2017届高考英语一轮复习练习:必修2 阶段测试题(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习练习:必修2 阶段测试题(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  阶段测试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。


  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

  第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)


  1.How much did the woman pay for the dress?

  A.40 dollars. 

  B.45 dollars.  C.50 dollars.

  2.Who is the girl over there in red?

  A.Susan's neighbor.

  B.The woman's sister.

  C.The woman's roommate's friend.

  3.Why does the woman refuse to eat carrots?

  A.Because she doesn't like carrots at all.

  B.Because she doesn't think they're healthy.

  C.Because she has been eating them every day.

  4.How does the man probably feel?


  B.Surprised. C.Bored.

  5.What does the woman mean?

  A.She'll go with the man.

  B.Her daughter dislikes reading.

  C.She'll spend time with her daughter.




  6.When will the wonderful show begin?

  A.At 8:00 p.m.

  B.At 8:30 p.m.

  C.At 9:00 p.m.

  7.What will the woman do tonight?

  A.Watch TV with Lily.

  B.Watch a basketball game.

  C.Stay with the man the whole time.


  8.Why does the man go to Paris?

  A.To visit a friend.

  B.To work.

  C.To visit museums.

  9.Which country did the woman go to about five years ago?


  B.Japan. C.China.

  10.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?


  B.Husband and wife.



  11.Why is the woman calling the man?

  A.To invite the man and Julia to a party.

  B.To invite the man and Julia over to dinner.

  C.To ask the man and Julia to enjoy outdoors on Saturday.

  12.What is the man's reply to Rose's invitation?

  A.He's not free.

  B.He's not sure.

  C.He'll certainly go.

  13.What has the man promised to do?

  A.Visit Julia's mother.

  B.Persuade Julia to join him.

  C.Give Rose a phone call later.


  14.How did the man probably look when the woman saw him?


  B.Worried. C.Excited.

  15.What does the woman think of the man?

  A.That he is hard­working.

  B.That he is careful.

  C.That he is funny.

  16.What will the man do?

  A.Lend the woman some books.

  B.Buy some books for the woman.

  C.Ask the woman what kinds of books she likes.

  17.What is the woman?

  A.A teacher.

  B.A student.C.A writer.


  18.How old is the man's grandmother?


  B.60. C.52.

  19.What is the man's father?

  A.A farmer.

  B.A teacher. C.A doctor.

  20.What does the man's mother like doing in her free time?

  A.Going fishing.


  C.Watching TV.

  答案:1-5 ACCBC 6-10 CACAC 11-15 BBCBA

  16-20 ABBCC


  Text 1

  M:How much did you pay for the dress?

  W:It usually costs fifty dollars. But I got a twenty percent discount.

  Text 2

  M:Is the girl over there in red your sister?

  W:No. That's Susan,my roommate's friend.

  Text 3

  W:I don't want to eat carrots today.

  M:But they're good for your eyes.

  W:I know that. But do we have to eat them every day?

  Text 4

  M:What's going on around here? All the offices were changed. I really cannot believe this!

  W:Haven't you heard? Where have you been,anyway?

  M:I was sent to Beijing. I just went back.

  W:Well, a lot of changes were made last week. By the way, Han Mei is your boss now.

  Text 5

  M:I'll go to Mr Black's garage sale. Mr Black has many books for sale.

  W:There are many books for sale too at a flea market on this street. Why don't you go there?

  M:I'd like to, but I've promised Mr Black I'll go to his garage sale this afternoon. Do you want to come ?

  W:I'll play with my daughter in the park this afternoon.

  Text 6

  W:What's on TV tonight?

  M: Here's news from 7:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m.

  W:Oh, good.

  M:And then there's a basketball game at 8:30 p. m.

  W:Oh, no! There's a wonderful show on another channel at 9:00 p. m. I'd rather watch that.

  M:Well, the basketball game ends at ten. I'm afraid you cannot watch it.

  W:But I don't want to miss the show.

  M:Why not go to Lily's? You two can watch it together.

  W:That's a good idea.

  Text 7

  W:Are you going to Paris,too?

  M:Yes. I'm going to Paris first, and then I'll go to Amsterdam. I'd like to visit the museums of these two cities.

  W:May I ask where you're from?

  M:I'm from Germany.

  W:Oh, I went to Berlin once about five years ago. It was beautiful.

  M:I'm glad you liked it. Are you Japanese?

  W:No. I'm from China.

  M:Oh,I've been to China.

  W:Really? Which cities have you been to?

  M:Well, I have been to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

  W:Which city did you like best?

  M:Beijing. The Great Wall is so amazing.

  Text 8

  M:Hello. This is Jack. Who is that,please?

  W:Hello,Jack. This is Rose. How are you?

  M:Just fine, thanks, Rose.

  W:Say, Romeo and I are wondering if you and Julia are free this Saturday.

  M:Saturday. Let me see. It seems Julia mentioned something about visiting her mother that afternoon.

  W:Oh,what a pity!

  M:Why? What did you have in mind?

  W:Oh, do you think it would be nice to have you over for dinner? But if you're not free...

  M:Well, let me check with Julia again. She is out now. I'll call you tonight, and let you know for sure. OK?

  W:Great! I'm waiting for your call. Goodbye!


  Text 9

  W:What's wrong?

  M:I can't find my list. I wish I hadn't thrown it away by mistake.

  W:It's a list of books,isn't it?

  M:Yes. Have you seen it?

  W:I thought it might be useful, so I took it from the waste paper basket.

  M:Oh,that's very kind of you. I am always so careless. Can I get it back?

  W:Of course, but I don't have it on me. I put it in my desk in our classroom. By the way, how can you read so many books when you have to study all day long?

  M:I read them as long as I have any time.

  W:You are really diligent. You set a good example for me.

  M:What kinds of books do you like reading?

  W:Books on science and technology.

  M:Then we can share these books.

  W:Good idea.

  Text 10

  (Read by a man)

  My name is Xiao Ming. I'm 16 years old and like to play tennis at school. There are five people in my family: my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and I.

  My grandfather and grandmother live on the farm. My grandfather works in the fields all the day even though he is 62 years old this year and my grandmother ,who is two years younger than her husband, works at home as a housewife. They are very strong and healthy, They enjoy walking when they have time. My father,a kind­hearted doctor in his late 30s, is respected and loved by patients because he has saved so many people's lives. He often invites his friends to go fishing after work. As an English teacher, my mother spends much of her time on her students. She does a good job in her school. She is fond of watching TV at home when she is free. That's my family. All the members in my family live a happy life and we love each other deeply.


  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





  At Bristol Zoo Gardens you can enjoy an amazing world of animals, all within our award­winning 12 acre gardens. With over 400 species and nine animals houses under cover, it's one of the best days out in Bristol whatever the weather. We suggest you allow 2­5 hours for your visit to really take in everything we have to offer.

  By visiting Bristol Zoo you will be directly contributing to the conservation of endangered species and habitats. Admission prices at Bristol Zoo include a 10% voluntary donation to help support our conservation projects.

  With so many things to do in Bristol Zoo, it really is one of the top attractions in Bristol and the South West.

  Adopting an Animal

  Help us look after your favorite animal by becoming an animal adopter; it makes a fantastic gift for any age!Choose from 10 of our favorite animals to adopt, which costs just £45. Adopt them in a matter of minutes online.

  Opening hours

  We're open every day from 9 am to 5:30 pm in peak season, and close at 5 pm during off peak. The Zoo is closed on Christmas Day. Last entry to the Zoo is an hour before closing time and animal houses close half an hour before closing time.

  Traveling by bus

  Our bus service is operating every 30 minutes on Sundays and public holidays only. The service will enable guests to travel to the Zoo or anywhere along the route. The service is FREE to Bristol Zoo members—all you need to do is bring your membership card.

  We encourage all of our guests to use public transport when coming to the Zoo.

  语篇解读:本文是应用文,介绍了去Bristol Zoo公园参观的一些相关信息。

  21.By visiting the zoo, you will ________.

  A.contribute to protecting endangered species

  B.enjoy a 10 % discount off the admission

  C.become a volunteer for species at the zoo

  D.be asked to donate extra money for conservation

  答案:A 细节理解题。结合第二段的第一句话“By visiting Bristol Zoo you will be directly contributing to the conservation of endangered species and habitats”可知,答案为A。

  22.What message can we get from the text?

  A.You can take care of 10 favorite animals.

  B.The zoo is opened all the year around.

  C.Visitors are encouraged to come by bus.

  D.The zoo provides free public transport.

  答案:C 细节理解题。根据最后一段的信息 “...to use public transport”可知,答案为C。

  23.Where can we most likely read the text?

  A.At the geography text.

  B.In a science magazine.

  C.At the entrance to zoos.

  D.On the Internet.

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章小标题“Adopting an animal”下“Adopt them in a matter of minutes online.”可知,这篇文章来自于网络,答案为D。



  Some people collect stamps. Other people collect works of art or musical instruments. But a man in the American state of Maryland collects secrets.

  For the past 10 years, people have been sending Frank Warren postcards and other objects with secrets written on them. He now has a million secrets. “It's a drawing of a lift. And the secret says: ‘I feel guilty when I take lifts for one floor, so I limp when I get out.’” Frank said.

  Ten years ago, Mr. Warren created an art project called PostSecret. People then began to send him postcards, other objects and emails telling their secrets. Every Sunday, he chooses 10 secrets and puts them on the website.

  Mr. Warren says he created PostSecret so people could share their secrets in a safe place. “I was struggling with secrets in my own life. And it was by creating this safe place where others could share their secrets with me, I think that space was something I needed just as much as they did.”

  He has published six books full of the secrets people have shared with him. One secret in each book is his. Eric Perry delivers mail for the U.S. Postal Service. He has brought thousands of secrets to Frank's home over the past three years. “I have a couple of the books that Frank's given me and I've read them all and my family has read them all and it's wild!”

  The project itself was once one of Frank's secrets. His wife Jan didn't know exactly what he was doing until the first book was published. The publisher told him that the address was going to be on the book, and he refused. However, the address was there just because of the contract between them. Actually Warren wasn't very happy about that.

  Some people tell Frank of their secret desire to kill themselves. So he and the PostSecret community have raised more than $1 million to help prevent suicides(自杀).


  24.It is implied in Mr. Warren's words in Paragraph 2 that ________.

  A.the person was ashamed of using an elevator for one floor

  B.Americans are not allowed to use an elevator for one floor

  C.the person felt guilty when pretending to be a disabled one

  D.he has received different secrets about using an elevator

  答案:A 推理判断题。由第二段最后一句话“I feel guilty when I take lifts for one floor, so I limp when I get out.,我坐电梯只坐一层时觉得惭愧,所以我出电梯时瘸着走(假装腿脚不好)。”可推知这个人对自己的行为感到羞愧。

  25.Mr. Warren created PostSecret in order to ________.

  A.satisfy his curiosity about others' secrets

  B.collect more materials for his series of books

  C.offer a safe place for people to share their secrets

  D.earn a lot of money by sharing others' secrets online

  答案:C 细节理解题。由第四段第一句话“Mr. Warren says he created PostSecret so people could share their secrets in a safe place.”可知。

  26.What do we know about Eric Perry from the passage?

  A.His family are eager to collect the books written by Frank.

  B.His main job is to deliver mails and postcards for Frank.

  C.He has been a postman who has a great many secrets.

  D.He has developed a good relationship with Frank.

  答案:D 推理判断题。由第五段可知,两人建立了很好的关系。

  27.What was Mr. Warren's secret according to the passage?

  A.He once took the lift only for one floor.

  B.He is interested in collecting others' secrets.

  C.He created an art project without telling his wife.

  D.He helped prevent others from committing suicides.

  答案:C 推理判断题。由第六段前两句话“The project itself was once one of Frank's secrets. His wife Jan didn't know exactly what he was doing until the first book was published.”可推知,Frank自己的秘密是他的妻子Jan在第一本书出版前一直不知道他到底在干什么。



  You may think, salt is just a simple cooking element we shake on our food for a little extra taste. But salt is much more than that. Without salt our muscles would not move. Our nervous systems would not operate. Our hearts would not beat.

  But do not think rubbing salt in a wound will help. Doing that would be painful and not heal the wound. To rub salt in a wound is an idiom that means to purposefully make a bad situation worse.

  Early humans got the salt they needed to stay alive from the animals they killed. But advances in agriculture led to a diet low in salt. So, humans needed to find other sources. Those who lived near the ocean or other natural sources for salt were lucky. Those who did not had to trade for salt. In fact, people used salt as a method of payment in many parts of the ancient world. The word “salary” comes from the word “salt”.

  Salt also played an important part in population movement and world exploration. Explorers understood that if they could keep food fresh, they could travel longer distances. So they used salt to preserve food and explored the world.

  Salt was so important that, according to food historians. It was traded pound­for­pound for gold. Today, people still use the expressions “to be worth one's salt” or “worth one's weight in salt”. The expressions describe a person of value.

  A person might also be called salt of the earth. That description means he or she is dependable and trustworthy. However, when you say “I think we should take what he said with a grain of salt” you mean you accept it but maintain a degree of doubt about its truth.


  28.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

  A.Salt plays an important part in our life.

  B.Salt makes food tasty.

  C.Salt is considered to be part of our muscles.

  D.Salt is sure to damage nervous systems.

  答案:A 推理判断题。依据第一段可知,食盐对我们的肌肉、心脏、神经系统起着决定性作用,因此食盐是我们生命中的主要部分。

  29.A beggar's bread was stolen last night, which means ________.

  A.salt of the earth

  B.rubbing salt in a wound

  C.a diet low in salt

  D.worth his salt

  答案:B 细节理解题。依据题干可知,乞丐的面包被偷了,他本身就缺衣少粮,唯一的食品被偷则是雪上加霜,故选B。

  30.If you describe a person as a great help, you mean ________.

  A.he is called salt of the earth

  B.he is often taken as a grain of salt

  C.he often uses salt to preserve meat

  D.he is worth his weight in salt

  答案:D 细节理解题。依据倒数第二段的最后一句“The expressions describe a person of value.”可知,上文的“to be worth one's salt” or “worth one's weight in salt”是描述一个人有帮助的时候的习语。

  31.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A.Salt Is More Than a Four­letter Word.

  B.Salt Is a Basic Element in Cooking.

  C.Salt Is a Word with a Long History.

  D.Salt Is Popular with Different Persons.

  答案:A 主旨大意题。作者在文中讲述了“salt”在习语中的意思,它远不止是食盐的意思,因此选A项。



  What transportation do you use to get around town? Perhaps you should try a Segway!

  The Segway is perfect for short journey. It is an electric vehicle that consists of a platform between two wheels, with a pole that connects the platform to the handlebars. To ride it, you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and backwards to slow down.

  On older models, direction is controlled by a twist grip on the left handlebar. This varies the speeds between the two motors; a decrease in the speed of the left wheel would turn the Segway to the left. With newer models you simply lean to the left or right. Meanwhile, a gyroscope detects your movements and prevents the machine from falling over. The Segway has a maximum speed of 19 km per hour and a range of about 38 km. After that, you need to plug it in and recharge the battery.

  Segways are helpful in various situations. People with mobility problems can now enjoy walks in the country with their friends and family. Some golfers use them as an alternative to the golf cart. And dog owners now have an easier way to take the dog to the park. A few police forces use Segways, too. They allow officers to move quickly while maintaining contact with the public. They are also becoming a common sight on airport. However, the most popular use is in tourism, particularly for city tours. Visit any major tourist city in summer, sit outside a cafe for a while and there is a good chance you will see a group of tourists passing on Segways.


  32.What is the Segway according to this passage?

  A.A pole that connects two handlebars.

  B.A newly appeared public traffic vehicle.

  C.A bicycle with a platform between two wheels.

  D.An electric two­wheeled vehicle for short trips.

  答案:D 推理判断题。由第一段前两句话可推知,Segway是适合短途旅行的两个轮子的交通工具。

  33.What controls the speed of a Segway?

  A.The two handlebars. B.The twist grip on the left.

  C.The driver's body movement.D.A gyroscope on the vehicle.

  答案:C 细节理解题。由第二段最后两句话“To ride it, you step up onto the platform, and control the Segway by moving your body. Lean forwards to go faster, and backwards to slow down.”可知,司机移动身体可以控制Segway的速度。

  34.How far can you travel on a Segway at most?

  A.Less than 19 km.

  B.About 19 km.

  C.About 38 km.

  D.More than 38 km.

  答案:B 细节理解题。由第三段第五句话“The Segway has a maximum speed of 19 km per hour”可知,Segway最大时速是每小时19公里。

  35.What does the last paragraph mainly discuss?

  A.What a Segway is like.

  B.Where to find a Segway.

  C.How to control a Segway.

  D.When a Segway is useful.

  答案:D 主旨大意题。最后一段主要讲的是Segway的用途。

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  For a lot of parents, sending their kids off to college is a bittersweet experience. I think a lot of teenagers head to college without any idea about how money works. Don't let that happen to your college kid. Help them understand these issues before they step into that first class.

  ·Budget, budget, budget. __36__ So start by making sure you understand budgeting and have begun to use it as part of your financial plan.

  ·Independence means responsibility. Living away from home means you have to take care of yourself. __37__ Food doesn't just drop out of the sky, and gas doesn't magically appear in their car. Independence means responsibility.

  ·__38__ Even if your kid is going to a small community college, they'll still probably have a few thousand dollars of tuition to pay. If you break it down, one class can cost $1,000 at the very minimum! And that doesn't even include books.

  ·Choose a major wisely. __39__ This isn't a must before they step on campus, but simply plant a seed that gets them started thinking about what they want to do with their life. You don't want them graduating with a degree that leaves them unfulfilled or unable to find a job.

  ·Friends matter. __40__ Who you hang out with definitely influences how you spend money and the decisions you make. Without being overbearing, remind them how important it is to have positive friends who build them up instead of bringing them down.

  Remember, as a parent, just be there for support and to streng then these principles throughout their college experience.

  A.College isn't cheap.

  B.Cherish your opportunity.

  C.Help your teenager find his or her passion.

  D.However, not all friends can be really depended on.

  E.New friends mean new opportunities and social situations.

  F.Do your best to prepare your son or daughter for what that means.

  G.If you aren't using a budget, it'll be difficult to convince your kid to use one.


  36.G 由前面的budget可知,该段讲的是做好预算。

  37.F 该段讲的是独立与责任的关系,所以选F项。

  38.A 该空是该段的中心句。该段主要讲的是大学花费很多。

  39.C 该段讲的是明智地选择专业,所以让你的孩子找到自己的兴趣爱好所在。

  40.E 该段讲的是朋友很重要,所以E项正确。

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



  It was a rainy day. I was riding on a bus downtown to go to work.With the depressing weather,everyone on the bus was in a bad __41__. I was sitting next to a man in a business suit and didn't pay much attention until we both got off at the same __42__ and walked to the same newsstand to get a morning paper.

  The man __43__ the stand was obviously having a bad day.He was __44__ and unsmiling as we purchased our papers,which only __45__ more gloom to my day.The businessman caught my __46__.He,smiling brightly,__47__ the newsstand owner for being __48__ on such a morning to make sure we were able to get our papers.In short,he expressed his __49__ for something most of us would take for granted.

  The man running the newsstand __50__ only with an unfriendly expression.The businessman then __51__ him a pleasant day.As we turned away,I asked this man why he continued to be pleasant __52__ the newsman obviously didn't care about his expression of appreciation and __53__.The businessman smiled at me,saying,“Why would I let someone else __54__ what I say or what kind of day I'm going to have?”

  We then separated and __55__ our work places.I never saw that businessman again,even though I looked for him on the bus on other days.He appeared __56__ in my life and disappeared just as quickly.But I've never forgotten the __57__ he said or the way he or the way he smiled on a __58__ day.

  We cannot control people and situations that come to us,but we can always control our response to them.And in such __59__ decisions lie our control and personal power to make a positive difference,which can __60__ both the present and the future.






  答案:B 在这沉闷的阴雨天,车上的每个人情绪低落。in a bad mood表示“心情不好”。





  答案:C 我们在同一个车站下车。stop表示“车站”。





  答案:A 经营这个报摊的人显然心情也不好。 run 表示“经营,管理”。





  答案:D 由下文中的unsmiling可知摊主非常粗鲁。





  答案:A 摊主的粗鲁让我心情更加阴沉。add...to...表示“把……增加到……”。





  答案:B 那人商人引起我的注意。catch one's eyes表示“引起某人的注意”。





  答案:A 那个商人感谢摊主因为在阴雨天还卖报纸。





  答案:D 此处指能找到摊主买报纸。available 表示“能得到的;可得到的”。





  答案:C 由上文可知,在我们看来理所应当的事情他却表示表示感谢。





  答案:B 对于商人的感谢,摊主只是不友好的回应了一下。respond表示“回答,回应”。





  答案:C 商人祝愿摊主有个美好的一天。





  答案:D 我问商人当摊主明显不在乎他的感谢时,他为什么还要友好地表示感谢。





  答案:B 此处和appreciation近义的词应该用friendliness。





  答案:A 由下文多次出现的control可知,此处表示“控制”我们所说的话。

  55.A.set off

  B.turned into

  C.went on

  D.headed for

  答案:D 然后我们分开各自回到工作地点。head for表示“前往”。





  答案:A 那个商人在我的生活很短暂地出现。briefly表示“短暂地”。





  答案:D 但是我永远不会忘记他说的话。





  答案:C 根据上文可知那天是一个阴沉天。gloomy表示“阴沉的”。





  答案:B 根据下文的make a positive difference的暗示可知此处指乐观的决定。





  答案:C 这可能对我们的现在和未来都有影响。impact表示“影响”。


  第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)



  Ireland,Japan,China scientists share the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine.William Campbell,Satoshi Omura and Tu Youyou jointly won the prize __61__ their work against diseases,the award­giving body said on Monday.

  Campbell __62__(bear)in Ireland and Japanese Omura won half of the prize for a new drug,__63__ has helped the battle against river blindness,as well as showing __64__(power)effect against other diseases.

  The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou also discovered artemisinin(青蒿素),a drug that has __65__(sharp)reduced the death rates for patients __66__(suffer)from malaria(疟疾).She is also the first Chinese citizen __67__(win)the Nobel Prize for medicine.The prize winning is __68__ honor for China's science cause and traditional Chinese medicine.

  “These two __69__(discover)provide humankind with a new way to fight these diseases that affect hundreds of millions of people annually.The award for Tu Youyou is the result of a major change in the way China performs scientific research.China __70__(spend)a lot of money on such research over the past years,”a member of the Nobel committee said.

  61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______

  66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______


  61.for 考查介词。此处表示获奖的原因,所以用for表示。

  62.born 考查非谓语动词。此处是过去分词作后置定语,所以用过去分词形式。

  63.which 考查非限制定语从句。 定语从句中缺少主语,所以用which来引导。

  64.powerful 考查形容词。根据句子结构可知句子缺少定语,所以用形容词作定语。

  65.sharply 考查副词。根据句子可知sharp是修饰谓语,所以用副词形式。

  66.suffering 考查非谓语动词。此处suffer与病人之间是主动关系,所以用suffering作定语。

  67.to win 考查非谓语动词。当名词前面有序数词来修饰时,常用不定式作定语,所以用to win。

  68.an 考查冠词。根据句子结构可知此处缺少冠词,根据句意可知表示泛指,所以用an。

  69.discoveries 考查名词。句子缺少主语,又因为前面有two来修饰,所以用名词的复数形式。

  70.has spent 考查时态。根据句子的时间状语over the past years可知用现在完成时。


  第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)






  Last Saturday, my uncle invited some friends to a restaurant to drink. He drink a lot of wine. After that, he insisted on driven home by himself. His friends tried to persuade him not to do that, and he would not listen. On his way home, he drove faster but he felt so sleepily that he knocked into a tall tree. Unluckily, he badly injured. Then he was sent to hospital immediately by two passer­by. He had to stay in hospital for several days and an police abolished his driving license. He was very sorry for what he had been done. However, it was too late for him to do something.

  Drunk driving has been one of the major causes to road accidents. That is why drivers should be punished if they are found drunk.


  Last Saturday, my uncle invited some friends to a restaurant to drink. He

  a lot of wine. After that, he insisted on

  home by himself. His friends tried to persuade him not to do that,

  he would not listen. On his way home, he drove faster but he felt so

  that he knocked into a tall tree. Unluckily, he

  badly injured. Then he was sent to hospital immediately by two . He had to stay in hospital for several days and

  police abolished his driving license. He was very sorry for what he had been done. However, it was too late for him to do .

  Drunk driving has been one of the major causes

  road accidents. That is why drivers should be punished if they are found drunk.

  解析:第一处:drink改为drank 考查时态。全文都是一般过去时态。

  第二处:driven改为driving 考查非谓语动词。介词on后接V­ing形式。

  第三处:and改为but 考查连词。上下句之间是转折关系。

  第四处:sleepily改为sleepy 考查系表结构。此处felt是系动词,所以后接形容词作表语。

  第五处:badly前加was 考查语态。be injured“受伤”。

  第六处:passer­by改为passers­by 考查名词单复数。由前面的two可知,应该用复数名词。

  第七处:an改为the 考查冠词。the police“警察,警方”。

  第八处:去掉been 考查语态。他对自己做的事感到后悔。此处应为主动语态。

  第九处:something改为anything 考查代词。anything意为“任何事情”。

  第十处:to改为of 考查介词。cause后接介词of。



  下图是沈阳市10月平均气温图,你是中学生李华,参加了社会实践调查,请以“Temperature changes in Shenyang”为题,用英语写一篇100­120个词的短文。要求如下:


  2.说明原因:汽车等的使用增加,空气中二氧化碳carbon dioxide含量增加;滥砍伐树木;为了经济,过多建立高楼大厦



  The average temperature in fifty years

  Temperature Changes in Shenyang

  As is shown in the chart, _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  Temperature Changes in Shenyang

  As is shown in the chart, the average temperature in October in Shenyang has been rising in the last 50 years, from 14℃ in 1965 to 20℃ in 2015.

  Several reasons may account for the phenomenon. Firstly, with more and more vehicles running in the street, too much carbon dioxide is given off. What's worse, trees and grasses are cut down to make room for factories, making it impossible for us to take in fresh air every day. Meanwhile, so many skyscrapers also contribute to the temperature rise.

  As far as I'm concerned, we should attach great importance to the problem. If possible, we can walk to school or ride bikes. And the government is supposed to take effective measures. Only in this way can we live in a healthy environment.


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