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发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  alone international  television













  overcoat overhead 





  leave/let sb.alone不打扰某人;不管某人

  encourage sb.in sth.在某事上鼓励某人

  enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

  enable sb.to do sth.使某人能够做某事

  react to对……作出反应

  wide awake毫无睡意

  retell the text复述课文

  transport sb./sth.to some place把某人、某物运送到某地

  microwave oven微波炉

  be on the telephone在打电话;在通电话



  1.Her arrest produced an immediate

  (react) from the press.

  2.It can be used in

  (automatically) signal detection.

  3.We are fully

  (wake) to the dangers of the situation.

  4.Development of the area would

  (danger) wildlife.

  5.The railroad gives free

  (transport) for a certain amount of baggage.

  6.I enjoy

  (swim) in the pool in summer.

  7.It took one week to transport clothes and medicine

  the disaster­hit area.

  8.How do you react

  this modern artist’s paintings?

  9.You should encourage her

  her attempts to become a doctor.

  10.She told the children to be quiet while she was talking

  the telephone.


  Autumn was coming to an end.All the insects and animals were working hard to store food for winter,except the grasshopper(蚱蜢),who spent his days 1.

  (jump) from leaf to leaf.

  One day,an ant happened to pass by.She 2.

  (pull) a heavy grain of rice.“Could you give me 3.

  hand,Mr Grasshopper?” asked the ant.“My anthill is just a few trees away,but this is so heavy.”

  “You come and play with me for some time,and then I shall gladly help you.Autumn is so beautiful.You should enjoy it,” the grasshopper replied.

  “No,sir.You must also start preparing for the winter 4.

  you want to have enough to eat,” the ant said 5.


  “Nothing doing.Right now it is time 6.

  (have) fun,” the silly grasshopper replied.

  Hearing this,the ant shook her head and went on.

  Winter came.The ant stayed 7.

  her warm anthill and enjoyed her food,8.

  the grasshopper had to suffer from cold and hunger.He went out to hunt for food when it was 9.

  (warm) than usual,but he could hardly find any food and soon became weak with hunger.

  “Oh,why did I waste my 10.

  (day) playing? I should have listened to the ant,” he thought with regret.


  One Saturday,I was doing my homework while it suddenly occurred to me that it was my mother birthday the next day.However,I forgot it complete.I was worried that I didn’t prepare any present to her.At that moment,the idea of online shopping came my mind.I clicked the mouse and search some famous shopping websites.Having compared the price of many dresses,I chose one with a reasonable price which I supposed Mum would appreciate it and bought it as soon as possible.The next morning I received the dress as expected without get out of my room.You see,online shopping has made our life much convenient and colorful.


  假如你是李华,请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封100词左右的信。内容包括:

  优点 不足 建议

  食堂干净 价格偏高 ……

  饭菜可口 种类偏少

  服务态度好 等候时间较长



  Dear Mr.Principal,

  I am a senior student of our school.I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua


  Dear Mr.Principal,

  I am a senior student of our school.I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.

  In general,the service is satisfactory.The hall is clean and tidy.The dishes look inviting and taste delicious as well.What’s more,the workers there treat us as their friends,which makes us feel very happy.However,we feel the price of the meals is a little too high.Besides,we can only have a limited variety of dishes with little change every week.In addition,we often have to stand in line for a long time before we can get the meal.You could understand how precious time is to us students.

  Therefore,may I suggest something be done to solve the problems so that we can all enjoy our meals at school? Thanks for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Hua

  加练半小时 英语答案精析

  第66练 前缀(二)


  1.reaction 2.automatic 3.awake 4.endanger

  5.transportation 6.swimming 7.to 8.to 9.in 10.on


  Ⅰ.1.jumping 2.was pulling 3.a 4.if 5.seriously

  6.to have 7.in 8.while 9.warmer 10.days


  One Saturday,I was doing my homework

  it suddenly occurred to me that it was my

  birthday the next day.However,I forgot it .I was worried that I didn’t prepare any present

  her.At that moment,the idea of online shopping came

  my mind.I clicked the mouse and

  some famous shopping websites.Having compared the

  of many dresses,I chose one with a reasonable price which I supposed Mum would appreciate it and bought it as soon as possible.The next morning I received the dress as expected without

  out of my room.You see,online shopping has made our life

  convenient and colorful.


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