2017版高考英语外研版一轮复习跟踪检测:选修6 Module3《Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017版高考英语外研版一轮复习跟踪检测:选修6 Module3《Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Module 3




  (2016·哈尔滨市三中第一次模拟)Aesop (伊索) was a slave living around 550 BC. We call the stories he wrote fables, as every story has a moral. Almost all the fables he wrote are __1__ (humor) and entertaining, appealing to people __2__ all ages. To date, Aesop's fables __3__ (translate) into many languages and are known all over the world. Not only have the fables themselves lived for nearly 1,500 years, but __4__ (express) from them have entered various languages.

  One fable, for instance, is about a farmer who __5__ (drive) his cart along a country road. The cart got __6__ (stick) in the mud, but the farmer made no effort __7__ (get) it out. Instead, he began to pray to the gods for help. The god Hercules finally appeared and told __8__ man to get busy and push __9__. “Push your shoulder to the wheel.” Hercules advised.

  The moral of the story is clear. We mustn't rely on others for help. Another saying which has come from the fable is “God helps those who __10__ (help) themselves”.


  1.humorous/humourous 根据空格前的连系动词are可知,此空格应填形容词作表语。humor的形容词为humorous/humourous。

  2.of 此处指他写的寓言故事吸引了所有年龄段的人。of此处用来表示年龄。

  3.have been translated 动词translate与主语Aesop's fables之间构成动宾关系;且根据时间状语“To date”可知,此处应用现在完成时的被动语态。故填have been translated。

  4.expressions 分析句子结构可知,but后的分句中谓语动词为“have entered”,空格处应为名词复数作主语,指这些寓言故事里的一些表达已经深入到很多语言中去了。express的名词为expression。故填expressions。

  5.was driving 根据本段时态可推知,叙述故事内容应用过去时,此处表示drive这一动作那个时间正在进行,故用过去进行时。

  6.stuck 固定搭配get stuck in意为“陷入”,符合语境。故填stuck。

  7.to get make no effort to do sth.“没有努力做某事”,为固定结构。

  8.the 此处再次提到上文的the farmer,即Hercules告诉那个农民去推车。所以填定冠词the。

  9.it 为了避免重复,此处用代词it指代上文中的“The cart”。

  10.help 定语从句中谓语动词的数应与先行词一致,先行词为those表复数概念。故填help。


  (2016·兰州市高三实战考试)I threw my magazines into a waste basket and decide to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. I stared at everything as if I were looking at it the first time. The day passed fast. I looked at my watch but was surprised that it was 3 pm. Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked beautifully. When my uncle arrived at with a smile, I threw my arm around him to give him a warm hug. I had never done this ago. He seemed surprising and then his weather­beaten face warmed up with the huge smile. We walked arm in arm to her car.





  第九句:去掉at; arm→arms


  第十一句:surprising→surprised; the→a




  A true friend is a source of strength and hope.

  —Jonathan Lockwood Huie








  This quotation from Jonathan Lockwood Huie tells us that_________________________






  This quotation from Jonathan Lockwood Huie tells us that real friends can give us strength and hope when we are in trouble and real friends can benefit from each other. We need such friends who can point out our mistakes directly and who have the same life goals as us. Once I failed again and again in my math and lost interest in it, it was my best friend who encouraged me not to give up and offered help in time. With his kind and selfless help, I gradually caught up with others.

  So I say we need friends but what we need most is a friend that can rich our life.




  (2016·洛阳高三模拟)I met my friend when we were in graduate school, and we enjoyed hanging out together outside of class. After receiving our degrees, we both left school to live in different states. That was 10 years ago.

  We've kept in touch, but our phone conversations and twice­a­year visits became opportunities for my friend to talk endlessly about her problems. When I tried to fill her in on my own life, she obviously ignored.

  In the past few years I've not visited her at all and been afraid of her occasional phone calls and visits to my house. She invites herself now because I no longer invite her. When she's at my home, she literally follows me from room to room, talking nonstop, until I make an excuse to get away from her. I tell her I need to take a nap, but I don't sleep. I sit in my room and read or enjoy the quiet.

  Here's the worst part. She and her family, including two young children, are moving to our city. Her family has a small income, and they are buying a house in a grand neighborhood they can't afford. She asked if she and her husband and her children could stay at my home on their trips to our town to deal with house matters.

  My husband and I have no children. Even though our home is tiny and perfectly sized for us, I let them stay. She told me her husband would start his new job before they finished purchasing this house. I felt obligated to offer her our guest room. If I hadn't offered, she would have asked anyway.

  Now he's here, and it turns out he'll be staying on through the weekends. I am seething.

  I would never under any circumstances impose on a friendship this way. I feel used, resentful, and don't care if I ever see her again. Should I end this friendship? I'm getting absolutely nothing from it but a knot in my stomach.


  1.Every time they got in touch, the author's friend __________.

  A.had little to share with the author

  B.was eager to know about the author's life

  C.expressed her contentment with her own life

  D.showed no interest in listening to the author's story

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“When I tried to fill her in on my own life, she obviously ignored.”可知答案。 ignore “不予理睬,忽视”。

  2.The author is afraid of her friend's phone calls and visits because ________.

  A.she is engaged in her own life

  B.she hates her friend's nonstop talking

  C.her friend always borrows money from her

  D.her friend always wants to show off before her

  解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“she literally follows me from room to room, talking nonstop ... I tell her I need to take a nap, but I don't sleep. I sit in my room and read or enjoy the quiet.”可知,作者很烦朋友的唠唠叨叨。

  3.We can know from the text that the author ________.

  A.is a selfish and jealous woman

  B.has a larger house than her friend

  C.has more children than her friend

  D.is unwilling to share her house with her friend

  解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第五段最后两句“I felt obligated to offer her our guest room. If I hadn't offered, she would have asked anyway.”可知答案。

  4.What is the author's attitude towards their friendship?




  解析:选C 推理判断题。通过全文,尤其是最后一段内容可知,作者对这份友谊很不满意、很烦。


  (2016·石家庄高三教学质检二)Do You Have the Time? In English, this question has two different meanings. The first one is “Do you know what time it is?” While commonly, this is less frequently used than the simpler question with the same meaning “What time is it?” The other is “Do you have the time (e.g.to do this or that)?” This is a very commonly asked question, whether in American, British, or Australian English. I think the response “I don't have the time” is most commonly used year after year. __1__

  Think about how often you (and I) have used this as an explanation of why we couldn't do something, take on a new task, help someone, visit someone, etc. Sometimes it's a statement of fact, and sometimes it's just an excuse. __2__ However, deep down we each have a pretty clear idea of the difference. In practical terms, the lack of available time seems to be and often is a true reason for why we cannot take something on. __3__ “I just don't have the time” is too often an escape. Once we get to a certain age, when we are generally considered to be grown­ups, we are expected to have developed time management skills. In many instances, “I don't have the time” has the same meaning as “I am not willing to make the time”. Sure, we're all busy, but in the end, it's a matter of which is more important.

  __4__ It doesn't grow on trees or fall from the sky like raindrops. You make the time as well as most of the related decisions about what is important. __5__ If you don't decide on the use of your time, the decision will be taken away from you. It's really up to us to decide on how to balance and manage time, and that's a challenge.

  A.No one gives you the time.

  B.After all, it's so convenient as an excuse.

  C.The key is what criteria you rely on to make decisions.

  D.The distinction here between them is blurry (模糊不清的) and subjective.

  E.Be aware it's the world's most common excuse, whether you speak it out or not.

  F.But it does mean we need to develop a clear approach to time management.

  G.Actually if we try to rearrange our time, or make a sacrifice, we can make it.

  答案:1~5 BDGAC


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