【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:3-2-5 名词性从句b(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:3-2-5 名词性从句b(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1.[2015·北京丰台区一模]Wonderful Friends, a show on Hunan TV, is about ________ people get along with animals.

  答案:how 考查宾语从句的用法。从句中不缺少成分,结合语义可知答案是how。句意:奇妙的朋友——湖南台的一栏节目——是关于人类如何与动物相处的。

  2.[2015·北京石景山区一模]One key point of his speech on arts is ________ arts should serve the people.

  答案:that 考查表语从句的用法。从句中不缺少句子成分,也不缺少语义,故填that。句意:他的关于艺术的演讲的重点是艺术应该服务于人。

  3.[2015·陕西渭南一模]________ makes the school famous is ________ more than 90% of the students have been admitted to key universities.

  答案:What; that 考查名词性从句。第一空考查主语从句,从句中缺少主语,故用what;第二空考查表语从句,从句中不缺成分和语义,故填that。句意:超过90%的学生已被重点大学录取使得这所学校闻名。

  4.[2015·四川绵阳二诊]Every student may wonder ________ they'll spend the winter vacation.

  答案:when/where/how 考查宾语从句的用法。从句中不缺少句子成分,结合语义可以填when/where/how。句意:每位学生都想知道他们何时/何地/如何度寒假。

  5.[2015·天津十二区县联考]It has been announced that the award will be given to ________ has made the largest donation to charity this year.

  答案:whoever 考查宾语从句的用法。“to”后的整个句子为其宾语。从句中缺少主语,结合语义填whoever。句意:人们已经公布,这个奖将颁发给在今年给慈善机构捐助最多的人。

  6.[2015·陕西宝鸡联考一]________ he considered a great proposal was turned down by the boss at the meeting.

  答案:What 考查主语从句。从句中缺少主语,且指事,故答案是what。句意:他所认为的好建议在会议上被老板给否决了。

  7.[2015·陕西西安八校联考三]As far as I see, there is no possibility ________ he will win the tennis match this time.

  答案:that 考查同位语从句。从句中既不缺成分也不缺语义,故填that。句意:就我而言,这次的网球比赛他没有赢的可能性。

  8.[2015·福建厦门质检]-What impressed you most in President Xi Jinping's New Year Speech?

  -________ he gave the Chinese people a thumbs­up.

  答案:That 考查主语从句的用法。前句中what提问,后句是一个句子作出回答,因此考查的是主语从句,从句中不缺少成分和语义,所以填that。句意:——在习主席的新年致辞中给你留下印象最深的是什么?——他给全体中国人民竖起大拇指。

  9.[2015·北京海淀区期末]This room isn't actually ________ I wanted when I made my reservation.

  答案:what 考查表语从句。从句中缺少wanted的宾语,且指事,故用what。句意:这个房间事实上并不是我预定时想要的房间。

  10.[2015·重庆巴蜀中学一模]It really matters ________ he treated the latest failure, for the examination is around the corner.

  答案:how 考查主语从句。从句中不缺少句子成分,结合语义可知答案是how。句意:他如何对待最近的失利真的很重要,因为马上要考试了。



  [2015·河南郑州质量预测二]Two weeks before Christmas, two little girls were walking down the street __1__ they saw old Harry, who was on his knees pulling weeds around a tree. He wore a pair of worn gloves. His fingers were sticking out __2__ the ends, blue from the cold. They stopped to talk to him.

  Harry told them he __3__ (get) the yard in shape as a Christmas gift for his mother, who had died several years before. “My mother was all I had. She loved her yard and trees, so I do this for her every Christmas.”

  His words touched the girls and soon they __4__ (join)him, pulling weeds. When they finished, Harry pressed acoin into each of their hands. “I wish I could pay you more, but that's all I've got right now,” he said.

  The girls had often passed his house, and theyremembered that it had always been __5__ poor condition. No decorations to add cheeriness were anywhere in sight.

  As they walked on, the coin in one little girl's hand seemed to burn a hole of __6__ (guilty). The next day she called her friends __7__ they agreed to put their coins in a jar marked “Harry's Christmas Gift”. Then they began to seekout small jobs to earn more. Every coin they earned went intothe jar.

  Finally, they had enough __8__ (buy) new gloves. OnChristmas Eve they were on Harry's doorstep singing carols. They presented him with the gloves. With __9__ (tremble) hands, he held the gloves to his face and wept. No doubt he once again felt __10__ love of others as the girls reached out to him.

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________


  1.when 考查连词。根据固定句型be doing... when....可知,应用连词when引导时间状语从句。

  2.of/from/through 考查介词。根据语境可知,Harry的手指头从破旧的手套中露了出来。

  3.was getting/would get 考查动词时态。根据语境可知,两个女孩停下来和Harry交谈,问他为什么要这么做,于是Harry告诉了她们自己的打算,故表示将来的事情,即用过去将来时was getting/would get。

  4.joined 考查动词时态。根据“and”的提示可知,前后时态应一致,故用一般过去时,与“touched”呼应。

  5.in 考查介词。根据固定短语搭配in...condition“处于……状态”可知,应用介词in。

  6.guilt 考查词性转换。介词后应跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用名词guilt作介词of的宾语。

  7.and 考查连词。根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的并列关系,故用连词and。

  8.to buy 考查非谓语动词。此处为不定式表示目的。

  9.trembling 考查非谓语动词。此处是现在分词作定语,意为“颤抖的”,表示正在进行的动作。

  10.the 考查冠词。根据语境可知,“love”被介词短语“of others”修饰,表示限定的概念,故用定冠词the。


  [2015·江西八校联考] In Florida on Thanksgiving Day, I was surfing the channel guide for CNN, hoping to find out whether a decision had been reached in the Michael Brown case (the case of a police officer who shot an unarmed teenager Michael Brown on Aug. 9,2017). I said, looking at the television screen, “Ihope they __1__ him.”

  My mother's tone pierced (刺破) the __2__. “Why, why would you hope for that?” I exhaled (呼出), knowing I was about to have __3__ uncomfortable conversation with my mother, the retired __4__.

  “He was unarmed, Ma,” Isaidto her. “__5__he wasa kid.”

  To her, even if only for a moment, I was just anotherasshole (蠢货) on the street. I __6__ it in her face, and it was terrible. She said __7__, “You don't know the wholestory; you haven't seen the evidence. Whether you like it or not, the cop is innocent __8__ proven guilty.” I stayed __9__ as she continued. “And he wasn't a kid, he was __10__. What if that was me facing Michael Brown? I wouldn't have __11__ a chance.”

  My 5'8 mother couldn't have __12__ a 6'4 man without a weapon. I would want her to pull out her gun and fire until she came home to me because that's my mom and it's my job to get crazy when I think of her in __13__. Just like when I __14__ the man who slapped her face and knocked her to the ground, bile (胆汁) rises in my throat.

  This is my experience. I __15__ in a household where my mother and stepfather wore guns and __16__. They always came home with __17__; some I could hear, and some __18__ in the kitchen. We gathered together at night with my two younger sisters to watch TV as a family: “Rescue 911” “America's Most Wanted” “Law & Order”—all the 90s cops shows. We watched “Picket Fences” until the __19__ where the cop killer got off, and my mother and I had our first uncomfortable conversation when I said he might be __20__. After that, we had to boycott (抵制) the show.


  1.A.forgive B.praise

  C.free D.accuse

  答案:D 通读全文可知,“我”希望他们控告(accuse)他。forgive“原谅”;praise“表扬”;free“释放”。故D项正确。

  2.A.soul B.air

  C.throat D.case

  答案:B 母亲的声音刺破了天空(air)。soul“心灵”;throat“喉咙”;case“实例”。故B项正确。

  3.A.another B.any

  C.this D.that

  答案:A “我”吐了口气,知道要和“我”的妈妈——这位退休的警察(cop)有另外一场不愉快的谈话了。another“又一,另一”;any“任一”;this“这”;that“那”。由最后一段的“our first uncomfortable conversation”可知,A项正确。

  4.A.cop B.justice

  C.housewife D.lawyer

  答案:A 参见上题解析。最后一段的第二句中也有提示,母亲是警察。justice“法官”;housewife“家庭主妇”;lawyer“律师”。故A项正确。

  5.A.But B.So

  C.And D.Yet

  答案:C “我”对妈妈说:“他手无寸铁,而且(And)还是个孩子”。but“但是”;so“因此”;yet“然而”。故C项正确。

  6.A.watched B.touched

  C.saw D.felt

  答案:C 在她的脸上,“我”明白了(saw)这一点。watch“看,注视”;touch“触摸”;feel“感到”。故C项正确。

  7.A.naturally B.seriously

  C.mildly D.anxiously

  答案:B 她严肃地说:“你不知道整个故事,你没有看见证据。”naturally“自然地”;seriously“严肃地”;mildly“温和地”; anxiously“忧虑地”。故B项正确。

  8.A.if B.when

  C.though D.until

  答案:D 无论你喜欢与否,在证明这个警察有罪之前,他都是无罪的。if“如果”;when“当……时”;though“尽管”;until“直到……为止”。故D项正确。

  9.A.easy B.awake

  C.sleepy D.quiet

  答案:D 当她继续说时,“我”保持安静。easy“容易的”;awake”醒着的”;sleepy“困倦的”;quiet“安静的”。故D项正确。

  10.A.enormous B.typical

  C.energetic D.troublesome

  答案:A 妈妈说:“他不是个孩子,而是庞大的(enormous),要是我面对Michael Brown会怎么办呢?我将不会有成功的可能。”typical“典型的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;troublesome “讨厌的”。故A项正确。

  11.A.made B.given

  C.missed D.stood

  答案:D stand a chance“有成功的可能性”。make“使产生”;give“给”;miss“错过”。故D项正确。

  12.A.calmed down B.taken down

  C.let down D.fallen down

  答案:B 如果没有武器,“我”的母亲不可能拿下(taken down)一位高个的男人。calm down“镇定”;let down“使失望”;fall down“跌倒”。故B项正确。

  13.A.tears B.despair

  C.danger D.vain

  答案:C 当“我”想起她处在危险之中(in danger)时,“我”就会发疯。in tears“流泪”;in despair“在绝望中”;in vain“徒劳”。故C项正确。

  14.A.picture B.mirror

  C.shape D.draw

  答案:A 当“我”想象(picture)这个扇她的脸、把她推倒在地的人时,胆汁涌向了“我”的喉咙。mirror“反映”;shape“形成”;draw“画”。故A项正确。

  15.A.was born B.was adopted

  C.brought up D.grew up

  答案:D “我”在这样一个家庭长大(grew up)——“我”的母亲和继父都拥有枪支和无线电收发设备(radios)。bear“生育”;adopt“收养”;bring up“养育”。故D项正确。

  16.A.radios B.glasses

  C.watches D.earphones

  答案:A 参见上题解析。glasses“眼镜”;earphone“耳机”;watch“手表”。故A项正确。

  17.A.gifts B.stories

  C.snacks D.shows

  答案:B 他们总是带回家一些故事(stories)。gift“礼物”;snack“小吃”;show“娱乐表演”。故B项正确。

  18.A.delivered B.enjoyed

  C.tasted D.whispered

  答案:D 一些故事“我”能听到,而有些是在厨房里小声说的。whisper“低语”;deliver“发表”;enjoy“欣赏”;taste“尝”。故D项正确。

  19.A.adventure B.accident

  C.incident D.contradiction

  答案:C 在这位杀人的警察免去了这次事件(incident)的罪责之前,我们一直在看“Picket Fences”。adventure“冒险”;accident“事故”;contradiction“矛盾”。故C项正确。

  20.A.lucky B.innocent

  C.flexible D.ridiculous

  答案:B 当“我”说他可能是无辜的(innocent)的时候,“我”与母亲有了第一次不愉快的谈话。lucky“幸运的”;flexible“灵活的”;ridiculous“荒唐的”。故B项正确。



  [2015·吉林长春质检三]Raised in a motherless home, my father was extremely tightfisted towards us children. His attitude didn't soften as I grew into adulthood and went to college. I had to ride the bus whenever I came home. Though the bus stopped about two miles from home, Dad never met me, even in severe weather. If I grumbled,_he'd say in his loudest father­voice, “That's what your legs are for!”

  The walk didn't bother me as much as the fear of walkingalone along the highway and country roads. I also felt lessthan valued that my father didn't seem concerned about mysafety. But that feeling was canceled one spring evening.

  It had been a particularly difficult week at college after long hours in labs. I longed for home. When the bus reached the stop, I stepped off and dragged my suitcase to begin the long journey home.

  A row of hedges (树篱) edged the driveway that climbed the hill to our house. Once I had turned off the highway to start the last lap of my journey, I always had a sense of relief to see the hedges because it meant that I was almost home. On that particular evening, the hedges had just come into view when I saw something gray moving along the top of the hedges, moving toward the house. Upon closer observation, I realized it was the top of my father's head. Then I knew, each time I'd come home, he had stood behind the hedges, watching, until he knew I had arrived safely. I swallowed hard against the tears. He did care, after all.

  On later visits, that spot of gray became my watchtower. I could hardly wait until I was close enough to watch for its secret movement above the greenery. Upon reaching home, I would find my father sitting innocently in his chair. “So, my son, it's you!” he'd say, his face lengthening into pretended surprise.

  I replied, “Yes, Dad, it's me. I'm home.”


  1.What does the underlined word “grumbled” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

  A.Accepted happily. B.Explained clearly.

  C.Agreed willingly. D.Spoke unhappily.

  答案:D  考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的“Though the bus stopped about two miles from home, Dad never met me, even in severe weather”以及本段最后一句父亲的话“That's what your legs are for”可知,作者是在抱怨,因此选择D。

  2.What made the author feel upset was ________.

  A.the tiredness after long hours in labs

  B.the fear of seeing something moving

  C.the feeling of being less than valued

  D.the loneliness of riding the bus home

  答案:C 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“I also felt less than valued that my father didn't seem concerned about my safety”可知,作者感觉不受父亲重视。

  3.The author's father watched behind the hedges because ________.

  A.he was concerned about his son's safety

  B.he wanted to help his son build up courage

  C.he didn't want to meet his son at the doorway

  D.he didn't think his son was old enough to walk alone

  答案:A 考查推理判断。根据第四段的“until he knew I had arrived safely”以及“He did care, after all”可推知,父亲是很在意作者的安全的。

  4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

  A.My Father's Secret

  B.My College Life

  C.My Terrible Journey Home

  D.Riding the Bus Alone

  答案:A 考查标题判断。通读全文可知,父亲以独特的不表露出来的爱陪伴着作者的成长,最后作者发现了父亲的这个秘密,并体会到了父亲的关爱。因此A项“父亲的秘密”最切合文章的主题。

  1.severe adj. 严竣的;严厉的 2.bother vt. 烦扰;使……不安

  3.cancel vt. 取消;删去 4.relief n. 减轻;安慰

  5.swallow vt. 忍受;吞没 6.lengthen v. 延长;变长

  1.be concerned about 关心;挂念

  2.come into view 看得见;进入视野

  原文:Upon reaching home,I would find my father sitting innocently in his chair. (现在分词作宾补)


  仿写:He found__his_son_surrounded by letters and papers and looking_upset.



  [2015·河北石家庄一模]Picking a university is a tense period of asking yourself which institution is most relevant.That's why university rankings play such a vital role in students searching for their next academic direction. Rankings are also an inescapable part of the reputation and brand image of universities. “No university website is complete without the claim to be in the top 100 for something or other,” reported the BBC. The reason is simple: rankings help them to attract students, staff and research investment.

  Currently there are numbers of university rankings, and each has its own list of criteria. But the main categories are the same: academic reputations, graduates' performance and faculty resources.

  However, experts point out the ranking process isn't entirely reliable. Mark Kantrowitz, a US financial aid researcher, said university rankings were mostly just for show. He wrote in The New York Times, “It may give your parents better bragging rights, but that's about it.”

  Moreover, it's not difficult to see the limitations of university rankings. Many rankings focus on the number of times research work is cited (引用) by other researchers. It helps British and US universities to dominate global rankings because English is the favored language of academia, John O'Leary, a member of the QS Global Academic Advisory Board, told The Guardian.

  Also, rankings such as QS mainly focus on the qualities of the university rather than its students. “Any university ranking is likely to help students make better decisions about where to study, but the need to balance them with other more human factors is also important,” said Phil Moss, an education and admissions consultant. “Advice from graduates or current students can be valuable in providing a genuine insight into the experience or quality of a particular degree program. It can also add an element that rankings can never convey—the actual emotion of a university experience.”


  5.Why do universities consider rankings important?

  A.Rankings make them more appealing.

  B.Rankings are students' only reference.

  C.Rankings can increase their academic level.

  D.Rankings help them complete their websites.

  答案:A  考查细节理解。根据第一段的最后一句“The reason is simple:rankings help them to attract students,staff and research investment”可知,因为排名能够让大学更有吸引力,因此应选择A。

  6.What does the underlined “It” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

  A.Academic research work.

  B.The number of researches.

  C.The way of ranking universities.

  D.The limitations of university rankings.

  答案:C 考查代词指代。根据第四段的第二句“Many rankings focus on the number of times research work is cited(引用)by other researchers”可知,许多大学的排名关注于科研成果被其他研究人员引用的次数,所以“It”指的是“大学排名的方式”,因此应选择C。

  7.According to John O'Leary, what helps British and US universities rank well?

  A.The wide use of English in academia.

  B.Their outstanding qualities.

  C.Their graduates' excellent performance.

  D.The academia's favor to them.

  答案:A 考查细节理解。根据第四段第三句中的“It helps British and US universities to dominate global rankings because English is the favored language of academia”可知,应选择A。

  8.Besides rankings, what does Phil Moss suggest you should refer to if you're picking a university?

  A.Investment in education.

  B.Guidance from professors.

  C.Information on websites.

  D.Suggestions from students.

  答案:D 考查细节理解。根据最后一段的“Advice from graduates or current students can be valuable in providing a genuine insight”可知,可以征询学生的建议,因此应选择D。

  1.tense adj. 拉紧的;紧张的

  2.relevant adj. 有关的;适宜的;切题的

  3.reputation n. 名声;名誉4.balance n./vt. 权衡;平衡

  5.convey v. 表达;传递

  1.point out 指出…… 2.focus on 集中

  3.rather than 而不是

  原文:That's why university rankings play such a vital role in students searching for their next academic direction. (表语从句)


  仿写:The problems are how_we_should make_full_use_ of/make the_most_ of_the_modern_technology.



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