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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  The fourth round of heavy smog that hit Beijing in four weeks has sent more people to the hospital with respiratory(呼吸的) illnesses and led to calls for laws to control the pollution.

  Pan Shiyi,a real estate developer,said he is planning to propose(提出) a Clean Air Act to the local government.As a representative of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress,he started an online survey at 9:20 am.Within three hours,more than 25,000 web users,or 99 percent of total respondents,welcomed his proposal on Sina Weibo,China’s Twitter.

  They have good reasons to stand alongside Pan.The latest round of haze(雾霾) reduced visibility to under 500 meters in many parts of the city.The smog has also led to a great increase in respiratory illnesses,particularly among children and the elderly.Anxious parents and doctors about all blame the smoggy air for the illnesses.Though most schoolchildren are home for the winter holidays,the bad air can easily move indoors.Besides,ordinary medical masks fail to provide adequate protection,so some people have turned to gas masks and respirators(呼吸器).

  The causes of the scary smog are rather mysterious,though experts blame excessive emissions and the mountains around Beijing that trap pollution in winter,unless there is adequate wind to clear it away.Some critics have pointed fingers at China’s top two oil firms,China National Petroleum Corp and China Petrochemical Corporation,saying the companies’ outdated production technologies produce large quantities of substandard,high­polluting gas fuel.

  Meanwhile,concerned Beijingers have moved their brainstorming sessions to cyberspace.If Pan’s proposal for a Clean Air Act is adopted,netizens say the new law should include items providing for “car­free days” in times of smog,higher standards for vehicle fuel,stricter restrictions on industrial and exhaust gas emissions,and more effective protection for the public.

  Beijing is not the only city that has ever lost the blue sky.Five days of thick fog caused thousands of deaths in Britain in December 1952,urging the government to pass the first Clean Air Act in 1956,which introduced smokeless zones and cleaner fuels to reduce pollution.That may provide some experience for Beijing to refer to.

  1.Why did Pan Shiyi started an online survey?

  A.To investigate the public’s opinions on pollution.

  B.To tell people the danger of the smoggy weather.

  C.To call on more people to support his proposal.

  D.To collect supporting evidences for his proposal.

  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章第二段内容可知,潘石屹发起网上调查,是因为他计划向地方政府提交《清洁空气法案》的提议(proposal),首先排除A、B两项;再根据常识判断,网上发起投票调查,是为了收集提议受到支持的证据,使其更具说服力,故答案选D。

  2.What can we learn from the passage?

  A.People are clear about the causes of the smoggy weather.

  B.Children staying indoors will not get respiratory illnesses.

  C.Smog is worse for people with lower resistance to diseases.

  D.Masks can give people protection against the smoggy weather.

  答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句可知选C,雾霾导致呼吸性系统疾病的增长,尤其在老人和儿童中(抵抗力较低的人群)。根据第四段第一句可知A项错误;根据第三段倒数第二句可知B项错误;根据第三段最后一句可知D项错误。

  3.Britain is mentioned in the last paragraph to


  A.suggest Beijing should learn from other countries

  B.let people know many places have this problem

  C.tell people the situation in Britain is worse

  D.call on the government to pass Britain’s Clean Air Act

  答案 A

  解析 推理判断题。根据全文最后一句可推断出,举例是建议北京向英国学习,早日制定《清洁空气法案》。

  4.What’s the best title for this passage?

  A.The Use of Gas Masks and Respirators

  B.Beijingers Call for a Clean Air Act

  C.Effective Protection for Blue Sky

  D.The Mysterious Causes of the Scary Smog

  答案 B

  解析 标题归纳题。文章介绍了北京持续出现的雾霾天气导致的严重危害以及网民们呼吁制定《清洁空气法案》,故B项符合文章主旨。


  (Importance of a Computer)    As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we must either relentlessly increase the quality of our skills or see our standard of living erode. For the future, competition between nations will be increasingly based on technological skill. Oil and natural resources will still be important, but they no longer will determine a nation’s economic strength. This will now be a matter of the way people organize them selves and the nature and quality of their work. Japan and the “new Japans “of East Asia are demonstrating this point in ways that are becoming painfully obvious to the older industrial countries.    There is simply no way to rest on our past achievements. Today’s competition renders obsolete huge chunks of what we know and what forces us to innovate. For each individual. Several careers will be customary, and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable. To attain this extraordinary level of education, government, business, schools, and even individuals will turn to technology for the answer.    In industry, processing the information and designing the changes necessary to keep up with the market has meant the growing use of computers. The schools are now following close behind. Already some colleges in the United States are requiting a computer for each student. It is estimated that 500,000 computers are already in use in American high schools and elementary schools. Although there is an abysmal lack of educational software, the number of computers in schools expands rapidly.    The computer is the Proteus of machines, as it takes on a thousand forms and serves a thousand functions. But its truly revolutionary character can be seen in its interactive potential. With advanced computers, learning can be individualized and self-paced. Teachers can become more productive and the entire learning environment enriched.    It is striking how much current teaching is a product of pencil and paper technology. With the computer’s capacity for simulation and diverse kinds of feedback, all sorts of new possibilities open up for the redesign of curriculums. Seymour Papert, the inventor of the computer language LOGO, believes that concepts in physics and advanced mathematics can be taught in the early grades with the use of computers. On every-day level, word-processing significantly improves the capacity for written expression. In terms of drill and practice, self-paced computer-assisted instruction enables the student to advance rapidly—without being limited by the conflicting needs of the entire class. In short, once we learn to use this new brain outside the brain, education will never be the same. Industry, faced with the pressures of a rapidly shifting market, is already designing new methods to retrain its workers, In the United States, a technological university has been set up to teach engineering courses by satellite. And the advances in telecommunications and computational power will dramatically expand the opportunities for national and international efforts in education and training. Without romanticizing the machine, it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential for equipping today’s citizens for unprecedented tasks of the future. Particularly in Europe and the United States, innovation will be the basis for continued prosperity. New competitors are emerging to challenge the old economic arrangements. How successfully we respond will depend on how much we invest in people and how wisely we employ the learning tools of the new technology. 1.      What is the decisive factor in future competition between nations? [A]. Oil.                           . Technological skill. [C]. Natural resources                [D] Education 2.      The main idea of this passage is [A]. Knowledge of a Computer.         . Importance of a Computer. [C]. Function of Knowledge.            [C]. Function of Technology. 3.      Why does further study become indispensable? [A]. People want to so more jobs. . People want to attain this extraordinary level of education. [C]. People would not rest on the past achievements. [D]. What we know becomes obsolete. 4.      The word “Proteus” is closest in meaning to [A]. flexibility.        . diversity.        [C]. variety.         [D]. multiplicity. Vocabulary 1.      relentlessly                       始终不懈的 2.      obsolete                         过时的,大量的,绝大部分的 3.      chunk                           大块,大量的,绝大部分 4.      abysmal                         无底的,极端的 5.      Proteus                   希腊神话中海神,能随意变化。这里指flexible, 灵活多变 6.      take on                          显现,显示 7.      LOGO=logotyre                  标识语,作为标志的语言 8.      rapidly shifting                   瞬息万变的 9.      romanticizing                    使浪漫化,使幻想化 难句译注 1.      With the computer’s capacity for simulation and diverse kinds of feedback, all sorts of new possibilities open up for the redesign of curriculums. [参考译文] 由于计算机能进行模拟和提供各种反馈,它就为从新设计学校的课程开辟了各种新的可能性。 2.      In terms of drill and practice, self-paced computer-assisted instruction enables the student to advance rapidly—without being limited by the conflicting needs of the entire class. [结构简析] 句子结构为主谓宾补,前后各用一个介词(短语),前in term of , 后without [参考译文] 就练习和实践来讲,借助自行规定速度的计算机辅助的指令使学生突飞猛进而不受全班互相矛盾的需要所限制。 3.      Without romanticizing the machine, it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential for equipping today’s citizens for unprecedented tasks of the future. [结构简析] 逻辑主语句。句前有一状语成分,without +分词+名词的句型。 [参考译文] 不必用浪漫主义的手法来形容计算机,我们可清楚看到,它是独一无二的改变今天公民的潜力,使他们能承担未来的史无前例的任务。 写作方法与文章大意 文章论述了“计算机的重要性”,采用一般到具体写作手法。一开始就提出:‘作为经济上先进而又脆弱的公民,必须始终不懈地提高技术素质,否则生活水平就会下降。因为未来国际竞争取决于技术,一切部门必须迎合这一要求。具体到工业和学校必须使用计算机。重点在学校,因为它是培训新人才的基地。所以三,四,五,七段涉及计算机在学校的种种功能。最后的结论:人才和计算机是决定性因素。 答案祥解 1.      B. 工艺技术。这在第一段就讲到“在未来,国与国之间的竞争越来越以工艺技术为基础。尽管石油和其他自然资源仍很重要,但它们不会再对一个国家的经济实力起决定性的作用。” A. 石油。        C. 自然资源,这两项不是决定性因素。        D. 教育。文内教育作为改革的一个方面,其重点是在学校内应用计算机,来改变教学质量,达到革新人才的目的。并不是直接参与竞争。可参看第2题的答案及译注。 2.      B. 计算机的重要性。整篇文章都显示了这一点。第三段“工业上,信息处理和制定必要的改革计划以适应市场需要意味着越来越多使用计算机。学校紧跟工业之后……”第四段“计算机是一种变化多端,神通广大的机器,因为它显示千种图象,发挥千种功能。而它的真正的革命性可在其相互作用的潜能中看出。有了先进的计算机,学习可以个别进行,速度自行规定。教师变得更有成效……。”第五段“……由于利用计算机,在学校低年级就能教授物理学和高等数学概念……。”最后一段画龙点睛地指出:“计算机独一无二地改变着那种今天公民能担当未来空前任务的潜能……新的竞争对手正在崛起,自由的经济布局提出挑战。我们如何才能顺利的应战,取决于我们对人的投资的多寡,取决于我们怎么聪慧地应用新技术的学习工具。”所以 A. 计算机知识。         C. 知识的功能。         D. 技术功能,这三项只是计算机重要性中涉及到的一个方面,不能作为中心思想。 3.      D. 因为我们知道的一切变得陈旧。第二段头几句话“我们决不能吃老本,当今的竞争使我们的大部分知识变得陈旧,非加以革新不可。对每个人来说,他们将惯常从事某几种职业,并且非继续学习进修和从新接受训练不可……。”都说明进修学习的原因。 A. 人们要做更多工作。文内没有提到。         B. 人们要到达非同一般的教育水平。这是目的,不是原因。         C. 人们不能吃老本。这话并没有完全讲清楚全部原因。 4.      A. 灵活多变。 Proteus 一词,原义是指希腊神话中变幻无常的海神,普罗狄斯,他可以随心所欲边成各种形状。这里指灵活多变。

  [广告型阅读理解]----- (三)

  Stewart Island ferry services

  While most visitors spend at least one night on Stewart Island, it is also readily accessible by ferry as a day excursion from Invercargill and Bluff.

  Experience Foveaux Strait in comfort and style on board our express catamarans. During the onehour crossing between Bluff and Stewart Island, keep a lookout for wildlife, especially seabirds. Watching mollymawks (albatross) soaring behind the ferry is a fantastic sight.

  Interesting landmarks commonly seen include Dog Island Lighthouse, Ruapuke Island, Titi Islands and Mt Anglem—Stewart Island's highest point.

  Free tea and coffee on board.

  Interpretation handouts are available (English only).

  Wheelchair access available.

  Personal baggage is carried free on the ferriesmax. Two bags per person (one stowed and one small carryon). Additional baggage is by prior arrangement.

  Vehicle parking available at Bluff (extra costreservations recommended).



  Depart Bluff

  All year 9:30 am

  Sept.—May 5:00 pm

  Oct.—Apr. 11:00 am

  Jun.—Aug. 4:30 pm

  Late Dec.—mid Jan.

  8:00 am FERRY TO BLUFF

  Depart Stewart Island

  All year 8:00 am

  Sept.—May 3:30 pm

  Oct.—Mar. 6:00 pm

  Apr. 5:00 pm

  Jun.—Aug. 3:00 pm

  Late Dec.—mid Jan.

  9:30 am

  Other departures as locally advertised.

  Duration 1hr.

  Checkin 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.(Checkin and boarding gates are closed 10 minutes prior to times stated above.)

  “20% MultiPurchase REWARD” on return ferry services.

  Buy 2 or more different excursions and SAVE 20% off all lower priced!

  Kids go FREE on selected departures during NZ School Holidays!

  Kids go FREE for travel 20 April—5 May 2017.

  1.If leaving a car at Bluff, a traveller had better ________.

  A.refer to the handouts first

  B.use wheelchair access

  C.make a reservation

  D.park it 30 minutes before departure time

  2.John, who went to Stewart Island on Dec. 28th, got to the ferry dock at 7:55 am. When did he

  most probably leave Bluff?

  A.At 8:00 am.

  B.At 9:30 am.

  C.At 11:00 am.

  D.At 3:00 pm.

  3.Which of the following is FALSE about the ferry services?

  A.Tea and coffee are free for passengers.

  B.Children go free for travel for about 15 days.

  C.Travellers are sure to see some seabirds during the crossing.

  D.Passengers have to pay extra cost for extra pieces of luggage.


  【要点综述】本文描述的是Stewart Island轮渡服务的具体细节和各种信息。

  1.C 细节理解题。根据“Vehicle parking available at Bluff (extra costreservations recommended).”可知要停车,要事先预约。故C正确。

  2.B 推理判断题。根据“FERRY TO STEWART ISLAND…Checkin 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.(Checkin and boarding gates are closed 10 minutes prior to times stated above.)”可知,在9点30 是最有可能的。故B正确。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据“Personal baggage is carried free on the ferriesmax.Two bags per person (one stowed and one small carryon).Additional baggage is by prior arrangement.”可知,并没有说要额外收行李费。故D项错误。


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