【复习方略】2017版高考英语一轮外研版课时提升作业:必修5 Module 6《Animals in Danger》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【复习方略】2017版高考英语一轮外研版课时提升作业:必修5 Module 6《Animals in Danger》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2017·三亚模拟)In my opinion, this kind of works can’t represent Chinese culture, so it’s not worth .

  A. publishing

  B. being published

  C. to be published

  D. to publish

  2.  my camera wasn’t working; there is no battery in it.

  A. No doubt

  B. No wonder

  C. No possibility

  D. No way

  3. If you bright sunlight dry wood with a magnifying glass, it will start burning.

  A. expose; to

  B. concentrate; on

  C. aim; at

  D. focus; on

  4. (2017·重庆模拟)For all these years the young man has been working for others. He’s hoping he’ll his own business some day.

  A. turn up

  B. fix up

  C. set up

  D. make up

  5. (2017·温州模拟)She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students allows them to communicate freely with each other.

  A. which

  B. where

  C. what

  D. who

  6. I’m sorry I can’t go to the Wanda cinema with you on weekends. I always Sundays for visiting my grandparents.

  A. preserve

  B. reserve

  C. remark

  D. revise

  7. The meeting was concerned reforms and everyone present was concernedtheir own interests.

  A. with; about

  B. with; with

  C. for; about

  D. about; with

  8. The two politicians are struggling power.

  A. with

  B. against

  C. for

  D. to

  9. (2017·大连模拟)In winter people usually keep flowers in their houses tothem from the cold.

  A. produce

  B. provide

  C. protect

  D. plant

  10. —What made the young man among so many workers?

  —His hard work and wisdom.

  A. stand for

  B. stand out

  C. stand by

  D. stand up

  11. We must try our best to protect species like the Siberian tigers.

  A. endangering

  B. endangered

  C. in danger

  D. in danger of

  12. (2017·西安模拟)The gold medals athletes all over the world compete are the highest honor.

  A. with which

  B. in which

  C. against which

  D. for which

  13. (2017·大同模拟)It is reported that the 60% discounts on some Beijing—Shanghai flights have now slipped back to 20% one day in advance.

  A. when booked

  B. when to book

  C. when booking

  D. when books

  14. (2017·柳州模拟)As we all know, he has regretted wasting the precious time _______ he should have studied hard playing computer games at school.

  A. where

  B. that

  C. on which

  D. when

  15. (2017·唐山模拟)Mary seems the bad news, for she looks nice and happy.

  A. not to have learned

  B. not to be hearing

  C. not having learned

  D. not to be heard

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解

  (原创)CHANGCHUN—A pair of endangered Amur leopards(远东豹)have been spotted in the northeastern Chinese Province of Jilin. It is the first time that field cameras have caught two Amur leopards at the same time in Jilin, home to a quarter of all the rarest cats in the world.

  One of the reasons for the sighting is an improved habitat for the animals, which are at high risk of extinction. China established a nature reserve in Hunchun in 2011 to protect Far Eastern big cats like Amur leopards and Siberian tigers.

  On Tuesday, Lang Jianmin, education director with the animal conservation bureau in the forest-clad Hunchun City, said, “The two leopards, a male and a female, are very much like lovers. ”

  Lang said the film of the leopards, side by side, was taken on November 16. “We’ve hardly seen pictures like these. Amur leopards do not live together unless they are mating. And the honeymoon, once every three years, lasts only about a week, ”Lang added.

  Amur leopards, classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)as critically endangered, are in the highest risk category in IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In 2007, IUCN concluded that Amur leopards were extinct in China and only 19 to 26 survived in Russia.

  However, the rare scene of the couple, together with a survey released in April shows that the population of Amur leopards has been recovering in China.

  The survey, co-conducted by Jilin Provincial Forestry Department(JPFD)and World Wide Fund for Nature, said that the predators are making a comeback as China has improved efforts to protect forests and fight poaching. (277W)

  1. The passage is probably taken out of .

  A. a report

  B. an essay

  C. a diary

  D. a novel

  2. Which of the following is TRUE about Amur leopards?

  A. They are often caught by field cameras.

  B. They usually live together to search for food.

  C. Their population has greatly risen in China.

  D. They have been recovering because of effective measures.

  3. Which of the following is NOT the measure to protect Amur leopards?

  A. Improving habitats.

  B. Providing enough food.

  C. Protecting forests.

  D. Fighting poaching.

  4. What is the purpose of the passage?

  A. To introduce China’s achievement of protecting Amur leopards.

  B. To educate people to learn more about Amur leopards.

  C. To arouse our curiosity about Amur leopards.

  D. To instruct what to do to protect Amur leopards.

  Ⅲ. 阅读第二节


  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  If you are hungry, what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that.  1 But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your friends or favorite stars. So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “What happens next? ”“Why can’t I think? ”

   2 Why reading but not watching TV? It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from childhood. Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to get help from reading.

  Once you read a book, you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain something to you.  3 Now this seed is unknowingly used by you to develop new ideas. If it is used many times, the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!

  This is nothing but creativity.  4 Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words.

  So guys, do give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading.  5 Go and get a book!

  A. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.

  B. Why not do some reading while you are hungry?

  C. Just like your stomach, your mind is also hungry.

  D. Now what are you waiting for?

  E. Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.

  F. Reading can help you make more friends, too.

  G. Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.


  Ⅰ. 将下列阅读理解中的句子翻译成汉语

  However, the rare scene of the couple, together with a survey released in April shows that the population of Amur leopards has been recovering in China.


  Ⅱ. 根据阅读理解进行句型转换

  1. One of the reasons for the sighting is an improved habitat for the animals, which are at high risk of extinction.

  →One of the reasons ___ they have been spotted is an improved habitat for the animals, which are _____ ______.

  2. Amur leopards do not live together unless they are mating.

  →Amur leopards live together ___they are mating.


  Ⅰ.1.【解析】选A。考查worth的用法。句意: 在我看来, 这种作品不能代表中国的文化, 所以不值得出版。be worth doing主动表被动, 故选A。


  (2017·牡丹江模拟)Try to spend your time just on the things you find .

  A. worth doing them

  B. worth being done

  C. worthy of doing them

  D. worthy of being done

  【解析】选D。空格处的部分作宾语补足语, you find到句尾为定语从句, 修饰the things, 故排除A、C两项。B项的搭配形式错误, 应为worth doing, 故选D项。

  2.【解析】选B。考查固定句式。句意: 难怪我的照相机不能用了; 里面没有电池。no wonder“难怪”。no doubt“毫无疑问”; no way“没门”。

  3.【解析】选D。句意: 如果你用放大镜把强烈的阳光聚焦于干木头上, 它很快便开始燃烧。expose. . . to. . . “使……暴露于……”; concentrate. . . on. . . “集中(注意力)于……”; aim. . . at. . . “把……对准……”; focus. . . on. . . “集中……在……”或指物理学上的“聚焦”。


  If you your attention what you are learning, you will succeed.

  A. focus; on

  B. pay; on

  C. focus; to

  D. pay; to

  【解析】选A。考查固定短语。句意: 如果你把注意力集中在所学的东西上, 你就会成功。focus one’s attention on. . . “把注意力集中于……”。

  4.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意: 这些年来那个年轻人一直都为别人工作。他希望有一天会建立自己的公司。turn up“出现, 调高”; fix up“修理; 装饰”; set up“建立”; make up“构成, 打扮”。根据句意可知, 应选C。

  5.【解析】选A。考查定语从句。句意: 她有为学生创造一种使学生进行相互自由交流气氛的天赋。students后的句子是定语从句, 从句中缺少主语, 且指物, 应用that/which引导。

  6.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 很抱歉, 我周末不能和你一起去万达电影院看电影。我星期天是专门留出来去看我祖父母的。preserve保护, 保存; reserve预留, 保留; remark评论; revise修正, 修订。

  7.【解析】选A。句意: 这次会议是有关改革的, 出席会议的每个人都关心他们自己的利益。be concerned with. . . “与……有关”; be concerned about“关心……”。

  8.【解析】选C。考查介词搭配。句意: 这两位政治家正为权力而斗争。struggle with“和……作斗争”; struggle against“同……抗争”; struggle for“为……而斗争”。与D项搭配可用struggle to one’s feet表示“挣扎着站起来”。

  9.【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意: 冬天人们通常把花放在屋里以防它们受冻。protect. . . from. . . “保护……不受……损害”。produce“生产”; provide“提供”; plant“种植”。

  10.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: ——什么使这位年轻人在这么多人中脱颖而出? ——他的勤奋和智慧。stand for“代表; 支持”; stand out“突出; 出色”; stand by“站在一边; 袖手旁观”; stand up“站起来”。

  11.【解析】选B。句意: 我们必须尽力保护像西伯利亚虎这样的濒危物种。endanger是及物动词, 意为“使……处于险境”; endangered表示“濒危的”, endangered species指“濒危物种”, 相当于species in danger, 故选B。

  12.【解析】选D。考查“介词+关系代词”定语从句。句意: 全世界的运动员为之竞争的金牌是最高的荣耀。compete for sth. “为……竞争”; compete with/against“和……竞争”。故选D。




  There is no way in which it could be brought back to the Earth. 没有办法把它带回到地球上来。(in与way是习惯搭配)


  He bought much furniture, on which he spent almost all the money he saved every month. 他买了好多家具, 把每月存的钱几乎都花在这上面了。

  It is the dictionary in which we are interested.



  I can’t remember the age at which he won the prize.


  That is the age in which people live in peace and happiness. 那是人们过着祥和幸福生活的一个时期。

  (age在前句中意为“年龄”, 常与at搭配; 在后句中意为“时期”, 常与in搭配。)

  (4)固定的介词短语。在英语中, 熟悉一些固定的介词短语, 即可正确选用介词, 如in one’s honor /in whose honor, in this(that)case/in which case, with one’s help/with whose help等。例如:

  We extended our warm welcome to the visiting delegation in whose honor a grand banquet was given.


  He might be in bed still, in which case we can go without him.

  他可能还没有起来, 这样咱们就不带他去。

  13.【解析】选A。考查省略。句意: 据报道如果提前一天预订的话, 北京到上海的部分航班机票可以享受从六折到两折的优惠。本句话的主语是六折的打折机票, 预订机票需要用被动结构, 相当于when they are booked, 主语一致且动词为be时可省略主语和系动词, 故选A。


  Though a little, the river is still safe and comfortable to swim in.

  A. polluting

  B. to pollute

  C. polluted

  D. pollute

  【解析】选C。考查状语从句的省略。把从句补充完整为: Though the river is polluted. .. , pollute与the river之间为逻辑上的动宾关系, 故选C。

  14.【解析】选D。考查引导定语从句的关系词。根据句子结构可以看出, the precious time在此处是先行词, 后面是定语从句when he should have studied hard。when=in/during which time。另外, 此句中还出现了waste some time doing sth. (浪费时间做某事)的结构。

  15.【解析】选A。seem后接不定式结构, 可排除C项; 从后面she looks nice and happy可知, 前半句表达的是“玛丽似乎到现在为止还没听到那个坏消息”, 所以要用不定式的完成式。


  在吉林省首次发现一对生活在一起的Amur leopards。这说明通过中国政府采取设立自然保护区、保护森林、打击偷猎等多项措施, 成功地使濒临灭绝的Amur leopards的数量得以增加。

  1.【解析】选A。推理判断题。本文在第一段开始时就体现了资讯题材的特点, 接下来, 作者引用了大量数据和专家的评论, 符合资讯报道类型。

  2.【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后两段可知, 中国政府通过设立保护区、保护森林、打击偷猎等措施, 有效地促使了远东豹数量的增加。

  3.【解析】选B。细节理解题。文章在第二段和最后一段都提到了保护远东豹的措施, 但没有提到“提供足够的食物”。

  4.【解析】选A。主旨大意题。作者使用详实的数据和具体的事例, 介绍了我国政府采取的有效措施保护远东豹, 并取得了成效。



  1. 【解析】选C。文章第一句先讲述了我们饥饿时的反应, 接下来类比我们的思想也会饥饿。

  2. 【解析】选E。联系下一句Why reading but not watching TV? 我们知道, 作者在这里讲述, 要解决思想的饥渴我们要阅读。

  3. 【解析】选A。联系Now this seed is unknowingly used by you to develop new ideas. 我们知道, 书中最有趣的地方会存在于我们的头脑中。

  4. 【解析】选G。从Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words. 我们知道, 作者认为读书对我们的词汇量的增加也是大有裨益的。

  5. 【解析】选D。上面论述了读书的种种好处, 最后得出结论, 不要等待, 开始读书吧。


  Ⅰ.然而, 这对罕见的远东豹的出现以及四月份发表的调查表明了在中国远东豹的数量正在增加。

  Ⅱ. 1.why; dying out.

  2. if


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