【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:4-1 短文改错b(含解析)-查字典英语网
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【金版教程】2017高考英语二轮复习训练:4-1 短文改错b(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  [2015·百校联盟核心卷一]I've never been an athlete. I've never been much ___1___ in sports since I stopped playing football. I tried tennis, softball, running and swimming, all of which unluckily ended in ___2___.

  I'm definitely not an athlete, ___3___ I try to do it, especially in my “mid­life” years. It brings a ___4___ to my mind: when did I hit mid­life? When I reached thirty, then forty, I thought my life was ___5___. When I hit fifty, I was excited, because I was ___6___ to join an organization called AARP. My husband was ___7___ excited and joined too!

  Fifty became the magic age. I knew that as long as I was in good

  ___8___, I'd probably have a good fifty years ___9___ me. Then came the illness.

  When illness hit me, I found that I actually ___10___ the solitude (独居). I was “experiencing” this mid­life season, and no longer ___11___ every wonderful moment.

  It's not always ___12___. Washing a pile of dishes can take an entire day, but I don't push myself too much. So, I ___13___ to make the bed as I watch the rosy glow of dawn meet the rising sun. I have

  ___14___ to walk with my little dog. I stay with my happy dog, sniff the air and gaze out at ___15___ but study the sky.

  I get to ___16___ the day with a smile every morning. I get to say “good­night” to the sunsets. I've studied a lot of ___17___, in the last five years, and I've never seen two that were alike. I've gotten to

  ___18___ about the mysteries of life.

  I feed the birds, and I take great ___19___ in their multicolored hues (样子), especially in the spring. I laugh at myself, and take great interest in my life. For I have come to ___20___ what real health is. With REAL health, you truly have everything.





  答案:A 考查动词。由“I've never been an athlete.”可得提示,“我”停止踢足球后就没再对运动感兴趣了(interested)。





  答案:D 考查名词。由unluckily可推知,“我”不是运动员,是因为“我”在这方面的尝试都失败了(failure)。





  答案:B 考查连词。下文讲到,“我”到了50岁才开始醒悟,开始放慢生活的节奏。但在30岁时,“我”还是在进行努力的尝试。I'm definitely(绝对)not an athlete和I try to do it之间有转折关系,故用but连接。





  答案:C 考查名词。由后文的问题when did I hit mid­life?可知,“我”想起了一个问题(question)。





  答案:A 考查形容词。在30岁、40岁的时候“我”不停地经历失败,“我”认为“我”的生活结束(over)了。





  答案:D 考查形容词。50岁的时候,“我”改变了以前的想法,是因为“我”能够(able)参加AARP了。





  答案:B 考查副词。由丈夫“joined too!”的做法可知,他对“我”能够参加AARP感到特别的(especially)高兴。





  答案:C 考查名词。由下文的“Then came the illness”可知,“我”认为只要“我”的身体好,未来还有很好的50年等着“我”去度过。

  9.A.in face of

  B.in honor of

  C.in terms of

  D.ahead of

  答案:D 考查介词短语。这50年是指未来的50年。ahead of“在……之前”。





  答案:A 考查动词。由下文的“I watch the rosy glow of dawn meet the rising sun.”等做法可知,“我”喜欢这种独居的生活方式。





  答案:C 考查动词。由下文的“but I don't push myself too much”,“我”不强迫自己像以前那样匆匆忙忙地过日子,说明“我”不想错过(missing)生活中的每个美好时光。





  答案:B 考查形容词。下文的“洗碗要花上一整天”说明了“我”想要享受生活的愿望不容易(easy)实现。





  答案:D 考查动词。“我”不想太催促自己(I don't push myself too much),所以“我”会经常忘记(forget)整理床铺。





  答案:A 考查名词。“我”不强迫自己,“我”就有时间(time)去遛狗。





  答案:B 考查副词。“我”现在不赶忙,只是享受生活。“我”想看天空的时候,其他哪里也不看。





  答案:C 考查动词。“我”现在以积极的心态迎接生活,不再像以前那样匆匆忙忙。





  答案:D 考查名词。前文的“I get to say ‘good­night’ to the sunsets”说明“我”对夕阳研究了(study)很多。





  答案:A 考查动词。前文的“I've never seen two that were alike”说明“我”了解了(know)生活的奥秘。





  答案:C 考查名词。由下文的“take great interest in my life”可知,“我”很开心地(delight)看到鸟儿的样子。





  答案:B 考查动词。由下文的“With REAL health, you truly have everything”可知,“我”已经懂得了(understand)真正的健康意味着什么。



  [2015·河北七校联考]Recently I came in contact with the true meaning of love. That would have been, Kane, a boy. Kane was the two­year­old son of Jolene, my new neighbor.

  At a glance Kane was a sight. He'd been born with hard sticks for legs. And on that morning I witnessed the effect that Kane's physical shortcomings had on his family. But I also witnessed much more than that.

  I saw an extraordinary family that embraced this special child, a family that wouldn't allow Kane to know he was different. Jolene had constructed a small cart just a few inches off the floor for his son to get around. Using his hands to move, Kane moved the cart to “go to” any place just as everyone else was able to do. Kane worked that little cart like a master. Kane was a vital focus of the entire family. He was more than just a member of the family, he was the soul. This child was the driver, the motivator, and the founder of much of the interaction.

  Much later in my life, I came to realize that God had sent this child to help some of us who just weren't getting what love was all about. Even with my limited capacity for understanding at the time that Kane was a highly­developed spirit with great wisdom.

  Kane demanded attention, but not because of his mobility challenges or other apparent shortcomings. In his mind, he had no challenges or shortcomings. The truth is that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer.

  Kane was and still is a lot of warm and powerful energy sent to us all, so we might learn that love is beyond all things. Kane, a fragile yet lovely baby, was here to teach us all an important lesson. And at the age of two he did just that.

  这是一篇关于什么是爱的文章,通过描述“我”的邻居 Kane,一个两岁大但身体有缺陷的孩子的家庭成长环境,告诉我们:爱可以战胜一切困难。

  1.How did the author think of Kane's family members?

  A.It was ridiculous for them to make a cart for Kane.

  B.They were greatly brave to face all the difficulties.

  C.They were strange because they locked Kane at home.

  D.It was respectable for them to start their own business.

  答案:B 考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“I saw an extraord-

  inary family that embraced this special child, a family that wouldn't allow Kane to know he was different”可推知,这个家庭勇敢地面对所有的困难,故选B项。

  2.How did Kane “go to” everywhere he wanted to go?

  A.By moving his cart with his own hands.

  B.By asking his father to lead him ahead with a stick.

  C.By asking his grandparents to push him everywhere.

  D.With the help of a babysitter employed for him.

  答案:A 考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Using his hands to move, Kane moved the cart...was able to do”可知,Kane用他的双手移动手推车,故选A项。

  3.Kane needed attention because he wanted to show ________.

  A.he could challenge his difficulties in moving

  B.he had challenges or shortcomings in his life

  C.he had the power to prove he was capable, too

  D.he himself needed to be looked after by others

  答案:C 考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“The truth is that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer”可知,他需要关注是因为他想证明他能提供很多,故选C项。

  4.What can we learn from Kane's story?

  A.Love me, love my dog.

  B.Pure gold fears no fire.

  C.Love is above all things.

  D.Many hands make light work.

  答案:C 考查主旨大意。根据最后一段中的“so we might learn that love is beyond all things”可知,爱高于一切,故选C项。

  1.shortcoming n. 毛病;缺点 2.construct vt. 建造;构造

  3.entire adj. 全部的;整个的

  4.apparent adj. 显然的;表面上的

  5.fragile adj. 脆的;易碎的

  1.more than 不仅仅;超过

  2.because of 因为

  3.at the age of 在某人……岁时

  原文:I saw an extraordinary family that embraced this special child, a family that wouldn't allow Kane to know he was different. (同位语)


  仿写:It is a world full of wonders, a_world_where_anything_ can_happen.




  D.C. is No. 1

  It is best known as a city of monument. In the middle of traffic circles or on street corners,

  you'll find statues,

  plaques (匾牌),

  and simple blocks of marble there.

  They honor the people who helped shape the US.

  And on Oct. 20, Lonely Planet, one of the world's largest travel guides, named Washington D. C. the No. 1 city in its list of “Best in Travel 2015”.

  “The year 2015 is a fantastic year to visit Washington D. C.,” Tom Hall, editorial director of Lonely Planet, told The Guardian. “The 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination (暗杀)

  makes this year big for Washington D. C. The famous top hat of American's 16th president and the gun that fired the deadly shot will be on display. Add that to its incredible eats, performing arts and museums. The nation's capital is looking better than ever.”

  There are a lot of free museums in the city.

  When British scientist James Smithson died in 1829, he left a will giving his money to the United States to open a museum at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution. It has turned out

  to be a wonderful gift, and the institution now covers 19

  museums. And of course, no Washington tour is complete without seeing the White House, the Capitol, and the Supreme Court,

  which are home to the three pillars


  of the US government. But there is more to explore in the center of US power. It is a city you can walk across, with wide­open avenues, old neighborhoods,

  and river views.

  And as USA

  Today notes, diversity is another reason to “fall in love with the city”. “There is a lot of diversity in Washington D.C., seen in its people, its neighborhoods and its landmarks. From Chinatown to Little Ethiopia, visiting the nation's capital is like seeing the world in one trip” said the newspaper.


  5.One of the reasons why Washington

  D.C. is worth a visit in 2015 is that ________.

  A.food and performing arts there are much better than anywhere else in the world

  B.the top hat of 15th president of America will be on show in the year 2015

  C.seeing the museums will make your tour in Washington D.C. complete

  D.the diversity of the city offers you an opportunity to see more in one trip

  答案:D 考查细节理解。根据文章第五段中的“diversity is another reason to‘fall in love with the city’”和“From Chinatown to...in one trip” 可知,多元化的华盛顿可以让你在一次旅行中看到更多,故选D项。

  6.Which of the following details is right according to the article?

  A.The 150th anniversary of Lincoln's assassination makes the tour more worthwhile.

  B.The first reason why Washington D.C. is worth a visit is that it is the capital of the country.

  C.Lonely Planet decides to make Washington D.C. a most­visited place in 2015.

  D.All the museums in Washington D.C. were named after the Smithsonian Institution.

  答案:A 考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination(暗杀)makes this year big for Washington D.C.” 可知,林肯被刺杀150周年纪念将成为华盛顿旅游的一大亮点,A项正确;B项文章中并未提到华盛顿值得一游的第一个原因是它是美国的首都;C项歪曲原文,《孤独星球》的编辑主任介绍了2015年华盛顿的情况,但并不是他们决定让华盛顿成为2015年最值得旅游的城市;D项说所有的博物馆太过绝对。

  7.What is USA Today, according to the last paragraph?

  A.A well­known company.

  B.A newspaper.

  C.An advanced institution.

  D.A website.

  答案:B 考查细节理解。根据最后一段“And as USA Today notes... said the newspaper”可知,USA Today是一份报纸。

  1.monument n. 纪念碑

  2.fantastic adj. 奇异的;极好的

  3.display vt./n. 显示;炫耀

  4.explore vt. 探索;探测 5.diversity n. 多样性;差异

  1.turn out 生产;结果是;证明是;原来是

  2.be home to 为……的所在地/发源地

  3.fall in love with 爱上;喜欢

  原文:When British scientist James Smithson died in 1829, he left a will giving his money to the United States to open a museum at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution. (分词作状语)


  仿写:The zookeeper tricked the monkey back into its cage using_a_bunch_of_bananas.




  Freeflyers: Modern SkydiversImagine falling towards the planet Earth at ___1___ awesome speed of 300 kilometers per hour. You start your fall from over four kilometers above the Earth. And you have less than one minute before you

  pull your parachute


  cord. You are falling ___2___ fast that just turning your head can send you off ___3___ a different direction. This is the wild

  side of the sport-freeflying-that has not found its limit.

  Freeflying ___4___ (base) on the more traditional skydiving, ___5___ of which are eye­catching. However, it is more terrifying to watch freeflyers create formations and movements. Freeflyers, ___6___ the name suggests, enjoy the more spontaneous (自发的) thrill of doing their own things.

  The wildest trip for a freeflyer is falling “head down”. Falling “head down”

  requires a great deal of control, which means ___7___ (travel) not only fast but also steadily. Even the slightest movement has a great effect on your direction.

  They wear the amusing jumpsuits, strange helmets and smaller parachutes. ___8___ (actual), their parachutes are about one quarter the size of the traditional skydivers' parachutes. It is only in the last few years ___9___ freeflying has gained some real public ___10___ (accept).

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________


  1.an 考查冠词。at a speed of是固定结构,“以……的速度”,因空格后面的awesome的读音以元音音素开头,故此处应填an。

  2.so 考查固定结构。so...that...是固定结构,此处引导结果状语从句。

  3.in 考查介词。in a different direction是固定结构,“朝着一个不同的方向”。

  4.is based 考查动词的时态和语态。根据上下文语境可知,此处应用一般现在时,be based on“以……为基础”,故本题应填is based。

  5.both 考查代词。此处用both指代Freeflying和the more traditional skydiving。

  6.as 考查连词。语境表示“正如这个名字所暗示的那样”。

  7.travel(l)ing 考查非谓语动词。此处考查的是非谓语动词作宾语,当mean表示“意味”这一含义时,后接动名词。

  8.Actually 考查词性转化。此处应该用副词修饰句子,所以应填actual的副词形式。

  9.that 考查强调句。此处强调的是句中的状语,故用that。

  10.acceptance 考查名词。根据空格前的some可知,此处应填名词。


  [2015·浙江质检]I am a 15­year­old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, but I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano and surf the Internet.

  One of my favorite hobby is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Read Shakespeare's works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Socrates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers is. Reading Lu Xun, I come back to the old times of China.

  Reading can enrich my knowledge, so we like reading very much.


  I am a

  student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study,

  I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano and

  the Internet.

  One of my favorite

  is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not

  kill the time, but also, more , help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot.

  Shakespeare's works, I know

  Hamlet looks like. Reading Socrates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers . Reading Lu Xun, I come back to the old times of China.

  Reading can enrich my knowledge, so

  like reading very much.


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