2017届高考北师大版英语二轮复习模拟演练:5 名词性从句(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考北师大版英语二轮复习模拟演练:5 名词性从句(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Part Ⅰ.单句语法填空在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)。


  counts is

  all those trapped in the building have been rescued.

  答案:What; that 考查名词性从句。第一空为主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,故用what;第二空为表语从句,从句中不缺句子成分,也不缺语义,故填that。句意:重要的是被困在楼内的所有人被救了出来。

  2.[2015·福州毕业班质检]The problem is

  one less hour of sleep is not equal to an extra hour of achievement.

  答案:that 考查表语从句。从句中不缺少主语和宾语,也不缺少语义,故应填that。句意:少睡一个小时并不等于多做出一个小时的成绩。

  3.[2015·北京东城区期末]No one knows for certain how the first Americans arrived in

  is now the United States.

  答案:what 考查宾语从句用法。从句中缺少主语,虽汉语理解为“……的地方”,但应用what。句意:没人确切地知道第一批美国人是如何到达现在的美国的。

  4.[2015·北京海淀区期末]Every Monday, my English teacher would cheerfully ask me

  my weekend had been.

  答案:how 考查宾语从句。从句中缺少表语,需根据语义确定答案。句意:每周一,我的英语老师总会兴致勃勃地问我我的周末过的怎么样。

  5.[2015·北京西城区期末]I believe that the world is

  you think it is.

  答案:what 考查表语从句用法。句中“you think”为插入语,去掉后可使句子结构更简单。从句中缺少表语。结合句意可知答案为what。句意:我认为世界就是你认为的样子。

  6.[2015·福建泉州质检]With piles of work at hand, Jane doubts

  she can pass the coming driving test.

  答案:whether/if 考查宾语从句的用法。从句中不缺少成分,根据语义可知答案是whether/if。句意:手头上有一堆堆的工作,Jane怀疑她是否能通过即将到来的驾驶证考试。

  7.[2015·陕西省五校一模]He wrote a long letter

  he explained what had happened in the accident.

  答案:where 考查定语从句用法。注意要从句式结构分析不同从句的结构。从句中不缺少成分,先行词letter按地点来对待,故填where。句意:他写了一封长信,在信中他解释了在事故中发生的一切。

  8.[2015·浙江六校联考]Barbie flue refers to the trend

  young women dramatically change their appearance to make themselves look like human Barbie dolls.

  答案:that 考查同位语从句。从句中对trend进行解释,且从句中不缺少成分和语义,故应填that。句意:Barbie flue指的是一种潮流——年轻妇女改变自己的外貌使自己看起来像人类芭比娃娃。

  9.[2015·四川德阳二诊]If you can be quiet, I'd like to make a comment on

  China has benefited from the Beijing APEC meeting.

  答案:how 考查宾语从句。从句中不缺少成分,结合语义可知,答案是how。句意:如果你可以静下来,我想就中国是如何从北京APEC会议中受益的情况进行一下评论。


  online courses can produce good results remains to be seen.

  答案:Whether 考查主语从句。从句中不缺少成分,由句意可知答案是whether。句意:是否网上课程能产生好的结果仍有待于观察。

  11.[2015·北京东城区一模]Spending a few hours learning about the history and culture of the destination will help tourists understand

  they're seeing.

  答案:what 考查宾语从句用法。从句中缺少宾语,且指事,故填what。句意:花几个小时了解一下旅游地的相关历史和文化有助于游客理解他们所观赏的东西。


  you are travelling near or far, we've got tips on saving money and packing smart.

  答案:Whether 考查让步状语从句。从句中不缺少成分,且根据句子结构可以判断此处并不是名词性从句。又根据从句中“or”可知道答案。句意:无论你或近或远地去旅游,我们都会得到些关于节约和打包的技巧。


  impresses the readers most is the author's humor and wisdom.

  答案:What 考查主语从句用法。从句中缺少主语,且指事,故填what。句意:给读者留下印象最深的是作者的幽默和智慧。

  14.[2015·黑龙江双鸭山一中期末]Witnesses described

  Daly had little or no chance of stopping behind the still traffic.

  答案:that 考查宾语从句的用法。从句中不缺少成分,结合语义可以发现此处填that。句意:目击者描述说Daly几乎没机会把车停到静止的车后面。

  15.[2015·吉林实验中学三模]Then she asked me

  the restaurant was on the fifth floor. I told her I was going to the restaurant myself.

  答案:whether/if 考查宾语从句用法。从句中不缺句子成分,结合语义可知此句中缺少语义,故填whether/if。句意:接下来她问我餐厅是否在5楼,我告诉她我自己也要去餐厅。

  Part Ⅱ.语篇语法填空(重点考查名词性从句)

  I am going to tell you an unbelievable thing


  happened in my restaurant today.

  This afternoon a poorly­dressed gentleman came into

  my restaurant.Nobody knew


  he was.We wondered


  he was so hungry.We were surprised that he finished two orders of food in a very limited time.We doubted


  the man was able to pay the bill.The gentleman asked


  we would mind waiting for just a few minutes.Then we were shocked to see


  he took out of an envelope—a million pound banknote.

  I asked Mr Clements


  it was genuine.Mr Clements said it was true because two of this amount had been issued by the Bank of England this year.He thought


  the gentleman showed us couldn't be a fake.


  a gentleman with a million pound note was in rags and ate in our small restaurant was a big puzzle to all the people there.I really couldn't describe


  excited I was.


  1.that/which 考查定语从句。从句中缺主语,指物,故应填that/which。

  2.who 考查宾语从句。从句中缺少表语,根据语义可知填who。

  3.why 考查宾语从句。从句中不缺少成分,结合语义可知答案为why。

  4.whether/if 考查宾语从句。doubt用于肯定句时,从句用whether/if;用于否定句时用that。

  5.whether/if 考查宾语从句。从句中不缺成分,结合语义可知答案是whether/if。

  6.that 考查宾语从句。从句中既不缺成分,也不缺语义,故填that。

  7.whether/if 同第5题。

  8.what 考查主语从句。从句中缺少宾语,指物,故填what。

  9.Why 考查主语从句。从句中不缺成分,结合语义可知答案是why。

  10.how 考查宾语从句。从句中连词后跟形容词时,通常用how。


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