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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点·考向·考法 综合练(七)

  限时:35分钟 语法知识(定语从句和名词性从句)+阅读+任务型阅读


  1.Julian works in a company, ________ is named after his grandfather, who founded it.

  2.No one would like to accept the blame for something ________ was someone else's fault.

  3.(2015·保定高三第一次模拟)We then moved to Paris, ________

  we lived for six years.

  4.The boy ________ I spoke to a moment ago is the son of my employer.

  5.My sister, ________

  photos I showed you yesterday, will come to see us this evening.

  6.Are we living in an age ________

  everyone is encouraged to share their ideas on blogs?

  7.(2015·江西省部分重点中学高三联考)—Have you finished the book?

  —No, I've read up to ________ the woman comes from.

  8.Mr Curry refused to say ________ had organized the meeting. However, everyone knew it was Jim.

  9.Many experts hold the view ________ the worker's development is where the key to better production lies.

  10.—I prefer staying at home all day on Sundays.

  —That's ________ I don't agree. You should have a more active life.

  11.Jeremy shut the door heavily behind him. No one knew

  ________ he was so angry.


  some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.


  Gandhi was honored as the father of the Indian nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians with the belief 1.________

  he is an Indian national hero.

  He was born in India in 1869.


  is recorded, he got married at the age of 13, following the local custom. In 1888 he sailed to England,


  he studied law for three years and became a lawyer. On his return to India, he was sent to South Africa 4.________

  (work) on a law case.

  In South Africa he was surprised to find

  5.________ the problem of racial discrimination was serious. There he formed an organization and this was


  he started to fight for equal rights.

  Gandhi returned to India in 1915,

  7.________ India was controlled by the British. He led the Indians to fight for an end to the British rule and independence for his country. Although in the political movement many Indians including Gandhi

  8.________ (put) in prison and it was still not clear 9.________

  they could gain independence, but

  the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give in and India won its independence in 1947. Unfortunately Gandhi was shot by an Indian 10.________ opposed his views and died on January 30th, 1948.


  (2015·安徽省六校研究会联考)Students in American schools learn from an early age to give presentations (演讲) as part of their regular classroom activities. Children as young as five years old often give brief talks about objects they bring in to school

  called “show and tell”,

  and this training is a basis for later public speaking. Even so, many native English-speaking adults are afraid to speak or give presentations in front of a large group.

  Speaking English in public meetings is necessary for many students and employees. The best way to improve is to practice public speaking in a friendly environment. Learners need to receive feedback about what they are doing well and about their mistakes. One group that gives members the chance to practice is Toastmasters. Toastmasters is an international organization that holds weekly meetings. At the meetings, members each give a speech and give others advice about their speeches and speaking style.

  Charles LeBeau is a public speaking professor and consultant. He began his career in Japan in 1982. Currently, he teaches at two universities and at the Toshiba International Training Center. He has also written books on the subject.

  English language learners around the world use his book Speaking of Speech. Speaking of Speech tells about a method of teaching public speaking for non-native speakers. Mr. LeBeau says a simple approach helps English learners.

  “The approach that I've taken is to simplify and break it down. First if we look at a presentation, what's going on, there are basically three messages that the presenter is giving the audience, all simultaneously

  (同时). There's what I call the physical message. Physical message is basically body language. It's the way that my body, as a speaker, is talking to the audience. And then there's also the visual message. The visual messages are the slides that we now make and show to the audience. The third message is the story message. The story message is the content of our presentation. So another way we can think of the story messages is that it's the verbal message, and it's what we say to the audience. The story message also includes how we organize our ideas to present to the audience.” LeBeau said.

  1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.The best way to improve is to practice public speaking in an unfriendly environment.

  B.Toastmasters is an international organization that holds meetings every two weeks.

  C.Only non-native English-speaking adults are afraid to give presentations in front of a large group.

  D.At the meetings of Toastmasters, members give not only a speech but also advice.

  2.What are the three messages given in Mr. LeBeau's simple approach that helps English


  a.the physical message

  b.the visual message

  c.the story message

  d.the verbal message

  e.the basically body language





  3.The book Speaking of Speech by Charles LeBeau is mainly intended for ________.

  A.children as young as five years old

  B.non-native English speakers

  C.native English speakers only

  D.students in American schools

  4.Which could be the best title for this passage?

  A.Necessity of Speaking English in Public Meetings

  B.Toastmasters, an International Organization

  C.Tips for Public Speaking

  D.Charles LeBeau, a Public Speaking Professor and



  Many people think that they have to accept whatever life throws at them. They'll say,

  “This is my fate. I cannot change it.”1.________ You don't have to suffer needlessly. Your fate depends on you, not on any other outside factors.

  We want to be happy and live our life to the fullest, but we have to do our share of making the effort to live the life of our dreams.


  You just don't sit around and wait for a million dollars to fall from the sky. You have to get off the couch, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone (unless it contributes to your success),

  and get your mind and body to work.

  If your life is not meant the way you want it to be, don't just say “Our time will come.”



  Don't expect your luck to change, unless you do something about it. If something goes wrong, don't just regard it as a temporary setback; but use it as feedback. Learn your lesson, make the most of the situation, and do something to solve the problem. It's not enough to think positively; you also have to act positively.

  If someone's life is in trouble, do you just hope and pray that things will turn out fine? Of course not!


  So it is with your own life. It is not enough to hope for the best, but you have to DO your best. In other words, don't just stand

  (or sit) there.


  A.I think so.

  B.Of course not.

  C.You'd better let it be.

  D.Things will get better someday.

  E.Do something to improve your life.

  F.Remember that you harvest what you sow.

  G.You've got to do anything you can to save the person.


  Ⅰ.1.which 2.that 3.where 4.who(m)

  5.whose 6.when 7.where 8.who

  9.that 10.where 11.why 12.What

  Ⅱ.1.that 2.As 3.where 4.to work 5.that 6.how 7.when 8.were put 9.whether 10.who


  1.解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段“Toastmasters is an international organization that holds weekly meetings. At the meetings, members each give a speech and give others advice about their speeches and speaking style.(Toastmasters是一个国际性的组织,每周都会举行会议。在会议上,每一个成员发表演讲,并对其他成员的演讲和说话风格提出建议。)”知答案为D。

  2.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第五段“There's what I call the physical message.”“And then there's also the visual message.”及“The third message is the story message.”知答案为A。

  3.解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段“Speaking of Speech tells about a method of teaching public speaking for non-native speakers.(这本书介绍了母语不是英语的人该如何作公共演讲的方法。)”知答案为B。

  4.解析:选C 标题归纳题。通读全文可知文章是关于如何作公共演讲的,从native speaker和non-native speaker两个角度谈论了这个问题,故答案为C。


  1.解析:选B 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。前句说到作者发现很多人在遭遇挫折后,会认为是命运使然,但后句指出“You don't have to suffer needlessly.(你并不需要承受这些。)”,由此可知此处是否定前句的内容,B选项的内容符合题意。

  2.解析:选F 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上文指出“...but we have to do our share of making the effort to live the life of our dreams.(……但是我们必须自己尽全力实现我们的梦想。)”F选项的句意为“请记住有所付出才会有所回报。”承接上文,故F项符合题意。

  3.解析:选D 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据句意可知,此处的内容与“Our time will come.”是并列关系,故句意应该是相同的。“Our time will come.(我们的机会就来了。)”与D选项“未来的某一天,事情都会好的。”意思相近,故D符合题意。

  4.解析:选G 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。前句句意:“如果有个人的生活陷入了麻烦,你所做的是否仅仅是祈祷或是希望事情能好转?当然不是这样的!”G选项提出了正确的解决方法,并起到了承上启下的作用。

  5.解析:选E 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。前句句意:“仅仅是祈祷当然是不够的,而是你应该尽自己的全力。换言之,不要仅仅是站或坐在那儿。”E选项内容是号召大家行动起来改善生活,符合题意。


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