(豫皖京闽粤通用)2017届高考英语北师大版一轮复习配套练习:book5 Unit 15《learning》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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(豫皖京闽粤通用)2017届高考英语北师大版一轮复习配套练习:book5 Unit 15《learning》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.The moral of the story is:spare no effort to acquire(获得) knowledge and never get discouraged easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.(2015·福建)

  2.Media reports often simplify(简化) the results of medical research.(2017·北京)

  3.I worried,remembering those split seconds decades ago when my mind would go blank(空白的) and my fingers would freeze.(2017·福建)

  4.Equally,supporters must argue their case by acknowledging the concerns and explaining why they are either misplaced or worthy(值得的) of much attention.(2017·福建)

  5.Human beings should reflect(思考) on their position in the universe.(2015·浙江)


  1.Lacking(lack) a mirror image in the mother who raised me,I had to seek my identity as a woman on my own.(2017·江苏)

  2.People are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date.(2015·安徽)

  3.Drivers who cause traffic accidents,or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.(2011·福建)

  4.When we reached 13,000 feet,Jay instructed me to throw(throw) myself out of the plane.(2011·北京)

  5.When serious illness visits your household,it’s not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer familiar.(2015·浙江)

  6.Good opinions are worth sticking(stick) to because they can benefit us all.(2015·浙江)

  7.When a reader selects delayed reward news,he pulls himself into the world of surrounding reality to which he can adapt himself(he) only by hard work.(2015·江苏)

  8.Though not everyone approved of the new dance,saying it was a little too shocking,the dance did find enough supporters to make it popular.(2017·安徽)

  9.A student whose friends are good at academics may be urged to study(study) harder and get good grades.(2017·江苏)

  10.Write an English composition according to the instructions(instruct) given below.(2015·湖南)


  lay off,put off,set off,be accustomed to,approve of,to start with,tend to,aside from

  1.You can take steps to save water in your home.To start with,use the same glass for your drinking water all day.(2017·安徽)

  2.This year,25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year.(2015·全国Ⅱ)

  3.Which means of transportation does the writer probably disapprove of?(2017·湖北)

  4.We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal to our emotions than for straight facts.(2015·浙江)

  5.The four­year­old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and,being a city animal,lost both her sheep and her sense of direction.(2015·陕西)

  6.Aside from the web cameras,a number of other high­tech methods are becoming increasingly popular.(2017·广东)

  7.I am accustomed to sleeping late.

  8.I think you’d better lay off fatty foods for a while.


  1.Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I danced as well as her.


  2.He said he was just too scared to go up to her.


  3.All you need to do is focus on one thing.


  4.Founded in the early 20th century,the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art.


  5.He started crying when it was time for his parents to leave.


  写作素材 (关于语言变化)







  连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇60词左右的英语短文)

  With time going by,the language has been changing a great deal.Some words have been simplified in spelling.Frankly speaking,this reduces our study burden.Aside from this,the pronunciation and usage of some words also tend to simplification.To a certain extent,it reflects the progress of social civilisation.




  Is there clear boundary between science and the liberal arts as a major for college students?The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts in higher education is not an either­or proposition(命题),although the current emphasis on preparing young Americans for STEM(science,technology,engineering,maths)­related fields can make it seem that way.

  The latest congressional report not only acknowledges the critical importance of technical training,but also stresses that the study of the humanities(人文学科) and social sciences must remain central elements of America’s educational system at all levels.Both are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society,become innovative(创新的) leaders,and benefit from the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

  Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates’ job prospects(前景) as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs.Under this circumstances,it’s natural to look for what may appear to be the most “practical” way out of the problem.“Major in a subject designed to get you a job” seems the obvious answer to some,though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often,in fact,lead to employment and success in the long run.Indeed,according to surveys,employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a broadly­based education that has taught them to write well,think critically,research creatively,and communicate easily.

  Moreover,students should be prepared not just for their first job,but for their 4th and 5th jobs,as there is little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers.The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be flexible.The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight—picked up from science,arts,and technology—to solve the problems of the future,and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves,will be helpful to them and the United States.

  1.What does the latest congressional report suggest?

  A.Higher education should be adjusted to the practical needs of society.

  B.The liberal arts in higher education help enrich students’ spiritual life.

  C.STEM­related subjects help students find jobs in the information society.

  D.The humanities and STEM subjects should be given equal importance.

  答案 D

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The latest congressional report not only acknowledges the critical importance of technical training,but also stresses that the study of the humanities(人文学科) and social sciences must remain central elements of America’s educational system at all levels.”可知人文学科和社会学科应具有同样重要地位,故选D。

  2.What does the author say about the so called soft subjects?

  A.They are essential to students’ healthy growth.

  B.They improve students’ communication skills.

  C.They broaden students’ range of interests.

  D.They benefit students in their future life.

  答案 D

  解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“‘Major in a subject designed to get you a job’ seems the obvious answer to some,though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as ‘soft’ often,in fact,lead to employment and success in the long run.”可知这样的课程有利于学生的未来生活,故选D。

  3.What is the main concern of students when they choose a major?

  A.The academic value of the courses.

  B.Their interest in relevant subjects.

  C.Their chances of getting a good job.

  D.The quality of education to receive.

  答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。根据文章的第三段“Major in a subject designed to get you a job.”可知选C。

  4.What advice does the author give to college students?

  A.Try to take a variety of practical courses.

  B.Prepare themselves for different job options.

  C.Adopt a flexible approach to solving problems.

  D.Seize opportunities to tap their potential.

  答案 B

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章的最后一段可知多学些功课有利于孩子将来的谋生,故选B。



  In April 2017,the world’s oldest known message in a bottle was discovered floating in the Baltic Sea.It had spent 101 years lost in the ocean!The message was finally sent to the author’s granddaughter.

  A German fisherman named Konrad Fischer found the brown bottle near Kiel,Germany.He said he nearly threw the bottle back into the water after pulling it out of a fishing net.Then he noticed something inside.

  The bottle in good condition contained a Danish postcard with two German stamps,dated May 17,1913.Although dampness had made most of the writing illegible(字迹模糊的),the readable part of the message asked whoever found it to return it to an address in Berlin.It even contained two stamps to pay for postage.

  From the address,researchers found that the postcard was written by a man named Richard Platz,who was 20 years old when he wrote the message.While he was hiking on the Baltic coast with a nature appreciation group,he threw the bottle into the sea.Then the researcher began a research for any living relatives of his.Sure enough,they were able to find his 62­year­old granddaughter,Angela Erdmann,who still lives in Berlin.

  “It was almost unbelievable,” Erdmann said upon being presented with her grandfather’s bottle and message,as quoted in The Local.“That was a pretty moving moment.Tears rolled down my face.”

  Erdmann never knew her grandfather,who died in 1946,but says that the discovery of the bottle has made her want to learn more about him.

  The bottle remained on display at the International Maritime Museum Hamburg until May 1.After that,the researchers examined the postcard and tried to figure out the meaning of the rest of the message.

  Previously,the oldest message found in a bottle spent nearly 98 years at sea and was discovered in April 2017,according to Guinness World Records.

  5.When Konrad picked up the bottle from the sea,


  A.he thought it would bring him good luck

  B.he noticed the postcard inside immediately

  C.he decided to uncover the secret of the bottle

  D.he wanted to throw it back into the sea at first

  答案 D

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“he nearly threw the bottle back into the water”可知,Konrad Fischer原本打算把瓶子扔掉。故选D。

  6.Why did Richard Platz throw the bottle with the message into the sea?

  A.He expected his grandfather could find the postcard.

  B.He wished the finder would send the postcard to his home.

  C.He believed his postcard would be kept secret at sea forever.

  D.He thought he could make friends with the finder of the bottle.

  答案 B

  解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“the readable part of the message asked whoever found it to return it to an address in Berlin”可知选B。

  7.What is the article mainly about?

  A.The finding of a floating bottle at the sea.

  B.A one­century­old letter to a granddaughter.

  C.The world’s oldest message in a floating bottle.

  D.The oldest Danish postcard in a floating bottle.

  答案 C

  解析 主旨大意题。通读全文可知文章主要叙述了发现世界上最古老的漂流瓶,故选C。


  Advice About Stress:Don’t Let It Ruin Your Life!

  There are many reasons why people suffer from stress.


  We give you advice on how to find the cause or causes of your stress,and more importantly—how to deal with it.

  For some,dealing with stress is a relatively simple matter,providing you really want to.


  If the latter is the case,then don’t refuse forms of alternative medical advice and treatment.


  It can help you to perform or even OUT perform in certain situations.Athletes use it to great advantage to help them through that barrier that will put them on top!It can also help you in everyday life.However,if it is part of life’s routine,then something somewhere will suffer in body or mind—or both.

  One of the important factors in treating stress,is firstly admitting,accepting—or even discovering—that you are stressed.Only then can the causes of that stress be isolated.Harmful stress comes from a lot of causes.Our advice about stress is based upon medical facts,and of course common sense.


  Getting the wrong advice can cause more harm than good.

  It can be beaten in most cases,and can nearly always be controlled,or even turned to your own advantage.Firstly determine if you are stressed or suffering any form of stress—take our stress test to find out.It may surprise you!Secondly,sort out what you can actually do to relieve the causes of your stress.


  Thirdly,work on a change of lifestyle or whatever needs to be done to fight the causes that you have identified.

  A.Stress can also be good!

  B.Getting the right advice is not always easy.

  C.Stress is a totally normal function of the body.

  D.Accidents are often prevented by the stress reactions.

  E.Surprisingly,some suffer from stress but are not even aware that they are doing so!

  F.For others,stress can be so severe that it might need medical attention.

  G.Like all illnesses—and suffering from stress is an illness prevention is always better than cure.

  答案 8.E 9.F 10.A 11.B 12.G


  I’m still a high school student,and on my way to begin my college days.Every day,devoted in my study,I have learned much knowledge,which will definite promise me a good performance in my college entrance exams.I hope that I can be admitting into my dream university,one with good equipment and learned professors,which can offer me guidance when I am in a trouble.Of course,there will be exams in college to check my study.I share the same idea with Mike that we should be active in college.I won’t bury himself in books the whole day.Instead,I’ll join much clubs where I can develop my social skills and my potential.I firm believe that only when I have a common ground I make my college life more colorful.


  I’m still a high school student,and on my way to

  my college days.Every day,devoted

  my study,I have learned much knowledge,which will

  promise me a good performance in my college entrance exams.I hope that I can be

  into my dream university,one with good equipment and learned professors, can offer me guidance when I am in a

  trouble.Of course,there will be exams in college to check my study.I share the same idea with Mike that we should be active in college.I won’t bury

  in books the whole day.Instead,I’ll join

  clubs where I can develop my social skills and my potential.I

  believe that only when I have a common ground

  I make my college life more colorful.



  In many countries of the world people do what is called house­sitting.It means that if owners of the house are going away,they want someone to come into their house and look after the house and maybe pets while they are away.

  In Australia,many people travel.After people retire,they might buy a van and travel all over the country.


  So if someone wants to travel or go away for some reason,they might want someone in their house to care for it and keep the gardens tidy.Housesitters might have to care

  for pets.Also,quite a few people have swimming pools in their back yard and they need cleaning.


  I feel it is a great way of seeing the country,because you go and stay in a new city,get to meet new people,and have time to go sightseeing in a new area.


  There are websites where you find the advertisements by people who want to travel,and by replying to the advertisements,you can make arrangements to go and look after their houses.

  There are some requirements to be a housesitter.You must be a trusted person,so that the house owner knows you will not steal anything.You must be able to go when the house owner wants you to go,so you need lots of free time.


  You need to be good with pets,able to care for cats and dogs,or other pets they may have.

  Some house­sitting jobs are just for a few days or a couple of weeks while the house owner has a short holiday.Sometimes it is for much longer.We have had a house­sitting job for six months,while the house owner travelled to Europe.


  Then you can travel to many different countries and stay there.One of the important things to get are references from the house owners for whom you have done house­sitting.A reference is a written letter to say that you are trustworthy and have looked after their house well.You can show these letters to prospective house owners and they know you will do a good job.

  A.I have done house­sitting many times.

  B.Thousands of people do this all the time.

  C.It is also possible to do house­sitting in other countries.

  D.Generally you have many opportunities to get a house­sitting job.

  E.You must take a little care over what your description says about you.

  F.This is an international house­sitting service for all city and country areas.

  G.You must have a good car,so you can travel to different parts of the country.

  答案 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.G 5.C


  This morning during my walk I had my luck.I met someone I had been wanting to cross


  with for some time.I had seen this elderly gentleman before.

  A few months ago he was


  cans and bottles from the recycle bins behind my house.I was


  by the fact that he had to do this to


  .I thought about putting bottles in a bag for him with a note


  saying that the bag was for him to take,but then thought it may not be the best


  from a safety standpoint.So I let it go.



  day in the spring I saw him again riding his bike with wet bags of bottles.I had felt


  thinking I could never connect with him.My heart



  So you can imagine my


  when I saw him again.I walked over to him and managed to say


  ,“Hi.” I was a little


  .I had never approached anyone like this before.His back was turned to me and he didn’t



  I decided it was because he didn’t want to be



  I kept walking.And then I


  the big bag of cans and bottles we had all got from our west coast trip.“He must be in


  of them!” I thought.I walked back over to him.I told him if he waited there I could get him some more bottles.He said,“That would be very much


  .” I came back in 5 minutes and there he was in the shade,waiting.

  I handed the bag to him and apologized that it wasn’t


  .And then with a large bright smile he said,“Every little bit helps.Thanks so much.And,have a great



  I resumed my walk,feeling a little


  in my step.





  答案 A

  解析 下文提到作者几个月前见到过这个老人,所以此处指的应是作者希望再次见到他。cross paths with“与……相遇”,为固定表达。





  答案 D

  解析 由下文提供的信息“the recycle bins behind my house”可知这个老人是在从垃圾箱里捡瓶子和罐子,即拾荒。collect收集。





  答案 B

  解析 看到老人为了生存不得不拾荒,作者觉得很伤心。sadden是sad的动词,意为“使伤心”。





  答案 C

  解析 参见上题解析。survive生存。注意:support“供养”,是及物动词,后面要跟宾语。





  答案 B

  解析 作者想着把瓶子给他放到袋子里,并附上(attached)一个字条说这个袋子是为他准备的。





  答案 D

  解析 根据上下文语境可知,此处指出于安全考虑,作者认为这可能不是最佳的主意(idea)。





  答案 A

  解析 由后文中的“wet bags of bottles”可知,此处指老人在冒雨拾荒,故用rainy。





  答案 B

  解析 由文中的“I had felt”“I could never connect with him”可知作者原以为再也无法联系上他了,因此感到无能为力(powerless),心情也比较沉重。content满意的;grateful感激的;upset不安的。





  答案 D

  解析 参见上题解析。表示心情比较沉重时常用动词sink。





  答案 C

  解析 根据第一段中的“I had been wanting to cross

  with for some time”可知作者十分想见到这个拾荒老人,故此处指的应是作者再次见到这个老人时感到十分惊讶(surprise)。





  答案 A

  解析 根据上下文可知,作者是好不容易鼓起勇气去跟拾荒老人打招呼的,所以应用softly“轻轻地”来表现作者的小心翼翼。





  答案 D

  解析 由下文中的“I had never approached anyone like this before.”可推知此处指作者有点儿不安。tired厌烦的;annoyed烦恼的;relieved宽慰的;worried担忧的,焦虑不安的。





  答案 B

  解析 由上文中的“His back was turned to me and he didn’t”可知拾荒老人应该是没有回答(reply)作者。





  答案 C

  解析 结合语境可知,拾荒老人背对着作者,没有回答,故可推断此处指作者认为老人不想被打搅(disturb)。





  答案 D

  解析 这时作者想起来(remembered)之前攒下的一大袋瓶子和罐子。





  答案 B

  解析 此处指他肯定需要这些东西。in need of需要。





  答案 A

  解析 根据语境,作者要为老人拿更多的瓶子,老人当然会表示感谢,所以appreciate“感激”符合语境。





  答案 B

  解析 根据下文中的“Every little bit helps.”可知此处指的应是“数量不是很多(much)”。





  答案 D

  解析 根据语境可知,此处指拾荒老人祝作者一天过得愉快。





  答案 C

  解析 根据语境可知,此处描述的是作者助人为乐后高兴的心情,指走起路来脚步也轻快了许多。


  More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or 26.having(have) family teachers at weekends.There are two different viewpoints on it.

  Some think 27.it necessary.First of all,it’s more 28.effective(effect) to study with a teacher 29.than by themselves.Secondly,it can strengthen 30.what they have learnt in class.Besides,they can learn a lot more.Others think it 31.unnecessary(necessary).For one thing,students can easily form the habit of dependence.For 32.another,students need time to relax from time to time.What’s more,the purpose of many training classes and family teachers is 33.to make(make) money.

  In my opinion,whether a training class or family teacher is 34.needed(need) just depends.Do be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher.Otherwise it would be 35.a waste of time and money.


  Dear Mr.Green,

  I’m very exciting to learn that you will start a magazine together.That sounds great and I definitely agree you on that.

  Some of the columns that you mention in the letter are really my cup of tea.“Cultural Express” give us a better understanding of the world.Since people from different part of the world have different values,it’s necessary to learn from each another.Apart from that,“Blurt Out” is pretty good for Chinese students to learn English idioms and improving oral English.“Entertainment” is also cool!The popular singers,actors or celebrities are so attractively that you absolutely can’t miss this part.Teenagers are to fond of popular things,too.

  Well,I can’t list more.I really can’t wait to read this magazine.


  Li Ming


  Dear Mr.Green,

  I’m very

  to learn that you will start a magazine together.That sounds great and I definitely agree

  you on that.

  Some of the columns that you

  in the letter are really my cup of tea.“Cultural Express”

  us a better understanding of the world.Since people from different

  of the world have different values,it’s necessary to learn from each .Apart from that,“Blurt Out” is pretty good for Chinese students to learn English idioms and

  oral English.“Entertainment” is also cool!The popular singers,actors

  celebrities are so

  that you absolutely can’t miss this part.Teenagers are to

  fond of popular things,too.

  Well,I can’t list more.I really can’t wait to read this magazine.


  Li Ming










  Dear students,

  I am glad to be here to share my idea about what you should learn.

  Thanks for your attention.


  Dear students,

  I am glad to be here to share my idea about what you should learn.From my point of view,how to be a man is first required.We had better grow up to learn to be honest and kind.It is highly recommended that we should spend more time in helping and cooperating with others.In that way,we can learn how to get along well with others and know who we are,what we should do and what we’d better not do.

  The second required is to study.Learning how to learn and developing the good habit of learning are the two vital parts in the process of study.For instance,we are supposed to preview before class,pay close attention to what our teachers are saying,and review the knowledge we have gained.Only in this way can we form the good habit of learning.

  Besides,it is advisable for us to learn how to live independently and how to deal with the difficulties properly in daily life.Learn to wash our clothes,clean rooms,cook,etc.

  That’s what I’d like to say.What’s your opinion?

  Thanks for your attention.


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