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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点·考向·考法 综合练(九)

  限时:50分钟 语法知识(特殊句式和主谓一致)+阅读+书面表达


  1.Between each of the morning classes


  (be) an interval, when the students can have a short break.

  2.We each ________ (have) strong points, but each of us on the other hand ________

  (have) weak points.

  3.The writer and teacher Smith ________ (go) through millions of ups and downs since he moved to Sydney.

  4.To go to bed early and to rise early ________ (be) a good habit.

  5.Barbara is easy to recognize as she's the only one of the women who ________ (wear) evening dress.

  6.Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help ________ (offer) since the organization was built.

  7.A great number of students in this school ________ (be) League members.

  8.She stood at the gate as if ________ (wait) for someone.

  9.Although ________ (taste) a little bitter, this medicine will be good for curing the disease.

  10.There are some health problems that, when not ________ (treat) in time, can become bigger ones later on.

  11.It is the manager rather than the workers ________ is to blame for the accident. They just carried out the plan as told.

  12.How was it ________ your brother managed to pass the math exam last week? He's always so lazy.

  13.I ________ hope you can take my plan into consideration.

  14.For a moment nothing happened. Then ________ (come) voices all shouting together.


  1.In the dark corner of the room, the cat jumped up and caught the mouse.

  →In the dark corner of the room, ________________ and caught the mouse. (倒装句)

  2.They not only brought snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.

  →____________________ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. (倒装句)

  3.I will speak to him again only when he apologizes for his rudeness.

  →Only when he apologizes for his rudeness ____________________. (倒装句)

  4.He speaks French fluently, and his wife also speaks French fluently.

  →He speaks French fluently, ____________ his wife. (倒装句)

  5.He is rather difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his, once it is gained, is truer than that of anybody else's.


  is rather difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his, ____________, is truer than that of anybody else's. (省略句)

  6.Although it is small, the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.

  →________________, the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries. (省略句)


  There are so many ways to interpret body language and many, many more body language indicators. Below, we'll show you some of the most popular indicators.

  How close are they?

  Physical proximity is a frequently used body language indicator that many people don't notice. If someone is comfortable with you, they won't mind sitting or standing near you. So an interesting way to see if someone actually thinks you're okay is to go brush shoulders with them. If they back away, you have your answer!

  Restless hands.

  Have you ever seen someone drumming on a desk or a chair with their fingers? What about people playing drums on their legs? This can be a sign of impatience, restlessness, and even sometimes anger. If you're lecturing your kids and they're drumming their fingers on the table, chances are

  that you may not really be getting through to them. When you're speaking with someone and they're doing this, it's time to switch tactics.

  Holding your hands behind your back.

  Of all the body language indicators on this list, this one is the most ambiguous. People hold their hands behind their backs for a number of reasons. Watch any mafia movie and you'll see the Don holding his hands behind his back as a sign of power. People in the military are taught to do it as a sign of respect. Sometimes, people will even do it to be cute. Usually, when this occurs, you must rely on other indicators to determine the emotion being displayed. It is still quite popular.

  Hands balled into fists.

  This is another really popular indicator. Unlike the last one, this one has pretty much one single meaning. People do it when they're frustrated and angry. This is usually a precursor to violence, as balled up fists often results in something getting punched or hit. If you are speaking with someone and their hands are balled up in fists, things could go wrong very quickly.

  Arms crossed!

  People often misconstrue what crossing arms actually means. People think it means that someone is angry. In fact, it's actually used as a defensive stance. People who have their arms crossed are unconsciously defending themselves. They may not want to talk anymore or they may be hiding something they don't want to talk about. But crossing the arms means a person is trying to comfort themselves, meaning they're uncomfortable.


  This one is pretty obvious but we are talking about popular body language indicators. When someone widens their eyes or raises their eye brows, they're most often surprised or shocked at something. There really aren't any other reasons why someone widens their eyes. So this one is not only really popular, but really obvious and easy to spot!

  1.What can we do if we want to know whether someone likes to stay with us or not?

  A.We can just stand close to him or her.

  B.We can only shake hands with him or her.

  C.We can hug him or her tightly.

  D.We can drum on the desk with our fingers.

  2.If someone is a soldier, he uses a gesture like holding his hands behind his back to

  show his


  A.power over others

  B.respect to others

  C.angry to others

  D.cuteness to others

  3.According to Paragraph Six, people who crossed their arms are often






  4.Which body language in this passage is popular and easy to spot?

  A.Restless hands.

  B.Holding one's hands behind one's back.

  C.Crossing one's arms.

  D.Widening one's eyes.


  面对繁重的学业负担,很多学生出现了不同程度的心理和身体方面的不适。鉴于此种情况,中学生应该学会放松。假如你是中学生李华,请以“How to Relax Ourselves”为题写一篇文章给《21世纪英语报》投稿。内容包括:






  How to Relax Ourselves

  Faced with heavy learning burdens, many of us students


  Ⅰ.1.is 2.have; has 3.has gone 4.is 5.wears 6.have been offered 7.are

  8.waiting 9.tasting 10.treated 11.that

  12.that 13.do 14.came


  jumped the cat 2.Not only did they bring 3.will I speak to him again

  4.so does 5.once gained

  6.Although small


  1.解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段“If someone is comfortable with you, they won't mind sitting or standing near you. So an interesting way to see if someone actually thinks you're okay is to go brush shoulders with them.”可知答案。

  2.解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段“People in the military are taught to do it as a sign of respect.”可知答案。

  3.解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第六段“But crossing the arms means a person is trying to comfort themselves, meaning they're uncomfortable.”可知答案。

  4.解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段“So this one is not only really popular, but really obvious and easy to spot!”可知答案。


  How to Relax Ourselves

  Faced with heavy learning burdens, many of us students often feel tired both psychologically and mentally. If the situation continues, it will have a negative influence on our life and study. In view of this, we are supposed to learn to relax ourselves. As you know, there are various ways to relax ourselves, such as watching TV, surfing the Internet, taking regular exercise and traveling.

  As for me, I prefer surfing the Internet in my spare time. For one thing, the Internet provides me with a wide range of activities for relaxation. Sometimes I keep track of the latest news as an entertainment. I also play computer games to relax myself. For another, the Internet gives me easy access to making friends with people at home and abroad. Furthermore, the vivid pictures on the Internet can greatly refresh me when I feel tired.


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