游戏学英语 谜语和脑筋急转弯问题集锦1-查字典英语网
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游戏学英语 谜语和脑筋急转弯问题集锦1

发布时间:2008-12-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编
1. Why couldn't the pony talk?
He was a little hoarse.
2. What part of London is in France?
3. What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day?
4. What is it that is found in the very centre of America and Australia?
5. If you throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what will it become?
6. What was the largest island before Australia was discovered?
7. What kind of table has no legs?
8. What has an eye but cannot see?
A needle.
9. What is the worst weather for rats and mice?
When it rains cats and dogs.
10. What star is not seen in the sky?
A film star.
11. What did the pig say when the farmer took hold of his tail?
This is the end of me.
12. What is it that I can see but you cannot?
The back of your head.

13. What is it that is always coming but never arrives?
14. What animal is you r girlfriend?
Deer. (dear)
15. Why is a river so rich?
It has two banks.
16. When does a car go as fast as a train?
When it is on a train.
17. Which runs faster, heat or cold?
Heat, because you catch cold.
18. A doctor had a brother who went out west. But the man who went out west had no brother. How can that be?
19. Why does the letter T look like an island?
It stands in the middle of "water".
20. 扑克牌花色:
heart diamond club spade
21. 哪些词全部由元音字母组成?
Eye, I, aye
22. 哪些词全部由辅音字母组成?
Mmm, Hm
23. How can this be -- that two fathers and two sons carry three tigers, but each has one?
24. What does this mean: S

Snow is falling.
25. Who is closer to you, your mother or your father?
Mother, because father is "farther".
26. What month do soldiers hate?
27. Can you explain what is free speech?
Your talking on someone else's phone.
28. What will you break once you say it?
29. What kind of clothes lasts longest?
Underwear, because it is never worn out.
30. Why is an empty purse always the same?
There is no change in it.
31. What is even harder to catch if you run faster?
Your breath.
32. Why is the letter E so important?
It is the beginning of everything.
33. Why are the letters G and S in "gloves" close to each other?
There is love between them.
34. What letter is an animal?
35. What letter is a question?
36. What letter is the ocean?

37. What starts with T, ends with T, and can be full of T?
38.Why is the letter A like noon?
It is in the middle of the "day".
39. What is the end of the world?
40.What letter separates Europe from America?
41. What five-letter word has one left once you take two away>
42. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but not once in a hundred years?
43. What letter do most people fear most?
E, it is the end of life.
44. What are a banker's favourite vowels?
45. What is the difference between here and there?
46. What is visible only in wintertime?
Your breath.
47. What do you have that you can't lend to others?
Your shadow.
48. If you find three sparrows on the roof and you shoot one, how many are left?
One, the dead one.
49. What does everybody know about the emperors of China?
They are all dead.


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