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How overfishing threatens Asia's wild fish stocks
United Nations report urges
Research grows through citizen science
Femen's topless protest tactics hit Paris(视频)
FTC takes on computer scareware scammers
Musical legend Chuck Berry still reeling and rocking on stage at 86
Colonizing expands in the American Northeast
US president chosen by electors, not popular vote
Mob museum hits Vegas, but it's no sure bet
Early detection and treatment a must for glaucoma patients(视频)
Apollo's final missions: The last footsteps on the moon
Consumer spending will decline unless Congress averts fiscal cliff
Music classes in childhood may lead to changes in the brain
William Shakespeare: Star of stage and screen
Was Jesus married?
Some illegal immigrants allowed to stay under Obama order
Clowning around; making magic; hair care for less
When it comes to beer, variety rules in USA
Feed the soil, feed the crops
Several US States to let voters decide same-sex marriage(视频)
Seeking HIV tests for all in US age 15-65
Unusual Mars rock surprises rover scientist
Refugee camps are a breeding ground for disease
Conflict presses Syrian economy
Nobel Prize in economics recognizes 'market designers'
Interfaith worshipers celebrate sea, surf
New report outlines strategy for HIV/AIDS
Number of Chinese students in US dramatically expands
West Nile surge keeps exterminator busy
Polio victim searches for love in 'The Sessions'