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发布时间:2017-03-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Swiss International Air lines(SWISS)will introduce daily non-stop flights between Beijing and Zurich.

  The new service to the financial center of Switzerland is expected to start on Dec.12,2017,which marks an expansion of services for the Chinese market.In May 2008,SWISS already started direct flights to Shanghai.

  The first flight to Europe has a special price of 2,680 yuan,which does not include taxes and fuel surcharges.

  “I am delighted the airlines of Switzerland can contribute to growing economic ties between the two countries with new daily flights scheduled,”says SWISS CEO Harry Hohmeister.

  “We are witnessing a growing demand for tourist travel in both directions.”

  Apart from Shanghai and Hong Kong,Beijing will be the third Chinese destination for SWISS.

  The new route marks a return to Beijing for SWISS:the airlines previously flew to the Chinese capital as late as June 2003.

  SWISS will initially operate its new daily non-stop Beijing-Zurich flights with an Airbus A340-300(219 seats)and Airbu: A330-300(236 seats)air-crafts.

  The modem SWISS business class offers the most suitable comforts since the seats can be adjusted into a two-meter-long bed.

  Seating firmness and softness can be adjusted thanks to air cushions.

  With the introduction of the new SWISS service from Beijing,the Lufthansa Group Airlines may attract more Chinese customers when traveling to Europe.

  SWISS.Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines already connect five Chinese cities with Europe and beyond.

  This airlines group is the leading European airlines network in the Chinese market.

  In the summer of 2011,the Lufthansa Group operated 78 weekly flights from China including Hong Kong to Europe.

  SWISS is part of the Lufthansa Group as well as a member of the Star Alliance,the world's biggest airlines grouping.

  .According to the passage,from Dec.12,2017,


  A.it will only take us a day to fly from Beijing to Zurich

  B.we can fly directly from Beijing to Zurich

  C.the first flight from Beijing to Europe will only cost you 2,680 yuan

  D.the direct flight to Shanghai started by SWISS will be canceled

  2.Why is the new flight added?

  A.SWISS wants to offer good service to Chinese people.

  B.SWISS wants to contribute to growing economic ties between the two countries

  C.There is a growing demand for tourist travel in both directions.

  D.SWISS wants to create more opportunity for people to work.

  .What's special about the Airbus of the new flight?

  A.The Airbus can carry more passengers than other planes.

  B.The seats in it can be adjusted into comfortable beds.

  C.It offers all kinds of services for passengers to choose from.

  D.It has two kinds of air cushions on its seats.

  .What's the right relation between SWISS,Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines?

  A.SWISS is the customer of the Lufthansa Group Airlines

  B.Austrian Airlines is a part of SWISS.

  C.SWISS is part of the Lufthansa Group.

  D.SWISS belongs to Austrian Airlines.

  .What is the passage mainly about?

  A.SWISS already started direct flights to Shanghai.

  B.SWISS adds direct flights from Beijing to Europe.

  C.Beijing will be the third Chinese destination for SWISS.

  D.SWISS is the world's biggest airlines grouping.



  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible.Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel.It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter.

  Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense.It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving.On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting.A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and becomes so necessary in modern traffic conditions.But such behaviors of politeness are by no means enough.Many drivers nowadays don't even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

  1.The passage mainly talks about________.

  A.traffic jams

  B.road politeness

  C.good manners

  D.modern drivers

  2.Troubles on the road are often caused by________.

  A.the behavior of the drivers

  B.traffic jams

  C.great speed

  D.terrible road conditions

  3.According to the writer, a good driver should________.

  A.be able to recognize politeness when he sees it

  B.beat back when forced to face rude driving

  C.encourage old ladies to cross the roads whenever they want to

  D.join in traffic stream quickly however other people feel

  4.The following statements are right EXCEPT that________.

  A.some modern drivers are not good at driving

  B.road politeness is good sense as well as good manners

  C.a friendly driver should nod or wave thanks in answer to an act of politeness

  D.it is also right to have a tiger in the driver's seat

  5.It is not always right for drivers to________.

  A.master roadmanship

  B.recognize politeness when they see it

  C.give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness

  D.encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want

  【参考答案】1---5 BAADD


  阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  Scientists in UK have grown a living human "brain". The team at Aston University created tiny bunch of cells which act like a mini nervous system.

  They believe it could help find a cure for worse mental conditions like Parkinson’s disease. Professor Michael Coleman is leading the research program. He explained, "We are aiming to be able to study the human brain at the most basic level, using an actual living human cell system. Cells have to be alive and operating efficiently to enable us to really understand how the brain works. "The experiment involves changing cells from a cancer tumour (肿瘤)and making them behave like brain cells.

  Although far from finished, researchers hope the false brain cells will give them a greater understanding of how real brains work. This, in turn, could significantly further research into conditions which affect the brain. Neil Hunt, chief leader of the research group, said, "It is still very early days, but in the future the research could lead to a useful tool for looking into dementia (痴呆)."

  The technique could also provide a way to carry on animal test and is being supported by the Humane Research Trust (HRT). The scientists predict that over the next ten years a million people will develop dementia. Professor Coleman believes their findings could change this. He said,"We hope our research will provide scientists with a new and highly relational human experimental model to help them understand the brain better and develop new drugs to control the related disease. However, the biggest challenge at present is that we are greatly short of fund, which will slow our research."

  1. UK scientists grow a living human "brain" in order to ______.

  A. study the structure of human brain

  B. make use of living human cell system

  C. discover how human brain really works

  D. separate cells from a cancer tumour

  2. According to Neil Hunt, research into brain cells ______.

  A. will get finished as early as possible

  B. will make people discover dementia

  C. will affect the brain growth in many ways

  D. will help to treat some diseases in nerve system

  3. From the last paragraph,we can know that ______

  A. the technique provided by HRT is immature

  B. animal tests are no longer allowed by law

  C. a million people suffer from brain diseases

  D. the research program lacks financial support

  4. The text is intended to ______.

  A. tell us about a breakthrough in medical research

  B. introduce a research program in human's brain

  C. introduce the progress of drugs for dementia

  D. tell us about health problem in nerve system




  What is so amazing about giving blood?

  The National Blood Service, which covers all of England and North Wales, needs nearly two and a half million blood donations each year. When you give blood, you’ll be doing one of the most amazing things anybody could dream of — saving a life.


  All types of blood are needed —not just rare ones. In fact, the commoner the blood type, the more are needed. So even if your blood is one of the most common types — group O for example — you can be sure that by donating three times a year, you really are doing something amazing.

  What is the donation process?

  The donation will last about an hour in all. When you arrive, you will be asked a few questions about your health. Then a drop of blood will be taken and tested just to make sure you’re not anemic(贫血). If all is well, your donation.

  This only takes about ten minutes, during which time 470ml of blood will be collected. Most people hardly feel a thing. After a short rest, a drink and biscuits, you’ll be up and ready to go. All equipment used in the collection of your blood is new and is never reused, so you don’t have to worry about risks to your health in the collection of your blood.

  Who can become a blood donor?

  Becoming a blood donor really is very simple. As long as you’re in good health and aged between 17 and 60, you can become a blood donor. If you would like more information or advice, or you want to become a blood donor, ring the donor helpline on 0845 7711. The donor helpline is open 24 hours a day — every day of the year.

  1. Which is the subtitle of Paragraph 2?

  A. Why should you donate blood?

  B. What types of blood are needed?

  C. What should you consider before donation?

  D. How many times a year can you donate blood?

  2. Before giving blood, you will ________.

  A. rest for a while

  B. wait for one day

  C. fill in a form

  D. take a blood test

  3. What does the passage tell us about the donation process?

  A. It takes many hours.

  B. It’s done on computer.

  C. It doesn’t need equipment.

  D. It won’t affect donors’ health.

  4. The purpose of the writing is to _______.

  A. introduce the National Blood Service

  B. show the importance of donation

  C. call on people to donate blood

  D. remind people of the danger







  All over the world, libraries have begun the Herculean task of making faithful digital copies of the books, images and recordings that preserve the intellectual effort of humankind. For armchair scholars, the work promises to bring such a wealth of information to the desktop that the present Internet may seem amateurish in retrospect. …

  Librarians see three clear benefits to going digital. First, it helps them preserve rare and fragile objects without denying access to those who wish to study them. The British Library, for example, holds the only medieval manuscript of Beowulf in London. Only qualified scholars were allowed to see it until Kevin S. Kiernan of the University of Kentucky scanned the manuscript with three different light sources (revealing detail not normally apparent to the naked eye) and put the images up on the Internet for anyone to peruse (阅览). Tokyo’s National Diet Library is similarly creating highly detailed digital photographs of 1,236 woodblock prints, scrolls and other materials it considers national treasures so that researchers can scrutinize them without handling the originals.

  A second benefit is convenience. Once books are converted to digital form, patrons can retrieve them in seconds rather than minutes. Several people can simultaneously read the same book or view the same picture. Clerks are spared the chore of reshelving. And libraries could conceivably use the Internet to land their virtual collections to those who are unable to visit in person.

  The third advantage of electronic copies is that they occupy millimeters of space on a magnetic disk rather than meters on a shelf. Expanding library buildings is increasingly costly. The University of California at Berkeley recently spent $46 million on an underground addition to house 1.5 million books – an average cost of $30 per volume. The price of disk storage, in contrast, has fallen to about $2 per 300-page publication and continues to drop.

  1.  The best title for this passage would be __________.

  A. Three Benefits of Libraries

  B. Libraries Going Digital

  C. Space-saving E-learning

  D. Security of Electronic Reading

  66.  Which paragraph(s) in the text offer(s) further explanation of the central idea?

  A. Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 B. Paragraphs 3 and 4

  C. Paragraphs 2 and 4D. Paragraph 4

  3.  Which one of the following is mentioned as the advantages of E-libraries?

  A. Old manuscripts can be moved more easily 

  B. Materials can be examined without being touched

  C. Fewer staff will be required in libraries

  D. Libraries will be able to move underground

  4.  What does the word ‘scrutinize’ probably mean?

  A. keep for a while B. reprint C. restore D. examine carefully



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