2017版【高考一本解决方案】高考英语(新课标版)考点题组训练:专题7 动词的时态和语态(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017版【高考一本解决方案】高考英语(新课标版)考点题组训练:专题7 动词的时态和语态(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.(2016·新课标Ⅰ)Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil are using for cooking.

  using→used 句意:每天他都确保用于烹饪的是新鲜的蔬菜和高质量的油。此处表示被动含义被用来做”。

  (2016·新课标Ⅰ)It is always crowded with customers at meal times.Some people even had to wait outside.

  had→have 句意:……有些人甚至要在外面等。此处是在介绍现在的情况故用一般现在时。

  (2016·新课标Ⅱ)Some classmates suggest we go to places of interest nearby.I thought that it is a good idea.

  thought→think 句意:……我认为这是一个好主意。根据前句中的suggest可知本句应用一般现在时。

  (2016·四川)Both Dad and I planned to do something on Mother's Day.We get up early in the morning.

  get→got 句意:……我们那天早上起得早。根据上句中的planned可知事情发生在过去故应用一般过去时。

  (2015·新课标Ⅰ)When I was a child

  5.think→thought 句意:……我原认为在那儿将会很快乐。根据上下文可

  6.(2015·新课标Ⅰ)Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem.

  去掉been 句意:许多研究表明全球变暖已经成为了一个非常严重的问题。分析句意可知与show之间为主动关系不需要用被动语态

  7.(2015·新课标Ⅱ)Tony was scared and begun to cry.

  begun→began 句意:托尼害怕了开始哭了起来。begin是不及物动词没有被动语态不能与scared并列而是与was并列因此须用过去式。

  (2015·陕西)My mum makes the best biscuits in the worldght me some basic steps of baking.

  8.decide→decided 句意:我母亲做的饼干是世界上最好吃的因此我决定向她求助……。根据文意及下文的时态可知此文记述过去发生的事情须用过去时。

  (2015·四川)As I tell you last timeI made three new friends here.

  9.tell→told 句意:正如我上次告诉你的那样我在这里交上了三位新朋友。根据时间状语last time可知此句需要用一般过去时。

  (2017·新课标Ⅰ)...for all these years—we had been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please.

  had→have 句意:……这些年来我们一直允许圣女果在适合它们生长的地方自我繁衍。本句的时间状语是all these years根据文意可知指现在还一直在进行的事情须用现在完成进行时。

  (2017·广西)The understanding between two friends means both of them have similar ideas and trusting each other.

  trusting→trust 句意:朋友间的相互理解就意味着两个人都要有相似的观点并相互信任。根据句意分析可知本句的宾语从句中有两个并列谓语。

  (2017·浙江)I was taking a train to London's Victoria Station.I had noticed that the carriage was noisy and filled with people.

  去掉had 句意:……我注意到车厢里很吵闹挤满了人。由前句可知叙述的是过去发生的一件事情而不是过去的过去的事情不需要使用过去完成时。

  (2017·浙江)Before long

  13.comes→came 句意:不久列车员过来检票了……由下句可知讲述的是过去发生的事情所以使用一般过去时。

  (2017·辽宁)This morning she starts barking even before 5 o'clock.

  starts→started 句意:今天早晨她甚至五点之

  15.(2017·陕西)My father took me out camping for the first time when I was seven...My uncles all come along with bows and arrows for hunting.

  come→came 句意When I was seven”可知讲述的是过去发生的事情应用一般过去时。

  (2016·新课标Ⅰ)So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not­for­profit Panda Base,where ticket money helps pay for research.I ________(allow)to get up close to these cute animals at the 600­acre centre.

  1.was allowed 句意:……在这个占地六百英亩的中心我被允许靠近这些可爱的动物。由语境可知作者被允许接近这些动物故用一般过去时的被动语态。

  (2016·新课标Ⅲ)Truly elegant chopsticks might ________(make)of gold and silver with Chinese characters.

  2.be made 句意:真正考究的筷子可能是由具有中国特色的金或银制成的。make和chopsticks之间是动宾关系应用被动语态空格前有might所以用be made。

  (2016·四川)The giant panda ________(love)by people throughout the world.

  3.is loved 句意:大熊猫被全世界人民所喜爱。主语the giant panda和动词love构成被动关系故应用一般现在时的被动语态。

  (2016·四川)Then,after two and a half years,the mother ________(drive)the young panda away.

  4.drove 句意:然后,两年半之后这位母亲赶走了熊猫宝宝。根据句意可知,此处应用一般过去时。

  5.(2016·浙江)While online shopping ________(change)our life,not all of its effects have been positive.

  5.has changed 句意:尽管网上购物已经改变了我们的生活但是并不是所有的影响都是积极的。主语是online shopping结合语境以及后面的have been可知这里要用现在完成时。

  (2016·浙江)Silk ________(become)one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.

  6.had become 句意:到公元前100年为止丝绸已经成为丝绸之路上交易的主要商品之一。by about 100 BC是时间状语这里强调到公元100年为止所以要用过去完成时。

  (2016·北京)Jack ________(work)in the lab when the power cut occurred.

  7.was working 句意:杰克正在实验室里工作的时候突然停电了。本句使用了be doing sth.when...句式表示“正在做某事突然……此时主句用过去进行时分句用一般过去时。

  (2016·北京)—Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for?

  —The new Star Wars.We ________(wait)here for more than two hours.

  8.have been waiting 句意:——对不起你们在等什么电影?—新版的《星球大战》。我们在这里等了两个多小时了。根据时间状语判断语境表示在过去很长时间里一直在做某事并且还将继续此时应用现在完成进行时。

  (2016·北京)I ________(read)half of the English novel,and I'll try to finish it at the weekend.

  9.have read 句意:这本英语小说我已经读了一半这

  10.(2016·北京)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts ________(reward)with success in the end.

  10.will be rewarded 句意:这些学生一直在reward和their efforts之间是被动关系故用被动语态。

  (2016·天津)When walking down the street,I came across David,whom I ________(see)for years.

  11.hadn't seen 句意:在街上散步时我偶遇了came across之前表示“过去的过去”应用过去完成时。

  (2015·新课标Ⅰ)It was raining lightly when I ________(arrive)in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.

  12.arrived 句意:黄昏前我到达阳朔时正下着小雨 “It was raining.” 可知这里应用一般过去时。

  (2015·新课标Ⅱ)This cycle ________(go)day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures.

  goes 句意:这个循环日复一日的进行……主语this cycle为单数形式;结合时间状语day after day可知表示经常发生的情况须用一般现在时故填goes。

  (2015·北京)—Dr.Jackson is not in his office at the moment.

  —All right.I________(call)him later.

  14.will call 句意:——杰克逊医生现在不在办公室。——好的。我一会儿打给他。根据发话者的is not...at the moment及答语中的later可知在这种情况下答话者将晚点打电话给他用一般将来时态。

  (2015·北京)—Did you enjoy the party?

  —Yes,we ________(treat)well by our hosts.

  15.were treated 句意:——你喜欢那个派对吗?——喜欢我们受到了主人热情的款待。根据上一句的时态可知这里使用一般过去时态;we和treat之间是被动关系所以这里使用被动语态。结合起来这里用一般过去时的被动语态。

  (2015·北京)—Did you have difficulty finding Ann's house?

  —Not really.She ________(give)us clear directions and we were able to find it easily.

  16.had given 句意:——你们找到安的家费了很大力气吗?没有。她给了我们清楚的指示所以我们很容易就找到了。因为找到安的家发生在过去所以安给出指示应该发生在过去的过去所以这里使用过去完成时态。

  (2015·福建)To my delight,I________(choose)from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.

  17.was chosen 句意:令我高兴的是在成百上千的申请者中我被选中参加开幕式。主语和谓语是被动关系所以要用被动语态而且发生在过去故用一般过去时的被动语态。

  (2015·湖南)As you go through this book,you ______(find)that each of the millions of people who lived through World War Ⅱ had a different experience.

  18.will find 句意:当你浏览这本书的时候你会发现那些经历过二战的几百万人中每一个人都有不同的经历。时间状语从句使用的是一般现在时态所以主句使用一般将来时。

  (2015·湖南)I wasn't able to hide my eagerness when I ________(ask),“What do you wish me to do now?”

  asked 句意:当我问“你希望我现在做什么?” 的时候我掩饰不住自己的渴望。因为主句使用的是一般过去时态所以when引导的从句使用一般过去时。

  (2015·安徽)If you come to visit China,you ________(experience)a culture of amazing depth and variety.

  20.will experience 句意:如果你来中国参观你就会体验有着惊人深度且多元化的文化。因为if条件句使用的是一般现在时态所以主句使用一般将来时。

  (2015·安徽)Just as I got to the school gate,I realised I ________(leave)my book in the cafe.

  21.had left 句意:当我到达学校门口的时候我才意识到我把我的书落在了咖啡馆里。由句意可知我“到达校门口”发生在过去丢书”在这个动作在前所以这里使用过去完成时。

  (2015·安徽)It is reported that a space station ______(build)on the moon in years to come.

  22.will be built 句意:据报道在未来的几年里月球上将会建起一个太空站。根据时间状语in years to come可知本句使用一般将来时又因为space station与build之间是被动关系所以这里使用被动语态。结合起来这里使用一般将来时的被动语态。

  (2015·四川)More expressways ________(build)in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.

  23.will be built 句意:为了促进当地经济发展更多的高速公路将很快在四川建造。根据时间状语soon及expressways与build之间的被动关系可知应用will be built即一般将来时的被动语态。

  (2015·陕西) Marty ________(work)really hard on his book and he thinks he'll have finished it by Friday.

  24.has been working 句意:马蒂一直非常卖力地在写他的书并且他觉得到星期五他就会写完了。现在完成进行时态表示发生在过去的动作持续到现在并没有结束将一直持续下去。

  (2015·天津)Jane can't attend the meeting at 3 o'clock this afternoon because she ________(teach)a class at that time.

  25.will be teaching 句意:琼不能出席今天下午3点的会议了因为在那个时间她正在上课。at that time提示此处表示将来的某个时间点将正在发生的动作。

  (2015·天津)Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement ________(reach)so far by the two sides.

  26.has been reached 句意:尽管先前进行了几轮的谈判但是迄今为止两边还没有达成任何协议。考查现在完成时态提示词为so far由agreement可知用单数形式。

  (2017·新课标Ⅰ)In 1969,the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland,Ohio.It ________(be)unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.

  27.was 句意:在1969年俄亥俄州克利夫兰市附近的凯霍加河沿岸污染严重难以想象它能够被清理干净。根据前一句的in 1969及本句中从句的时态判断本句应用一般过去时。

  (2017·新课标Ⅱ)...So I had a good view of the sidewalk.A boy on a bike ________(catch)my attention.He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.

  caught 句意:……我能很好地看到人行道一个骑自行车的男孩子吸引了我的注意。他在公交车旁边骑行并挥舞着手臂。所填的词是句子的谓语根据上下文时态可知发生在过去故填caught。

  (2016·江西南昌高三10月联考)...for more and more students would drop out of school if their personal safety could not ________(guarantee).

  be guaranteed 句意:……因为如果他们的个人安全得不到保障那么就会有越来越多的学生退学。分析条件状语从句中主语与谓语动词的关系可知应用被动语态。

  (2017·广西)Unless some extra money ________(find),the theatre will close.

  30.is found 句意:如果找不到额外的资金这家剧院就会关闭。主句用一般将来时条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来;money与find是被动关系故填is found构成一般现在时的被动语态。

  (2017·山东)They made up their minds that they ________(buy)a new house once Larry changed jobs.

  31.would buy 句意:他们决定一旦拉里换工作就购置新房。由主句时态判断是在过去某个时间看来将要发生的故填would buy。

  (2017·四川)She ________(phone)someone,so I nodded to her and went away.

  32.was phoning 句意:她正在给人打电话所以我冲她点了点头就走开了。根据从句判断是过去某时正在发生的动作故填was phoning。

  (2017·北京)—What time is it?

  —I have no idea.But just a minute,I________(check)it for you.

  33.will check 句意:——几点了?——我也不知道。等一下我帮你看一下。根据语境可知是临时打算要做的动作故用will do表示将来。

  (2017·重庆)James has just arrived,but I didn't know he ________(come)until yesterday.

  34.was coming 句意was coming。

  (2017·陕西)During his stay in Xi'an,Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends________(recommend).

  had recommended 

  36.(2017·福建)—Haven't seen you for ages!Where have

  —I went to Ningxia and________(stay)there for one year,teaching as a volunteer.

  36.stayed 句意:——好几年没见你了!你去哪儿了?——我去了宁夏在那儿待了一年作为一名志愿者在那里教学。根据句意在宁夏待了一年是发生在过去的事情故应填stayed。

  (2017·安徽)The twins,who ________(finish)their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground.

  37.had finished 句意:那对双胞胎已完成家庭作业他们被允许在操场上打羽毛球。结合句意可知finish动作在were allowed前发生表示“过去的过去”故填had finished。

  (2017·安徽)I'm calling about the apartment you ________(advertise)the other day.Could you tell me more about it?

  38.advertised 句意:我打电话咨询一下你们前几天在广告中介绍的那座房子你能不能给我详细介绍一下?由句中的时间状语the other day可知这里要用一般过去时。

  (2017·陕西)On Monday mornings it usually________(take)me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.

  39.takes 句意:虽然实际距离只有20英里但是在每周一的早上我开车去上班通常会花费一个小时。根据句子中的时间状语on Monday mornings和副词usually暗示可知应该用一般现在时强调动作的反复性。

  解决时态类考题时首先要判断所需成分是句子的谓语动词因为只有句子才有时态而句子的时态是通过谓语动词的不同形式have done,be doing,will do等来分别表明过去时、完成时、将来时等。

  (2015·浙江)My old classroom was interesting...The view from the back of the classroom is also splendid.

  【解析】 is→was 句意:……从教室后面看景色也很好。根据文章内容可知叙述过去的事情须用过去时。

  (2017·山东)Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time­consuming than we ________(expect).

  【解析】 had expected 句意:用手写所有请柬要比我们所预料的更耗费时间。根据句子结构可判断出要填的词是than引导的比较状语从句的谓语动词再根据was及“我们预料”确定是过去的过去发生的动作所以填had expected构成过去完成时。


  (2015·北京)In the last few years,China ________(make)great achievements in environmental protection.

  【解析】 has made 句意:最近一些年中国在环保方面取得了很大的成就。根据时间状语In the last few years可知这里使用现在完成时态。

  (2015·福建)—Where is Peter?I can't find him anywhere.

  (write)his essay there ever since.

  【解析】 has been writing 句意:——彼得去哪里了?我到处都找不到他。——早餐后他去图书馆了自从那时他一直在写论文。由ever since可知用现在完成时态而且动作一直持续所以用现在完成进行时。


  2017·辽宁)Tai Chi ________(call)“shadow boxing” in English.

  【解析】 is called 句意:太极在英文中被称为“shadow boxing”。所填词是句子的谓语和句子的主语Tai Chi 是被动关系表示“……被称为”意义;句子说的是事实应用一般现在时故填is called。

  (2017·广东)We ________(tell)that our rooms hadn't been reserved for that week...

  【解析】 were told 句意:我们被告知我们预订的房间不是那一周的……所填词是句子的谓语和句子的主语we是被动关系表示“我们被告知”;由从句时态判断出动作发生在过去用一般过去时的被动语态were told。

  (2016·福建福州十三中期中考试)Today I've got wonderful news to tell you.I had been offered a job at a company in England for my good performance.

  had→have 句意:我今天有好消息要告诉你我以良好的表现在英国一家公司得到了一份工作。根据句意可知指目前的结果用现在完成时。

  (2016·湖南衡阳八中二模)To everyone in the world

  2.was→is 句意:对于世界上每个人来说钱都是一个敏感的话题。根据句意可知表示一种客观事实须用一般现在时。

  (2016·四川成都外国语学校高三月考)I wept and said I do want to do my best but I just couldn't concentrate.

  do→did 句意:我哭了说我的确想尽力而为但是就是不能专注。根据全文意思及本句前面的并列分句可知此处指过去的情况须用过去时。

  (2016·四川成都外国语学校高三月One evening,a man visited me and after a while,he inquires about my studies.

  4.inquires→inquired 句意:一天晚上有个人来看我过了一会儿他询问了我的学习情况。根据句意可知指那天晚上发生的事情须用一般过去时。

  (2016·安徽合肥八中第一He had wild black hair flecked with gray and ________(wear)a pink shirt and silk slippers.

  1.was wearing 句意:他乱乱的黑发中长有些许白发身穿粉红色的衬衫脚上穿着一双丝绸拖鞋。由于描述当时所穿的衣服、鞋子等故用过去进行时。

  (2016·福建福州十三中期中考试Then he ________(hide)behind a tree and waited.

  2.hid 句意:于是他躲在树后等待着。根据and后面的waited可知与之并列的动作也发生在过去须用一般过去时。

  (2016·福建福州十三中期中考试)“The night ________(be)very dark.Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.”

  will be 句意:“夜晚将会漆黑一些邻居漆黑中过来就会被这块石头绊倒。”根据后面句子中的will come along可知指将会发生的情况。

  (2016·山东临沭一中高三第一次月考)At my school________(sell)on school days.

  4.are sold 句意:我们学校上学日都有“免穿校服”券出售。分析tickets与sell的语义关系可知应用一般现在时的被动语态。

  (2015·四川岳池中学高考一轮)I noticed a man sitting at the front.He ________(pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.

  was pretending 句意:我注意到前面坐着一个男人他一直佯称老虎玩具是真的并为它配音。pretend是过去动作“注意到前面坐着一个男人”发生时正在发生的故本句用过去进行时。

  (2015·广西南宁第一次适应性检测)Oh________(talk) to you some more after class.

  6.will talk 句意:奥好像布朗教授在这里下课后再和你聊。根据前一句的时态及after class判断是将要发生的动作故填will talk。

  (2015·黑龙江大庆高三二模)Years ago________(live) in the heart of the city.

  7.lived 句意:多年前我是一个穷画家试着在一家当地的美术馆卖画。那时我住在市中心。由years ago判断句子用一般过去时故填lived。

  (2015·广西梧州、崇左高三摸底考)She also ________(believe) in healthy diet.And she requires us to have regular meals.

  believes 句意:她相信健康饮食并且要求我们按时吃饭。根据后一句的时态判断句子用一般现在时;she作主语故填第三人称单数形式believes。

  (2015·山东淄博高三一摸底)We jumped out of the windows as he came in through the door and ________(go) into the kitchen to take some food for the first time.

  went 句意:他从门口进来时我们从窗户跳了出去第一次从厨房里拿了一些食物。and连接并列谓语的形式与前面的jumped一致故填went。

  (2015·河南洛阳第一次统考)I immediately responded with a smile and my heart felt free of the stress that I ________(carry).

  was carrying/had been carrying 句意:我立刻报以微笑而且我心中所带的压力也释放了。根据felt free判断定语从句的谓语动词carry是过去某动作之前在进行的/持续的可用过去进行时或过去完成进行时故可填was carrying或had been carrying。

  (2017·山西运城期末调研)Every answer I gave ________(receive) by a frown from the manager.

  was received 句意:我的每一个答案经理都是皱眉反应。所填词是句子的谓语与单数主语every answer之间是被动关系;根据从句时态判断用一般过去时的被动语态故填was received。

  (2017·甘肃会宁五中第三次月考)I remembered she once ________(tell) me that she would not fall in love with a

  12.told 句意:我记得她曾告诉我她不会爱上黑头发的家伙。根据主句时态及once判断本空填told。

  (2017·云南师大附中适应性月考四)Paris's cultural diversities ________(present) widely by the fact that many worldwide designers are pleased to show up with their new designs.

  are presented 句意:巴黎文化的多样化是通过许多世界级的设计师喜欢展示他们的新设计这个事diversities之间是被动关系;根据从句时态判断用一般现在时的被动语态故填are presented。

  (2017·江西南昌高三二模)He told me that he ________(overhear) the conversation with the co­worker about helping the sick woman.

  had overheard 句意:他告诉我他无意中听到我与同事关于帮助那位生病的女士的对话。overhear发生在过去动作told之前是“过去的过去”用过去完成时故填had overheard。




  一般现在时 do/does is/am/are done

  一般过去时 did was/were done

  一般将来时 will/shall do will/shall be done

  would do would be done

  现在进行时 is/am/are doing is/am/are being done

  过去进行时 was/were doing was/were being done

  现在完成时 has/have done has/have been done

  过去完成时 had done had been done

  现在完成进行时 has/have been doing has/have been being done

  将来进行时 will be doing will be being done



  I usually have my hair cut once a month.

  periments in the lab.


  The earth moves around the sun.


  The train leaves at 2:35 this afternoon.


  You will succeed if you try your best.



  Our friends are waiting for us outside now.


  She is learning English at college.


  My father is coming to see me this Saturday.

  g next week.


  I'm forgetting English.




  He hasn't heard any news from his son lately.

  (2)表示开始于过去某一时刻一直持续到现在而且还有可能继续下去的动作。常用so far等作时间状语。

  So far no life has been found outside the earth.

  (3)“This/It is+the +序数词+time +that...”句式中后的从句用现在完成时。

  This is the second time that I have visited the university.



  I am very tired.I have been painting the house all the afternoon.


  I have been calling him several times this morning,but there is no answer.





  It was a terrible piece of work you turned in yesterday.


  He said he would not go if it rained.


  I didn't expect to meet you here.





  By the end of last term

  He had left before I got home.


  We had expected that you would be able to win the match.

  (3)“It/This/That was+the+序数词+time+that...”句式中后的从句用过去完成时。

  It was the third time that he had made the same mistake.

  (4)“hardly/scarcely...when...”和“no sooner...than...”结构中主句用过去完成时。

  Hardly had the game started when it started to rain.



  She was writing a book about China last yearether she has finished it.


  It was raining as the medical team made its way to the front.


  They were coming to attend the meeting a few days later.




  When will you be able to give us a reply?

  —Where is the telephone book?

  —I'll go and get it for you.

  (2)be going to do形式表示将来一般指按计划、打算要做某事或有迹象要出现的情况。

  I am going to buy a computer this summer.

  (3)be to do表示将来一般指按计划或安排要做某事或按职责、义务和要求必须去做某事。

  She is to get married next week.

  (4)be about to do 表示将来多指不久或即将要发生的动作不强调主观不能与表示具体时间的状语连用。

  The train is about to leave.



  He said he would wait for us at the bus stop.

  telephone rang.


  将来进行时用will/shall be doing形式表达表示将来某个时间正在进行的动作。

  Please don't come at ten tomorrow morning.I will be having a meeting.



  The young man was injured in the car accident.


  Books and newspapers in the reading room mustn't be taken away.


  Everybody is expected to obey the following rules.


  The windows were broken by strong wind.


  I am determined to take medicine.



  We will discuss the plan tomorrow.→The plan will be discussed tomorrow(by us).


  The mother gave the child some money.→The child was given some money(by the mother).或Some money was given to the child(by the mother).



  (by them).

  (4)带有宾语从句的句子变成被动语态时通常用it来作为被动句的形式主语谓语动词改为be done结构宾语从句保持不变。

  They said that he had gone abroad to study English.→It was said that he had gone abroad to study English.


  不及物动词一些表示状态及拥有的及物动词以及haveng to,cost等动词或短语动词没有被动语态形式。

  This hall can hold 500 people.

  His careless driving cost him his life.


  __1__(stop) drinking,too.I loved my dad __2__ I hated the way his weekly meetings took him away from me.It seemed that they were more important to him than I was.But with my birthday coming up I thought Dad __3__(make) an exception.I begged him not to miss it but __4__(refuse).He said__5__(have) your party on Sunday.Why not come with me together tonight?It's an open meeting.All __6__(be) welcome.” I agreed.Maybe I needed to see why something Dad did every week mattered so much.

  __7__ theme of the meeting was going to be gratitude.He told his story about giving up smoking.__8__(late),a man called Dave also told his story.Only then did I know it was Dad that saved his life __9__ drinking.Showing up week after week and meeting with people,Dad __10__(change) lives.Shame washed over me.

  1.had stopped stop发生在过去动作said之前应用过去完成时故此处填had stopped。

  but 由loved与hated之间的对比判断本空填转折连词but。

  would make 根据前面的coming up判断是在过去看来将来要发生的动作故填would make。

  was refused 句子的主语是I与refuse之间是被动关系故填was refused构成一般过去时的被动语态。

  will have 该句是直接引用的根据this Saturday判断是将来的动作故填will have。

  are 句子用一般现在时指代人故填are。

  the 特指本次会议的主题故theme前用定冠词。

  Later 此处表示“稍后”意义作状语故填副词Later。

  9from save...from...“从……拯救……”是固定搭配。

  was changing 此处表示一个逐渐变化的过程故用进行时所以本空填was changing。


  According to a recently survey,many students don't want to improve their handwriting for various reason.52 percent of them think that they can just use a computer,so there was no need to waste time improving our handwriting.32 percent believe that they are too busy with the study that they have no time to practicing,and 16 percent think that practicing handwriting is useless.

  As the saying went,writing style shows the man.Beautiful and neat handwriting is great benefit,especially for students.Therefore,in my opinion,the more importance should be attached to handwriting from now on.

  Nowadays,with the growing popularity of computers,students

  paying less and less attention to handwriting.

  According to a

  survey,many students don't want to improve their handwriting for various .52 percent of them think that they can just use a computer,so there

  no need to waste time improving

  handwriting.32 percent believe that they are

  busy with the study that they have no time to ,and 16 percent think that practicing handwriting is useless.

  As the saying ,writing style shows the man.Beautiful and neat handwriting isgreat benefit,especially for students.Therefore,in my opinion, more importance should be attached to handwriting from now on.







  do sth.“没有时间做某事”后面须用to 加动词原形构成动词不定式。

  根据上下文可知本文时态是一般现在时。as the saying goes“常言道正如俗话所说”。




  __1__(establish) in 1989,is short for Asia­Pacific Economic Cooperation.In January 1989,Australian Prime Minister __2__(raise) the proposal during his visit to Seoul,Republic of Korea.After consultations with relevant countries,the first ministerial meeting __3__(hold) in Canberra,Australia from 6 to 7 November 1989.

  APEC,__4__ goal is to advance Asia­Pacific economic development,__5__(work) hard to meet the demands of growing interdependence among Asia­Pacific countries.More __6__(important),the purpose of APEC meeting is to promote free trade and cooperation __7__ to strengthen an open multilateral(多边的) trading system.The activities of APEC cover the __8__(promote) of regional trade__9__(have) 21 member countries so far.

  Cooperation among APEC's members is governed by the principle of equal respect for the views of all participants,and it is because of this principle __10__ “mutual respect and mutual benefit” becomes its consensus.

  1.established APEC与动词establish是被动关系故本空用过去分词作定语。

  raised 根据时间状语In January 1989判断句子用一般过去时所以本空填raised。

  was held meeting与动词hold是被动关系而且动作发生在过去所以本空填was held。

  whose 所填词引导定语从句在从句中作goal的定语故填whose。

  is working APEC是句子的主语是句子的谓语;根据语境判断是正在发生的动作故本空填is working。

  importantly more importantly“更重要的是”作句子状语。

  and to promote与to strengthen是两个并列的动作故本空填连词and。

  promotion 该空的词是cover的宾语前面又有定冠词故用名词形式。

  has had 根据so far可知句子用现在完成时;主语是APEC故填has had。

  that 本空的词与句首的it is一起构成强调句式故填that。


  I'm writing to request the valuable chance to be one of the host families for the British students.

  Locating in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood,our large fully­equipped apartment meets all their needs.In addition the convenient public transportation,our own car can also bring them to some nearby places of interest.With fluency English,I'm sure I will have no difficulty communicate with them.Above all,we have hosted two British students last year,through which we had gained lots of experience.What's more,my mother was a good cook and can guarantee them a wonderful chance of tasting delicious Chinese food.

  I would greatly appreciate you if I could have the chance to host them and make friends with them.I am looking forward to your reply.


  Li Hua

  Dear Sir,

  I'm writing to request

  valuable chance to be one of the host families for the British students.

  in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood,our large fully­equipped apartment meets all their needs.In additionthe convenient public transportation,our own car can also

  them to some nearby places of interest.With

  English,I'm sure I will have no difficulty

  with them.Above all,we

  hosted two British students last year,through which we

  gained lots of experience.What's more,my mother

  a good cook and can guarantee them a wonderful chance of tasting delicious Chinese food.

  I would greatly appreciate

  if I could have the chance to host them and make friends with them.I am looking forward to your reply.


  Li Hua



  根据in addition后面的名词transportation可知后面须接介词to。




  根据后面的时间状语last year可知此处表示过去所发生的事情须用一般过去时。





  __1__(discuss) the answers with us,okay?”

  __2__(have) no time to waste.Checking the answers __3__(require) too much time.Besides,I did a quick answer check myself and it looked just fine.What I was doing was a brave move,of course.If what I was about to say was wrong,the __4__(possible) of our team winning would be destroyed __5__(complete).I had said a couple of wrong answers beforeteammate's faith __6__ me.I told the teacher my answer.My heart __7__(beat) very quickly while I waited for my teacher's response.When at last I heard that my answer was indeed correct,I could feel __8__(relax).I knew my method was against what the team wanted__9__ I decided to stick to what I thought would benefit the team,instead of sitting and doing nothing because of __10__ feeling of deep regret I had about the previous wrong answers.Trust your instinct.Do not be afraid to try something in your own way.

  1.have discussed 根据主句时态及本句语义判断是将来某时要完成的动until引导的从句的谓语动词应用现在时表将来故填have discussed。

  had 根据前后句时态判断本句用一般过去时故填had。

  would require 句意:检查答案需要太多时间。require是将来动作再根据全文时态判断本空填would require。

  possibility 根据空前的定冠词判断本空填名词作句子的主语。

  completely 修饰动词destroy用副词。

  in faith意为“信仰”通常与介词in搭配表示“对……的信心”。

  was beating 根据while引导的从句提供的语境判断是过去某时正在发生的动作。

  relaxed 句意:我感到放松了。表语用­ed式形容词表示“感到放松的”。

  but 根据was against与decided to stick to的对比判断本空填转折连词but。

  the  特指深深地后悔这一感觉故feeling前用定冠词。


  ill a high school student,and on my way to begin my college days.Every day,devoted to my study,I had learned much knowledge,which will definitely promise me a good performance in my college entrance exams.I hope that I can be admitting into my dream university,one with good equipments and learned professors,which can offer me guidance when I am in a trouble.Of course,there will be exams in college to check my study.I shared the same idea with Mike that we should be active in college.I won't bury myself in books the whole day.Instead,I'll join much clubs where I can develop my social skills and my potential.I firmly believed that only when I have a common ground I make my college life more colorful.

  I'm still a high school student,and on my way to

  my college days.Every day,devoted to my study,I

  learned much knowledge,which will definitely promise me a good performance in my college entrance exams.I hope that I can be

  into my dream university,one with good

  and learned professors, can offer me guidance when I am in

  trouble.Of course,there will be exams in college to check my study.I

  the same idea with Mike that we should be active in college.I won't bury myself in books the whole day.Instead,I'll join

  clubs where I can develop my social skills and my potential.I firmly

  that only when I have a common ground I make my college life more colorful.

  1.on one's way to“在去……的路上”为介词后面须用动名词。

  根据句子前面的时间状语Every day可知指每天发生的事情并对现在产生影响应用现在完成时。










  __1__(seat)on the stairs of a temple in Nepal,before which lay a muddy square.People __2__(have)to walk on an artificial path made by a line of bricks __3__(get) to the other side.A friend of __4__ complained all the way while __5__(step) on the bricks walking towards her.Looking around her friend said extremely impatiently,“Disgusting indeed!What if I fall into the dirty water?” Since he was her acquaintance__6__(nod) cautiously,hoping to comfort him by her silent sympathy.

  A few minutes later another friend turned __7__ at the same scene.She walked on the same brick path dancing briskly and singing merrily,“Jump,jump,jump!” until she reached the dirty ground.She couldn't help shouting.“__8__!” Eyes beaming with joy__9__(make)the remarks.“The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is __10__ one can entirely be free from dust.”

  1.was seated seat是及物动词没宾语应用被动语态语境是过去时。故填was seated。

  had 根据句意可知指过去的情况填动词的过去式故填had。

  to get 不定式作目的状语。故填to get。

  hers a friends of hers“她的一位朋友”这是名词的双重所有格。根据下文的her可判断填hers。

  stepping 此处while后省略了句子的主语a friend of hers和谓语was所以填stepping。

  nodded 根据前面从句中的was可知此处描述她过去的行为须用一般过去时填nodded。

  up turn up“出现”根据空后的at the same scene判断填up。

  What 根据感叹句的句式:What+不可数名词+主语+系动词为不可数名词。应填What。

  made 根据句意可知此处描述她过去所做的事情须用一般过去时故填made。

  that 空后是表语从句从句中不缺少任何成分应用that引导。


  stomed to raising girls.He has grandparents who loved to buy him “boy” toys and spoil him like crazy.Bailey is fortunate enough to have multiple gaming systems and more toy cars than someone he knows.He had always been kind­hearted and generously with older kids and has never had a problem inviting them to join his fun.However,when it came to younger kids,he falls short.He got easily frustrated when they play with his favorite toy cars or fail to understanding how to play his video games with.

  Bailey is an only child,andfirst boy born into a family that

  accustomed to raising girls.He has grandparents who

  to buy him “boy” toys and spoil him like crazy.Bailey is fortunate enough to have multiple gaming systems and more toy cars than

  he knows.He

  always been kind­hearted and

  with older kids and has never had a problem inviting them to join his fun.However,when it

  to younger kids,he falls short.He

  easily frustrated when they play with his favorite toy cars or fail to

  how to play his video games .












  __1__(know)as a robotic operation.Doctor Marescaux did the operation in __2__ office in New York City last month.However,a sixty­year­old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg,France.

  Two doctors in Strasbourg got the patient ready.They __3__(place)medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach.Meanwhile,Doctor Marescaux in New York watched her on a video screen and then sent messages to the robot machine __4__ the computer.The robot __5__(move)the tools that cut the woman's gall bladder away.Shortly after the operation,the woman made a full recovery and left the hospital two days later.

  Doctors hold the belief __6__ such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations in the future and will improve doctor training as well.__7__,it will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in __8__(danger)places far away.More importantly,people could have operations __9__(do)by top doctors without having to travel to the city __10__ the doctors work.

  1.is known 该句的主语是know的动作承受者语境叙述的是客观现实故填is known。

  an 根据文意是纽约的一间办公室表泛指含义故填an

  3.placed 根据前文的got可知此处指过去所发生的事情故填placed。

  through 通过电脑给机器人发送信息故填through。

  moved 根据全文内容及前面句子的谓语动词时态可知此处为描述过去所看到机器人所做的事情须用一般过去时故填moved。

  that 空后是说明空前belief的内容应用that引导同位语从句。故填that。

  Besides 前后文之间是递进关系而且”。故填Besides。

  dangerous 空后是名词places应用形容词修饰。故填dangerous。

  done have sth.done“使某事被做”是固定用法故填done。

  where 空后是定语从句从句中缺少地点状语先行词是表示地点的名词故填where。


  thought I should do anything meaningful instead of touring.So I got a job at fast food restaurant and worked there for a cleaner.I worked 7 hours a day for three week.The job was hard and boring and seemed endless,which has made me so tired that I nearly left it halfway.However,I stuck to it with determination.Every day I start off for work early in the morning and got to home late in the evening.Finally,I finish the job before the new school term began.Now,I understood what labor means.I consider it a successful experience,which is worth remembered forever.

  During the summer holiday,I thought I should do

  meaningful instead of touring.So I got a job atfast food restaurant and worked there

  a cleaner.I worked 7 hours a day for three .The job was hard and boring and seemed endless,which

  made me so tired that I nearly left it halfway.However,I stuck to it with determination.Every day I

  off for work early in the morning and got

  home late in the evening.Finally,I

  the job before the new school term began.Now,I

  what labor means.I consider it a successful experience,which is worth













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