【优化方案】(全国卷Ⅱ)高考英语一轮复习特色专项训练:第1部分 题型重组 第24组(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【优化方案】(全国卷Ⅱ)高考英语一轮复习特色专项训练:第1部分 题型重组 第24组(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (2015·北京东城区综合练习二)According to game maker Hasbrowell­known game Monopoly since it was invented in the 1930s.Charles Darrow is typically credited as the inventor of the world’s most famous board game.However, he likely originated his version of Monopoly from one of several other games similarly involving house buying and selling that were already in existence before the 1930s when he got his patent(专利) for the game.roducing it.Other similar games existed, but they had no board or regulation pieces.With the help of his wife and son, who decorated the

  sets with details, Darrow personally created the pieces and boards that became the first Monopoly game sets.His extra work in creating the entire environment that players needed gave his game something extra that other variations did not have.

  Darrow had success in selling his games in various parts of the country.Several Philly area stores were the first to carry his game and sell it in large quantities.However, Darrow had difficulty selling his game to the major game producer of the time, Parker Brothers.He was told that his game was too complex and had fundamental errors in its design that would limit its appeal.Eventually, the continued sales he managed on his own forced Parker Brothers to reassess the worth of his game.In the end, the company agreed to produce the game and shortly afterwards it became the bestselling game in the country.

  That success turned Charles Darrow into a millionaire, which is the heavy irony.Darrow initially began work on Monopoly to help support himself and his family following the financial troubles tied to the stock market crash of 1929.Thus, lionaire by producing a game that allows “regular” people to feel like they are buying and selling real homes and land like millionaires.

  1.What made Darrow’s Monopoly different from other similar games?

  A.The way of avoiding financial troubles.

  B.The safe environment created for players.

  C.The buying and selling of real homes and land.

  D.The specific pieces and a playing board in each set.

  2.The author suggests in Paragraph 3 that ________.the underlined word “irony” in the last paragraph mean?

  A.Financial gain.B.Unexpected result.

  C.Marketing plan.

  D.Unsatisfying reward.

  4.What is the passage mainly about?

  A.The difficulties in Darrow’s life.

  B.The comparison of some board games.

  C.The way to the success of Darrow’s game.

  D.The business management of Parker Brothers.


  (2015·东北三校二模)The National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.has thousands of objects on displayCharles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St.Louis, the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia, and a lunar rock you can touch.In addition to our exhibition galleries, you may want to visit the Albert Einstein Planetarium, Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater, and the Public Observatory on the east end.There are many things to do at the Museum in D.C.We

  offer daily tours and educational activities for both children and adults.We also have scheduled lectures and events throughout the year.

  Hours & Admission:Open every day except December 25.Admission is free.Regular Hours:10:00 am to 5:30 pmExtended Hours:10:00 am to 7:30 pmApril 24­May 16, 2015.

  May 17­September 7, 2015.


  Limit the Number of Bags: All visitors are screened through metal detectors upon entry.The fewer items you bring inside the Museum, the faster your entry.Before you visit, please review the list of prohibited items, which include pocket knives and tripods(三脚架).Visitors carrying prohibited items will not be allowed inside the Museum,

  No Food and Drink: Only bottled water is permitted in the Museum.You may only consume food and other drinks in the Food Court, not in the Museum.Groups who bring food are encouraged to picnic on the National Mall.

  Please Take Photos: You are welcome to take photos for personal use.However, tripods and monopods(单脚架) are not permitted without approval.

  First Aid:The Museum has a First Aid of fice and a nurse on duty.Please contact the nearest security officer or the Welcome Center for assistance.Visit the Welcome Center::00 am to 5:30 pm:202­633­2214:es@si.edu

  5.According to the passage,the National Air and Space Museum is a museum ________.where one can touch anything he likes

  D.everyone can visit without time limits all the year round

  6.If the Greens plan to visit the Museum at 6:00 pm, ________.(Wednesday)

  B.March 1, 2015 (Sunday)

  C.July 6, 2015 (Monday)

  D.September 15, 2015 (Tuesday)

  7.A visitor to the museum can ________.gh metal detectors

  D.get some medical treatment if he suddenly falls ill

  8.The purpose of this passage is to ________.ring their children there

  D.show what is on display in the museum

  Ⅱ.完形填空(2015·贵阳高三适应性监测二)Once a young man, (流动的) horse trainer’s son, ning a horse ranch(养马场) of his own though his family wasn’t rich.__1__ about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven­page paper __2__his goal.He wrote it in great __3__and he even drew a __4__ of a 200­acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings,the stables and the track.But two days later he __5__his paper back with a

  large red __6__ on the front page and a note that reads,“See me after __7__.”__8__went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why

  did I get an F?”The teacher said__9__young boy like you.You come from an itinerant family with no resources.Owning a horse ranch __10__a lot of

  money.There’s no __11__you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added,“If you will __12__this paper with a more realistic goal,I will reconsider your grade.”

  The boy went home and __13__about it long and hard.He asked his __14__what he should do.His father said,“Look, son, you have to __15__your own mind on this.However, I think it is a very important __16__for you.”

  Finally, the boy turned in the same paper making no __17__at all.He stated,“You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.” Years later, the boy __18__his dream.

  Later, his teacher admitted when seeing his ranch,“When I was your teacher,I was something of a dream __19__.During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams.Fortunately you

  had enough gumption(进取心) not to __20__yours.”1.A.novel  B.poemC.paper  D.letterg







  15.A.make up

  B.look up

  C.pick up

  D.close up

















  20.A.step down into

  B.keep up with

  C.look down upon

  D.give up on



  【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Darrow的大富翁游戏以及他因此获得的成功。

  1.解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Other similar games existed,but they had no board or regulation pieces.”可知,答案选D。

  2.解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第三段第四句“He was told that his game was too complex and had fundamental errors in its design that would limit its appeal.”可知,刚开始Parker Brothers认为这个游戏过于复杂而且设计上还有一些基本的错误,而这会限制它的吸引力,由此可推知,有人不相信这个游戏能受欢迎。故选D。



  【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要就华盛顿一家博物馆的参观事宜做了简要介绍。

  5.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“Hours & Admission:Open every day except December 25.Admission is free.”可知,这家博物馆是免费对公众开放的。故答案选B。

  6.解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“Extended Hours”的介绍,并结合选项可知,格林一家只能在2015年7月6日的晚上六点去这家博物馆参观。故答案选C。

  7.解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章“First Aid”部分的内容可推知,如果来访者突然病倒,可以得到紧急救助。故答案选D。



  【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。一个出身贫寒的孩子梦想拥有自己的牧场。在一次完成老师布置的有关梦想的写作后,老师认为他的梦想不切实际而给予否定,而男孩却继续坚持自己的梦想,最终梦想成真。

  1.解析:选C。考查名词辨析。根据本段第二句中“wrote a seven­page paper”可知,男孩写了一篇长达七页的文章(paper),由此可知,此处指老师要求他们写一篇文章。故答案选C。

  2.解析:选B。考查动词辨析。recall意为“回忆”;describe意为“描述”;seek意为“寻找”;recognize意为“认出”。结合空格后“his goal”可知,此处指老师布置完写作任务后,当天晚上他写了一篇七页的文章来描述他的目标。故答案选B。

  3.解析:选A。考查介词短语辨析。空格前的in与选项分别构成固定搭配。in detail意为“详细地”;in total意为“总计,合计”;in need意为“在危急中”;in time意为“及时”。男孩写了七页纸,且下文说他还配了图,所以此处应是十分详细。故答案选A。


  5.解析:选A。考查动词辨析。receive意为“收到”;post意为“邮寄”;accept意为“接受”;bring意为“带来”。根据空格后“his paper back”可知,两天后,老师把学生们的作文批完发下来了,故男孩应该是拿到了自己的作文。故答案选A。

  6.解析:选D。考查行文衔接。根据下文中“Why did I get an F?”可知,此处指男孩的作文得了F。故答案选D。

  7.解析:选D。考查名词辨析。根据下文中“to see the teacher after class”可知,老师让男孩下课后去找他。故答案选D。

  8.解析:选A。考查名词辨析。dream意为“梦想”;picture意为“图画”;ranch意为“大牧场”;pride意为“自豪”。“with the ______”作后置定语修饰“The boy”,根据所给选项并结合上文男孩梦想有自己的牧场可知,此处应指“怀揣梦想的男孩”。故A项正确。

  9.解析:选C。考查形容词辨析。根据文章第一段中“his family wasn’t rich”可知,男孩家境并不富裕,因此此处指老师说“对于你这样贫穷的孩子而言这是一个不切实际的梦想”。故答案选C。


  11.解析:选B。考查名词辨析。空格前有no,与选项构成相关搭配。no point意为“没有意义”;no way意为“不可能”;no use意为“没用”;no idea意为“不清楚”。根据上文可知,老师认为男孩家境贫寒,拥有一个牧场需要很多钱,所以此处指男孩不可能实现他的梦想。故答案选B。

  12.解析:选D。考查动词辨析。report意为“报告”;explain意为“解释”;excuse意为“找借口”;rewrite意为“重写”。上文提到男孩得了F,本句中老师说“I will reconsider your grade”,由此可知,老师的条件是如果男孩重写作业,换一个符合实际的理想,就会考虑重新给他(高一些的)分数。故答案选D。

  13.解析:选B。考查动词辨析。write意为“写”;think意为“思考”;sigh意为“叹息”;laugh意为“笑”。结合空格后“long and hard”可知,回家后,男孩思考了很久。故答案选B。

  14.解析:选C。考查名词辨析。结合下文中“His father said”可知,男孩询问了父亲的意见。故答案选C。

  15.解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,父亲并未给出建议,而是让男孩自己拿主意。此处为“make up one’s (own) mind”固定搭配,意为“下决心”,符合语境。故答案选A。

  16.解析:选D。考查名词辨析。work意为“工作”;reason意为“理由”;mind意为“想法”;decision意为“决定”。根据上一句中“______your own mind on this”可知,父亲虽然没有给出建议,但仍然告诉男孩这个决定很重要。故答案选D。

  17.解析:选A。考查名词辨析。change意为“变化”;excuse意为“借口”;correction意为“修改,改正”;mark意为“分数”。根据上文“the boy turned in the same paper”可知,男孩交给老师的还是原来的那篇作文,没有任何变化。故答案选A。

  18.解析:选B。考查动词辨析。根据下一段中的“when seeing his ranch”可知,此处指数年过去了,男孩实现了他的梦想。固定搭配realize one’s dream意为“实现梦想”,符合语境。故答案选B。

  19.解析:选C。考查名词辨析。本句是老师的感叹与自责。根据下文中“During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams.”可知,此处老师说自己是梦想的“偷盗者”。故答案选C。

  20.解析:选D。考查动词短语辨析。step down into意为“步入……”;keep up with意为“跟上,与……保持一致”;look down upon意为“小看,鄙视”;give up on意为“不再相信,放弃……”。结合语境可知,最后老师感叹,幸好男孩有足够的进取心,并没有放弃自己的梦想。故答案选D。


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