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发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  完形填空At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris,the favorite team in the four­man canoe race was the United States team.One member of that team was a young man by the name of Bill Havens.

  As the time for the Olympics __1__,it became clear that Bill's wife would give birth to their first child about the time that the US team would be __2__ in the Paris games.In 1924 there were no jet airliners from Paris to the United States,only __3__

  ocean­going ships.And so Bill found himself in a __4__ .Should he go to Paris and


  not being at his wife's side when their baby was born?Or should he __6__

  from the team and remain with his family?

  Bill's wife


  that he go to Paris. __8__,competing in the Olympics was his lifelong

  __9__.But Bill

  felt __10__ and, after


  soul­searching,__11__ to withdraw from the competition and remain home,where he could __12__

  his wife when the child arrived.

  As it

  __13__,the United States four­man canoe team won the gold medal in Paris.And Bill's wife was

  __14__ in giving birth to their child.She was so late,in fact,that Bill could have competed in the event and returned home in time to be with her when she gave __15__.

  People said,“What a shame.” But Bill said he had no __16__.For the rest of his life,he believed he had made the __17__ decision.Bill Havens knew what was most __18__ to him. Not everybody figures that out.And he acted on what he believed was best.Not everybody has the __19__ to say no to something he or she truly wants in order to say yes to something that truly __20__.But for Bill,it was the only way to peace;the only way to no regrets.

  文章大意:Bill Havens即将参加1924年奥运会的四人划艇比赛,但为了即将分娩的妻子,他选择放弃比赛,从而错过了赢得奥运金牌的机会。面对众人的惋惜,他却表示从未为此感到后悔。

  1. A.neared




  答案:A 根据下文可知,奥运会临近了,他的妻子也快要分娩了。near作动词时意为“接近,临近”。





  答案:B 根据空后的in the Paris games可知,此处指他妻子分娩时他应该正在巴黎奥运会上比赛(compete)。3.A.expensive




  答案:D 此处与空前的jet air liners形成对比,说明当时只有速度很慢的(slow)船只可以到达巴黎。4.A.hurry




  答案:C 是参加比赛,还是待在家里陪护妻子,他处于两难的境地,dilemma“(进退两难的)窘境,困境”。





  答案:B  根据上文可知,如果他去巴黎参加奥运比赛就要冒孩子出生时他不在妻子身边的风险。risk“冒……的危险”。





  答案:D 根据空后的remain with his family可知,他在考虑自己是否应该从队中退出,待在家里。withdraw from“退出,离开”。7.A.complained




  答案:C 根据空后的that he go to Paris可知,这里用的是虚拟语气,四个选项中只有insist符合这一要求,从语义上也可得此答案。

  8.A.After all

  B.Above all

  C.In all

  D.At all

  答案:A 此处强调比赛对他的重要性,用“毕竟”来加强语气。above all“首先,最重要的是”,in all“总共,合计”,at all“根本,究竟”,都不符合语义。





  答案:D 根据语境可知,他之所以处于两难境地,他的妻子之所以劝他去,都是因为参加奥运比赛是他一生的梦想(dream)。





  答案:B 根据上文可知,他处于进退两难的境地,内心很矛盾。conflicted“冲突的,矛盾的”。





  答案:C 根据下文可知,此处表示经过深思,他决定(decide)退出比赛,待在家里。





  答案:A 他最终决定留在家里,这样他就可以在孩子降生时支持、帮助妻子,故用support。

  13.A.fed back

  B.pointed out

  C.came out

  D.turned out

  答案:D 最后的结果是,美国四人划艇队获得了巴黎奥运会的金牌。turn out“结果是”。





  答案:C 根据下一句中的She was so late可知,此处应用late,表示他妻子分娩的时间比预产期晚。15.A.expression




  答案:B 根据14空后的giving birth to their child可知此处应用birth。





  答案:D 由上一句可知,人们为他感到惋惜,而But一词说明他的想法和众人不同,也就是说他不后悔。regret“后悔,遗憾”。





  答案:A 上文说他自己并不后悔,说明他相信这是他做出的最好的决定。





  答案:C Bill能做出这样的决定是因为他知道什么对自己最重要(important)。





  答案:D 此处是作者的观点:并不是每个人都有“力量”对他或她真正想要的东西说不。





  答案:B 他放弃了自己的梦想是为了选择对自己来说重要的事情。matter“有重要性,有重大关系”。

  2016高考英语阅读理解集训阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。I clearly remember the day when my little brother was born: January 1, 1994. One of my favorite family photos shows me lying with my mother in the hospital bed, happy but un-

  aware of the small, sleeping baby in the background.

  I stayed with my grandparents for the weekend of my brother’s birth, excited about my new brother but not yet aware of what having a little brother would mean. I didn’t truly realize what was going on until we were in the hospital room at Duke University----

  coincidentally (碰巧地), the same room in which I had been born two years earlier.

  When I looked at my brother for the first time, I felt a mixture of fear and interest. Little did know that small, pink creature would grow up to be one of my favorite people in the world.

  In reality, though I am two years older than my brother, I am more often than not the real baby in the family. I am very lacking when it comes to common sense. Instructions constantly confuse me and I frequently find myself totally puzzled by things like knowing how to start the washing machine or manage the storage settings on my iPhone.

  That’s where Gibson comes in. The poor kid has had to guide me through more tasks than I would care to admit, but he never complains. Though I should probably be told to figure it out myself, he always comes through.

  I’m envious of his ability to readily answer the ever-present, “What do you want to do with your life?” question at family gatherings. “Be a doctor,” he says----a solid answer, completely opposite to my shaky one, “Well, I’m an English major, so...”

  My brother truly is my best friend. No one understands me better, and there isn’t anyone else I would want to be stuck with in our family. I may not have a clear idea of where I’m headed, but he is stuck with me.

  1. How did the author feel when he saw his brother for the first time?

  A. Angry and sad.

  B. Excited and moved.

  C. Curious and scared.

  D. Happy and interested.

  2. What does the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph mean?

  A. My brother is the real baby in the family.

  B. In fact, I seem to be less mature than my little brother.

  C. My brother gets more love from the family than I do.

  D. I am growing more slowly than my brother.

  3. What does the brother often help the author do?

  A. Help him deal with many daily tasks.

  B. Help him with his studies.

  C. Give him advice on how to choose a major.

  D. Comfort him when he is in a bad mood.

  4. What is the best title for this text?

  A. My Strange Family Gatherings

  B. The Real Baby in the Family

  C. Stuck with Me----My Not-So-Little Little Brother

  D. The Feeling of Having a Brother

  参考答案1—4 CBAC


  A company planning to open the first hotel in space says it is on target to accept its first paying guests in 2017 despite critics questioning the investment and the length of time for the multibillion­dollar project.

  The Barcelona­based architects of the Galactic Suite Space Resort say it will cost $4.4 million for a three­night stay at the hotel. This price also includes an eight­week training course on an island. During their stay, guests would see the sunrise 15 times a day and travel around the world every 80 minutes.Galactic Suite Ltd's CEO Xavier Claramunt says the project will put his company in a leading position of a new industry with a huge future ahead of it, and forecasts space travel will become common in the future. “It's very normal to think that your children, possibly within 15 years, could spend a weekend in space” he told Reuters Television.

  A promising space tourism industry is beginning to take shape with construction in progress in New Mexico of Spaceport America, the world's first facility built specifically for passengers.

  British industrialist Richard Branson's space tours firm, Virgin Galactic, will use the facility to send tourists to space at a cost of $200,000 a ride.

  Galactic Suite Ltd, set up in 2007, hopes to start its project with a single pod (分离舱) in orbit 280 miles above the earth. “It will take a day and a half to reach the pod, and the passengers will join it for three days,” Claramunt said. More than 200 people have expressed an interest in traveling to the space hotel and at least 43 people have already reserved it.

  The numbers are similar for Virgin Galactic with 300 people already paid or signed up for the trip, but unlike Branson, Galactic Suite says they will use Russian rockets to transport their guests into space from a spaceport to be built on an island in the Caribbean. But critics have questioned the project, saying the length of time that will be used is unreasonable and also where the money is coming from to support the project.


  What's Xavier Claramunt's attitude towards the space tourism industry?

  A. Quite critical.

  B. Slightly worried.

  C. Highly optimistic.

  D. Fully satisfied.


  Virgin Galactic's guests will be transported into space by using rockets produced in________.

  A. Spain

  B. America

  C. Britain

  D. Russia


  Which of the following is one of the critics' concerns about this project?

  A. It is hard to ensure the safety of tourists.

  B. There are many technical difficulties.

  C. It will be a waste of resources.

  D. It may lack support in money.


  According to the passage, traveling to the space hotel ________.

  A. will soon be possible for common people

  B. has attracted the attention of some people

  C. will make a large profit for the tourist industry

  D. is considered an industry with a huge future by many people


  What's the best title for the passage?

  A. The world's first space hotel is to open in 2017.

  B. The world's first commercial spaceport is being built.

  C. Space tourism:a surprising new industry.

  D. Space travel will become common in 15 years.



  “Benjamin Franklin,” Walter Isaacson tells us at the beginning of his long (but never boring) new biography, “is the founding father who winks at us.” By that, Isaacson explains, he means Franklin is the most human—and most modern—of the men who shaped the American republic. We admire Washington, Jefferson and Adams, but they remain creatures of the 18th century. The man we encounter in “Benjamin Franklin”—funny, pragmatic and self­aware — seems like one of us, or at least someone we'd like to be.

  Unlike Washington's cherry tree, Franklin's kite was real. His experiments with electricity made him one of the great scientists of his day. He was a middle­class businessman whose success as a printer and a journalist allowed him to retire at 42—and he devoted the rest of his life to his country. He was diplomat who persuaded the French to back the American Revolution and the author of the first great American autobiography. He was an excellent swimmer. There was almost nothing he couldn't do well, except write poetry. But what truly distinguished Franklin was his talent of being great and human at the same time. He owned slaves as a younger man, but in his last years became an abolitionist(废奴主义者).When he fathered an illegitimate(私生的) son, he acknowledged his fatherhood and took the responsibility of raising the boy.

  He seems strange today in the joy he took in compiling and creating all

  those self- improvement maxims he published in Poor Richard's Almanac(年鉴) — “early to bed, early to rise” and so on. Generations of lazy boys could have been happier without that. But he was no hypocrite(伪君子). Isaacson tells us Franklin practiced what he preached, and often laughed at himself while he did so.

  By a happy accident, this is the second excellent biography of Franklin to appear in two years, after Edmund S.Morgan's inspiring “Benjamin Franklin.”


  What type of literature does this passage belong to?

  A. Research paper. 

  B. Book review.



  D. Short story.


  The underlined word “maxims” in Paragraph 3 probably means________.

  A. proverbs

  B. standards

  C. requests

  D. orders


  With the fact that Franklin shouldered the responsibilities of raising his illegitimate son, the author wants to prove that________.

  A. Franklin had made a big fortune in his business before he got devoted to polities

  B. Franklin might be the only parent to support the child at that time

  C. Franklin was a great man who seems human to us

  D. Franklin was improving his character when he got on in ages


  The underlined word “himself” in Paragraph 3 refers to________.

  A. Richard's Almanac

  B. Walter isaacson

  C. anyone of the readers.

  D. Benjamin Franklin


  In which part of a magazine can we most probably find this article?

  A. Society and the Arts.

  B. Current Affairs.

  C. Business Report.

  D. Advertisement.



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