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发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. —Which of these methods do you like best?

  —_______. They are all more difficult to use than I have expected.

  A. Neither

  B. No one

  C. None

  D. Nothing




  2.The World Bank discouraged the building of public transport in developing countries, which made the local people’s life _______ but convenient.

  A. nothing

  B. anything

  C. something

  D. everything


  The survey shows that the US is still a favorite _______ for studying abroad.

  A. opportunity

  B. destination

  C. challenge

  D. qualification



  4.Many people think that the sentence of death is too severe a(n) _______ for any crime.

  A. defeat

  B. treatment

  C. punishment

  D. injury


  【解析】考查名词。句意:许多人认为死刑对任何犯罪来说都是太严厉的处罚。a severe punishment表示“严厉的处罚”,故选punishment。defeat失败treatment处理治疗injury伤害,损害

  5.They have launched a great _______ to push the government to sentence the arrested terrorists to death since the last terrorist attack.

  A. campaign

  B. revolution

  C. competition

  D. advertisement


  【解析】句意自上次恐怖袭击之后他们发起了一场声势浩大的运动,迫使政府对已逮捕的恐怖分子处以死刑。campaign意为(宣传)运动”。 revolutioncompetition竞赛,比赛;advertisement广告。

  6.There is no doubt that those who want to buy a house are _______ the proposal that the government should bring down the housing price.

  A. in favor of

  B. in honor of

  C. in search of

  D. in need of


  【解析】考查介词短语。句意:毫无疑问,那些想买房的人都赞成政府应该降低房价的提议。根据语境可知,in favor of“赞成”符合语境。in honor of为纪念……;in search of寻找;in need of需要。

  7.The company reported Thursday that it would increase its production _______ 10% the next year.

  A. over

  B. by

  C. on

  D. with



  . _______ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.

  A. Apart from

  B. But for

  C. Thanks to

  D. Regardless of


  Although these states and their people are _______, they share the common goal of economic development.

  A. diverse

  B. suitable

  C. distinct

  D. apparent


  【解析】考查形容词。句意:虽然这些国家及人民各不相同,但他们有着经济发展的共同目标。根据后面的“share the common goal”可知,答案选A项,diverse意为“不同的,多种多样的”。suitable合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的distinct明显的,清楚的apparent易看见的,可看见的显然的

  10.The expanding population will bring about a heavy burden to education and public welfare, and _______ to the social stability.

  A. frequently

  B. significantly

  C. occasionally

  D. consequently



  11.The screenplay of The Great Gatsby manages to be _______ to the spirit of the original, which is appreciated by most of the audience.

  A. faithful

  B. similar

  C. responsible

  D. vital


  【解析】句意电影剧本《了不起的盖茨比》忠实于原著的精髓这一点颇受大多数观众的赏。be faithful to意为忠实于……”。be similar与……相似 responsible to对某人负责vital to对……极端重要

  12.To the man’s relief, he could _______ stations all over Europe with his new radio.

  A. set up

  B. pick up

  C. take up

  D. bring up


  【解析】考查动词短语。句意:令这个人感到欣慰的是,他可以用新买的收音机收听全欧洲的电台广播了。pick up意为“接收(信号),收听(电台)”,符合语境。set up建立,成立;take up拿起,占据,占用,开始从事bring up养育,抚养,呕吐,提出。

  13.However, the government has been accused of _______ its election promises even though more changes have taken place.

  A. betraying

  B. achieving

  C. rejecting

  D. disapproving


  14.To our disappointment, the school principal _______ his nephew in the list of candidates who are offered an opportunity to study in Singapore.

  A. includes

  B. contains

  C. adopts

  D. concludes


  【解析】句意令我们感到失望的是校长把他的侄子列入有机会前往新加坡学习的候选人名单中。include为把……列入……”。include包括包含指在整体中能明确界定的几个部分。contain包含,含有,装有指一个较大事物中所容纳的分离部分,有封闭于一个整体的感觉。The parcel included a dictionary.那包裹里也包括了一本字典。The parcel contained a dictionary.那包裹里装的是一本字典。adopt收养采用,采取,采纳conclude得出结论推断出决定

  15.The statement that people must arrive at the school 10 minutes ahead of the beginning of the first class _______ both teachers and the school headmaster.

  A. goes against

  B. comes at

  C. appeals to

  D. goes for


  【解析】句意第一节上课必须前十分钟到校的申明同时适用于教师和校长。go for意为对……适用”。go against违背,……作对对……不利come at袭击威胁找到得到appeal to诉诸武力向……投诉向……呼吁对……有吸引力

  16. _______ wedding of the young couple in the UK has attracted _______ attention of millions of people in the world.

  A. A; 不填 B. The; 不填 C. A; the

  D. The; the


  【解析】句意这对年轻的英国夫妇的婚礼吸引了全世界上数百万人的关注。The wedding特指这对年轻的英国夫妇的婚礼应用定冠词The。后半句中的“attention”由of millions of people in the world限定也是特指,应用定冠词the。

  Tu Youyou was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, but before that no one could have imagined how great a role she _______ in the medicine field.

  A. had played

  B. has played

  C. is playing

  D. was to play


  Yao Ming has been nominated for the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, which probably _______ him the first Chinese player to receive the honor.

  A. makes

  B. has made

  C. will make

  D. will have made



  19.My teacher always tells me, “A man _______ be faced with a series of challenges, but it is the challenges that make a true man. “

  A. shall

  B. need

  C. would

  D. can



  _______ what would happen the next day, they would have had second thoughts.

  A. Were they to know

  B. Had they known

  C. Should they know

  D. Did they know


  【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:要是他们早知道第二天将发生的事情,他们会改变主意的。根据句中的“they would have had second thoughts”可知,此处表示的是与过去的事实相反的假设,故从句用had done结构。本条件状语从句中省略了if,故须把had提前。故答案选B项。

  21.—Jack, look at what you have done. You are supposed _______ your job by now.

  —Sorry, Miss Lee. I’ll hurry up.

  A. to finish

  B. finishing

  C. to have finished

  D. having finished


  The number of children being home educated _______ in Britain has increased by 65 percent over the six years.

  A. being recorded

  B. to be recorded

  C. recording

  D. recorded


  【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:根据记录,英国接受家庭教育的儿童数量在近六年内增加了65%。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作后置定语,修饰The number of children being home educated, record与其逻辑主语The number of children being home educated为动宾关系,且非谓语动作已发生,故应用过去分词形式。

  23.Listen to the music carefully and see _______ you can remember the words.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. if

  D. how



  Dozens of people were waiting with a camera for _______ seemed like hours, hoping to catch a glimpse of the US First Lady, Michelle Obama.

  A. that

  B. when

  C. which

  D. what


  【解析】考查从句。句意:几十what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语what相当于the time that…。

  We cannot understand the side effects of the medicine _______ we carry out long-term research into it.

  A. while

  B. since

  C. unless

  D. once



  It took what seemed to be years _______ the football star appeared, which made the fans disappointed and angry.

  A. when

  B. before

  C. since

  D. until



  27.One writer in _______ I have taken an interest since I took the American literature course is Ernest Hemingway.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. who

  D. whom


  Although his family couldn’t afford his education, he managed to find a place at the College of Art _______

  word of his talent quickly spread.

  A. whose

  B. when

  C. which

  D. where


  【解析】考查定语从句。句意:尽管他的家里无法供他上学,但是他设法进了艺术学院,在那里,他极有绘画天赋的消息很快就传开了。分析句子结构可知,where在句中引导定语从句,修饰the College of Art,并在从句中作地点状语。

  29.Such a passionate speech _______ at the school opening ceremony that we each were deeply moved and strongly inspired.

  A. did he make

  B. he made

  C. had he made

  D. he had made



  30.—Come on! Jim. We’ll be late for our train.

  —_______. We’re taking a short cut. We’ll arrive at the train station on time.

  A. Not bad

  B. Don’t mention it

  C. Take it easy

  D. It depends



  John was 20 years old. He was a handsome and gifted


  . But he stopped talking as much as he usually did after he graduated from high school. This year, his


  reduced to nothing. His parents knew he was


  , and continually told him that they loved him. Everyone was


  about his well-being and wondered what they could say or do to help him, since saying “I love you”


  wasn’t enough to improve his situation.

  John finally made a(an)


  . He locked himself in the cellar(地下室)and stayed there for three days without food.


  he continued to acknowledge his parents’ love for him and his love for them, his depression


  . His loved ones were


  that he would even kill himself one day. Healthcare professionals were


  , but the advice, care and kindness did not


  . On the fourth day of John’s isolation(隔离), the local high school football


  , who didn’t’ know John’s situation, happened to call him. John’s mother told him John was not


  and took a message at the coach’s


  . Then she went to the cellar door and called down the stairs, “John, Coach Ivers just phoned.” He said that his players


  last night on who they wanted as their assistant coach. They said you were the greatest football athlete they had ever had and they though they could


  the state championship if you helped to coach them. Coach Ivers said they need you! He said if you are interested, you should be at the football practice


  at 14:45 this afternoon.” Hearing the message, John eventually came out of the cellar. He accepted the coaching job.


  the time he came home from his first


  , he had walked out of his depression. He once again found the great feeling of being


  , and he was back to his old self.


  1. A. judge

  B. athlete

  C. captain

  D. professor


  根据6空They said you were the greatest football athlete they had ever had可知约翰是一个很有天赋的运动员athlete)。故B正确。judgecaptain船长,上尉;professor教授。

  2. A. promise

  B. complaint

  C. motivation

  D. conversation


  promise诺言;complain抱怨;motivation动机;conversation对话,谈话;根据8空前his depression说明他很压抑,不愿意与人交流;根据6空后He locked himself in the cellar(地下室)and stayed there for three days说明他的压抑已经到了绝食的程度了所以本句他与别人的交流很少。

  3. A. depressed

  B. awkward

  C. innocent

  D. unconscious


  4. A. curious

  B. positive

  C. frightened

  D. concerned



  5. A. directly

  B. properly

  C. obviously

  D. specially



  6. A. move

  B. apology

  C. difference

  D. deal


  move行动;apology道歉;make a difference起作用,有影响;make a deal成交;根据横线后一句可知他把自己关在地下室并绝食,说明他最后采取了行动。故A正确。

  7. A. Because

  B. Although

  C. Unless

  D. When



  8. A. acquired

  B. recovered

  C. deepened

  D. withdrew


  9. A. amazed

  B. confused

  C. bored

  D. convinced


  amazed惊讶的;confused困惑的;bored厌倦的;convinced相信的be convinced that…相信,确信……。他把自己关在地下室并绝食,他的相信他甚至会自杀他的行为让别人相信。故D正确。

  0. A. taken in

  B. brought in

  C. turned in

  D. put in


  take in吸收,理解,欺骗;bring in带来,引进;turn in上交;put in投入为了解决他的问题,保健专业人员给他提建议。故B正确。

  1. A. solve

  B. produce

  C. work

  D. develop



  2. A. assistant

  B. manager

  C. coach

  D. guider


  根据“John, Coach Ivers just phoned”可知学校足球队的教练打电话给他。故C正确。assistantmanager经理;guider指导者。

  13. A. occupied

  B. suitable

  C. flexible

  D. available



  4. A. request

  B. recommendation

  C. invitation

  D. compromise


  request请求;recommendation推荐;invitation邀请;compromise妥协固定搭配at the request of sb应某人的要求,应某人的要求给他带一个消息。故A正确。

  5. A. competed

  B. voted

  C. connected

  D. responded



  6. A. obtain

  B. recognize

  C. approve

  D. admit


  obtain获得;recognize认出;approve赞成;admit承认动词obtain与名词the state championship连用,表示赢得全国冠军。队员们都认为如果你来帮助他们,他们就可能获得全国冠军。故A正确。

  7. A. in person

  B. with delight

  C. by chance

  D. on purpose


  8. A. During

  B. Before

  C. By

  D. After


  by the time到……时在句中引导时间状语从句句意:到他从第一次训练回到家的时候,他已经走出了压抑。因为这是他感兴趣的事情,故C正确。

  9. A. appointment

  B. practice

  C. experience

  D. preparation



  20. A. demanded

  B. respected

  C. protected

  D. needed




  Arch bridges are among the many classic architectural works that you can see throughout history, which many of them were inspired by Roman Empire architecture. earliest arch bridges were built by the ancient Greeks and Romans. So arch bridges came into being thousands of years ago. Back then, these bridges were mostly made of bricks or stones, and were highly popular. Later, with the industrial revolution and the introduction of new materials, other advanced bridge types and designs were introduced. However, arch bridges are still being used. With the introduction of concrete, steel and other new materials, their arches are built on a much larger scale.

  Arch bridges are characterized by their arches or curved designs that give them strength. As a result of this curving or bending, the load force isn’t pushed straight downwards, or rather, it is carried or transferred along the arch curve to the supports or abutments(桥墩)present at each end of an arch bridge. This semi-circular structure thus enables a higher level of resistance to the bending force which may have altered or changed the bridge. In other words, the force acting on the bridge horizontal is distributed equally.

  Also, there are many different building materials for arch bridges. They can be built using a wide range of materials that include natural ones like stones, bricks, etc., as well as man-made materials like reinforced concrete or steel. Natural or local materials aid in sustainability and are strong in compression.

  In addition, these bridges tend to strengthen with increased usage. Ancient arch bridges had a keystone, which was once put in an arch bridge and could undergo compression, thus making the bridge stronger. Furthermore, the abutments also help enhance the sustainability of these bridges. A great deal of deadweight is introduced above each arch, thus supporting loads as well as gaining strength.

  Despite the above various advantages of the arch bridge structure, there’re also many disadvantages that cannot be ignored. For example, these bridges have a limited span(跨度)length. The sizes of arches and the materials used can determine the weight that an arch bridge is capable of bearing. Such bridges can be built only in certain sizes.

  When natural materials are used for building, additional maintenance or care is needed. This is because the impact of wind forced on the structure or the wind load causes an arch bridge to bend and move. Thus, frequent care becomes necessary. This may further give rise to extra maintenance costs.

  Arch bridges have a long construction time. For the proper and normal functioning of these bridges, they have to be built in a particular way. Thus, their construction requires more time, mostly noticed in the case of natural materials. Also, more labor may be required.

  Arch bridges can be constructed in only certain locations where the foundations on both sides are solid and stable. This is because this type of bridge needs more support from its sides.

  There is no doubt that by incorporating(把……融入arches into the design of arch bridges, they have gained some definite advantages. However, no matter how fantastic their design is, there are still some drawbacks that cannot be avoided. So we can conclude that the decision of having an arch bridge can be made by considering the aforementioned pros and cons.

  Arch bridges



  ●Arch bridges have been in


  for thousands of years.

  ●Their common building materials used to be bricks and stones, and now many new materials like concrete and steel have been used, because of which the arches are built more




  ●Arch bridges are strong thanks to their curved designs, which


  the load force being pushed straight downwards.

  ●The designs also contribute to the equal


  of the bending force, and thus the bridges are more


  to the force.

  ●Diverse materials used to build arch bridges are



  ●The application of these materials enables the bridges to undertake heavy pressure, thus making them



  The use of the keystone and abutments make the bridges stronger and more durable.


  The span length of an arch bridge is limited and how much weight it can bear


  on its size and building materials.

  Arch bridges require maintaining


  due to the impact of wind forced on them.

  The construction of an arch bridge is the


  of more time and labor.

  Arch bridges can only be located where the foundations on both sides are solid and stable.

  conclusion When people decide to build an arch bridge, they must consider the aforementioned pros and cons.



  【解析】信息转换题 根据文中 “They came into being thousands of years ago”句子中的”came into being”进行转换。They came into being thousands of years ago =They have been in existence for thousands of years.



  【解析】信息归纳题。根据文中”the load force isn’t pushed straight downwards”和后面的”being pushed…”

  我们可以知道答案为prevent:prevent the load force(from)being pushed straight downwards。


  【解析】信息转换题。根据文中 “In other words, the force acting on the bridge horizontal is distributed equally”句子中的”distributed””equal”是形容词,所以这儿应该填其名词的形式distribution。


  【解析】信息转换题。根据文中 “This semi-circular structure thus enables a higher level of resistance to the bending force which may have altered or changed the bridge”句子中的”resistance””more”可知这儿要填的是形容词resistant。


  【解析】信息归纳题。根据”They can be built using a wide range of materials that include natural ones like stones, bricks, etc., as well as man-made materials like reinforced concrete or steel.”的叙述说明建筑拱桥所能利用的材料很多。”Diverse materials used to build arch bridges are available(可获得的)”与文章表述一致。


  【解析】信息转换题。根据文中 “Natural or local materials aid in sustainability and are strong in compression” 句子中的”sustainability””making them”可知这儿要用形容词(sustainable)作”making”的宾语补足语。

  8. 【答案】depends

  【解析】信息归纳题。根据文中“The sizes of arches and the materials used can determine the weight that an arch bridge is capable of bearing.”,结合空格后面的”on”我们可以得到答案为depend on(取决于,依赖)。”how much weight it can bear depends on its size and building materials(拱桥究竟能够承受多大的重量取决于桥的大小和建筑材料)”与文章表述一致。本题也可以从原文中的”determine决定”一词得到提示。


  【解析】信息转换题。根据文中 “…Thus, frequent care becomes necessary. This may further give rise to extra maintenance costs”说明(由于自然界风力的影响)对拱桥要经常或定期进行维护保养,结合空前的”maintaining”frequently/regularly)来修饰。



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