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发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  When you don’t have anything planned for the day or it’s rainy outside and your children are stuck in the house, why not sit around and tell them riddles(谜语)? Telling riddles will make your family laugh and sometimes even scratch their heads, trying to figure out what the answer is.

  Riddles have been a pastime for centuries. Not only have riddles been something for passing the time, but they have also been used to pass on secret information during the Second World War. Even the ancient Greeks used riddles. They would tell riddles at parties and whoever was the first to get them right would receive prize.

  Most riddles use words that have double meanings or share the same sound like “hear” and “here”. So in order to get the riddle, you will have to do some creative thinking and think of all the possibilities of different words. The difficulty of figuring out the riddle is based on the riddle itself. The riddle has to provide you with enough clues to come to the right answer, but that doesn’t mean that the clues have to be easy.

  If you are looking to tell riddles but don’t know any, you can look online and you will find a large number of sites that will have hundreds of different riddles to choose from. If you would like to look somewhere else then you could look at your local bookstore, where you will be able to find many different books with thousands of riddles to choose from. You can even find websites and books that will tell you how to write your own riddles.

  After you have found some resources that have different riddles, you will need to read through them to find the right ones for you and your family: You will also need to make sure that your kids will have a chance to figure out the answers. So take your time and choose the fight family riddles to tell.

  1.What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?

  A. To recommend an interesting family activity.

  B. To stress the importance of family activities.

  C. To encourage children to read more books.

  D. To introduce the history of riddles.

  .From the text we know that riddles _______.

  A. do not have enough clues

  B. have a very long history

  C. were used in World War One

  D. were first used in ancient Rome

  .In Paragraph 3, the author mainly ________.

  A. discusses how riddles are created

  B. explains why fiddles are interesting

  C. tells people how to solve riddles

  D. shows the benefits of telling riddles

  .To collect riddles, the author suggests ________.

  A. one way

  B. two ways

  C. three ways

  D. four ways试题分析: 本文介绍了一种古老的消磨时间的方法riddles。并告诉我们猜谜的方法以及找到这些字谜的地方。

  .A 推理题。根据文章第一段1,2行When you don’t have anything planned for the day or it’s rainy outside and your children are stuck in the house, why not sit around and tell them riddles?可知本文中作者向我们推荐了一种猜谜的游戏。故A正确。

  .B 细节题。根据文章第二段第一句Riddles have been a pastime for centuries.可知这种游戏已经存在了很长时间了。故B正确。

  .C 推理题。根据文章第三段So in order to get the riddle, you will have to do some creative thinking and think of all the possibilities of different words. The difficulty of figuring out the riddle is based on the riddle itself. The riddle has to provide you with enough clues to come to the right answer, but that doesn’t mean that the clues have to be easy.可知本段告诉我们的是猜出这些字谜的方法,就是要运用字谜里出现的线索。故C正确。


  细节题。根据文章倒数第二段If you are looking to tell riddles but don’t know any, you can look online and you will find a large number of sites that will have hundreds of different riddles to choose from. If you would like to look somewhere else then you could look at your local bookstore,可知作者告诉了我们两种猜字谜的方法,一种是到网络上寻找。一种是到当地的书店里找。一共有两种方法。故B正确。


  (2017青岛高三统一质量检测) Going on a date can be a nightmare for the best of us.But now a pair of ‘social X-Ray’ glasses promises to tell you exactly what the other person is thinking-and when you should stop talking.

  The glasses have a built-in camera which monitors the other person’s facial expressions and matches them up with 24 known features which convey emotions.It will then tell the individual via an earpiece and lights on the glasses what their date is thinking.In a traffic light-style system,a red light means negative,yellow means they are a bit interested and green means your date is happy.The glasses are under development at present by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab.

  They say that wearing them during a conversation with another person is like having an ‘extra sense’that they are bored or losing interest.

  The eyewear was developed for people suffering from autism (孤独症) who have much difficulty interacting with others,but now the team behind it has seen wider applications.It works thanks to a camera the size of a grain of rice which is put into the glasses frame and connected via a wire to a small computer which can be attached to the user’s body.The camera monitors how long and how often 24 ‘feature points’appear on the subject’s face which are then analyzed by software developed by the MIT team.

  This data is then compared with a bank of expressions and the computer tells the wearer what is going on via the earpiece and the traffic light system.

  So far the glasses are still a job in progress and have been accurate just 64 percent of the time,a figure which is expected to improve with further tests.

  1.The passage mainly tells us that  . 

  A.going on a date can be a nightmare for the best of us

  B.scientists are showing more and more concern to people suffering from autism

  C.the glasses will be more and more popular

  D.the scientists are working on a new type of glasses to help people going on a date

  2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?()

  A.The glasses were initially intended for helping people going on a date.

  B.The glasses are widely used and have achieved great success.

  C.The built-in camera in the glasses is of great importance.

  D.People wearing the glasses are sure to have a good date.

  3.The underlined word “interacting” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by  . 

  A.communicating B.reacting

  C.affecting D.acting

  4.Which is right according to Paragraph 2?()

  A.Red=negative yellow=neutral green=positive

  B.Red=positive yellow=neutral green=negative

  C.Red=neutral yellow=positive green=negative

  D.Red=negative yellow=positive green=neutral

  5.The passage is probably from  . 

  A.a guide book B.an autobiography book

  C.a leaflet D.a scientific report


  答案及剖析:1.D 主旨大意题。由全文可知,美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室正在研发一种X光眼镜,在约会时它将能够准确窥寻对方的心思,知道该怎样交谈。选项D全面概括此意。

  2.C 推理判断题。由第四段的It works thanks to a camera the size of a grain of rice which is put into the glasses frame and connected via a wire to a small computer which can be attached to the user’s body可知,该眼镜工作原理主要在于其内置的微型摄像机,因此可推断其重要性所在。

  3.A 词义猜测题。由The eyewear was developed for people suffering from autism (孤独症) who have much difficulty interacting with others,可知孤独症患者通常为与他人交流沟通有困难者,结合句意可知interacting是“沟通、交流”之意,故选A项。

  4.A 细节理解题。由文章第二段的...a red light means negative,yellow means they are a bit interested and green means your date is happy可知A正确。

  5.D 推理判断题。本文讲述的是美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室正在研发一种X光眼镜,属科技方面的知识,因此本文应出自科技报告类,故选D项。


  1.application n.申请,应用

  Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom.


  2.in progress 进行中

  The construction of a new teaching building is in progress.





  How to Be a Winner

  Sir Steven Redgrave

  Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals

  “In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病).Believing my career was over, I felt extremely low.Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing.That was it ——the encouragement I needed.I could still be a winner if I believed in myself.I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes.But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't finished yet.Nothing is to stand in my way.”Karen Pickering

  Swimming World Champion

  “I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week.I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary.This is the key to success ——you can’t follow a career in any field without being well-organized.List what you believe you can achieve.Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.”Kirsten Best

  Poet & Writer

  “When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve something.Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies.The key is to concentrate.When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’, either out loud or silently in my mind.It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence.This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological tool”

  57.What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?

  A.Difficulties influenced his career.

  B.Specialists offered him medical advice.

  C.Training helped him defeat his disease.

  D.He overcame the shadow of illness to win.

  .What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?Her sports career.Her achievements.Her daily happenings.Her training schedule.

  .What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?

  A.Ways that help one to focus.

  B.Words that help one to feel less tense.

  C.Activities that turn one's attention away.

  D.Habits that make it hard for one to relax.

  6.According to the passage, what do the three people have in common?

  A.Self-confidenc B.Hard work.

  C.Devotion. D.Courage.

  good friend of mine was complaining about her son the other day.“Did you notice,”she started,“how he didn't wait for me to get my salad before he dived into his?”

  True enough,the boy attacked his plate faster than a cat in the wild.Without manners,we're no more than animals.Actually ,that's not true,I've been watching and feeding a group of wild cats,and they show unusual politeness toward each other.Even when food is scarce,they take turns,leaving tat least a small part for the next in line.

  My mother educated her three children to have good manners all the time.We were made to feel very uncomfortable as if we were sitting on pins and needles until we got used to saying please,thank you ,pardon me,and I'm sorry.And I have to say,while it was a painful learning experience,it was one of the most valuable.

  I can't tell you how often I sat with my friends,eating at their dinner tables,and their parents thought highly of my good manners.While it was a little embarrassing.I knew even then that my mother's teachings were paying off.

  Many years later,when I was attending seminars across the country,my manners were quite useful.

  While I regret that I haven't been a perfect example,I'm still working on it.I suppose,in this regard,my mother lives on through me,I didn't have her beautiful singing voice or her green eyes,but she did make sure I received one of her finest characteristics.

  56.What did the writer's friend most probably complain about?

  A.Her son's eating too quickly.

  B.Her son's not having a healthy diet.

  C.Her son's not having good table manners.

  D.Teenagers'not having good manners.

  57.The underlined word“scarce”in Paragraph 2 probably means“


  A.too much

  B.not delicious

  C.not enough

  D.quite hot

  58.We learn that the writer's mother


  A.was strict about her children's manners

  B.never punished her children

  C.had beautiful blue eyes

  D.was not good at singing

  59.What does the writer think of her experience of learning good manners?

  A.Easy and relaxing

  B.Painful and valuable

  C.Easy but useless

  D.Too horrible

  60.We can infer from the passage that the writer


  A.is surely liked by everyone around her

  B.is not satisfied with most people's manners around her

  C.thinks she has been a perfect example to the young

  D.thanks her mother for teaching her the good manners a lot

  【参考答案】56—60 DCBBA


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