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发布时间:2017-03-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  I returned to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, after graduation. I had been there before my mother became a minister.

  Two weeks later, I told my mother I was bored. She said, “Here’re the car keys. Go and buy some fruit.” 1__, I jumped into the car and speeded off.

  Seeing me or rather my 2__, a boy sprang up(跳起来),3__ to sell his bananas and peanuts. “Banana 300 naira. Peanut 200 naira!” Looking at his black-striped bananas, I 4__ to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He 5__ . I handed him a 500 naira note. He didn’t have 6__ , so I told him not to worry. He was 7__ and smiled a row of perfect teeth.

  When, two weeks later, I 8__ this same boy, I was more aware of my position in Nigerian society. I should 9__ this country as the son of a 10___. But it was hare to find pleasure in a place where it was so 11___ to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit.

  “What’s up?” I asked. He answered in 12___ English, “I … I no get money o buy book.” I took out two 500 naira notes. He looked around 13___ before sticking his hand into the car 14___ the bills. One thousand naira means a lot to a family that 15___ only 50,000 each year.

  The next morning, security officers told me, “In this place, when you give a little, people think you’re a fountain of opportunity(机会).”

  16__ it’s right, but this happens everywhere in the world. I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for 17___. After six months’ work in northern Nigeria, I returned and saw him again standing on the road.

  “Are you in school now?” He nodded. A silence fell as we looked at each other, then I 18___ what he wanted. I held out a 500 naira note. “Take this.”

  He shook his head fiercely and stepped back 19__ hurt.

  “It’s a gift.” I said. Shaking his head again, he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts. “I’ve been waiting to 20___ these to you.”


  ) 1. A. Encouraged

  B. Disappointed

  C. Delighted

  D. confused


  ) 2. A. car

  B. mother

  C. driver

  D. keys


  ) 3. A. willing

  B. afraid

  C. eager

  D. ashamed


  ) 4. A. got down

  B. bargained down

  C. put down

  D. took down


  ) 5. A. explained

  B. promised

  C. agreed

  D. admitted


  ) 6. A. change

  B. notes

  C. checks

  D. bills


  ) 7. A. troubled

  B. regretful

  C. comfortable

  D. grateful


  ) 8. A. ran after

  B. ran into

  C. ran over

  D. ran to


  ) 9. A. protect

  B. enjoy

  C. help

  D. support


  ) 10. A. minister

  B. headmaster

  C. manager

  D. president


  ) 11. A. lucky

  B. amazing

  C. funny

  D. common


  ) 12. A. old

  B. broken

  C. traditional

  D. modern


  ) 13. A. proudly

  B. madly

  C. curiously

  D. nervously


  ) 14. A. for

  B. with

  C. at

  D. upon


  ) 15. A. spends

  B. pays

  C. makes

  D. affords


  ) 16. A. possibly

  B. actually

  C. certainly

  D. fortunately


  ) 17. A. joys

  B. nuts

  C. books

  D. bananas


  ) 18. A. asked

  B. imagined

  C. reminded

  D. realized


  ) 19. A. when

  B. as if

  C. even if

  D. after


  ) 20. A. send

  B. provide

  C. sell

  D. give






  1. C 考查语境理解。从后句I jumped into the car and speeded off 可知我非常高兴,用 delighted。

  2. A考查语境理解。上文提到我开车去买水果,所以当小男孩看到我 ,更确切地说是看到?我?的汽车,他跳了起来。

  3. C 考查词语辨析及上下文语境。从上文小男孩的动作可知他非常渴望把香蕉和花生卖给作者,此处用 eager。

  4. B考查生活常识。作为买主,在与小商贩打交道时,通常需要砍价。用bargain down讨价还价? 符合语境。

  5. C 考查词语辨析及逻辑推理。双方讨价还价,卖方最后同意买方所出的价钱时,才可能成交,买方也才可能给他钱。

  6. A考查语境理解。上句说我递给他一张500奈拉的纸币,但是前文告诉我们作者买他的香蕉和花生共需要200奈拉,所以小男孩应该找给作者零钱change。

  7. D考查语境理解。根据% 他找不开我的钱,我安慰他,不让他着急以及后文的 smiled a row of perfect teeth可以判断小男孩很感激。

  8. B考查固定搭配。句意为:我又与他不期而遇了,四个备选项中只有run into有此意义。

  9. B考查语境理解。从第一段提到作者是部长的儿子和第五段的 But it was hard to find pleasure可知作者应该是喜欢自己的国家(享受眼前的生活)的,但是卖水果的小男孩的遭遇(支付不起学费)让他感觉不到快乐。

  10. A考查语境理解。上文中提到I had been there before my mother became a minister由此可知答案为A。

  11. D考查词语辨析。此处说的是男孩因家庭贫困无法接受教育,为了生计不得不在外卖水果,这种现象很普遍。前面it was hard to find pleasure in a place也有暗示。

  12. B 考查词语辨析。从小男孩的答语可知他说话结结巴巴。broken不流利的符 合题意。

  13. D考查生活常识。如果一个人在做某件事情前先四下看一下,说明他紧张不安,恐怕被他人看到。答案为D

  14. A 考查介词搭配。男孩向车里伸手,其目的就是拿作者给他的钱。for为了得到。

  15. C考查词语辨析。一千奈拉对于每年收入仅仅五万奈拉的家庭来说意味着很多。本题所给四个选项中,只有 make有获得,挣得之意。

  16. A考查行文逻辑。but引出的句子表示转折,由此我们可以推测作者认为security officers所说的可能是对的。答案为A。

  17. C考查语境理解。上文提到小男孩说没钱买书,我资助了他1000奈拉。现在我想知道他是否真的用这些钱买书了。

  18. D考查词语辨析。短暂的沉默之后,作者以为小男孩又来要钱,却不好意思开口。用realized意识到符合题意。

  19. B考查行文逻辑。作者掏出500奈拉给小男孩,而他却往后退,好像受到了伤害似的。

  20. D考查词语辨析。小男孩受过作者的恩惠,想把水果和花生送给作者作为报 答。A项通常指不当面给,所以不能选。答案为D。


  完形填空)’t plant it and Denise said she didn’t either. We decided to let it


  growing until we could find out what it was.

  Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the


  plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I decided to


  the weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something


  . The sunflower had not


  where I saw it begin. It actually had begun under a big


  and grown under and around it to reach the



  That’s when I


  that if a tiny little sunflower didn’t let a big rock stand in its


  of developing, we too have the ability of doing the same thing. If we


  ourselves like that little sunflower, we can reach where we


  to go and get what we need for growth.

  We need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the


  to achieve our goals. Like the


  , it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had


  in itself that it would succeed. Stand tall like the sunflower and be


  who and what we are, then the environment will begin to


  us. We will find a way to go under or


  any “rocks”in order to reach our goals.

  A. flowers

  B. insects

  C. rocks

  D. vegetables

  A. color

  B. water

  C. fertilizer

  D. shape

  A. weed

  B. seed

  C. rock

  D. plant

  A. stop

  B. continue

  C. improve

  D. escape

  A. weak

  B. lonely

  C. strange

  D. pretty

  A. remove

  B. tend

  C. watch

  D. collect

  A. wonderful

  B. terrible

  C. valuable

  D. unusual

  A. passed

  B. started

  C. left

  D. died

  A. tree

  B. table

  C. rock

  D. wall

  A. air

  B. top

  C. sun

  D. house

  A. realized

  B. doubted

  C. regretted

  D. hoped

  A. place

  B. way

  C. course

  D. process

  A. fill in

  B. put in

  C. worry about

  D. believe in

  A. forget

  B. hate

  C. aim

  D. wait

  A. ability

  B. wish

  C. plan

  D. idea

  A. yard

  B. sunflower

  C. home

  D. summer

  A. energy

  B. virtue

  C. courage

  D. faith

  A. aware of

  B. afraid of

  C. proud of

  D. tired of

  A. support

  B. affect

  C. upset

  D. forgive

  A. into

  B. around

  C. through

  D. from


  C. 从下一句话可知院子里有很多石头。

  A. 种一些花朵为了给院子增添一些色彩。

  D. 后文提到那是一株向日葵,所以是一种植物。

  B. 从后文until we could find out what it was 可知作者想让它继续生长。

  C. 到目前为止作者还不知道它究竟是一种什么植物,所以选择C。

  A. 从下文的As I pulled…the weeds。可知作者要除草。

  D. 从下文可知,向日葵并没有生长在我最开始发现它的位置。这件事是不寻常的。

  B. 同上,start表示开始生长。

  C. 文章前面提到院子里有很多石头,另外我要为它除草的时候搬走了石头可知,它应该是长在石头下面的。

  C. 向日葵是朝向太阳生长的。

  A. 以下是作者意识到所发生的事实。

  B. stand in one’s way表示阻碍,挡道。

  D. 作者认为如果我们也能像这株向日葵一样充满信心,与下文的55空前的内容相呼应。

  C. 最后一段作者提到“achieve our goals”,所以此空应为aim。

  A. have the ability to do sth. 表示有能力做某事。下文“it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks…”有提示。

  B. 就像这株向日葵一样,与前文相呼应。

  D. 与前文提到的believe in 相呼应。

  C. 像向日葵一样挺拔,为自己而感到自豪。

  A. 周围的环境和事物也会开始对我们有所帮助。

  B. 与50空前内容相呼应。



  Maureen worked in an office with twenty other people, and she liked her job. Getting ahead in her career wasn’t


  to her until the day that her friend and co-worker Betty was promoted to be the boss of the unit. Betty couldn’t have gotten the


  if Maureen had tried to. In the eyes of the other co-workers Betty was always cheerful,


  and ambitious, while Maureen was low-key (低调的) and easy-going.

  Before Betty got the promotion, Maureen had been


  at her work, even if she had not been specially happy. But once Betty was made


  , Maureen began to fill up with resentment (怨恨) until she


  her job and hated Betty.


  she made a big mistake because she had a feeling of


  all the time. Maureen began to see Betty as the source of all her problems, and she


  to remember that she had not particularly wanted the promotion anyway. Now she just thought that it should be hers.


  examining herself to see what her real goal was in life, she began to


  on Betty and regarded Betty as her enemy. Maureen became completely


  on her resentment, and she couldn’t get out of the



  One of the major problems with resentment is that you believe that your


  is entirely caused by some outside person. You stop


  what you can do to improve your situation, because you decide that your injured feelings are the


  of someone else’s fault. You just give up trying to find real


  . Dealing with resentment needs awareness and


  . First of all, you need to


  you are feeling resentful and then try to stop yourself feeling upset. Only in this way can you solve the


  in your life.

  41. A. equal B. native C. similar D. important

  42. A. job B. order C. position D. direction

  43. A. hard-working B. good-looking C. peace-loving D. smooth-talking

  44. A. annoyed B. pleased C. excited D. skilled

  45. A. head B. guide C. princess D. assistant

  46. A. did B. got C. knew D. disliked

  47. A. Strangely B. Usually C. Eventually D. Immediately

  48. A. safety B. pride C. unhappiness D. unemployment

  49. A. tried B. failed C. began D. preferred

  50. A. Instead of B. Along with C. Because of D. As for

  51. A. drop in B. play tricks C. cut down D. make comments

  52. A. keen B. impressed C. focused D. dependent

  53. A. social B. national C. complex D. dangerous

  54. A. anger B. fear C. surprise D. anxiety

  55. A. calling on B. looking for C. learning from D. cheering for

  56. A. goal B. truth C. result D. reason

  57. A. differences B. solutions C. opportunities D. relationships

  58. A. bravery B. humour C. curiosity D. calmness

  59. A. admit B. argue C. doubt D. prove

  60. A. case B. mystery C. crime D. problem

  参考答案41-45 DCABA

  46-50 DCCBA

  51-55 BCDAB

  56-60 CBDAD


  Many adults see teens as energetic. Many of us see ourselves as proud. This thinking __1__ many adults and us to have the idea that if we can’t handle school or __2__ life well, we are just not trying hard. But in my opinion, that may not be __3__. Earlier this school year, I was leaving my class one Friday __4__ suddenly it felt like I had pulled a muscle in my back. I knew I was ill.

  After a few days I stopped eating. This meant I lost __5__; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier began __6__ loose. This time my parents got scared. In addition, I started sleeping less. My eyelids (眼皮) were constantly __7__.I refused to accept that I was ill. I kept my job working 25 hours a week in a shop; I didn’t __8__ any classes. When I was hurting, I didn’t mind and kept on going. __9__it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?

  But now I find myself thinking. Is it worth it? I’m taking the classes and working for the newspaper because it does good __10__ college applications. And I’m working 25 hours a week so that, once I get into my dream school, I can __11__ it.

  Here I am, already sick from the __12__ of work I’m doing in and out of school. So, what good is a(n) __13__ application if I’m badly ill? What is the __14__ of doing this work if I can’t enjoy the results? In fact, by writing my story I’m telling all the people who __15__ much about the future to worry about it now.

  ()1.A.makes B.forces C.causes



  B.even C.just



  B.real C.wrong



  B.when C.then



  B.hope C.weight



  B.holding C.changing



  B.shut C.open



  B.drop C.give



  B.If C.Though



  B.to C.on



  B.manage C.support



  B.set C.kind







  B.idea C.point






  1.C  cause sb. to do sth.意为“促使某人做某事”,符合语境。

  2.B 前文school与后文life之间存在递进关系,故选用even。

  3.A 由下文可知,作者认为这种想法不见得真的如此。true意为“符合事实,是真的而不是假的或捏造的”,real意为“人或事物真实存在,而不是想象的或虚构的”。

  4.B 语境:我正要离开教室,恰在此时突然感觉像是背部抽筋了。 when是并列连词,连接前后两个句子,表示“恰在此时(突然)”,因此选B。

  5.C 几天不吃饭体重当然下降。

  6.A hang在此表示衣服宽大、松弛的样子。

  7.D 睡得少会感觉眼皮很重,故用heavy。

  8.B drop class意为“旷课”,符合语境。

  9.A 作者固执地认为:生活中的磨难要么把人击倒,要么使人更坚强。

  10.B 作者如此卖力地工作是为了让大学申请表看起来更吸引人。do good to意为“对……有利”。

  11.D 这样拼命工作,作者是为了上得起理想的大学。afford意为“花得起(钱),拿得出(时间)”。

  12.A the amount of...意为“……的数量”,这里指“工作的量(大)”,不可数,因此不能用number。

  13.B 申请表再有吸引力又有什么用呢?impressive 意为“有吸引力的”,与上文 “does good”前后照应。

  14.C 不能享受结果,做这些工作又有什么意义呢?point 意为“意义,道理”;reason意为“原因”;idea 意为“想法”;tip意为“尖端,建议”。

  15.B 关注未来的人,应担忧(关注)现在(的健康)。


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