2017版【高考一本解决方案】高考英语(新课标版)考点题组训练:专题9 特殊句式(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017版【高考一本解决方案】高考英语(新课标版)考点题组训练:专题9 特殊句式(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.(2015·四How do you think I should do?

  1.How→What 句意:你认为我该怎么办?此句为双重疑问句特殊疑问词位于句首而事实上是从句do的宾语而how为副词不能充当宾语。

  (2016·新课标Ⅱ)It could be anything—gardening,cooking,music,sports—but whatever it is,________(make)sure it's a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.

  1.make 句意:它可以是园艺、烹饪、音乐、运动等任何事情但是无论它是什么务必保证它是让你释放压力而不是让你担忧的事。句中动词短语置于句首构成祈使句故用动词原形。

  (2016·天津,13)You are waiting at a wrong place.It is at the hotel ________ the coach picks up tourists.

  2.that 句意:你等错地方了。长途汽车来宾馆接游客。本题考查强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他。本句中at the hotel是被强调部分缺强调句式中的that故填that。

  (2015·重庆9)Bach died in 1750,but it was not until the early 19th century ________ his musical gift was fully recognized.

  3.that 句意:巴赫在1750年去世但是直到19世纪初他的音乐天赋才得到完全认可。分析句子结构可知该题是“It is/was...that...”句型是一个强调句所以填that。

  (2017·重庆)—I spent two weeks in London last summer.

  —Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay,________ you?

  4.didn't 句意:——去年夏天我在伦敦待了两周。——那么在逗留期间你一定参观过大英博物馆是吧?本句是一个must,附加问句的动词与must后的动词一致;再根据上一句中的last summer判断本空填didn't。

  (2017·天津)________he caught the morning train,he would not have been late for the meeting.

  5.Had 句意:如果他赶上了早上的火车他是不会开会迟到的。结合if可省略句子要求倒装故填Had。

  (2017·福建)It was the culture,rather than the language,________made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.

  6.that 句意:正是文化而不是that。

  (2017·湖南)Not once ________ it occur to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.

  7.did 句意:迈克尔从来没有想过有一天他会成为班上的优等生。句首有Not once主句应使用部分倒装;由从句did。

  (2017·重庆)It was with the help of the local guide ________ the mountain climber was rescued.

  8.that 句意:正是在当地导游的帮助下那些爬山者被营救了。此句去掉it was和空格处后句子依然成立所以此句是强调句式故填that强调的是句子的状语部分。

  (2017·江苏)“Never for a second,” the boy says,“________I doubt that my father would come to my rescue.”

  9.did 句意:这个男孩说:“我从来没有怀疑过我爸爸会来救我。”分析句子结构可知句中有Never for a second置于句首所以句子用部分倒装再结合would come to...可知这里说的是过去发生的事情所以通did构成部分倒装。

  (2017·天津)It was not until near the end of the letter ________ she mentioned her own plan.

  10.that 句意:直到信的结尾她才提到自己的计划。分析句子结构可知本句是对not until...“直到……才”的强调即“It is/was not until...that...”结

  11.(2017·江苏)There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent,________there?

  11.is 句意:你内心对他是无辜的这一点没什么疑问是不是?根据句末的问号及逗号前的陈述句可知该部分是反意疑问句的附加问句。陈述部分是主从复合句附加问句与主句一致;主句是there be句式故附加问句用is there。

  考查倒装句的题目主要涉及部分倒装和完全倒装。解题的关键是判断句中是否具备使用倒装的条件。如果句首有表示否定意义的词、only 修饰的状语、so修饰的形容词或副词以及not until等此时则为部分倒装;如果句首有表示方位或时间的词且主语是名词或者有时为了强调将谓语部分的现在分词置于句首则为全部倒装。

  (2017·广西)Not only ________ the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.

  【解析】 do 句意:护士们不仅要求提高工资还要求缩短工作时间。并列连词not only...but also...连接两个并列句位于句首其所在的分句用部分倒装;根据后一句时态判断前一分句应用一般现在时所以本空填助动词do。

  强调句的考查常集中that,要想写出正确答案就必须明确强调句和其他从句的区别。要判断是否是强调句关键在于把“It is/was”和“that(who)”去掉后看剩余部分的意义和结构是否完整如果完整则该句是强调句否则就不是。

  (2015·湖南)It was when we were returning home ________ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

  【解析】 that 句意:当我们返回家的时候我才意识到帮助身处困境的人感觉真好。分析句子结构可知此处是一个强调句型在这里强调时间状语故填that。

  (2016·湖南株洲教学质量检测)How an interesting country to live in!

  How→What  句意:一个多么有趣值得居住的国家啊!根据后面的名词country可知需用what引起感叹。

  (2015·江西九江高三一模)I was in trouble in overcoming my addiction to alcohol________ was my friend Mike.

  1.so 句意:我在克服酒瘾方面有困难我的朋友迈克也是。根据句意判断所填的词要能表达出后一种情况与前面情况相同这一意义故用so构成“so+谓语动词+主语”这种倒装结构表示“……也……”。

  (2015·广西梧州高三一模)Freddy gave him a job and housing and lent him pocket money while ________(train) him.

  training 句意:弗雷德在培训他期间给他提供工作和住房并借给他零花钱。根据宾语him判断在此是动词其逻辑主语与句子主语一致且二者为主动关系故填现在分词。while training him相当于while he trained him的省略。

  (2015·广西南宁高级中学阶段检测)It's trueheard some people ________ find their better half through online dating.

  3.did 句意:这是真的但是我听说很多人的确是通过网上约会找到他们更好的另一半。根据主句时态I heard判断的宾语从句应该用一般过去时而空格后是动词原形find故空格处应填助动词did一方面起强调作用另一方面与find一起构成一般过去时态。

  (2017·甘肃会宁二中It is one's inner beauty ________ matters.

  4.that 句意:是人的内在美重要。所填词与句首的It is一起构成强调句式被强调的是表示事物的句子的主语故填that。

  (2017·江西南昌高三二模)It was then ________s because I really needed the money at the time.

  5.that 句意:是在那个时候我突然哭起来因为那个时候我确实需要那笔钱。所填词与句首的It was一起构成强调句所以应填that。在本题中被强调部分是句子的时间状语。

  (2017·辽师大附中高三上10月模块考试)In my opinionue,our idea ________ matters a lot.

  6.that 句意:在我看来一方面是意识到我们的价值和思想更要紧。所填词与句首的it is一起构成强调句式被强调的是目的状语故填that。

  (2017·山东曲师大附中高三上期中教学质量检测)When ________(return) home the street.

  7.returning 句意:当我回家时我在街上遇到了我的老朋友保罗。return的逻辑主语与句子主语I一致且二者之间是主动关系故填现在分词。when returning home相当于when I returned home的省略。

  (2017·甘肃兰州一中12月月考)He said!________uld go back to sleep!But now I have to go out and find some food.”

  How 句意:他说:“多么美好的一天!我多么想能回去睡觉!但是我现在不得不出去找些食物。”根据句子结构可知空格所在句是一个感叹句引导词修饰动词故填How。


  do you know that hospital?

  —The ads of course.

  9.How 句意:——奥那家医院很好。你是怎么知道那家医院的?当然是通过广告。根据答语判断特殊问句询问的是方法、方式故填How。





  Was it yesterday that you met your old friend in the supermarket?



  Why was it that you didn't attend the meeting?


  +not until...+that...

  It was not until I failed in the exams that I realized I had not studied hard.



  Do be careful!一定要细心!

  He does enjoy drawing.他确实喜欢画画。




  Seldom in my life have I met so determined a person.

  r get it hurt.

  (2)not only...but(also)...连接两个分句置于句首时前一个分句用部分倒装。

  Not only do I enjoy less spare time

  (3)在no sooner...than...(scarcely)...when...结构中no sooner/hardly(scarcely)置于句首时主句部分用部分倒装且用过去完成时后的句子用一般过去时。

  Hardly had he begun to speak when his father stopped him.

  (4)在not...until...结构中当not until...置于句首时主句/句子用部分倒装。

  Not until then did he know he lost his way.


  Only in this way can we learn English well.

  urned did we find out the truth.


  We saw the film last week.So did they.


  So moved was she that she could not say a word.


  Were they here now

  Had you come earlier,you would have met him.


  Neither do I know what has happened




  Down came the rain.

  In the deep forest lies a lake,with a variety of fishes in it.

  On top of the mountain stands an ancient temple.


  Present at the meeting were Professor Zhang and many other guests.





  (You)Open the door,please.

  (You come)This way,please.

  —Do you know Tom?

  —I don't know(him).

  (is)on the fifth(floor).

  (we will have an English competition).

  (you are)young or you'll regret.

  Unless(it is)necessary you'd better not refer to the dictionary.

  If he doesn't want to go there,don't force him to(go there).

  (go swimming).




  I hope(that)you'll be fine soon.

  that)the book was very interesting and that all the children liked to read it.


  Is this the reason(that)he explained at the meeting for his carelessness?


  Don't be so sure.(否定式)

  Never come late.(否定式)

  Please don't forget to take your medicine.(否定式)

  Do come on time this evening.(强调式)








  Work hard and you will succeed.(=If you work hard)

  Hurry up or we will be late.(=If you don't hurry up)



  Your parents had a long talk with you last night


  No one was there that day


  Everything that he says is true


  One should be honest


  This is your car

  Those are grapes,aren't they?

  陈述部分是there be结构时反意疑问句仍用there。

  There was a hospital here


  They must be sleeping then



  He is never late for school

  They seldom clean the room,do they?


  陈述部分是祈使句时反意疑问句用will you或won't you。

  Look at the blackboard

  Don't make any noise,will you?

  以Let's开头的祈使句反意疑问句用shall we;以Let us/me开头的祈使句反意疑问句用will you;陈述部分是否定的祈使句反意疑问句用will you或can you都可以。


  She works hard and she is the best one in her factory


  When the teacher speaks in class


  I don't think he will come


  —Yes,they have./No,they haven't.


  __1__ is the poorer that are most at risk from floods and natural disasters.It was __2__ poor of New Orleans,nearly a third of the population,__3__ lived in the lowest­lying parts of the city and suffered most __4__ hurricanes.Similarly,it was the urban poor of Honduras and its neighbors __5__ were struck hardest by Hurricane Mitch in 1998.And it is the people of the slums(贫民窟) more widely in Latin America who are most likely to be attacked.

  __6__(be) the problem.China's thirst for industry and __7__(irrigate) has combined with climate change to drain the aquifers(蓄水层).Droughts seem __8__(be) even more frequent in northern Chinad,too.Rivers are drying up: the Yellow River now flows to the sea for only a few weeks a year.And the rain,when it comes,is acid.To make matters __9__(bad),the glaciers that China and India __10__(part) depend on are melting.Benefits from extra water supplies will be short­term,and damaged by floods.

  1.it 要填的词与后面的that一起构成强调句被强调部分是句子的主语the poorer故填it。

  the 形容词前用定冠词表示一类人;the poor“穷人”

  3.who 所填词引导非限制性定语从句在从句中作主语指人故用who。

  from suffer from“忍受……之苦”是固定搭配。

  that/who 本句是一个强调句被强调部分是句子的主语是句子的谓语所填词与句首的it was一起构成强调句所以应为that/who。

  is 由上下文判断句子应用一般现在时而且其主语是too little water所以填is。

  irrigation 与前面的名词industry并列作for的宾语故填名词形式。

  to be seem to do是固定用法意为“好像……”。

  worse to make matters worse是固定表达意为“更糟糕的是”。

  partly 修饰动词短语depend on表示“部分地”所以填partly。


  r Ms.J.K.Rowling,

  Glad to write to you.I like reading all of your Harry Potter book.A few days before,I listened to a radio programme about you.Now I know what was at home and in others countries that you teach English before you started writing books.

  I also know that only when your baby daughter was asleep you write the first book,so you worked on them for five years.What difficult the job is!Your son David and your daughter Jessica must be proud for you.I hope I can be as successful as you when I grow up.Thank you for spending time read my letter.


  Dear Ms.J.K.Rowling,

  Glad to write to you.I like reading all of your Harry Potter .A few days ,I listened to a radio programme about you.Now I know

  was at home and in

  countries that you

  English before you started writing books.

  I also know that only when your baby daughter was asleep you write the first book,so you worked on

  for five years. difficult the job is!Your son David and your daughter Jessica must be proud

  you.I hope I can be as successful as you when I grow up.Thank you for spending time

  my letter.




  根据句子结构分析可知此处为强调句型作宾语从句。根据强调句型结构可知应用it构成it is...that...。




  根据句意可知此处指前面的the first book须用单数。


  根据句意可知“对……自豪”须用固定短语be proud of。



  __1__ is the key to success.They pursue their own personal goals __2__ no regard for the people around them.I believe such thinking is out of date.Contemporary society __3__(demand) we should cooperate with others.Only when we grow together,rather than hold each other down,__4__ real success come.In order to succeed,we must cooperate to solve problems.

  Today,so __5__(rapid) are information and knowledge growing that no individual can master everything.We need each other to fill in __6__ gaps in our knowledge and understanding.By __7__(be) flexible,supportive and willing to compromise,we will have __8__(much) success in our lives and careers.By cooperation,we will develop stronger relationships,__9__ are the source of happiness and satisfaction in life,__10__ achieve more.

  1.that 所填词与句首的it is一起构成强调句被强调部分是句子的主语competition。

  with 此处表示“带有”意义所以填介词with。

  demands 根据前后文判断句子用一般现在时;主语是society所填词作谓语故用第三人称单数形式。

  will only强调when引导的时间状语从句位于句首主句用部分倒装;根据上下文判断句子应用一般将来时所以本空填助动词will。

  rapidly 本句是so...that...引导结果状语so...位于句首而形成的一个部分倒装句;so后的词用来修饰句子的谓语are growing故用副词形式。

  6the 特指知识与理解方面的差距故gaps前用定冠词。

  being 位于介词by后用动名词形式。

  more 根据后面的stronger判断此处也应该用比较级故填more。

  which 引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语relationships,故填which。

  and achieve与develop是顺承关系故填连词and。


  have blackboard or fixed seats.

  Gathering at the entrance of the station,we were told to collect as much English words and sentences as possible here.Curious and excited,we walked around the stations and looked everywhere,search for any information in English.Whenever an English word comes into sight,the class would burst into cheers as if we had discovered a new world.It was with the Chinese translation and vividly pictures which we could figure out its meaning with ease.

  Several years ago,I had a special English lesson

  at the railway station. different it was from the regular English classes we were familiar with.We had not any textbooks,and neither we have blackboard or fixed seats.

  Gathering at the entrance of the station,we were told to collect as

  English words and sentences as possible .Curious and excited,we walked around the

  and looked everywhere, for any information in English.Whenever an English word

  into sight,the class would burst into cheers as if we had discovered a new world.It was with the Chinese translation and


  we could figure out its meaning with ease.













  he guided merchant ships all over the world.Never


  stormy seas or pirates get the best of(打败) him.He was admired by his crew and fellow captains.

  __3__(be) one thing different about this captain.Every morning he went through a strange ceremony.He would lock


  in his captain's quarters and open a small safe.In the safe was


  envelope with a piece of paper inside.He would stare at the paper for a minute,and then lock it back up.Afterwards,he


  go about his daily duties.For years this went on,and his crew became very curious.

  Was it a treasure map?Was it a letter from a long

  __7__(lose) love?Everyone guessed about the contents of the strange envelope.


  was not until the captain died at sea that the secret was discovered.After laying the captain's body to rest(助手) led the entire crew into the captain's quarters.

  __9__(get) the envelope,opened it and...

  The first mate turned pale because he found the captain could not tell the difference between two important words.He showed the paper __10__ the others.Four words were on the paper;two lines with two words each:


  1.that 考查倒装结构 so...that...“如此……以致……”。

  did 以never开头的句子用部分倒装。文章用的是一般过去时所以用did。

  was there be 结构意为“有”。

  himself 此处表示“船长把自己锁在船长室里。”应用反身代词。

  an 句意:保险箱里有一个装着一张纸的信封。表示数量“一”用不定冠词;envelope是以元音音素开头的故用an。

  would 当空格后的谓语动词为原形且与文章的时态不一致时考虑填情态动词或助动词。根据上一句的谓语动词would stare可知本句也填would表示过去的一种习惯动作。

  lost 过去分词作定语修饰名词love。

  It 句意:直到船长在海上去世这个秘密才被发现。考查强调结构:It is+被强调部分+that。

  got got与前后两个opened为并列谓语所以也用一般过去时。

  to 表示“把某物给某人看” 用show sth.to sb.。


  Dear Tom,

  What time flies!We will have to say goodbye after a week

  You still remember that night twenty years ago,didn't you?When I suddenly fell illt have passed the exam.Though we are parting soon,but I will keep the favors you've ever done me in mind.

  Best regards.


  Dear Tom,

  time flies!We will have to say goodbye

  a week或 we spent together.In my memory kind a person that you will always offer me help

  I get into trouble.You are the most considerate person who knows exactly what I need in our class.

  You still remember that night twenty years ago, you?When I suddenly fell ill looked after by you while

  in hospital.Later,you managed to help me with my lessons.Without your help,I

  have passed the exam.Though we are parting soon, I will keep the favors you've ever done me in mind.

  Best regards.








  根据句子前面的kind a person可知前面须用so。



  修饰动词短语look after须用副词。





  __1__ interesting experience.When he was a small boy he got off to a poor start in arithmetic(算术).His teacher got the idea that he had no ability in arithmetic__2__ she thought in order that they would not expect too much of him.In this way,they too developed the idea,“Isn't it too bad __3__ Alfred can't do arithmetic?” He accepted their mistaken estimate of his ability

  One day he became very angry at the teacher and the other students because they laughed when he said he saw how to do a problem __4__ none of the other students had been able to solve.

  Adler succeeded in solving the problem.This gave him confidence.He rejected the idea __5__ he could not do arithmetic and was determined to show them that he could.His __6__(angry)and his new found faith stimulated him to go at arithmetic problems with a new spirit.He now worked __7__ interest,determination,and purpose,and he soon became __8__(extraordinary)good at arithmetic.He not only proved that he can do arithmetic,but he learned early in life from his own experience,if a person __9__(go)at a job in determination and purpose,his ability may make himself as well as others __10__(astonish).

  an experience在此表示“经历”是可数名词;此处泛指“一次有趣的经历”以元音音素开头故用不定冠词an。

  what 该词引导宾语从句并在从句中作thought的宾语指事物故填what。

  that it是形式主语要填的词引导从句作真正主语而主语从句不缺少成分表达陈述意义所以用that。

  which/that 所填的词引导定语从句修饰先行词a problem并在从句中作宾语故填which或that。

  that 该词引导idea的同位语从句从句不缺少成分意义也完整故填that。

  anger 前面有his作定语与his new found faith一起作主语故填名词anger。

  with 此处表示“带有有”意义所以应该填介词with。

  extraordinarily 修饰形容词good意为“极其特别地”用副词。

  goes if引导的从句讲的是事实所以用一般现在时主语a person,故填goes。

  astonished 在动词make后作宾语补足语表示宾语的状态和感受故填形容词astonished“惊讶的”。


  (销毁)in front of students and parents at a high school.As to thisscussion.There are two different viewpoints about them.

  Some think it necessarily.Firstly,with cellphones,students would have focused their attention on studying instead of wasting their precious time reading junk message.Secondly,the examination will be fair if no one cheats using cellphones.However,the others think it otherwise.For one thing,in the age of information,cellphones have become a necessity.For another,students can use cellphones for study,mustn't they?

  Personally spoken,even if some students use cellphones for no good reason,we should educate them rather than destroying cellphones in such an extreme way.

  As has been reported,it was thirty cellphoneswere taken away by teachers during the examination and were smashed in front of students and parents at a high school.As to this,we

  a heated discussion.There are two different viewpoints about .

  Some think it .Firstly, cellphones,students would have focused their attention on studying instead of wasting their precious time reading junk .Secondly,the examination will be fair if no one cheats using cellphones.However, others think it otherwise.For one thing,in the age of information,cellphones have become a necessity.For another,students can use cellphones for study, they?

  Personally ,even if some students use cellphones for no good reason,we should educate them rather than

  cellphones in such an extreme way.

  1.分析句子结构可知此句为强调句根据强调句型it is/was...that...可知对thirty cellphones进行强调后面部分须用that连接。



  4.think 后跟形容词作宾语补足语。








  eiving my learner's permit a couple of months ago,I started driving lessons straight away.However,it wasn't until two days ago __1__ dad finally allowed me to drive on the motorway.Our destination was Orewa,__2__ seaside town.That morning I made sure I had enough to drink and went to the toilet about three times __3__ we left.I thought I was totally prepared __4__ the journey,but nothing could have prepared me for my family's complaints.

  “Relax!Don't hold the steering wheel so __5__(tight)

  “Speed up.70 km/h isn't fast enough.You are holding up the traffic,” another voice ordered from the seat next to __6__(I).

  __7__!To content them__8__(step)hard on the accelerator,and within a second,an angry voice began to yell again.

  “Stop!__9__(slowly)down!Are you crazy?Did I tell you to go above 100km/h?”

  only 50km/h.

  My family seemed relieved and stopped telling me what to do.On our way home,the journey was much __10__(easy)than before as everyone else fell fast asleep.So,I just took my time and enjoyed the drive.

  1.that 此处为对not until进行强调的强调句此结构中缺that故填that。

  a  town是可数名词泛指“一个海边城镇”故填a。

  before 根据前后动作发生的先后次序可知答案是before。

  for  prepare...for...“为……做准备”。

  tightly hold是实义动词要用副词来修饰故填tightly“紧紧地”。

  mine/me 根据句意及分析句子结构可知此处作介词to的宾语须用名词性物主代词或宾格故填mine/me。

  How 根据后面annoying“讨厌的恼人的”的意思。可知对形容词感叹须用How。

  stepped 根据语意和句子结构可知此处step作谓语;根据句子语境可知指过去发生的事情故填stepped“踩”。

  Slow 分析句子意思可知此处为祈使句用动词原形故填Slow。

  easier 由句中than可知应用形容词比较级根据语意和语境可知填easier。


  I read you magazine every month.I myself am a teenager,almost 16,and have some problem at home that I hope you can help me with.The main problem is that I can't get along with my father.Whenever I want to do something or suggest an idea,such as a restaurant that we go for dinner,he doesn't listen to me.What disappointed I was.

  He and my mother always make me to do things I don't like,such as playing piano and doing housework.Then,whenever I have some spare time and want to be alone,they call me selfish and distant.

  I will be scolded if play foreign music.Also,every time I watch a DVD,he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time study.He even forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet café.

  I love him a lot,but I don't understand what he is so hard on me and will not respect the things I want to do.He was once a teenager,didn't he?He should understand me better than he does.

  Liu Xiaowei

  Dear Dr Fang,

  I read

  magazine every month.I myself am a teenager,almost 16,and have some

  at home that I hope you can help me with.The main problem is that I can't get along with my father.Whenever I want to do something or suggest an idea,such as a restaurant

  we go for dinner,he doesn't listen to me. disappointed I was.

  He and my mother always make me

  do things I don't like,such as playingpiano and doing housework.Then,whenever I have some spare time and want to be alone,they call me selfish and distant.

  I will be scolded if

  foreign music.Also,every time I watch a DVD,he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more time .He even forbids me from chatting with my friends in the Internet café.

  I love him a lot,but I don't understand

  he is so hard on me and will not respect the things I want to do.He was once a teenager, he?He should understand me better than he does.

  Liu Xiaowei








  (in)doing sth.“花时间做某事”是固定用法。




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