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发布时间:2017-03-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (限时:45分钟 语法填空2篇+阅读理解2篇+书面表达)



  When you take a walk in any of the cities in the West, you often see a lot of people walking with dogs.

  1.________ is still true that the dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world.But the reasons why people keep a dog

  2.________ (change). In the old days, people used to train dogs to protect themselves against the attacks

  3.________ other beasts. And later they came

  4.________ (realize) that the dog was not only useful

  5.________ willing to obey its master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat

  6.________ they caught without permission. But now people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks of animals. Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery, but the

  7.________ (important) reason is for companionship. For a child,

  8.________ dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with; for a young couple, a dog is

  9.________ child when they have no children ; for old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up. So the main reason why people

  10.________ dogs has changed from protection to friendship.


  Jenny:What did you think when your dad first suggested building a hand for you with a 3D printer?

  Leon:It seemed that

  1.________ would be very hard to achieve. But it wasn't.It was

  2.________ (actual)

  a lot of fun to make.

  Jenny:How often do you wear the hand?

  Leon:I don't wear it all the time. I use it like a tool. I only use it

  3.________ I need it.

  Jenny:How does the hand allow you to do things you couldn't do before?

  Leon:It really helps me do things

  4.________ (well).

  I can carry more than one thing now. I'm

  5.________ to hold two grocery bags and help my mom carry them.

  6.________ the hand, I can rest a grocery bag on my left arm, but because that arm is shorter than the other one,

  7.________ not a lot of room for the bag to rest on.

  Jenny:How does it feel when you're

  8.________ (wear) it?

  Leon:It's pretty comfortable.

  9.________ there are still some edges that we need to smooth out because they dig into my skin.

  Jenny:What was the

  10.________ (react) of the kids at your school when they saw the hand?

  Leon:They wouldn't leave me alone! They all wanted to touch it and they asked me a lot of questions about it.



  (2017·汕头普通高考模拟考试)Celebrities (名人) are more in love with themselves than the average person, according to a new study.

  In case anyone needed proof, a new study supports the widely held perception: famous people are more narcissistic (自我陶醉的), which means they are more in love with themselves than the average person is.That is the conclusion drawn by Drew Pinsky and S.Mark Young of the University of Southern California, whose study of 200 celebrities will appear in the Journal of Research in Personality.

  It is not the entertainment industry that turns stars into narcissists, the study found.Rather, it suggests, the self­adoring (自恋的) people seek jobs in show business.The study, whose subjects were all celebrities from Pinsky's “Loveline”

  radio show, found that reality TV stars were the most narcissistic of all celebrities.Female stars were also more likely than the male stars to exhibit narcissistic characteristics.

  It's “common sense” that celebrities are narcissists, said Jeremy Ritzlin, a longtime Hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study.“Everyone knows famous people are really in love with themselves,” he said.“So it would be natural for narcissists to be attracted toward the stage and spotlight, where other people will also think highly of them.”

  Pinsky, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at USC's Keck School of Medicine, said narcissists desire attention, are overconfident, behave strangely and lack sympathy.“However, they are easily­liked, especially on first meeting, are outgoing and perform well in public,” added Pinsky, who has hosted the radio show “Loveline” for 20 years.

  Celebrity guests appearing on the program were randomly chosen to participate in the study.They anonymously (匿名地) took the Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, which rates self­love






  superiority, exhibitionism, entitlement, vanity, authority, exploitativeness, and self­sufficiency.

  1.Who are most likely to be self­adoring in the study?

  A.The women stars.

  B.The men stars.

  C.The average people.

  D.It is not mentioned in the passage.

  2.According to the fourth paragraph, the fact “celebrities are narcissists” ________.

  A.is common in the entertainment industry

  B.is a misunderstanding of Jeremy Ritzlin

  C.is known to most of the people

  D.is unreal on the stage

  3.According to Pinsky, narcissists may NOT________.

  A.hope to attract attention

  B.be kind to poor people

  C.believe in themselves

  D.be liked by others easily

  4.The author of this passage wants to tell us________.

  A.how psychologists make a study

  B.how entertainment industry produces celebrities

  C.how people think of the famous stars

  D.how celebrities feel about themselves


  (2017·大连双基测试)Recently, my mother asked me to drop off some letters at the post office and pick up some stamps for her. Without giving it a thought, I took the letters and purchased her stamps.

  A few days later, she mentioned that one of the letters I had mailed was missing a stamp, and asked me if I had put a stamp on it. She had remembered asking me to put a stamp on it, though I certainly had not heard her. So, unfortunately, it looked like the letter, which was a bill of course, would come back marked “Return to Sender for Insufficient Postage”. A few days went by and I returned to the post office to pick up our mail.

  While I was there,

  I saw the postmaster and happened to tell him about Mom's letter missing the stamp. I asked him to be on the lookout for it coming back. It was then that he told me history.

  “You know,”

  he said,

  “I immediately saw after you had dropped the mail off that your letter was missing a stamp. I also noticed that it was a bill for a credit card company. I thought to myself that you have always been kind to me and my partner, and I wanted to return the favor. So, to prevent your mother from getting charged a late fee from the credit card company,

  I took money from our change dish (extra pennies for folks who need one), and purchased a stamp for you.”

  When I heard it, I couldn't believe it. What a blessing that was! I thanked him over and over again for putting the stamp on the letter for us. Then, I immediately dumped (倾倒) all the change out of my purse and into the penny dish in order to help others out in the future. When I got home, I was able to tell Mom the good news. This was kindness karma (因果报应) in action, I believe!

  5.The letter was missing a stamp because the author ________.

  A.forgot to buy a stamp for it

  B.didn't take enough money

  C.may not know he should put a stamp on it

  D.was not asked to put a stamp on it

  6.What does the underlined word “Insufficient” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

  A.Lacking. B.Heavy.



  7.Why did the postmaster buy a stamp for the letter?

  A.Because it was the responsibility of his job.

  B.Because the author had asked him to do so.

  C.Because the author was the postmaster's friend.

  D.Because the postmaster wanted to pay the author back.

  8.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author ________.

  A.didn't believe what the postmaster said

  B.thought the postmaster misunderstood him

  C.gave the postmaster the money for buying a stamp for him

  D.thought highly of what the postmaster did









  Dear Tom,

  How are things going on with you?



  All the best.

  Yours ever,Ⅰ.A

  1.解析:It 考查it的用法。It在这里作形式主语,指代真正的主语“that the dog is the most useful ...”。2.解析:have changed 考查动词的时态。人们养狗的原因已经变了,此处用现在完成时表示结果。3.解析:by/from/of 考查介词。句意:过去,人们常常训练狗,来保护他们自己免受其他野兽的袭击。4.解析:to realize 考查非谓语动词。come to realize表示“逐渐认识到……”。5.解析:but (also) 考查固定句式。not only ... but(also) ...“不仅……而且……”,此处表示“狗不仅有用而且愿意服从主人的命令”。6.解析:what 考查名词性从句。由动词eat和caught缺少宾语可以判断此处需用what引导宾语从句。7.解析:most important 考查形容词的最高级。此处讲述养狗的原因,其中最重要的原因是狗可以陪伴主人。8.解析:a 考查冠词。此处用不定冠词表示泛指。对于孩子来说,当他没有朋友一起玩时狗是他最好的朋友。9.解析:their 考查物主代词。此处名词前缺少限定词,由前面的“a young couple”可知应用their。10.解析:keep 考查动词。本文主要说明人们养狗的原因的变化,因此用keep,由上文中的“keep a dog”也可得出答案。B

  1.解析:it 考查代词。it在句中作形式主语,代替动词不定式to achieve。2.解析:actually 考查副词。空格在系动词之后,再分析句子结构可知此处应填副词actually。3.解析:when 考查状语从句。此空应填连词when“当……时”,引导时间状语从句。4.解析:better 考查副词的比较级。它帮助我把事情做得更好。本句含有比较的意味,故此处填比较级better。5.解析:able 考查固定结构。be able to do sth.表示“能够做某事”。6.解析:Without 考查介词。此处表示“如果不使用这只手”。without意为“没有”。7.解析:there's 考查there be结构。根据题意可知,此处应用there be,且空格后为不可数名词,因此填there's。8.解析:wearing 考查时态。本句时态为现在进行时,根据前面的you're可知,空格处应填wearing。9.解析:But 考查连词。虽然这只假手很舒服,但是有些边缘需要磨光,因为它们有时会磨痛我的皮肤。表示语意的转折,应填But。10.解析:reaction 考查名词。你学校的孩子们看到你的假手有何反应?冠词the后应填名词,reaction“反应”。Ⅱ.1.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“Female stars were also more likely than the male stars to exhibit narcissistic characteristics.”可以判断出,比起男明星来,女明星更可能表现出自我陶醉的性格。故答案为A。2.解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“It's‘common sense’ that

  celebrities are narcissists”可知,名人是自我陶醉者,这是一个常识,那么自然是大多数人都知道的了,故答案为C。

  3.解析:选B 推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“and lack sympathy”可推断出,他们缺乏同情心,所以他们可能对穷人不太友好,故选B项。4.解析:选D 主旨大意题。通过Drew Pinsky和S.Mark Young的研究,我们知道了名人对自己的感觉,他们比普通人更加自我陶醉。这正是作者想告诉我们的,故答案为D。5.解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句可知,母亲和作者说过了,但是作者当时没有听到,因此C项正确。6.解析:选A 词义猜测题。因为这封信少了一张邮票,因此这封信被退回来是因为邮资不够。

  7.解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“I thought to myself that you have always been kind to me and my partner, and I wanted to return the favor.”可知,邮政局长这样做是因为他想报答作者。8.解析:选D 推理判断题。最后一段提到作者非常感谢邮政局长,并且把自己的零钱全拿出来放在零钱碟里面,由此可知作者非常赞赏局长的举动。


  Dear Tom,

  How are things going on with you? You cannot imagine what a pleasant surprise it is to have heard from you! In your email you asked about how I spent my winter vacation. Well, my winter vacation lasted about half a month. During the first few days, I went over my lessons and finished the assignments my teachers had set me. And then came the Spring Festival, which as you may already know, is one of the most important traditional festivals for us Chinese. During the festival, I had great fun staying with my family,

  helping them with the routine housework as well as visiting friends and relatives.

  Meanwhile, I, together with several of my classmates, carried out some voluntary work in our local home for the elderly.

  The winter vacation had fled by before I realized it. Now my new term has begun, and I am buried in my lessons as usual.

  I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how you spent your winter vacation. And hope to hear from you pretty soon.

  All the best.

  Yours ever,


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