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发布时间:2017-03-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编








  My aunt was out of work in 2009.At a very beginning,she was afraid of being laughing at by others.She was worried about and wondered which she could find another job or not.It was hard for her to find a good job though she didn't have special skills.But some time late,she was no longer afraid of being looked down.She manages to find a job as a waitress at a teahouse and now she is a manager through hard work.She does well in her job,from where she can earn a lot of money.She have set the laid­off workers a good example.


  My aunt was out of work in 2009.At very beginning,she was afraid of being

  at by others.She was worried

  and wondered

  she could find another job or not.It was hard for her to find a good job

  she didn't have special skills.But some time,she was no longer afraid of being looked down .She

  to find a job as a waitress at a teahouse and now she is a manager through hard work.She does well in her job,from

  she can earn a lot of money.She

  set the laid­off workers a good example.







  One day the English woman visited a Chinese friend and was offered a cup of tea.She was not thirsty and find it bitter.However,she felt she should drink it to be polite.Hoped to finish the tea quickly so that she wouldn't have to drink what didn't interest in her,she drank as quickly as she could.So as soon as her cup became half empty,the hostess insisted on giving her much.She kept on drink.During her visit,she drank 12 cup.She couldn't understand why her Chinese hostess didn't take no notice of her protest she had drunk enough.


  One day

  English woman visited a Chinese friend and was offered a cup of tea.She was not thirsty and

  it bitter.However,she felt she should drink it to be polite. to finish the tea quickly so that she wouldn't have to drink what didn't interest

  her,she drank as quickly as she could. as soon as her cup became half empty,the hostess insisted on giving her.She kept on .During her visit,she drank 12 .She couldn't understand why her Chinese hostess didn't take

  notice of her protest

  she had drunk enough.


  Dear Jim,

  I was pleased to hear from you and I am written to tell you something about the changes in my school.

  You are right. Great changes have been taken place in my school. It is not longer what it used to be three years ago, when there were only one teaching building and a playground. I am happy to tell you two new buildings had been built and are on use. One of them is a new classroom building, in it there are rooms for music, arts and computer teaching. The other is a library, where there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. However, my school is good equipped with sports facilities and musical instruments. The number of students has also grown from 1,500 to 2,500. What's more, we had planted a lot of trees and flowers in and around the school.

  I believe my school become better and better, and I hope you will visit my school again.


  Li Hua


  Dear Jim,

  I was pleased to hear from you and I am written to tell you something about the changes in my writing


  You are right. Great changes have been taken place in my school. It is not longer what it used


  to be three years ago, when there were only one teaching building and a playground. I am happy to


  tell you two new buildings had been built and are on use. One of them is a new classroom building,


  in it there are rooms for music, arts and computer teaching. The other is a library, where there are


  all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. However, my school is good equipped with sports



  facilities and musical instruments. The number of students has also grown from 1,500 to 2,500. What's more, we had planted a lot of trees and flowers in and around the school.


  I believe my school∧ become better and better, and I hope you will visit my school again.



  Li Hua






  Today was like some other day in my life. In the morning,


  the weather was awful, which made me to feel unhappy.


  And I had to go to the bookstore to buy some books. When

  I come into the bookstore, the shop assistant told me that


  they didn’t have the books. So I had to go to others


  bookstores, so they didn’t have the books, either. I spent


  the whole morning look for the books in different bookstores,


  and on the way, I wasted much time, which made me very

  angry. Finally, to my joy, I found out the books and bought


  it. In the afternoon, I read some books, and when I


  finished reading, I felt tiring. In the evening, I went to


  take a shower and washed my clothes. Washing clothes is a


  little hard for me. However, I think it’s a kind of exercise.


  76. some改为any

  77. 去掉to

  78. come改为came

  79. others改为other

  80. so改为but

  81. look 改为 looking

  82. 去掉out

  83. it改为them

  84. tiring 改为tired

  85. √



  该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。



  We received Tom’s letter dating May 20th the day 76. __________

  before yesterday. All of our family greatly delighted to 77. __________

  learn how he is getting along very well with his lessons 78. __________

  Time passes very quick.In

  a few

  weeks, he'll finish 79. __________

  the high school. What pleases us most is that he does 80. __________

  very well to make up his mind to enter for the college 81. __________

  entrance examination this summer.What wonderful it is! 82. __________

  Dad,as well as Mom and I ,is with him.We expected 83. __________

  him to make better use of his time. The full preparations 84. __________

  he makes,the surer of successful he’ll certainly be . 85. __________







  81. √




  85. successful--success


  The interview had been going on for about 20 minutes and everything seems to be going well.Then,suddenly,the interviewer asks an unexpected question,“Which is more important,law or Dove?”

  Job applicants in the West increasingly find themselves asked strange questions like this.And the signs are that this is beginning to happen in China.

  Employers want people skilled,enthusiastic and devoted.So these are the qualities that any reasonably intelligent job applicants will try to show no matter what his or her actual feelings are.In response,employers are increasingly using questions which try and show the applicant’s true personality.

  The question in the first paragraph comes from a test called the Keirsey Personality Sorter.It is an attempt to discover how people solve problems,rather than what they know.This is often called an aptitude test (能力倾向测验).

  According to Mark Baldwin many job applicants in China are finding this type of questions difficult.When a Chinese person fills out an aptitude test he or she will think there is a right answer and they may fail because they try to guess what the examiner wants to see.

  This is sometimes called the prisoner’s dilemma.Applicants are trying to act cleverly in their own interest.But they fail because they don’t understand what the interviewer is looking for.Remember that in an aptitude test,the correct answer is always the honest answer.

  【语篇解读 本文讲述了现代企业招聘面试中的能力倾向测试并为求职者提供了回答此类问题的技巧。

  1.The writer wrote the passage to________.

  A.give you a piece of advice on a job interview

  B.tell you how to meet a job interviewer

  C.describe the aptitude test

  D.advice you how to find a job

  解析 写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文意在为面试者提供建议。

  答案 A

  2.Why do the interviewers ask such questions?

  A.They want to discover what the interviewees know.

  B.They are curious about the answers.

  C.They try to discover the ability of the interviewees solving problems.

  D.They just ask questions without thinking much.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“It is an attempt to discover how people solve problems,rather than what they know.”可知答案为C项。

  答案 C

  3.According to the writer,in an aptitude test,Chinese job applicants should________.

  A.not tell the truth

  B.learn to tell what they really think

  C.be more enthusiastic

  D.try to find out what the examiner really want to know

  解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段的最后一句“Remember that in an aptitude test,the correct answer is always the honest answer.”可知,在能力倾向测验中,求职者应该给出一个诚实的答案。

  答案 B

  4.From the passage we know that________.

  A.job applicants are always asked such questions

  B.more Chinese applicants fail to find a job

  C.applicants should not act as reasonably as a prisoner

  D.the aptitude test is becoming popular worldwide

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,西方的求职者们不断发现他们被问到类似这样的奇怪问题,而且有迹象表明这种情况在中国也开始出现。由此可推知D项正确。

  答案 D

  阅读理解For many people,volunteering is a way of life.Holidays are the time of the year that more people are in a giving mood.Homeless shelters,children’s hospitals,and nursing homes are excellent places to give of one’s time.

  Volunteering in Homeless Shelters

  There is a homeless directory online that anyone can easily access to find the closest homeless shelter to their home.According to the homeless shelter directory,currently there are 3,233 shelters in the US,so it is not difficult to find a shelter.Helping to serve food,picking up donations of food,preparing meals,and cleaning up are things that one can do to help at a homeless shelter.

  Volunteering in Children’s Hospitals

  Every child needs comfort and joy,especially during the holiday seasons.By visiting sick children in hospitals,an individual provides helping hands by supplementing the services usually done by the hospital staff.Personalizing the hospital experience adds to the comfort and happiness of the children and their families.Volunteers provide help,and positive interactions (相互交流) which enhance the patient’s quality of care.Help is needed almost everywhere in a hospital;from the lobby,parking lot,cafeteria,to admitting,helping with the gift cart,and even reading to children in the waiting rooms or their hospital rooms.

  Volunteering in Nursing Homes

  According to the National Center for Health Statistics,“Over 50% of those living in nursing homes do not have close relatives and 46% have no living children.”

  Life in a nursing home is lonely,confusing,and frightening for many residents.Volunteering at a nursing home is a great opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life.Playing cards,sitting with and talking to a resident,taking a walk,or sharing a meal makes a huge difference,especially when they have no other sole on earth to visit them.

  The three examples above are only a small fraction of institutions in which volunteers are needed.Giving of oneself,especially during the holidays blesses and cheers others.

  语篇解读 本文介绍了人们在假期中可以选择去做志愿活动的三个地方。

  1.According to the passage,what can a volunteer do in nursing homes?

  A.Visiting the sick children.

  B.Picking up the donated food.

  C.Helping with the gift cart.

  D.Playing cards with a lonely old man.

  解析 细节理解题。根据文中Volunteering in Nursing Homes部分的描述可知D项正确。A、C项是在children’s hospitals可以做的事,B项是在homeless shelters可以做的事。

  答案 D

  2.What can we learn about the volunteering?

  A.You can only volunteer during the holidays.

  B.You can help prepare meals in a nursing home.

  C.It is easy to find a homeless shelter to volunteer.

  D.Help is needed everywhere in a homeless shelter.

  解析 细节理解题。根据文中的“There is a homeless directory online that anyone can easily access to find the closest homeless shelter to their home.”可知,人们很容易找到一个能在里面做志愿活动的流浪者之家。其他三项都是与文章内容不符。

  答案 C

  3.In a children’s hospital,which of the following is true?

  A.Over 50% of those living there do not have relatives.

  B.A personal visit brings happiness to a sick boy.

  C.Children live a lonely and frightening life.

  D.Children love listening to volunteers’ reading.

  解析 细节理解题。根据文中Volunteering in Children’s Hospitals部分的描述可知B项正确,A、C两项错误,D项文中未提及。答案 B

  4.The best title for the passage would be________.

  A.Giving of oneself cheers others

  B.Volunteering is a way of life

  C.Volunteering during the holidays

  D.Giving is better than taking

  解析 主旨大意题。全文主要介绍了假期中人们可以选择去做志愿活动的三个地方。故C项作为本文的标题最佳。

  答案 C


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