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发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


  Walking in a farmers' market often brings one to explore new food options, and now more locallyfarmed protein choices are available to help bridge the gap between our meals and the farms on which they originated. More and more local small farms are popping_up in opposition to factory farms.

  Today's commercial farms do not fit the image that comes to mind while happily singing along to “Old McDonald”. Instead, most of the nation's food comes from CAFOs, Confined Animal Feeding Operations, where animals are kept in tightly enclosed conditions as they are fattened up and readied to be killed for food.

  Fortunately, knowing exactly where one's food comes from has led to an increase in the availability of what is known as ?grassfed? beef. Technically, all cattle are grassfed for at least a limited amount of time, but what makes the meat significant is that it is grassfinished, not forcefed corn, soy or grains. This change in diet makes all the difference since corn is not part of the cow's traditional diet, and therefore causes major health issues for it. To deal with the health issues, antibiotics (抗生素) are used and some of the antibiotics used to treat the cattle are similar to those given to humans, so they can decrease the effectiveness of medicine when a consumer is sick.

  A healthier diet for the cattle leads the meat to lower in both fat and calories. And when cooking grassfed beef, you'd better use a slightly lower temperature to make it more delicious.


  1.The underlined words “popping up” (in the 1st paragraph) probably means ________.





  答案:D 词义猜测题。根据文章第一句中“and now more locallyfarmed protein choices are available”可知,现在有更多的当地小农场喂养的动物可满足人们对蛋白质的需求,即当地出现了越来越多小农场,由此可知,appear与pop up意思最为接近,故答案D符合文义。

  2.The song “Old McDonald” describes ________.

  A.animals raised freely on local farms

  B.animals kept in tightly enclosed conditions

  C.commercial farms providing fast food

  D.commercial farms providing unpopular foods

  答案:A 推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句“Today's commercial farms do not fit the image...”的提示和下文对商业农场喂养动物的方法的描述可知,the song “Old McDonald”所描述的喂养方式正好和商业农场相反,由此可推知,答案A符合文义。

  3.Some medicines are less effective for beef consumers probably because ________.

  A.some cattle feed on grains

  B.all cattle diet on grass

  C.some medicines are used to treat sick cattle

  D.some antibiotics are used by both cattle and people

  答案:D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句中“and some of the antibiotics used to treat the cattle are similar to those given to humans...”可推知,答案D符合文义。

  4.We can infer from the text that ________.

  A.food from local farms can help add to the variety in our daily meals

  B.soy or grains are on the list of traditional diets of the cattle

  C.corn for the cattle leads the meat to lower in both fat and calories

  D.lower temperature makes grassfed beef more delicious

  答案:A 推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句“Walking in a farmers' market often brings one to explore new food options, and now more locallyfarmed protein choices are available to help bridge the gap between our meals and the farms on which they originated.”可推知,选项A“当地小农场的食物可以丰富我们的一日三餐”符合文义。B、C两项与原文不符;D项不是经过推理得出的,不符合题意,故排除。

  说理议论(阅读理解)由 (2017安徽名校联盟高三第一次联考)Well, to pick up where we left off last time, I believe now we might all agree that self-improvement is of great benefit for each of us. However, there are lots of stops along the road to self-improvement, which often calls for patience, emotional strength and kindness.With concentrated effort, you can become a better person than you ever thought possible.

  1. .Nice people always put themselves in the other person’s shoes. If the service is a little slow, maybe it’s because the waitress has been standing for 8 hours and her back and feet are aching.Perhaps her little baby isn’t feeling well and she got very little sleep the night before.In a word, you never know the full story from a brief meeting with a person. 

  2.Be a reasonable man. Service-centered businesses often live by the idea “The Customer is Always Right.” They’re totally mistaken. The customer is not always right; sometimes the customer is quite difficult to deal with. You do not “deserve” a free meal because the waitress forgot to bring you a spoon. If you have a grievance, let it out, but be reasonable.

  3.Fight fairly. When arguing with another person, stick to the subject. Present the facts briefly, and don’t bring up unrelated incidents that happened 4 weeks from last Tuesday. Never hesitate to create a chance for other people to voice their opinions. They are just as important as yours.

  4.Put others first. Let the troubled-looking Mom have the parking space. Stand a few extra seconds holding the door for an elderly person. Don’t interrupt people when they’re speaking, or finish their sentences for them. Such small things, yet the effects are immediate and far-reaching.Nice people make a concentrated effort to be kind and put others needs above their own.Stop a moment and think how you can help someone, and you’ll become a nicer person.

  1.What might the speaker most probably discuss last time?()

  A.The origin of self-improvement.

  B.The process of self-improvement.

  C.The structure of self-improvement.

  D.The importance of self-improvement.

  2.The best title for the second paragraph is “ ”. 

  A.Be understanding B.Stay calm

  C.Be positive D.Be merciless

  3.The underlined word “grievance” in Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to  . 

  A.mistake B.complaint

  C.commitment D.decision

  4.Which of the following may the speaker support? ()

  A.Learn to share the other person’s point of view.

  B.Put forward relevant facts in detail when arguing.

  C.Make your voice heard when others are speaking.

  D.Involve your own matters with others’ when arguing.


  答案及剖析:1.D 推理判断题。由第一段的第一句话...to pick up where we left off last time, I believe now we might all agree that self-improvement is of great benefit for each of us...可知,作者上一次的话题是关于自我提高的重要性的,故选D项。

  2.A 主旨大意题。由该段的内容可知,作者建议人们做一个善解人意的,为他人考虑的人,故选A项。

  3.B 词义猜测题。由此处的语境可知,如果你在饭馆吃饭的时候有不满的地方可以提出来,但是要合情合理,故选B项。

  4.A 细节理解题。由作者提出的几点建议的内容可知A项正确。由第四段的Present the facts briefly, and don’t bring up unrelated incidents that happened...和Never hesitate to create a chance for other people to voice their opinions以及第五段的Don’t interrupt people when they’re speaking...可知B、C、D三项与作者的观点背道而驰。


  1.reasonable adj.合理的,公道的;有理性的

  I bought the car at a reasonable price.


  2.far-reaching adj. 深远的,广泛的

  What he said at the meeting has a far-reaching effect on us.






  Reading can be a social activity. Think of the people who belong to book groups. They choose books to read and then meet to discuss them. Now, the website BookCrossing.com turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group.

  Members go on the site and register the books they own and would like to share. BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book. Then the person leaves it in a public place, hoping that the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.

  Bruce Pederson, the managing director of BookCrossing, says, “The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read. BookCrossing combines both.”

  Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops. Whoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.

  People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of it. E-mails are then sent to the BookCrossing to keep them updated about where their books have been found. Bruce peterson says the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home.

  BookCrossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to the “real” and not the virtual(虚拟). The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred thirty-five countries.

  9. Why does the author mention book groups in the first paragraph?

  A. To explain what they are.

  B.To introduce BookCrossing.

  C. To stress the importance of reading.

  D. To encourage readers to share their ideas.

  10. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2refer to?

  A. The book.

  B.An adventure.

  C.A public place.

  D. The identification number.

  11. What will a BookCrosser do with a book after reading it?

  A. Meet other readers to discuss it.

  B.Keep it safe in his bookcase.

  C. Pass it on to another reader.

  D. Mail it back to its owner.

  12. What is the best title for the text?

  A. Online Reading: A Virtual Tour

  B. Electronic Books: A new Trend

  C. A Book Group Brings Tradition Back

  D. A Website Links People through Books

  【答案】9. B

  10. A11. C

  12. D

  11.C 推理判断题。根据文章第四段最后一句“....the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home”让书蒙上尘土是一种很自私的行为,网站BookCrossing.com的目的正是鼓励人们与别人分享图书,所以拿到书的人最可能继续把书传递下去。故C项正确。

  12.D 标题概括题。根据文章第三段可知BookCrossing.com把人生命中最重要的两个事物:人和书联系在一起。D项内容能够涵盖文章的中心思想。


  本文考查了代词指代题。根据本句“....hoping that the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it”留下书的人希望自己的书能够随着找到它的人走得更远。可知其中的it指代前半句提到的同一事物“the book”。


  However, the question that "moon people" asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are 

  seriously thinking about it. 

       首先,it指上句中的the question,而the question又指上一段中“月球人”所提的问题,所以要经过两次查找才能选出答案。




  Here is a letter from the Los Angeles Lakers icon Kobe Bryant on The Players' Tribune website on November 30th.

  “...This season is all I have left to give. My heart can take the pounding(重击).My mind can handle the grind(苦差事)but my body knows it's time to say goodbye---"

  “Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest players in the history of our game. Whether competing in the Finals or hoisting jump shots after midnight in an empty gym,

  Kobe has an unconditional love for the game.

  I join Kobe's millions of' fans around the world in congratulating him on an outstanding NBA career and thank him for so many thrilling memories.”

  ——Adam Silver, NBA commissioner(总裁)

  “We're all sad. This era of Lakers basketball has been one of the most fun, exciting prosperous eras we could imagine. We're in full support of him. But it's still very sad.”

  ——Jeanie Buss, Lakers president

  “I know his purpose is to finish out this season and play. It's always sad when greatness decides to hang it up" 'I thought he had at least another year in him.”


  ——Byron Scott, Lakers coach, and Bryant's teammate during the 1996-97 season

  ¨He pushed me to be better more than any player I've faced. Kobe is the greatest competitor I have ever faced. I am glad he has found peace. I don't know if we'll see another one like him.”


  ——Shane Battier, of the Miami Heat


  “Hard to believe @ kobebryant is finally going to hang it up. One of the NBA's great champions. Enjoy the rest of this season, my friend.”


  ——Scottie Pippen, retired NBA All-Star

  1. What can we learn from Kobe Bryant's letter?

  A. He has lost passion for basketball.

  B. He'll return to basketball court soon. .

  C. He'll finish this season before he retires.

  D. He'll retire immediately after the letter.

  2. According to Byron Scott, _


  A. Kobe has an unconditional love for basketball

  B. Kobe is supposed to play at least for another year

  C. Lakers team has played very well this year

  D. it is difficult to find another player like Kobe

  3. Where can we most probably read the comments?

  A. From an Internet page.

  B. In a newspaper.

  C. In a sports magazine.

  D. In a TV program.

  参考答案1. C

  2. B

  3. A


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