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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  四、介词和介词短语Ⅰ.阅读下面材料用适当的介词填空。Lucy was chosen for the job because she was superior ________the other candidates.

  2.—Why not buy this type of car, sir?

  —But ________ the high price, I could have chosen one.

  3.Our football team led ________ one point, but towards the end of the game, their team scored and the game ended ________ a tie.

  4.One well of the oil field was still burning with huge fire twisting crazily________ the night sky.

  5.—What do you think of my homework?

  —Good work, apart________ a few slight mistakes.

  6.________coincidence, my new friend and I were born on the same day and same year, so we have a lot in common.

  7.The flight to Antarctica was delayed by the lack ________information about the weather conditions there.

  8.We can’t expect our children to do anything ________ their ability.

  9.—When is Jay's concert?

  —It' s________three o' clock________the afternoon of July 18th.

  10.—My goodness, you crossed the double yellow lines!

  —I tried not to, but ________vain. The car in front changed lane suddenly.

  11.—How do you study English?

  —I study English ______ talking with foreign students.

  12.The Great Wall travels ________deep valleys, ________deserts and ________ mountains.

  13.The teacher was pleased __________ his answer and praised him __________ his excellent pronunciation.

  14.At first he wasn’t sure __________ the grammar and some of the idioms, but __________ the end he mastered them.

  15.The little girl sold matches __________ a living. That is to say she made a living __________ selling matches.

  16.Studying abroad is quickly becoming the key __________ success in our global economy.

  17.The ceilings of the Forbidden City are covered __________ detailed, carved designs.

  18.Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted __________ building a harmonious society.

  19.Don’t bother your father tonight because he’s got a lot __________ his mind.

  20.The restaurant is famous __________ its fish dishes and I like having dinner here.

  Ⅱ.短__________ 23rd of April, 1564. The first place we visited was the house 2.__________ the centre of Stratford. We saw the small desk 3.__________ which Shakespeare sat when he went to school. One 4.________ the things we liked best was the garden behind the house, because we could see there many of flowers, trees and plants that Shakespeare wrote 5.__________ in his days.

  Ⅲ.改错。urday, when a bomb hidden a truck exploded in a market packed with holiday shoppers,” officials said.


  1.to 2.for 3.by; in 4.against 5.from 6.By 7.of

   9.at; on 10.in 11.by 12.through; across;over

  for 14.about; in 15.for; by 16.to 17.with 18.to 19.on 20.for

  1.on 2.in 3.at 4.of 5.about




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