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发布时间:2017-03-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  “Experience may possibly be the best teacher,but it is not a particularly good teacher.” You might think that Winston Churchill or perhaps Mark Twain spoke those words,but they actually come from James March,a professor at Stanford University and a pioneer in the field of organizational decision making. For years March(possibly the wisest philosopher of management)has studied how humans think and act,and he continues to do so in his new bookThe Ambiguities of Experience.

  He begins by reminding us of just how firmly we have been sticking to the idea of experiential learning:“Experience is respected;experience is sought;experience is explained.” The problem is that learning from experience involves(涉及)serious complications(复杂化),ones that are part of the nature of experience itself and which March discusses in the body of this book.

  In one interesting part of the book,for example,he turns a doubtful eye toward the use of stories as the most effective way of experiential learning. In our efforts to make stories interesting,he argues,we lose part of the complicated truth of things. He says “The more accurately(精确地)reality is presented,the less understandable the story,and the more understandable the story,the less realistic it is.”

  Besides being a broadly knowledgeable researcher,March is also a poet,and his gift shines through in the depth of views he offers and the simple language he uses. Though the book is short,it is demanding:Don’t pick it up looking for quick,easy lessons. Rather,be ready to think deeply about learning from experience in work and life.

  1. According to the text,James March is . 

  A. a poet who uses experience in his writing

  B. a teacher who teaches story writing in university

  C. a researcher who studies the way humans think and act

  D. a professor who helps organizations make important decisions

  2. According to James March,experience . 

  A. is overvalued

  B. is easy to explain

  C. should be actively soughtD. should be highly respected

  3. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

  A. Experience makes stories more accurate.

  B. Stories made interesting fail to fully present the truth.

  C. The use of stories is the best way of experiential learning.

  D. Stories are easier to understand when reality is more accurately described.

  4. What’s the purpose of this text?

  A. To introduce a book.

  B. To describe a researcher.

  C. To explain experiential learning.

  D. To discuss organizational decision making.

  【参考答案】1-4 CABA



  The multi-million pound new Library of Birmingham (LoB) will be the most visible sign of the way the city is accepting the digitalization (数字化) of everyday life.

  Set to open in 2017, the £188m LoB is already beginning to take shape next to the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with which it will share some equipment.

  As digital media (媒介) is important toits idea, the project is already providing chances for some of the many small new local companies working at the new technologies.

  Brian Gambles, the LoB project director, says it is about giving people the right tools for learning:“The aim is to mix the physical with the digital, providing 24-hour services which can be used through many different ways. It is important to enable us to reach more people, more effectively.”

  The digital library will, he says, be as important as the physical one, allowing the distant use of the services, making sure that it is never closed to the public.

  Even before the LoB is complete, the public has been able to go online to visit the Virtual (虚拟的) LoB, designed by Baden, the Birmingham virtual worlds specialists. Not only have the public been able to learn about the LoB, but the virtual one has also enabled those working on the LoB to understand the building and how it will work before it even opens.

  Two other small Birmingham-based digital companies are also working on the LoB projects. Substrat, a digital design company, is developing what it calls an example of an “enlarged reality” project. It is about the use of an exciting smart phone, an important part of the LoB which is in the early stages of development. And The People’s Archive is an online library of historical figures of the city being built up by a digital content company in Cahoots, in which users will be encouraged to add to and comment on the material.

  Gambles says: “Technology will enable us to make the library’s content and services open to citizens as never before.”

  1. The underlined part “its idea” in Paragraph 3 refers to the idea of . 

  A. the equipmentB. the project

  C. the digital media D. the physical library

  2. While visiting the Virtual LoB, the public can . 

  A. get a general idea of the LoB

  B. meet many world-famous experts

  C. learn how to put up a library building

  D. understand how the specialists work on the project

  3. Which of the following is true of the LoB when it opens?

  a. It offers better learning tools.

  b. It reaches users in different ways.

  c. It provides users with smart phones.

  d. It allows users to enrich its material.

  e. It gives non-stop physical and digital services.

  A. a, b, d B. a, c, e C. b, c, d D. b, d, e

  4. The text is most probably taken from . 

  A. a computer book B. a library guide

  C. a project handbookD. a newspaper report

  【参考答案】1-4 BAAD

  阅读理解, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country. If tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help the country's economy. It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country, keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance the wealth and happiness of local inhabitants.

  Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the country's economy can suffer.

  On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs. Businesses can also lose money. It costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first­class roads, and other support facilities(配套设施)needed by tourist attractions. For example, a major international class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.

  Building a hotel is just a beginning. There must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste, and water. All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost.

  1.Which of the following do you think has been discussed in the part before this selection?

  A.It is extremely important to develop tourism.

  B.Building roads and hotels is essential.

  C.Support facilities are highly necessary.

  D.Planning is of great importance to tourism.

  答案:D 本文一开始便讲如果没有适当的计划,旅游业会带来的各种问题,可见前文叙述适当计划的好处,以正反两方面来阐述。

  2.The underlined word“inhabitants” (in Paragraph 1 ) probably means________.

  A.tourists B.passengers

  C.population D.citizens

  答案:D 文中提到太多游客来该国inhabitants喜欢的地方,可见它指本国本土的居民。

  3.Too much tourism can cause all these problems EXCEPT ________.

  A.a bad effect on other industries

  B.a change of tourists' customs

  C.over­crowd of places of interest

  D.pressure on traffic

  答案:B 本文提到旅游业过于兴旺会带来的各种后果中提到了A、C、D,但没有说会改变游客的风俗习惯。

  4.It can be inferred from the text that________.

  A.the author doesn't like tourism developing so fast

  B.local people will benefit from tourist attraction

  C.other parts of a country's economy won't benefit from tourism much

  D.we can't build too many support facilities

  答案:B 从文中的讲述可以推知,旅游业会使当地人获益。

  , 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  Puerto Rico(波多黎各)may be part of the USA but its music and dance is a mixture of both Spanish and American rhythms. The country, as a result, is a mixture of very new and very old. It exhibits the open American way of life yet remains the more formal Spanish influences. This is reflected in the architecture, not just the difference between the old and the modern in urban areas but also in the countryside, where older buildings sit side by side with schools and houses. It is found in the cooking, too many fast food restaurants together with local cooking which has its roots in the mixture of culture of all the Caribbean and in the music, where rock music is played in beach resorts(圣地)but in the hilly center, Puerto Rican music can be heard. Old volcanic mountains, long motionless, take up a large part of the center, with the highest peak, Cerro de Punta, at 1,338 m in the Cordillera. The mountains are surrounded by a coastal plain with the Atlantic shore beaches cooled all the year round by trade winds(信风).

  The population is 3.8 million, of which about 1.5 million live in San Juan, although about another two million Puerto Ricans live in the USA. Average life is 73.8 years and GDP per person is US $ 12,212, the highest in Latin America, although not up to the level of mainland USA. The people are largely a mixture of Amerindian, Taino­Arawak, Spanish and African. Most Puerto Ricans do not speak English and less than 30% speak it fluently(流利地). Second generation Puerto Ricans who were born in New York, but who have returned to the island, are called Nuyoricans(新波多利哥人). The people are very friendly and hospitable but there is crime, linked to drugs and unemployment.

  1.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

  A.Puerto Rico belongs to the USA

  B.Puerto Rico is part of Spanish

  C.Puerto Rico is an independent country

  D.Puerto Rico has the highest peak in Latin America

  答案:A 细节理解题。波多黎各是南美洲的岛屿,属于美国。由首句Puerto Rico may be part of the USA得出。

  .The underlined word“It”in the first paragraph refers to________.

  A.the country

  B.a result

  C.a mixture of very new and very old

  D.Puerto Rico

  答案:C 语意理解题。应向前找,再向后看看it代表的内容,此处是指既古老又现代的混合体。It在句中作代词,指代前一句中的名词或短语,首先可以排除B。a result,因为“as a result”是插入语,A项the country虽然意思正确,但与C项相比就相对间接了;而D项Puerto Rico比A项更加间接,故排除。

  .What's the character of the culture of Puerto Rico?

  A.Either new or old.

  B.A mixture of different peoples.

  C.Too many fast food restaurants.

  D.Either Spanish or American.

  答案:B 推理判断题。波多黎各文化的特点是西班牙、美国等不同民族的混合,由第一段可以得出。A项和D项是两者中的选择而不是结合,C项属细节。

  .What are the disadvantages of Puerto Rico?

  A.Too many Puerto Ricans live in the USA.

  B.Few people in Puerto Rico can speak English.

  C.Puerto Rico's GDP is lower than that of the USA.D.Social problems connected with drugs and lack of jobs.答案:D 细节理解题。文中作者提到的不利因素——与毒品和失业相关的犯罪。即把犯罪概括为社会问题。

  阅读理解, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

  A chance to meet the Inuit people of Nunavut in Canada. While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ride on a dog sled and canoe in a seal skin kayak.

  If you do not eat meat, this tour is not for you as the Inuit eat mainly animals,birds and fish. This means they need to move around to gather food. You will join them when they are furthest south in the Arctic Circle. You will stay in igloos (houses made from snow) or tents and wear clothes made from animal skins

  The Inuit usually live in small family groups but have large summer gatherings for feasts and celebrations where they swap stories. You will have the chance to join in with one of these large gatherings. You will have the opportunity to take part in the drumming and dancing,and listen to traditional accounts of bravery as well as play games! While dancing you may even be asked to wear a special animal dance mask which is usually carved from wood. The Inuit believe in animal spirits. Their jewellery is made from owl claws,wolf bones and bird skulls and you will get the chance to make some of these unusual pieces of jewellery.

  1.While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ________.

  A. ride on a dog sled and canoe in a seal skin kayakB. take part in the drumming and dancing

  C. listen to traditional accounts of bravery as well as play games

  D. All of the above

  答案:D 细节理解题。由第一段第二句可知A项正确;由第三段第三句可知B、C两项正确。

  2.Why do the Inuit need to move around?

  A. Because their living place is very cold in winter

  B. Because they need to hunt animals, birds and fish for food

  C. Because they need to grow vegetables in summer

  D. Because there is a lot of wind in winter

  答案:B 细节理解题。由第二段前两句可知,因纽特人的主要食物是动物、鸟和鱼,他们要不断迁徙以猎取食物。

  3.In summer,the Inuit gather for ________.

  A. hunting

  B. selling and exchanging things

  C. feasts and celebrations

  D. weddings

  答案:C 细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知答案。

  4.Why is the Inuit's jewellery made from animals' bones?

  A.Because it is much easier to make jewellery from animals' bones

  B.Because jewellery made from animals' bones looks more beautiful

  C.Because it is lighter to wear

  D.Because the Inuit believe in animal spirits

  答案:D 细节理解题。从最后一段最后两句可知,因纽特人相信动物灵魂,所以他们佩戴由动物骨骼制成的首饰。5.Where does the passage probably come from?

  A. a science report

  B. a diary

  C. a travel advertisement

  D. a travel brochure

  答案:D 推理判断题。文章注意介绍了在旅游中将会遇到的事情,时态以现在时和将来时为主,所以不可能是日记(diary)和科学报告(science report);没有具体的时间和旅游路线,所以也不可能是广告。


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