【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:2-2 夹叙夹议文b(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:2-2 夹叙夹议文b(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  [2015·河南郑州质量预测二]I used to abandon myself to despair. Last year my mother __1__ from a stroke (中风) and had an operation on her brain. I felt my whole world turn upside down and I had no __2__ what I could do to help her to relieve her __3__. Tears welled up in my eyes whenever I was alone.

  Last month I __4__ a precious watch, which was an 18­year­old birthday gift from my father. I could not fall asleep for a couple of nights because I felt __5__ about the loss.

  There have been many__6__like these in my life. I could never figure out how to deal with such tough things__7__I read “If You Have a Lemon, Make a Lemonade” by American writer Dale Carnegie.

  “When the wise man is handed a lemon, he says, ‘What__8__can I get from this? How can I__9__my situation? How can I turn this lemon into a lemonade?’” he wrote.

  I suddenly__10__that life is full of ups and downs, so I need to stay__11__ all the time. Now when I think of my past, I wish I could have handled things__12__. When my mother was fighting for __13__, I should have held her hands in mine,

  telling her things would get better instead of__14__and crying.

  Several weeks ago, I took part in a campus singing competition.

  I didn't__15__a prize.

  If I had not__16__this article, I would definitely have felt


  again. But instead, I smiled after the competition. I was happy that at least I had got some stage__18__.

  Life is not just a bed of roses. There are thorns (刺) as well, but these thorns help us become__19__and strong. When life__20__us a lemon, let's try to make a lemonade.


  1.A.resulted B.suffered

  C.survived D.escaped

  答案:B 去年“我”妈妈患了中风,脑部做了手术。result“产生”;suffer“遭受”;survive“幸存”;escape“逃走”。根据语境“from a stroke(中风)”可知,B项正确。



  C.idea D.doubt

  答案:C “我”不知道该怎么去帮助她缓解她的痛苦(pain)。hope“希望”;wonder“惊奇”;idea“想法”;doubt“怀疑”。根据固定搭配have no idea“不知道”可知,C项正确。



  C.fear D.pressure

  答案:A 参见上题解析。pain“痛苦”;anxiety“焦虑”;fear“害怕”;pressure“压力”。故A项正确。

  4.A.received B.sold



  答案:D 上个月“我”丢了一块珍贵的手表,那是爸爸给“我”的18岁生日礼物。根据下文的“about the loss”可知,“我”把珍贵的手表给弄丢了,即D项正确。



  C.angry D.terrible

  答案:D 根据语境“I could not fall asleep for a couple of nights”可知,“我”因为珍贵的表丢了而心情很糟糕,以至于连觉都睡不着,即D项正确。





  答案:C 根据下文的“such tough things”可知,“我”在生活中会遇到许多不好的事情,即C项正确。incident“发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的)”。





  答案:B 根据下文可知,“我”直到读了那篇文章之后,才突然顿悟了生活,知道该如何应对生活中的困境和麻烦,故B项正确。





  答案:A 当那个智者得到一个柠檬时,他说,“我能够从中得到什么教训呢?”lesson“教训”;lemonade“一杯柠檬饮料”;decision“决定”;challenge“挑战”。故A项正确。

  9.A.control B.accept

  C.improve D.avoid

  答案:C 根据下文“How can I turn this lemon into a lemonade”可推知,智者想改善目前的状态。control“控制”;accept“接受”;improve“改善”;avoid“避免”。

  10.A.realized B.thought

  C.discovered D.predicted

  答案:A “我”突然意识到生活中充满了起起落落,因此“我”需要保持时刻乐观。realize“意识到,明白”;think“想”;discover“发现”;predict“预测”。故A项正确。

  11.A.healthy B.independent



  答案:D 与上文的“I used to abandon myself to despair”形成对比,并由下文的“telling her things would get better”可推知,“我”顿悟到生活需要乐观面对,而不是悲观绝望,故D项正确。





  答案:B 根据下文“I should have held her hands in mine, telling her

  things would get better instead of

  __14__and crying”可知,现在当“我”回想过去时,“我”希望自己能够用不同的方式去处理事情,故B项正确。

  13.A.recovery B.life



  答案:A 当妈妈努力争取康复(recovery)时,“我”应该拉着她的手,告诉她一切都会好起来的,而不是躲(hiding)起来哭。故A项正确。

  14.A.shouting B.hiding

  C.quarreling D.regretting

  答案:B 参见上题解析。shout“喊”;hide“隐藏”;quarrel“争吵”;regret“后悔”。

  15.A.expect B.miss

  C.win D.refuse

  答案:C “我”并没有赢得奖项。故C项正确。

  16.A.figured out B.written down

  C.found out D.come across

  答案:D 如果“我”没有遇到这篇文章,“我”肯定又会感到沮丧。figure out“弄明白”;write down“记下”;find out“弄清”;come across“偶遇”。故D项正确。

  17.A.embarrassed B.discouraged

  C.excited D.concerned

  答案:B 根据上文的“I used to abandon myself to despair”和下文的“again”可知,B项正确。

  18.A.performance B.experience

  C.progress D.effect

  答案:B “我”很开心至少“我”得到了一些舞台经验。performance“表演”;experience“经验,经历”;progress“进步”;effect“效应”。故B项正确。

  19.A.brave B.calm

  C.great D.clever

  答案:A 生活中的这些刺帮助我们变得勇敢和坚强。与“strong”呼应可知,A项正确。

  20.A.shows B.makes

  C.gives D.sends

  答案:C 当生活给(gives)我们一个柠檬时,我们要尽力去把它做成一杯柠檬饮料。故C项正确。



  [2015·宁夏银川二中一模]Many people in high school cannot wait to go to college and leave their hometown behind. Questions arise, though, when it comes to all of the decisions involved in choosing a college.

  One of the first considerations may be finance. State and public colleges are often the least expensive. Often, though, the better colleges are private and more expensive. It is sad when gifted students cannot attend a college of their choice just for financial reasons.

  Another major factor is location. Whether the college is in a small town or large city can have a major impact on its activities. A water lover probably will be more comfortable spending four years near an ocean or a lake. Those who cannot tolerate heat will probably be more comfortable at a northern college. Distance from home may also come into consideration. If family is a top priority, that person should stay close to home; on the other hand, if independence is desired, a campus farther from home would be more appropriate.

  School size also plays a major role in the decision process. If

  you want to get to know your teachers, a small college is suitable.

  For those of you who consider yourself a “people_person” and

  want a wide range of activities, a large college is more fitting. Your area of interest is another factor to consider in the decision­making

  process if you want to get the most from your education. The whole point of college is to learn what is of interest to you.

  Crucially (至关重要地), one must take into consideration the colleges by which you can realistically be accepted. An Ivy League school for an average student would probably not be a good match. Similarly, an average school for an above­average student would not work well. The college should provide enough of a challenge for the student to work hard. Although there may not be the perfect college out there, there probably will be one that is close. Those who cannot find a suitable college are probably not looking hard enough.


  1.When it comes to going to college the author thinks ________.

  A.financial situation is the first to consider

  B.students are unwilling to leave their home

  C.students will become homesick

  D.students are eager to attend their ideal university

  答案:A 考查细节理解。根据文章第二段第一句可知应选A项。

  2.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

  A.Students can be independent at college.

  B.A long distance will make students upset.

  C.The location of the college is a main factor.

  D.The climate must be taken into consideration.

  答案:C 考查段落大意。文章第三段讲述了大学所在城市的地理位置是选择大学的一个主要因素。故选C项。

  3.What does the underlined part “people person”

  in the passage mean?

  A.A person of great capacity.

  B.A very particular person.

  C.A very sociable person.

  D.A person of great importance.

  答案:C 考查词义猜测。根据画线词所在的“want a wide range of activities”可知。画线词所表示的是“在大学期间参加很多活动的人”,即喜欢社交的人。故选C项。

  4.Which is the most important factor when choosing a college?

  A.The location of a college.

  B.The examination result.

  C.School size.

  D.The coming challenges.

  答案:B 考查细节理解。根据文章尾段第一句可知,在所有的建议中,至关重要的是选择大学要现实一点,要考虑到你能否被这所大学录取,因此要考虑个人的成绩。故选B项。

  1.consideration n. 考虑

  2.gifted adj. 有天赋的;有才华的

  3.tolerate vt. 忍受;容忍

  4.appropriate adj. 适当的

  5.average adj. 平均的;一般的

  1.on the other hand 另一方面

  2.of interest 有兴趣的

  3.take...into consideration 考虑到……

  原文:Questions arise, though, when it comes to all of the decisions involved in choosing a college.(固定结构)


  仿写:When_it_comes_to_me,_I feel that we student should not pay much attention to our appearance.



  [2015·山西四校联考三]Fund Tianhong Zenglibao has become the first fund in China to hit 100 billion yuan ($16.30 billion) of sales thanks to its cooperation with Yu'ebao, Alibaba's wealth management product.

  Alipay (支付宝), attached to the e­commerce giant Alibaba Group, announced in June it would offer its users the option to directly invest with the private Tianhong Fund using spare cash from Alipay accounts. The business is called Yu'ebao.

  The past five months have seen this fund blossom, owing to the prosperous Internet e­commerce platform, and Singles' Day shopping spree on November 11 had helped Yu'ebao. In the process of a deal on Taobao, once the buyer pays for the order, his or her money is first accepted by Alipay, and then after he or she receives the goods, a final confirmation is made and Alipay then gives the money to the seller. If a buyer forgets to confirm payment, the money is transferred into the seller's account after 10 days by the system.

  Singles' Day had a total volume of 35 billion yuan ($5.75 billion) and thus a large amount of money passed through Alipay's account. Analysts estimated that Alipay may have also bought the fund using the extra income, which powerfully enlarged the scale of Yu'ebao. Profit purchasing investors tend to choose safe financial management tools. The relatively stable yields of Yu'ebao is favored by most customers, the report said.

  Chinese e­commerence giant Alibaba allows consumers to invest their spare cash in the money market funds through its Alipay online payment service. The product, called Yu'ebao, or “Leftovers Treasure”, has netted 130

  billion yuan so far, making the fund's management firm, Tianhong Fund, the country's largest fund management company.

  Meanwhile, due to the cooperation with Alipay, the management scale of Tianhong monetary fund has doubled from 55.653 billion yuan at the end of September to over 100 billion yuan. During Singles' Day, the frequency of payment of Alipay and Yu'ebao

  exceeded 188 million and 16.79 million with total transaction volume at 35 billion yuan and 6 billion yuan.


  5.The fund has been successful so far mainly because ________.

  A.it is the country's largest fund

  B.it was the first fund in China to cooperate with Yu'ebao

  C.consumers can directly invest the spare cash in it through online payment service

  D.the online shopping is prosperous and Singles' Day shopping makes a great contribution

  答案:D 考查细节理解。根据第三段的“The past five months haveseen this fund blossom, owing to the prosperous Internet e­commerce platform, and Singles' Day shopping spree on November 11 had helped Yu'ebao”可知,基金的成功主要在于网购的繁荣和光棍节的购物,即D项正确。

  6.From the passage, we can know that Alipay ________.

  A.allows sellers to invest their spare cash in the money market funds

  B.is attached to Yu'ebao

  C.has doubled to 55.653 billion yuan at the end of September

  D.transfers the money from the buyer to the seller directly

  答案:A 考查推理判断。根据第二段“Alipay (支付宝), attached to the e­commerce giant Alibaba Group, announced in June it would offer its users the option to directly invest with the private Tianhong Fund using spare cash from Alipay accounts. The business is called Yu'ebao.”可知,支付宝允许购买者将多余的钱投资到基金,即A项正确。

  7.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A.Yu'ebao, the right choice to invest

  B.Alibaba helps make China's largest fund

  C.Celestica, the largest fund in China

  D.Alipay, a branch of Alibaba Group

  答案:B 考查文章主旨。根据第一段的内容可知,本文主要讲述了阿里巴巴帮助天弘基金成为中国最大的基金,即B项正确。

  1.attach vt./vi. 使依附;系上;使依恋

  2.confirm vt. 确认;证实


  vi./n. 账户;解释

  4.stable adj. 稳定的;牢固的

  5.exceed vt. 超过;胜过

  1.owing to


  2.in the process of 在……过程中

  3.a large amount of 大量的(修饰不可数名词)

  原文:The product, called Yu'ebao, or “Leftovers Treasure”, has netted 130

  billion yuan so far, making the fund's management firm, Tianhong Fund, the country's largest fund management company. (分词作状语)


  仿写:The construction of the gym caused much noise, making_it_difficult_for_people_nearby_to_sleep.




  [2015·黑龙江哈六中二模]Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control hard to find just when you want it most.__1__ But there are ways to increase your willpower.

  Don't try to change your economic situation, win a promotion and lose weight all on the same morning. Set one clear,

  specific goal and make a realistic plan to achieve it. Extra willpower sometimes requires extra energy, so don't spread yourself too thin.__2__

  Whatever your goal is, don't expect to achieve it overnight. __3__If you are trying to kick a coffee habit, start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass of water, instead of promising never to drink coffee again. Congratulate yourself on the small achievements. These successes help your willpower grow.

  __4__Ask friends, family or colleagues for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help. If your credit card bills have risen, for instance, let friends know that you are cutting back on expenses. Suggest having a common dinner instead of meeting at an expensive restaurant. Find support group or organization related to your goal and attend their meetings. You can get valuable advice, understanding and information.

  If possible, change your environment to encourage positive behavior. Want to get in shape? Keep an set of workout clothes in your office as a reminder to stop by the gym on the way home.Quitting smoking? __5__

  A.Real success takes time.

  B.Focus on one goal at a time.

  C.Change your environment to change your life.

  D.Improve your willpower by a support network.

  E.Changing your behavior requires more than willpower.

  F.Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be attracted to light up.

  G.Breaking a bad habit or forming a new and healthy one can be difficult.


  1.G 根据下文中“But there are ways to increase your willpower.”可知,该空应该讲述的是增加毅力存在的一些问题。

  2.B 上文中“don't spread yourself too thin”说明建议你不要同时做太多事情而使你自己分身乏术。

  3.A 根据上文中“don't expect to achieve it overnight”可知,此题答案为A。

  4.D 根据下文中“Ask friends, family or colleagues for assistance”可知向自己的团队求助,故可知答案为D。

  5.F 根据本段的主题,“change your environment”可知,下文讲述的应该与主题有关,故要想戒烟,就要换个环境,可知答案为F。






  参考词汇:尾气排放:exhaust emission 雾霾天气:hazy











  One possible version:

  Nowadays, the hazy weather frequently appears in our city. It has not only done harm to people's health, but also affected the public transportation. Because of the low visibility, terrible accidents happen every now and then, some highways have to be shut down.

  Obviously, air pollution is the main factor that has resulted in the frequency of hazy weather. At the same time, smoke from burning coal and all kinds of dust are also important factors. Besides, exhaust emission from cars and buses has made the situation even worse.

  In order to protect our environment from becoming worse, we should take actions in no time.We are supposed to reduce the use of coal and boost the use of public transport facilities, aiming to cut down the carbon dioxide emission. If we must use vehicle, try to use the environmental friendly ones, such as, bicycle, green car. With everyone's effort, I believe we will regain a fresh, clean and bright world soon.


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