2017届高考英语(全国)复习练习题:加练半小时 第1练 学校生活类(1)(含答案)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(全国)复习练习题:加练半小时 第1练 学校生活类(1)(含答案)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  pressure educate graduate crazy


















  take a course in English 修英语课

  graduate from 毕业于……

  major in 主修……

  at present目前

  in public 当众,公开地

  apply for申请……

  apply oneself to 致力于……

  to some degree在某种程度上

  have a talent/gift for有……的天赋

  look forward to期待,盼望




  (press) of the crowd made it impossible for me to stand still.

  2.The teacher

  (explain) the difficult point of grammar to me.

  3.Nowadays a lot of adults go to evening schools for further



  (science) is an international leader in the field of mathematics.

  5.You will certainly pass your exams if you really apply

  (you) to your work.

  6.The males think the females have a talent

  telling long and tiring stories.

  7.He is going to make a speech


  8.I look forward to

  (spend) more time with my family.

  9.Students can apply


  10.He will graduate

  the school in June.



  Whether it is elementary school,middle school,or high school in the United States,there will always be an awards ceremony at the end of the year.Though it varies from school to school,there are a few that are given by most schools across the nation.

  The first one is given from grades 3 to 8 and it is the Honor Roll Award.In elementary and middle school,this award is used to recognize academic excellence.This award is also separated into two groups:A Honor Roll and A/B Honor Roll.It is given out at the end of a school year and students who receive all averages of a 93 or above (90 in some states) on a final report card receive an A Honor Roll,and students with grades above 85 (80 in some states) would receive an A/B Honor Roll.It is to reward students who have worked hard and received all A’s or A’s and B’s.

  In high school,this is changed a bit,but still can be classified as the same type of award.The difference is that instead of using the scale(等级) of 100,they use a grade point average(GPA) based on a 4 point scale.They recognize students with a high GPA as “Honor Students”.If the student keeps it up for all four years of high school,then they graduate with honors.

  Another notable award is the President’s Award for Educational Excellence.This is given by the President’s Education Awards Program each year to students all over the United States.This award is offered to elementary school,middle school and high school students.To be eligible(有资格的) for this award,middle school and elementary school students must earn an average grade of 90 or above on a 109 point scale.High school students must have a GPA of at least 3.5.Students must also have a high score on a statewide or national standardized test or have a recommendation from a teacher.Usually this award is given at the end of the year.It is a certificate with a signature from the president along a letter of recognition.

  However,many people confuse the President’s Award for Educational Excellence with another award,the US Presidential Scholars Program.Even though both have the word “President” in the title,they are completely different awards.Where the President’s Award for Educational Excellence is relatively easy to achieve,the award from the Presidential Scholars Program is not.To earn the honor of being a Presidential Scholar,a student must be a high school senior last year of high school with outstanding standardized test scores.

  1.If,in most of the schools in the US,a student in Grade 5 wants to get A Honor Roll,he/she must get all averages of a






  2.From the passage we know that the students who

  can graduate with honors.

  A.are recognized as “Honor Students” for all four years of high school

  B.get averages of 100 in high school for all four years of high school

  C.get a high GPA in high school for more than one year

  D.keep up the grades of 100 in high school for more than one year

  3.If high school students are to win the President’s Award for Educational Excellence,which of the following statements should be included?

  A.An average grade of 90 or above on a 100 point scale.

  B.A GPA of at least 3.5 in a national standardized test.

  C.A recommendation from a teacher.

  D.A high school senior with outstanding standardized scores.

  4.The best title for this passage may be “


  A.Awards in Elementary and Middle Schools

  B.Awards in Schools of the United States

  C.How High Schools Reward Their Students

  D.It’s Easy to Win Awards in Schools


  Applicants for a job interview with LG Electronics in Chile had the scare of their lives when the company played a cruel trick on them that has been turned into an amusing TV advertisement.

  To promote just how life­like images(图像) appear on the company’s 82­inch “Ultra HD” TV,LG created an unreal office in which one of its screens was positioned to look like a window.

  Four unlucky applicants—two men and two women—were then filmed in the office being interviewed for a job with the company.To begin with,the interview process seems perfectly normal as the interviewer shakes their hands and starts to ask questions.But then the city outside starts to change,the blue sky turns black,a burning rock appears from the clouds and suddenly the city explodes.The combination of high­quality images and sound is so realistic that each of the four interviewees is shocked,panicking and screaming as they see what they think is their city being destroyed.Next the lights go out and the poor victims are left in the dark for a couple of minutes to add to the drama.When the lights go back on,the door suddenly opens and in walks the LG team behind the trick to congratulate the poor targets.

  The interviewees’ reactions after the trick are just as real as some scream and shout,while others are quick to see the funny side of things and are probably just grateful that they haven’t just experienced the end of the world.

  It is a cruel but entertaining trick which does a highly effective job of promoting LG’s “Ultra HD” televisions.However,some comments online by those who have seen the ad claim the whole process was not real.They claim actors are playing the parts of applicants and interviewers to promote the company’s latest television.

  5.LG Electronics in Chile has made the TV advertisement to


  A.trick the applicants

  B.amuse the audience

  C.create their office

  D.promote their products

  6.We may learn from the passage that


  A.an “Ultra HD” TV looks more like an office

  B.the office is used to film the advertisement

  C.a real interview is carried out in the office

  D.the interviewers are very much frightened

  7.What’s the author’s attitude towards the TV advertisement?





  8.What might be the best title for the passage?

  A.Interviewees Meet the End of the World

  B.The Latest TV Plays Draw Attention

  C.How to Make a Creative Advertisement

  D.The Way to Promote Newly Made Machines


  What will you do if you can’t eat everything bought in the canteen?


  According to a survey,what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people.


  According to Xinhua News Agency,the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year,which could feed 200 million people.

  Food waste,which has become a global issue,serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues in different countries.In the West,for instance,consumerism,the belief that it’s a good thing to use a lot of goods and services,is often to blame for food waste.


  Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous.Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.On campus,a generation of single children is less aware of the food waste issue.Students nowadays are well protected by their families and hardly have any concept of how much toil (辛劳) others go through in order to provide them with the food they eat.


  There are over 925 million hungry people in the world,most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas.They don’t have enough food to eat.Many children die for lack of nutrition each year in some African countries.And farmers work very hard to grow the crops.


  It’s also important that everyone should think about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste.

  A.Students’ waste is extremely serious.

  B.China,in turn,features its own eating culture.

  C.Students can never realize the serious food crisis.

  D.Compared with them,some live in a different world.

  E.But canteen waste is merely the tip of the iceberg.

  F.So there’s no excuse that we should waste our food.

  G.Most of us would simply throw away any left­over food.

  加练半小时 英语答案精析

  第1练 学校生活类(一)


  1.pressure 2.explained 3.education 4.scientist

  5.yourself 6.for 7.in 8.spending 9.for 10.from


  Ⅰ.1.D [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“...who receive all averages of a 93 or above...receive an A Honor Roll...”可知选D。]

  2.A [细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“If the student keeps it up for all four years of high school,then they graduated with honors.”可知选A。]

  3.C [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段倒数第三句“Students must also have a high score...or have a recommendation from a teacher.”可知选C。]

  4.B [标题归纳题。通读全文,并由文中首段可知本文主要讲的是“美国学校的奖励”,故选B。]

  5.D [细节理解题。根据第一段可知智利LG公司策划这场招聘是为了给公司产品做广告以达到促销的目的。故答案为D项。]

  6.B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“...LG created an unreal office in which one of its screens was positioned to look like a window.”可知那间办公室是为了拍广告而设计的。故答案为B项。]

  7.B [观点态度题。根据最后一段第一句“It is a cruel but entertaining trick which does a highly effective job of promoting LG’s ‘Ultra HD’ televisions.”(这场有趣的恶作剧虽然很残忍,但有效地推广了LG牌超高清电视。)可知作者对这场电视机广告所持的态度是客观的。]

  8.A [标题归纳题。智利LG电子公司通过在高清电视上播放世界末日场景使得受试者胆战心惊,从而证明电视机的高清程度。由此可见“受试者遇到了世界末日”这一题目最能体现本文的中心,故答案为A项。]

  Ⅱ.9.G 10.E 11.B 12.D 13.F


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