾经”的意思。
第2句运用构词法与修辞手法。the people who listen to the radio被复合词radio listeners所代替, those who watch TV被复合词TV viewers所代替, 干脆利落。have a habit of getting up early读起来有点呆板, 使用修辞手法把早起的人比喻为early birds, 又把晚睡的人比喻为night owls, 这样读起来就会饶有趣味。
第3句运用名词化的技术。所谓名词化, 就是把英文的动词改为名词, 通过其他词来指示名词之间的关系。the American farmers used the industrial methods into agriculture...是一个句子, 修改后变为名词短语 the use of industrial methods。句子they made great progress in agriculture变为名词短语America’s great progress in agriculture。前一个名词短语是原因, 后一个名词短语是结果, 中间用名词reason就说明了两个名词短语之间的关系。
探究点三 “超量信息”型
广东高考英语基础写作的特点之一是:信息要经过处理才能够写成文章。处理的方式有两种:第一种比较简单, 我们称为“非信息选择”型, 考生只需要把题目要求的全部信息表达出来就可以了。第二种是“超量信息”型, 考生必须要进行“选择性写作”, 不需要也不能够把题目全部信息表达出来,这种的难度较大。“超量信息”型基础写作的最大特征是题目含有不需要的信息, 这种信息必须予以摒弃。如果含有这种不需要的信息, 其结果是“该写的没写, 不该写的写了”, 分数就会很低。
请根据以下你在研究性学习中搜集到的小明学习英文写作的方法和心得, 挑选相关信息,写一篇文章作为演讲稿。
小明说, 要背诵范文, 这样可以运用英语思维进行模仿性写作;要多阅读英文文章, 这样可以吸收语言材料;要听英文广播, 这样可以提高听力水平;要学习语法, 这样可以正确表达;要多写日记, 这样可以在练中学;要多练习口语, 这样可以提高口头技能;要参考别人的作文, 这样可以取长补短。
2.必须使用5个规范的英语句子, 组织成连贯的短文;
3.开头、结尾已经写好, 不计入总句数。
句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now I would like to tell you how I learn English writing.
That’s all.Thank you.
根据题目要求, “怎样学习英文写作”只涉及与写作有关的材料, 这是一个非常重要的要求, 言下之意就是说, “听英文广播”与“练习口语”不属于学习英文写作的方法。那么, 有效的信息只有5个, 分别是:背诵范文、多阅读英文文章、学习语法、多写日记和参考别人的作文, 另外加上这些做法的目的。
根据题目的提示, 现在用表格把内容排列如下, 当然次序可以调整:
经过信息的筛选和重新组合, 文章就比较通顺了。
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now I would like to tell you how I learn English writing.Firstly, I will recite the model articles so that I can imitate writing ①by English thoughts.
Secondly, I will read more English ②article to absorb more language material.
Thirdly, I will learn grammar to express in the right way.
What’s more, in order to ③learn by doing, I will write some ②diary.
In addition, I will refer to others’ articles so that I can ①gain the advantages to mend my disadvantages.
That’s all.Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now I would like to tell you how I learn English writing.
I often recite good English articles, which helps me think in English when I imitate English writing.I also read English articles widely to take in as many language materials as possible.Besides, in order to express correctly, I think it is important to learn some grammar.I keep a diary every day so that I can learn by writing.Also I often refer to others’ articles to know what I need and what I can learn from others.
That’s all.Thank you.