2017年高考英语二轮复习精品资料:专题01 名词与冠词(押题专练)(教师版)-查字典英语网
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2017年高考英语二轮复习精品资料:专题01 名词与冠词(押题专练)(教师版)

发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.Don't wait for an ________ (apologize).“Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing,” says Dr.Luskin.

  apology 2.ike many popular restaurants in Paris,________ (reserve)are hard to get at Dave,so I wasn't surprised to find a complete sign hanging over the red door.

  reservations 【解析】句意:就像巴黎许多受欢迎的餐馆一样,在Dave也很难预订,因此当我看见红色的门上挂着客人已满的招牌时并不惊讶。根据括号中的提示词及后面的谓语动词are可知,主语为名词复数形式,故填reservations。

  3.He pushed and pulled with all his ________(strong)to move it.

  strength 【解析】句意:他用力地推拉将它(石头)移走。分析句子结构可知,with后面接名词,故填strength。

  4.He asked ________(permit)to introduce his friend,whose name was Mr Wickham,and who had apparently arrived recently from London.

  permission 【解析】句意:他请求允许介绍他的朋友,他的朋友威克姆先生,显然是最近从伦敦来的。根据句子结构可知,此处动词ask后面须用名词,故填permission。

  5. Experts hope the whole society pay more attention to the mental health of


  adolescents 【解析】句意:专家们希望全社会都来关心青少年的心理健康。根据句意可知,此处泛指“青少年”,用复数表示泛指,故填adolescents。

  6.Girls are luckier than boys;they have more flexible ________(choose)than boys.

  choices 【解析】句意:女孩比男孩要幸运些,她们比男孩有更灵活的选择。前面flexible是形容词,后面须接名词;choice此处应为可数名词,意味着多种选择,故填choices。

  7.I have a strong ________(believe)that one day Chinese students can buy these tickets,too.

  belief 【解析】句意:我坚信有朝一日中国学生也会购买这些票。空白处前面有a strong修饰,说明空白处须填可数名词单数。

  8.So I asked her why she sat there in ________(silent).

  silence 【解析】句意:因此我问她为什么坐在那里沉默不语。in silence“沉默”,是固定用法。

  9.About 20 percent of ________(baby)feel nervous when they see strangers.

  babies 【解析】句意:约百分之二十的婴儿见到陌生人会感到紧张。baby是可数名词,前面有百分数修饰,故用复数形式。

  10.There was never a time when I had not called him and he did not call me right back within a couple of ________(hour).

  hours 11.In the centre of the main road into the town,he placed ______ very large stone.

  a 【解析】句意:他在进城的主干道中间放了一块很大的石头。在此stone作可数名词,意为“一块石头”,前面需要用不定冠词a。

  2. when they heard the sound of horses,and saw Darcy and Bingley riding down the street.______ two gentlemen came straight towards the ladies to greet them.

  The 【解析】句意:……这时她们听到了马嘶的声音,看见达西和宾利骑着马在街上走来。这两位男士径直朝那些女士们走来问候。根据上文可知,此处的gentlemen指上文中的达西和宾利,须用定冠词the。

  3.They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don't see things ______ same way.

  the 【解析】句意:他们可能想过要伤害你,或者他们并没有用同样的方式看待事情。当名词前面有形容词same修饰时,same前面必须加定冠词the。

  4.On the third day,I received a message from Mike's wife that she said Mike had been killed in ______ unexplained truck crash on the morning of my call.

  an 【解析】句意:第三天,我收到了来自迈克妻子的短信,她说在我打电话的那天早上迈克在一次不明原因的卡车撞击事故中死亡。此处泛指“一次不明原因的车祸”,故用不定冠词;unexplained以元音音素开头,故填an。

  5.Covering ______ area of 16,800 square kilometers with a population of about 11 million,Beijing has 18 districts and counties under its jurisdiction(管辖).

  an 【解析】句意:占地16 800平方千米,拥有约1 100万人口的北京市,管辖着18个区和县。an area of...“面积是……”,是固定短语。

  6.What if your first choice is wrong?If so,just give yourself ______ second chance.

  a 【解析】句意:如果你的第一次选择错误怎么办?如果是这样,要再给自己一次机会。根据意思可知,指犯错误后的又一次、再一次机会,序数词前加不定冠词,表示“再一,又一”,所以填不定冠词a。

  7.So God turned it into ______ dog.


  18.A government study has found that South Korean children are ______ least happy compared to children in 29 other developed countries.

  the 【解析】句意:政府研究发现,与其他29个发达国家的儿童相比韩国儿童是最不快乐的。形容词最高级前用定冠词。

  9.I am ______ reporter from the New York Times.

  a 【解析】句意:我是来自《纽约时报》的一名记者。泛指“一名记者”,表示身份,用不定冠词。

  0.I consider myself very lucky because I was ______ only one of my friends who had their dads around.

  the 【解析】句意:我认为自己很幸运,因为我是朋友当中唯一一个爸爸在身边的。only前一般用定冠词,表示“唯一的”。


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