【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:2-3 议论文a(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:2-3 议论文a(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  [2015·江西新余期末]If you're sick of self­centered twenty­somethings, just remember that they'll be 33 one day. For that's the age when they __1__ the “all about me” attitude, research suggests.

  By then, youthful selfishness __2__ and people begin to consider others' feelings more often. When we reach 33, we are also more likely to make __3__ with parents and grandparents and take a __4__ attitude towards ending quarrels with family or friends.

  The older we get, the more __5__ we are in almost all __6__ of life—with the exception of volunteering in the community, the report suggests. Most people agree that __7__ children is the turning point in changing __8__ attitudes towards other people. This is when we apparently __9__ ourselves worrying more about others and doing things for them, such as checking how they are getting home, __10__ to help with childcare and doing airport runs. And we are more likely to keep an eye out for neighbours, __11__ give up seats to elderly people on public __12__. We will probably also be more __13__ in the community and __14__ to donate money to good causes.

  Those __15__ 33 are most likely to admit being very selfish. 40 percent of this age group, __16__, regularly volunteer for charity or their community—higher than any other age group. Statistically (据统计), the __17__ at which we are most selfish is our teenage years—with some people saying that just growing up made them more likely to consider others. __18__ refer to meeting their partner or buying a house as the __19__ at which they started being more tender­hearted and __20__ others first.


  1.A.have B.hold

  C.lose D.display

  答案:C 首句理解有困难,意为:“如果你厌恶自私的20多岁的青少年,那么请你记住,他们总有一天也会33岁”。all about me“自私的”,结合首句理解可知,C正确。

  2.A.strengthens B.pushes

  C.lessens D.spreads

  答案:C 到了33岁,年轻的自私便会减弱。根据下文“consider others' feelings”可知答案。

  3.A.efforts B.remarks

  C.favors D.funs

  答案:A make efforts with sb.“与某人共同努力”。

  4.A.serious B.positive

  C.negative D.equal

  答案:B positive“积极的”,根据语境可知,到了33岁,人们会在对待问题的态度上发生改变,而且应为积极的一面。

  5.A.selfless B.selfish

  C.wise D.intelligent

  答案:A “年龄越大,人会变得更无私”,根据文章主题可以确定答案。

  6.A.species B.classes

  C.matters D.areas

  答案:D 在人生的所有领域都会是这种情况,除了在社会做志愿工作。

  7.A.having B.abusing

  C.bearing D.loving

  答案:A 通过“Most people agree”可知,此处为大家公认的观点,即:有了孩子会是改变对他人态度的一个转折点。

  8.A.their B.your

  C.our D.his

  答案:C 根据本文讲述的人称是第一人称,以及“other people”可确定答案。

  9.A.deserve B.find

  C.serve D.save

  答案:B 该阶段是我们发现自己开始替别人担心的时期,故选find。

  10.A.supporting B.caring

  C.demanding D.offering

  答案:D 上文提到过为别人担心,可知,该空为主动的帮助照顾孩子。

  11.A.rather than B.instead

  C.as well as D.more than

  答案:C 该部分讲述的是关心他人的种种表现,故as well as“除了……还……”。

  12.A.transport B.system

  C.burden D.interest

  答案:A 让座应发生在公交车上,故答案选A。transport“交通”。

  13.A.devoted B.occupied

  C.involved D.concerned

  答案:C 我们很可能也会更多的参与社区的一些事务。involve“牵涉,涉及”。

  14.A.reluctant B.willing

  C.determined D.promising

  答案:B 更愿意捐钱做一些善举,该空与本段主题相关。

  15.A.at B.beyond

  C.under D.over

  答案:C 上文中讲述的是33岁以上的人倾向于关注他人,而33岁以下的人承认自己自私。

  16.A.Besides B.Therefore

  C.However D.Otherwise

  答案:C 上文承认自己自私,空后讲述的是通常去慈善机构或社区作志愿者,故表转折。

  17.A.stage B.way

  C.call D.mark

  答案:A 与at搭配的名词为stage,表示“在……阶段”,故应选stage,意为:我们最自私的阶段就是我们青少年时期。

  18.A.Others B.Another

  C.The others D.Other

  答案:A 上文中提到的是“some people”,因此,该空为others。

  19.A.key B.point

  C.lesson D.situation

  答案:B 其他人的观点是“遇到自己伴侣或买了房子,看作是他们变得无私,对他人热心肠的转折点”,故选point。

  20.A.rewarding B.wondering

  C.taking D.putting

  答案:D 上文中的and表明该题应与前面more tender­hearted并列,故应选D。


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