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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When it is Tom’s turn for a cut, Mr. Smith places a wooden board covered with a piece of red leather across the arms of the chair, so that the barber doesn’t have to bend to cut the boy’s hair.

  “Hey, young man, you’re


  , you won’t need this soon, you’ll be able to sit in the chair.” the barber says.

  “Wow,” says Tom, turning round to look at his dad. “Dad, Mr. Smith said I could be sitting in the chair soon, not just on the



  “So I hear,” his father replies. “I expect Mr. Smith will start


  me more for your hair then.”

  In the


  Tom sees a little head sticking out of a long nylon cape. Occasionally he


  glances at the barber as he works. He smells a(n)


  of smelly sweat and aftershave as the barber moves around him, combing and cutting.

  Tom feels like he is in another world,


  except for the sound of the barber’s shoes rubbing on the plastic carpet and the


  of his scissors. In the


  from the window he could see through the window, a few small clouds moved slowly through the frame, moving to the


  of the scissors’ click.

  Sleepily, his eyes dropping to the front of the cape where his hair


  softly as snow and he


  sitting in the chair just like the men and older boys, the special


  left leaning against the wall in the corner.

  When Mr. Smith has


  , Tom hops down from the seat.


  , he sees his own thick,


  hair mixed among the browns, greys and blacks of the men who have sat in the chair before him. For a moment he wants to reach down and


  the broken blonde hair, to


  them from the others, but he does not have time.

  They reach the pavement outside the shop. “I tell you what, boy, let’s get some fish and chips to take home,


  your mum from cooking tea,” says Tom’s dad.

  Tom is excited and catches his dad’s hand. He is surprised to find, warming in his father’s palm, a handful of his own



  1. A. building up

  B. sending up

  C. bringing up

  D. shooting up

  2. A. desk

  B. board

  C. couch

  D. sofa

  3. A. paying

  B. blaming

  C. charging

  D. accusing

  4. A. mirror

  B. book

  C. shelf

  D. catalogue

  5. A. steals

  B. discovers

  C. returns

  D. transforms

  6. A. lack

  B. memory

  C. mixture

  D. expression

  7. A. helpless

  B. noiseless

  C. fearless

  D. thoughtless

  8. A. control

  B. direction

  C. effect

  D. click

  9. A. immigration

  B. opposition

  C. reflection

  D. assumption

  10. A. rhyme

  B. trail

  C. pattern

  D. sound

  11. A. falls

  B. covers

  C. melts

  D. explodes

  12. A. considers

  B. succeeds

  C. approves

  D. imagines

  13. A. package

  B. bench

  C. scissors

  D. carpet

  14. A. treated

  B. compromised

  C. finished

  D. entertained

  15. A. Looking into

  B. Looking forward

  C. Looking up

  D. Looking down

  16. A. blonde

  B. red

  C. black

  D. white

  17. A. send for

  B. find out

  C. gather up

  D. show off

  18. A. punish

  B. separate

  C. deliver

  D. confirm

  19. A. persuade

  B. save

  C. excuse

  D. relax

  20. A. money

  B. tip

  C. fish

  D. hair







  Do you know how it is when you see someone yawn and you start yawning too? Or how hard it is to be among people laughing and not laugh yourself? Well, apparently it’s because we have mirror neurons (神经元) in our brains.

  Put simply, the existence of mirror neurons suggests that every time we see someone else do something, our brains imitate (模仿) it, whether or not we actually perform the same action. This explains a great deal about how we learn to smile, talk, walk, dance or play sports. But the idea goes further: mirror neurons not only appear to explain physical actions, they also tell us that there is a biological basis for the way we understand other people.

  Mirror neurons can undoubtedly be found all over our brains, but especially in the areas which relate to our ability to use languages, and to understand how other people feel. Researchers have found that mirror neurons relate strongly to language. A group of researchers discovered that if they gave people sentences to listen to (for example: “The hand took hold of the ball”) , the same mirror neurons weretriggered as when the action was actually performed (in this example, actually taking hold of a ball) .

  Any problems with mirror neurons may well result in problems with behavior. Much research suggests that people with social and behavioral problems have mirror neurons which are not fully functioning. However, it is not yet known exactly how these discoveries might help find treatments for social disorders.

  Research into mirror neurons seems to provide us with ever more information concerning how humans behave and interact (互动) . Indeed, it may turn out to be the equivalent (相等物) for neuroscience of what Einstein’s theory of relativity was for physics. And the next time you feel the urge to cough in the cinema when someone else does—well, perhaps you’ll understand why.

  1. Mirror neurons can explain . 

  A. why we cry when we are hurt

  B. why we cough when we suffer from a cold

  C. why we smile when we see someone else smile

  D. why we yawn when we see someone else stay up late

  2. The underlined word“triggered”in the third paragraph probably means“ ”. 

  A. set off B. cut off C. built up D. broken up

  3. We can learn from the passage that mirror neurons . 

  A. relate to human behavior and interaction

  B. control human physical actions and feelings

  C. result in bad behavior and social disorders

  D. determine our knowledge and language abilities

  4. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. Ways to find mirror neurons.  B. Problems of mirror neurons.

  C. Existence of mirror neurons.  D. Functions of mirror neurons.



  In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment. Modern businesses have been following his lead,with more tactics(策略).

  One tactic involves where to display the goods. Foe example, stores place fruits and vegetables in the first section. They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food(垃圾食品)later in their trip. In department stores, section is generally next to the women’s cosmetics(化妆品) section:while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later.

  Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers’ senses. Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wine went up.

  When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics. They find that customers make decision in the first few second upon walking in the door, and turn it into a business opportunity. A California builder designed the structure of its houses smartly. When entering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the poll through an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses.

  40. Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?

  A. To save customers times.

  B. To show they are high quality foods.

  C. To help sell junk food.

  D. To sell them at discount prices.

  41. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?

  A. Opening the store early in the morning.

  B. Displaying British wines next to French ones.

  C. Inviting customers to play music.

  D. Filling the store with the smell of fresh bread.

  42. What is the California builder’s story intended to prove?

  A. The house structure is a key factor customers consider.

  B. The more costly the house is, the better it sells.

  C. An ocean view is much to the customers’ taste.

  D. A good first impression increases sales.

  43. What is the main purpose of the passage?

  A. To explain how businesses turn people into their customers.

  B. To introduces how businesses have grown from the past.

  C. To report researches on customer behavior.

  D. To show dishonest business practices.

  42.D 推断题。根据最后一段提到When entering the house,the customer would see the Pacific Ocean throught the windows, and the the pool throught an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant of water on both levels helped sell these $10million houses当人们进入房间,看到窗外的太平洋和游泳池时,销售业绩会增长,故选D项。

  43.A 推断题。本文在解释为什么要水果放要店里的最显眼的位置,目的是促进后面的商业交易,故选A项。


  【名师点睛】对于社会生活类阅读,大多数是细节理解或推断题,考生要把握题干的大意,准备的定位,来找到相关信息。注意文章中的所给的汉语注释,不要由于紧张而对于 while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander overcosmeticsthey might want to try later.这个词意有所忽视从而影响对于文章整体的理解。



  ·2 hours ago

  Today, a man talked very loud on his phone on a train between Malvern and Reading, making many passengers upset. I wonder how he would react if I were to read my newspaperoutloudonthetrain, Ihave never had the courage to do it, though.



  ·57 minutes ago

  Why not give it a try? Perhaps you should take lessons on a

  musical instrument. The late musician Dennis Brian is said to have

  asked a fellow train passenger to turn off his radio. When his

  request was refused, he took out his French horn(号) and started

  to practice.

  Angie O’Edema·42 minutes ago

  I don’t see how musical instruments can help improve manners in public. Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t like to be done to yourself. Once, a passenger next to me talked out loud on his mobile phone. I left my seat quietly, giving him some privacy to finish his conversation. He realized this and apologised to me. When his phone rang again later, he left his seat to answer it. You see, a bit of respect and cooperation can do the job better.


  ·29 minutes ago

  I did read my newspaper out loud on a train, and it turned out well. The guy took it in good part, and we chatted happily all the way to Edinburgh.

  Sophie 76

  ·13minutes ago

  I have not tried reading my newspaper out loud on a train, but ,several years ago, I read some chapters from Harry Porter to my bored and noisy children. Several passengers seemed to appreciate what I did.

  44. The passenger made an apology to Angie O’Edema because____.

  A. he offered his seat to someone else

  B. he spoke very loudly on his phone

  C. he refused to talk with Angie

  D. he ignored Angie’s request

  45. Who once read a newspaper out loud on a train?

  A. Pak50

  B. Angie O’Edema

  C. Taodas

  D. Sophie76

  46. What is the discussion mainly about?

  A. How to react to bad behavior.

  B. How to kill time on a train.

  C. How to chat with strangers.

  D. How to make a phone call.

  47. Where is the passage most probably taken from?

  A. A webpage.

  B. A newspaper.

  C. A novel.

  D. A report.

  46.A 主旨大意。本文主要是对别人的不文明行为如何做出反应的一个讨论,故选A项。

  47.A 推断题。本文是篇对于社会现象的讨论,根据出现的讨论的时间,彼此隔开时间不长,可知来自网络,故选A项。


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