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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编








  1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。

  2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在试卷上无效。

  3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。

  4. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。


  第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)



  1. When will the school bus arrive?

  A. 7:45.B. 7:55.

  C. 7:50.

  2. Where does this conversation probably take place?

  A. In the library.


  In an office.


  In a bookstore.

  3. What is the boy going to do first?

  A. Have supper.


  Watch TV.


  Review his lesson.

  4. Where can Mary probably be found?

  A. In a different school.

  B. On Christmas day.

  C. In Rosy's school.

  5. What can we know about the man?

  A. He used to learn English well.

  B. He has realized the significance of English.

  C. It is too late for him to learn English now.




  6. How long has Jessica’s mother been dancing?

  A. For 20 years.


  For 43 years.


  For 23 years.

  7. Jessica’s mother is in good condition, and what contributes to this more?

  A. Having an optimistic attitude towards life. B. Fruits and vegetables.

  C. Taking enough exercise.


  8. What is the date of the man’s birthday?

  A. 25th, December.


  27th, December.


  26th, December.

  9. How will the man go to her wife's

  parents' home?

  A. By train.


  By bus.


  By plane.


  10. Why was the boy asked to go to the office?

  A. Because his hair was not clean.

  B. Because he was late for class.

  C. Because he disturbed his classmates.

  11. What was wrong with the alarm clock?

  A. The batteries ran out.

  B. The alarm clock was broken.

  C. The alarm clock was ahead of the exact time.

  12. What can we know about the boy?

  A. He was lazy.


  He liked telling lies.


  He was careless.


  13. What is the rent price of a room with a city view?

  A. 120.





  14. What does the man think of the rent price of the hotel?

  A. Just so-so.





  15. What can we know according to the dialogue?

  A. The woman cares about the type of the room.

  B. The man likes being in quiet surroundings all night.

  C. The woman wants a room on the ground floor.

  16. What will the woman probably do in the end?

  A. Go to visit the Great Wall of China.

  B. Choose the penthouse room for 400 a night.

  C. Give up the choice of the hotel room.


  17. Why do some American churches cancel Christmas Day services?

  A. To let people gather with their families.

  B. To celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.

  C. To buy gifts and go to parties.

  18. What’s “Silent Night”?

  A. The name of traditional music. B. The name of an old man.

  C. The name of Christmas Day service.

  19. Who probably celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday?

  A. All Americans.





  20. When does Santa Claus leave presents under the tree?

  A. On Christmas night.


  On Christmas Eve.


  On Christmas Day.

  第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)


  单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  21.The price of gold has jumped to ____ new all-time high as debt worries in the US and ____ Europe continue to trouble the world.

  A. the; 不填

  B. the; the

  C. a; 不填

  D. a; the

  22.Experiments of this kind ________ in both the U.S. and Europe long before the Second World War.

  A. conducted

  B. was conducted

  C. had been conducted

  D. had conducted

  23.It’s illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money ________ favors to them.

  A. in preference to

  B. in place of

  C. in agreement with

  D. in exchange for

  24. A Beijing resident was ______ for posting false information on a foreign website to get high payment, seriously harming the country's image.

  A. charged

  B. arrested

  C. accused

  D. hooked

  25.The middle and high school period is a special one for children, a transition from children to adult, ______ children tend to be rebellious.

  A. when

  B. where

  C. that

  D. of which

  26.A love marriage, however, does not necessarily ______ much sharing of interests and responsibilities.

  A. take over

  B. result in

  C. hold on

  D. keep to

  27.Emphasis is laid on the necessity that all the objectives to be attained _______ into account before starting a new project.

  A. be taken

  B. should take

  C. would be taken

  D. have to be taken

  28.When asked what they would volunteer to do, ________ said they were willing to do something they could.

  A. half of these

  B. half of which

  C. half of whom

  D. half of them

  29. Chenshu seems to be the happiest woman on the planet, with a healthy work-life balance, ______ Chinese-Australian pianist Zhao Yinyin in 2009.

  A. married

  B. marrying

  C. having married

  D. had married

  30.You can show your love to your mom by giving her flowers that match her personality. Or, if you do not know your mom's ______, carnations could be your best choice.

  A. appetite

  B. favorite

  C. recreation

  D. potential

  31.The coat ________ thin but ________.

  A. is worn…is dried easy

  B. wears…dries easily

  C. has worn…has dried easy

  D. wears…dries easy

  32.It is difficult to hire young people to work as a bricklayer or carpenter nowadays, because they usually think the job, which requires hard work and is dirty most of the time, is ______.

  A. unbelievable

  B. unique

  C. unwilling

  D. unacceptable

  33.I prefer buying a new flat in Pudong New Area to living in _______close to Jing'an Temple, as I want to live with my parents in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park.

  A. it    

  B. that     C. one     D.the one

  34.Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reports, one of ________  introduced the idea in 1953 ________ aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks.

  A. them; when       

  B. which; that

  C. what; that           D. which; when

  35. ---Do you really think what he said was practical?

  --- I don’t entirely agree, but ________.

  A. I don’t care

  B. go ahead

  C. just let it go

  D. I doubt it

  第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


  It was in my high school science class. I was doing a task in front of the classroom with my favorite shirt on.

  A __36__ came,“Nice shirt,” I smiled from ear to ear. Then another voice said,“That shirt belonged to my dad. Greg's mother works for my family. We were going to __37__ that shirt away,but gave it to her __38__.” I was speechless. I wanted to hide.

  I __39__ the shirt in the back of the closet and told my mum what had happened. She then dialed her _40__,“I will no longer work for your family,” she told him. That night,Mom told my dad that she couldn't clean anymore; she knew her life's __41__ was something greater.

  The next morning,she __42__ with the personnel manager at the Board of Education. He told her that without a proper education,she could not teach. So Mom decided to __43__ a university.

  After the first year in college,she went back to the personnel manager. He said,“You are __44__,aren't you? I think I have a _45__ for you as a teacher's assistant. This opportunity deals with children who are mentally challenged with little or no chance of_46__.” Mom accepted the opportunity very __47__.

  For almost five years,as a teacher's assistant,she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children and quit,feeling __48__.Then one day,the personnel manager and the principal __49__ in her classroom. The principal said,“We have watched how you _50__ the children and how they communicate with you and admire your hard­working __51__ over the last five years. We are all in agreement that you __52__ be the teacher of this class.”

  My mom spent more than 20 years there.__53__ her career,she was voted Teacher of the Year. All of this came about because of the __54__ comment made in the classroom that day. Mom showed me how to handle __55__ situations and never give up.

  36.A. noise B.voice C.sound D.tune

  37.A. get B.take C.carry D.throw

  38.A. otherwise B.anyhow C.instead D.actually

  39.A. settled B.pushed C.stored D.put

  40.A. teacher B.employer C.director D.adviser

  41.A. purpose B.encouragement C.achievement D.victory

  42.A. went B.met C.worked D.stayed

  43.A. visit B.continue C.attend D.prepare

  44.A. serious B.fortunate C.careful D.responsible

  45.A. career B.duty C.position D.part

  46.A. learning B.judging C.obeying D.imagining

  47.A. patiently B.eagerly C.successfully D.skillfully

  48.A. upset B. frightened C.guilty D.ashamed

  49.A. looked up

  C. took up

  D. showed up

  50.A. believe B.protect C.treat D.receive

  51.A. spirit B.intention C.action D.attempt

  52.A. must B.would C.might D.should

  53.A. At B.During C.On D.With

  54.A. worthless B.thoughtless C.hopeless D.helpless

  55.A. challenging B.different C.dangerous D.Strange

  第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  Moocs (massive open online courses) are free, but without tutoring, and are open to anyone, anywhere in the world. The courses are flexible – normally three to five hours of study a week – done at any time, short (5 to 10 weeks) and video-rich. They are also heavily dependent on crowd sourcing: you can discuss a course with fellow students through online forums, discussion boards and peer review. Students don't have to finish the courses, pass assessments or do assignments, but, if they do, they get a certification of participation.

  The Open University launched FutureLearn, the UK's answer to US platforms such as Coursera, EdX and Udacity, which have been offering Moocs from top US universities for the past two years. The response has been incredible, with more than three million people registering worldwide. Meanwhile, in 2017, Edinburgh University became the first non-US institution to join Coursera's partnership, comprising 13 universities. “We already run 50 online master's degrees, so this was a logical expansion,” says Professor Jeff Haywood, Edinburgh's vice-principal. “It's an investment in teaching methods research. How am I going to teach introductory philosophy to 100,000 people? That's what I call educational R&D.” He adds “If you look ahead 10 years, you'd expect all students graduating to have taken some online courses, so you've got to research that. Our Moocs are no more in competition with our degrees than a lifelong learning course because they don't carry credits.”

  Cooperation is key, Haywood stresses. It is far better to offer 20-30 courses in your own areas of expertise(专门技能) and let other institutions do likewise. Professor Mike Sharples, FutureLearn's academic lead, goes further: “We've tied the elements available before into a package of courses offered by leading universities worldwide on a new software platform, with a new way of promoting it and also a new social-learning teaching method. You won't just receive an exam, but be able to discuss and mark each other's assignments.”

  Bath University, one of more than 20 universities working with FutureLearn, launches its first course, Inside Cancer, next January, and regards Moocs as a way of breaking down age barriers. "There's no reason why someone doing GCSEs should not look at our Moocs and get quite a way through them, or someone at PhD level and beyond," says Professor Bernie Morley, expert for learning and teaching.

  56.Moocs have these features EXCEPT that_______.

  A. Moocs are free of charge for anyone

  B. Moocs can be adjusted according to people’s learning pace

  C. Moocs provide teachers’ instructions if you have some difficulty

  D. Moocs have a platform for learns to share their learning experience

  57.What can be inferred from Professor Bernie Morley in the last paragraph?

  A. People with various learning levels will probably show interest in Moocs.

  B. People at PhD level have already known everything about Moocs.

  C. Inside Cancer will be the most popular course for someone doing GCSEs.

  D. Moocs are not so competitive as lifelong learning courses due to the problems of credits.

  58.The passage mainly deals with _____.

  A. the various opinions on FutureLearn

  B. the advantages of online teaching methods

  C. the popularity of no-credit courses

  D. the emergence of a new learning platform


  One day, Soapy Smith and I visited a shelter for badly-treated women located in a deserted section of the city. No one smiled a greeting, and they appeared uninterested in Soapy. One little girl in particular moved like a wisp (纤弱的小东西) in the background. The staff informed me that she had been there for over a month and had not spoken the entire time. Her mother said she had talked at one time but not in recent memory. I didn't want to imagine what could have happened to rob this little girl of the natural curiosity and enthusiasm so natural to childhood.

  Spreading a blanket on the floor, I sat down and put Soapy on the blanket. As the silent child circled past me, I told the group that Soapy would come to talk to them if they sat on his blanket. Several children did this, including the silent girl. She sat rigidly at the edge of the blanket, legs held stiffly out straight in front of her. She was staring hard at Soapy. It appeared that he kept making eye contact with her. She didn't reach out to him or encourage him in any way. Rather she sat tensely, just staring.

  Finally Soapy came to a stop about two inches from her. He quietly reached out and laid his chin on her knee. I was astonished. While a common behavior for dogs, this is not a behavior exhibited by rabbits, especially not by this rabbit.

  The child did not reach out to touch Soapy. Instead, she slowly leaned toward him. When her face was within inches of his, she carefully reached out and circled him with her arms. So softly that no one in the room could hear, she began to talk. Folded around the rabbit, she pillowed her head on his back and whispered to him. Soapy remained motionless.

  I looked up and noticed that the shelter workers had stopped talking. Every adult in the room froze in place. Time seemed to have stopped.

  The little girl reappeared when I was preparing to leave. She reached her hands out and looked me directly in the eye. I held Soapy out to her. She wrapped him in a big hug and pressed her face against him. Suspended (悬挂) from my hands as he was, I was concerned that he would begin to struggle. Instead he reached out his head again and laid it on the child's shoulder. His breathing slowed and he closed his eyes. As quickly as it happened, the little girl released her hug and stepped back. As she turned away, I thought I saw the beginnings of a faint smile.

  The rabbit in his cloud of soft, warm fur had touched something deep in the child — something that had died from too much hard experience. Soapy's innocence and trust appeared to arouse those very same qualities in the little girl. It seems the language of the heart is simple after all.

  59.What is the correct order of the following events?

  a. The little girl gave a faint smile.

  b. Soapy reached out and laid his chin on her knee.

  c. The little girl carefully reached out and circled him with her arms.

  d. Soapy's breathing slowed and he closed his eyes.

  e. The little girl began to whisper to Soapy.

  A. c; b; e; d; a

  B. b; c; d; e; a

  C. b; c; e; d; a

  D. c; b; d; e; a

  60.The author's purpose of writing the passage is to tell us ___________.

  A. a moving story about a lonely girl who hasn't talked for years

  B. to pay more attention to those children who have been deserted by their parents

  C. a lot of kind people around us are offering help to those in need

  D. the heart-to-heart communication between animal and human is powerful

  61.The best title for this passage may be ___________.

  A. Soapy Smith and A Little Girl

  B. A Great Surprise

  C. The Language of The Heart

  D. Human Beings and Animals


  If you’re a male and you’re reading this, congratulations: you’re a survivor. According to statistics, you are more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer as a woman, and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you’ll die on average five years before a woman.

  There are many reasons for this--typically, men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke--but perhaps more importantly, men don’t go to the doctor.

  “Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should,” says Dr. Gullotta. “This is particularly so for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike.”

  Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45, it should be at least once a year.

  Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year.

  “When I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer,” he says. “Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have prolonged his life.”

  According to a recent survey, 95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group.

  “A lot of men think they’re undefeatable,” Gullota says. “They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, ‘Geez, if it could happen to him, …’”

  Then there’s the ostrich approach. “Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,” says Dr. Ross Cartmill.

  “Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,” Cartmill says. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.

  Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain on the public purse, Cartmill says. “But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases. Besides, the ultimate cost is far greater: it is called premature death.”

  62.Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage?

  A. They are more likely to survive serious diseases today.

  B. Their average life span has been considerably extended.

  C. They have lived long enough to read this article.

  D. They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.

  63.What does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than women?

  A. Men drink and smoke much more than women.

  B. Men don’t seek medical care as often as women.

  C. Men aren’t as cautious as women in face of danger.

  D. Men are more likely to suffer from fatal diseases.

  64.Which of the following best completes the sentence ‘Geez, if it could happen to him, …’ (Line 2, Para.8)?

  A. it could happen to me, too

  B. I should avoid playing golf

  C. I should consider myself lucky

  D. it would be a big misfortune

  .What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach” (Line 1, Para.9)?

  A. A casual attitude towards one’s health conditions.

  B. A new therapy for certain psychological problems.

  C. Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved.

  D. Unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear.

  66.What does Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men?

  A. They may increase public expenses.

  B. They will save money in the long run.

  C. They may cause psychological strains on men.

  D. They will enable men to live as long as women.


  Interactive Home-security Systems

  Tarik Celebi, who lives in San Francisco suburb, takes his home-security system with him to work, to dinner, just about anywhere.By his cell phone, he "arms" his home-security alarm from his car before he leaves for work.During his workday, he gets e-mail alerts every time his front door opens, even though he's miles away.If the door opens at an unusual time ---say midday when no one should be coming or going --- he can order a 30-second video clip from the camera that watches the door.If it's just his

  mother-in-law getting a package delivery, no worries.

  Celebi is one of the first users of the latest interactive home-security systems.In addition to sounding alarms when the house is broken into and notifying homeowners or police, as traditional systems do, the interactive systems give users new ways to remotely control their systems and their home environment.Different from traditional home-security alarms, which homeowners typically have to press buttons on a keypad to turn on before they leave their homes, the interactive systems enable consumers to arm and disarm systems from smart phones, iPads and PCs, no matter where they are.

  Most traditional systems are set up to sound an alarm if doors or windows are opened. The interactive systems give homeowners more options.For example, users can elect when they want to be notified.They might want an e-mail or a text every time a door is opened, or only during the hours of 3 to 4 p.m., when kids come home from school.Like Celebi, they can add cameras and get video clips when doors open.That could be helpful in making sure kids aren't bringing friends home when they're not supposed to.

  Nationwide, about 20% of homes have traditional home-security systems.About half stop using them because they tire of the trouble.Being able to arm systems even while dashing to the subway or while at work will increase their usage of the new interactive systems.Although the new functions add costs to home security, the interactive-systems are believed to push home-security systems' usage rates closer to 30%, which would be a big movement for an industry that's been largely stuck at 20% for the past decade."We all know it's going to get bigger, though we don't know how long it's going to take," Eric Taylor, an officer from San Francisco Security Department says.

  .What may Celebi first do if his front door opens at a wrong time when he is away?

  A. Inform the police.

  B. Call his mother-in-law.

  C. Arm the security alarm.

  D. Observe through video.

  .The interactive systems enable the user to ______.

  A. improve his home environment remotely

  B. lock his house's door while he is miles away

  C. operate the home-security systems at any place

  D. stop some friends of kids from entering automatically

  .What's the advantage of the interactive systems over the traditional ones?

  A. They are cheaper.

  B. They have more ways to inform the users.

  C. They can give quicker reaction.

  D. They are easier to set up.

  .What is the last paragraph mainly about?

  A. The importance of security industry.

  B. The functions of the interactive alarms.

  C. The popularity of home-security systems.

  D. The market potential of the interactive systems.

  第I卷(两部分, 共35分)

  第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  The college search doesn’t have to begin and end with the name-brand schools. There’re many schools out there to choose from — some known and some less known, all worthy of your attention. To find the school that works for you, you should start with who you are and why you’re going to college. What are you good at and what are you interested in? What are your weaknesses? What do you want out of life? Are you socially self-sufficient or do you need warm, familial support? Talk with your family, friends and teachers as you ask these questions. The people who know you best can help you the most with these important issues.

  Remember that a name-brand college won’t guarantee your success. Think about the people in your life who have achieved great success and find out where they went to college. You’ll likely find success in life has less to do with the choice of college than with the experiences and opportunities while in college. Employers are looking for outstanding skills and experience, not college background. As you search for colleges, ask about graduate students, and you’ll find many colleges that are better than name-brand ones.

  You don’t need to pick a major to pick a college. Very few high school students have enough information or experience to choose a major. You need the variety and depth of college coursework to determine your interest and major. Most college students change their minds two or three times before they settle on a major, and they can still graduate in four years! Being undecided is a good thing and will leave you open to more academic experiences.

  If you make the assumption that you cannot afford college based on the sticker price of tuition, you’ll miss out. It’s difficult to talk about money, but if you investigate all the options and ask for help and advice, you’ll find affordable choices. Online resources, as well as financial aid workshops sponsored by high schools in local communities, are widely available to get you started. Investigate early and ask for help.

  The most important factor in choosing a college is fit. Finding a good fit requires time and thoughtfulness. You can visit college websites and learn about what events take place, who visits as a guest speaker, and how to get in touch with current students and teachers. If you visit the campus, try to sit in on classes, eat in the dining hall and hang around in the student center. That will help you imagine yourself as a part of the community. Talk to a few students and ask if they would make the same college choice if they had to do it again. Consider the information you’ve collected about the colleges, and you’ll have great options!

  How to find a college that works for you

  Paragraph outlines Supporting details

  Know yourself well. ● Ask yourself who you are and what your 71.

  for attending college are.

  ● Know your own strengths, 2.

  , weaknesses, goals, etc.

  ● Ask for help from those who know you best with those issues.


  yourself to choose a name-brand college. ● Not all 4.

  people graduated from name-brand colleges.

  ● The choice of college is less 5.

  to one’s success in life than the experiences and opportunities while in college.

  Don’t base your choice of college on the major. ● Don’t choose a major in a hurry because you don’t have enough information or experience.

  ● It’s OK to change your 6.

  two or three times before you decide on your major.

  Don’t worry if you can’t 7.

  to go to college. ● Do investigation early and ask for help to find affordable choices.

  ● Actually you have 8.

  to many online resources and financial aid workshops.

  See whether the college is fit for you or not. ● You can collect much9.

  about the college on its website.


  the college, try to use its facilities and talk with its students.

  第五部分 书面表达 (满分25分)



  2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

  3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

  Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers, teachers, students and their parents are paying less and less attention to handwriting.


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