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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (2016高考训练)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。体裁:影评 话题:电影故事 词数:370 时间:8′

  Few of us haven't read Cinderella,the story of a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince of her dreams.Some might not want to admit it,but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone's heart—we all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity(默默无闻).

  Mary Santiago has that secret dream,too.Her story is featured in Another Cinderella Story,a film set in a U.S.high school.

  Mary is shy but loves to dance.Compared with other girls,she is invisible.However,her world changes completely when a famous teenager pop singer,Joey Parker,appears.

  Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not—kind,handsome and desirable.Mary and Joey's paths cross at a ball.They meet and fall in love with each other.But when Mary has to rush back home,she leaves behind her MP3 player,which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl of his dreams.Of course,there

  is a wicked stepmother,who turns out to be Dominique Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies.Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does everything she can to make sure Mary doesn't get into the top dance school.Her two daughters are equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary,even if that means embarrassing her.

  The story,though it mostly follows Cinderella,does add a few modern day twists to the classic fairy tale.Refreshingly,the film,unlike many high school films,does not focus on looks,although the actors are all beautiful.There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar movies.

  “The movie takes the Cinderella fairy tale as its jumping­off point,” writes the movie critic Amber Wilkinson.“Yet the focus is firmly on following your dream.”

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇影评。讲述的是一部以灰姑娘的童话故事为蓝本的新电影——《灰姑娘之舞动奇迹》。

  1.In the movie,Mary Santiago is the main character who ________.

  A.is brave in expressing her love

  B.is badly treated by the stepmother

  C.has a dream of meeting a prince

  D.is embarrassed by the pop singer

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段第五句中的...there is a wicked stepmother...可知答案为B项。]

  2.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.Joey is just like other boys in Mary's class.

  B.The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.

  C.Not many people have a dream to be realized.

  D.Mary's mother influences her a lot in singing.

  答案 B [推理判断题。根据文章第四段第四句中的...MP3 player,which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl...可知答案。由第四段第一句可排除A项;由第一段可排除C项;由第四段第五句可排除D项。]

  .What does the movie critic Amber Wilkinson mean by his words about Another Cinderella Story?

  A.The movie is exactly another copy of the Cinderella fairy tale.

  B.The movie is as good as the story Cinderella.

  C.The movie and Cinderella both focus on following your dream.

  D.The movie is based on the story Cinderella while a little different from it.

  答案 D [细节理解题。在安伯·威尔金森所说的话:The movie takes the Cinderella fairy tale as its jumping­off point...Yet the focus is firmly on following your dream.中,jumping­off point意为“出发点”。说明了这部电影源于灰姑娘的故事,都以追逐梦想为主题,但这部新电影又略有不同。]

  .The passage is mainly about ________.

  A.an introduction to Mary Santiago

  B.a review about a film

  C.an essay about dreams

  D.an advertisement of Cinderella

  答案 B [主旨大意题。通读全文可知这是一篇影评。]2016高考英语阅读理解集训阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。The new world of today introduced new threats that were not known in the previous generations: Internet predators(掠夺者). Often we do a lot of our researching, shopping, talking; just about everything online nowadays. New advancements in revolution comes along with the unwanted attackers. There are people out there who gain pleasure from, interrupting and taking from our peaceful lives what’s not rightfully theirs. But like with everything, there are indeed counteractive measures that can be set in place to fend off these predators from such damage. I’d like to introduce the Guardian Eye.

  Within this program is a complex program which has several functions to create a safe atmosphere for whomever uses the computer, It has the ability to track and log every key stroke, every website that has ever been accessed, takes screenshots of web pages, blocks web pages according to content and even sends you messages via email once conspicuous(可疑的) activity has been reported and logged. Just think, you or child could be browsing and searching through the Internet and inappropriate content pops up with several different windows. You try to click out of the windows but you accidentally click one which releases spyware, infecting your computer. Guardian Eye blocks unwanted content from popping up or appearing to the users, which I thought was extremely convenient. In this way there is not even the slightest temptation.

  This product helps prevent damage from being done to your computer and worse, your identity. It’s quite the product and it offers a little version so you may try it out first. If you’d like the full package, it’s a once time fee 39.99 and can be installed on unlimited computers for your convenience. It’s a nice deal and I’m considering getting it again considering I do a lot of writing on various websites myself.

  25. In what way is Guardian Eye most useful to kids?

  A. It stops them from opening too many windows.

  B. It makes them aware of conspicuous activity.

  C. It keeps them from seeing unwanted contents.

  D. It stops spyware from entering the computer.

  26. We can infer from the last paragraph?

  A. you have to pay for Guardian Eye every year.

  B.the author has never used Guardian Eye.

  C. you can use Guardian Eye for free.

  D. Guardian Eye is economical to use

  27. For what purpose does the author writer the text?

  A. To recommend a software to us.

  B. To describe how to use a software.

  C. To ask us to pay attention to online safety.

  D. To tell us how to fend off online predators.

  参考答案25-27 CDA


  The National Park Service in the United States will mark its one hundredth anniversary in 2016. As it nears its second century, the Park Service plans to increase its educational programs for students and teachers.

  The plans include transportation support for one hundred thousand students each year to visit national parks to learn about nature and history. Yellowstone is believed to have been the world's first national park when it was established in 1872. Other students will get a chance to see parks in faraway places through Skype and other online programs.

  The National Park Service also works with partners to provide education. One of its partners is a nonprofit organization called NatureBridge. NatureBridge is celebrating its fortieth anniversary and says one million young people have taken part in its programs. The organization works with students from kindergarten through twelfth grade and uses national parks as its classrooms. It provides field science programs at Yosemite National Park and four other locations in California and the northwestern state of Washington.

  Now, NatureBridge is launching an East Coast center with a four-million-dollar grant from Google. The program will begin in April at the Prince William Forest Park in Virginia. Students stay for three to five days in NatureBridge programs. The activities are aimed at developing their science skills. For example, they learn about different soils and study water quality under a microscope.

  Jason Morris is executive vice president of NatureBridge. He says when they are not sleeping, eating or in a laboratory, the students spend their time outdoors. Julia Washburn is associate director of education and interpretation for the National Park Service. She says in a time of budget cuts, the agency has to find ways to still meet its goals. Ms. Washburn says one of the most important services that the Park Service provides every day is nature interpretation. Park rangers (公园管理员) try to make visiting the outdoors more meaningful. Interpretation is a form of informal education. Essentially, it is a word that we use for the people in parks that explain the park or help orient(确定方向) you. So park rangers are interpreters. They orient you to the place you are in and help you make connections, emotional and intellectual connections, with the place.

  72. Which of the following description about NatureBridge is NOT correct?

  It’s an organization working together with National Park Service to provide education.

  Some of the activities held by NatureBridge are financially supported by Google.

  Students from kindergarten to college can sign up for the organization’s activities.

  It’s going to cut down budget for the activities because of economic hard times.

  73. In which national park will the program by East Coast centre start?

  A. Yellowstone National Park


  Prince William Forest Park

  C. Yosemite National Park

  D. Not mentioned in the passage.

  74. What’s the main idea of the passage?

  National parks are used as outdoor classrooms for students.

  Students are called on to join NatureBridge.

  Some famous national parks in US are attractive to students.

  Park rangers make visiting parks more interesting.

  75. Which of the following is the correct structure of the whole passage? (Para=paragraph)





  【文章大意】美国The National Park Service即将迎来其100周年纪念。借此机会The Park Service计划加强其教育项目。


  Internet dating has become one of the biggest and most successful business ventures on the Internet.Basically, Internet dating is a way to meet people for either friendship or dating without actually having to meet them in person first.

  The first thing to do it you decide to try Internet dating is to build your profile (简介) which can include your hobbies, hopes for the future, and so on.A photograph is optional, but many sites claim that a photograph increases the number of people who look at your profile.Many Internet dating sites will charge a one-lime registration fee to use their services.

  Internet dating makes it possible to meet people from all over the world.You can even narrow the search down to your area by zip code.Another advantage is that you can communicate by e-mail before you meet in person.Thousands of people have met, fallen in love, and married through Internet dating.It is an excellent way for shy people to meet.It is also a way for people with busy lives to connect with others, and an easy way to meet people who share your interests.

  Just as in traditional dating and love, there are some pitfalls to be aware of in Internet dating.The person you have been talking to on the Net may not be who they say they are, Be very aware that there are some people who misrepresent their appearance or private details, such as marital status, income, and so on, for their own reasons.It would not be the first time that someone has been taken in, and talk shows are full of cheating partners who have been caught dating over the Internet in their spare time.Nevertheless, taking a few simple precautions should help ensure that your Internet dating experience is fun.

  1.The purpose of writing the passage is to _____.

  A.persuade readers to go dating on the Internet

  B.inform us how to date on the Internet

  C.warn readers against web love

  D.introduce Internet dating to us

  2.Which of the following is a must to make an Internet dating possible?

  A.A photo.

  B.A profile.


  D.Business experience.

  3.One advantage of Internet dating is that _____.

  A.you can avoid a face-to-face meeting in the beginning

  B.you're sure to find a partner with the same interests

  C.you'll find absolutely dependable information of others

  D.you'll gain fame and money overnight

  4.What is probably talked about following the last paragraph?

  A.Traditional dating. B.Hidden advantages.

  C.Safety measures.

  D.Romantic love.

  5.The underlined word "pitfalls" in Paragraph

  4 most probably means ______






  2016高考英语阅读理解集训阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。No one would much like the idea of eating 61 pounds of tomatoes a day. But if their goodness was put into an easy-to-swallow pill that you were told might prevent strokes(中风) and heart attacks you would probably be putting in an order tomorrow.

  Researchers believe they may have come up with just that after trials. The daily pill contains a chemical called lycopene which makes tomatoes red and is known to break down fat in the vessels(血管). A Cambridge University study found taking the pills improved blood flow and the lining of vessels in patients with pre-existing heart conditions. It also increased the flexibility(灵活性) of their vessels by 50 percent. The scientists believe it could limit the damage caused by heart disease-responsible for 180,000 deaths a year-and help cut the 49,000 deaths a year from strokes. They also hope it could benefit those with arthritis(关节炎), diabetes(糖尿病) and even slow the progress of cancer.

  Each pill is equal to eating around 61 pounds of ripe tomatoes. Studies have shown eating a Mediterranean-style diet rich in tomatoes fish, vegetables, nuts and olive oil can significantly reduce cholesterol(胆固醇) and help prevent cardiovascular disease.

  Preliminary results from a two-month trial, in which the pill was given to 36 heart disease patients and 36 healthy volunteers with an average age of 67, were presented at a meeting of the American Heart Association. It was shown to improve the function of the endothelium- the layer of cells lining blood vessels. It also improved their sensitivity to nitric oxide, the gas which causes the enlargement of the vessels in response to exercise.

  Ian Wilkinson, head of Cambridge University’s clinical trials unit, said “These results are potentially very significant and it meets the goal, but we need more trials to see if they translate into fewer heart attacks and strokes.”

  Further studies are planned, with researchers hoping it could offer a choice for heart disease sufferers who can not take the cholesterol-lowing drugs.

  Mike Knapton, head of the British Heart Foundation, said, “Although this showed lycopene improved blood flow in people with heart disease, that’s a long way from demonstrating that taking it could improve outcomes for people with heart disease. The best way to get the benefits of a good diet is to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.”

  28. What can we infer from Paragraph 1?

  A. We can eat too much tomato food.

  B. Tomatoes are helpful to strokes and heart attacks.

  C. Tomatoes will lose healthy elements were put into pills.

  D. We had better not eat tomatoes.

  29. We can learn from the passage that the pills ____.

  A. are at the experiment stage

  B. can cure all the disease

  C. are widely used among patients

  D. cost patients so little money

  30. Who were the volunteers by taking part in the trial?

  A. Children.

  B. Youth.

  C. Working people.

  D. old healthy people.

  31. What Was Ian Wilkinson’s opinion on the trial?

  A. Disappointing.

  B. Surprising.

  C. Satisfactory.

  D. Terrible.

  参考答案28-31 BADC

















  Para.1 Para.2

  Para.3 Para.4


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