2017年高考英语一轮复习讲练测:必修5.5《First aid》(测)(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017年高考英语一轮复习讲练测:必修5.5《First aid》(测)(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修 5

  Unit 5 First aid



  I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)2016年山东省东营市胜利第一中学高考模拟最后一卷】

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  I still remember it was in the winter of 1990 that , together with the help of my older sister, I 1

  down my wishes for Christmas onto a piece of paper. How I wished on Christmas Eve my grandest wish would be


  and placed under the Christmas tree—a puppy. When we were done, our wish-lists were collected by our parents with the promise to be


  to Santa’s hard-working helpers.

  The next day, our parents sat us down in the living-room, with


  expressions on their faces. As it


  , they had seen our wishes, now wanting to talk to us about one wish


  ——the puppy. For a moment, I held my breath, but was


  . When they told us that they weren’t against a puppy. What they


  against was putting it under the Christmas tree. That was not a good idea.



  taught us that an animal was not a gift that belonged to the same


  as our toys. Animals were creatures with


  that we should decide to have one, and it would be a (an)


  to our family. An animal


  a lot of responsibilities. It wasn’t anything one bought out of a mood. An animal could not be exchanged or


  when we didn’t feel like it. A animal wasn’t a toy. An animal was a


  family member that needed lots of love and attention. An animal was not a


  , but a family decision. A serious decision. And a big decision.


  , my Parents share my love for animals, so the decision came reasonably


  ,.After our grandparents had given their


  up for taking care of the dog, while we were on future vacations, the answer was yes. Yes, we would get a puppy.

  The following days and weeks, there was only one


  :our new family member! Yes, a family member, because animals have their rights. They are not simply food or gifts. We humans must attend, love and protect them.

  1. A. left

  B. got

  C. set

  D. pulled

  2. A. rejected

  B. declined

  C. challenged

  D. fulfilled

  3. A. given away

  B. passed on

  C. taken on

  D. put up

  4. A. dangerous

  B. curious

  C. serious

  D. mysterious

  5. A. turned out

  B. taken out

  C. run out

  D. held out

  6. A. in peace

  B. in order

  C. in particular

  D. in return

  7. A. pardoned

  B. frightened

  C. inspired

  D. relieved

  8. A. protested

  B. objected

  C. opposed

  D. resisted

  9. A. patiently

  B. hurriedly

  C. anxiously

  D. roughly

  10. A. arrangement

  B. routine

  C. schedule

  D. category

  11. A. feelings

  B. secrets

  C. stains

  D. sufferings

  12. A. convenience

  B. servant

  C. extension

  D. heritage

  13. A. signed

  B. meant

  C. attained

  D. guaranteed

  14. A. put forward




  C. put aside

  D. put off

  15. A. native

  B. original



  D. precious

  16. A. riddle

  B. gift

  C. servant

  D. victim

  17. A. Negatively

  B. Ridiculously

  C. Particularly

  D. Luckily

  18. A.


  B. easy

  C. contradictory

  D. concrete

  19. A. thumbs

  B. toes

  C. noses

  D. eyes

  20. A. theme

  B. argument

  C. prejudice

  D. Topic

  第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  There was a boy who was sent to a boarding school. He used to be


  brightest student in his class. He was at the top in every


  (compete). But things


  (change) when he came to the new school. His grades started dropping and he was lonely all the time. He felt he was worthless and


  no one loved him.

  His parents began to worry,


  they did not know what was wrong. So his dad decided to visit the school and have a talk



  They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking


  some questions about his classes, teachers and sports. Then he asked, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”

  The boy said, “


  (check) my grades?”

  “No, no,” his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are important for me. I want to see you happy. Nothing could be


  (value) than your happiness. You are my life”

  The boy felt confident in his study again. He knew there was someone on the earth

  30 _____cared for him deeply. He meant the world to someone.

  II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


  It was Sunday morning. I heard loud noises of moving furniture in the next room. I could almost feel the excitement of John who was soon going to get a room of his own. I knew how much he longed for his right to privacy when he was sharing a room with his younger brother, Robot. He said, “Mum, Can I have a room of my own? I could use Jeff’s. He won’t mind.”

  It was true that Jeff had graduated from college and flown from the nest. But would he mind? The room was the place where I told him a thousand stories and we had a thousand talks. As close as we were, though, the time came when Jeff needed a door between us. His life was spreading into areas that had less to do with family. I no longer could-or-should know everything about him.

  It turned out that getting Jeff’s permission was easy. He said, “Of course, Mum, it would be selfish of me to hold on to it.” Then his voice softened, “Mum, I won’t be living at home again — you know that.” Behind his glasses, his eyes were lit with all the love. There were no doors closed here — they had all opened up again.

  As John and I were cleaning the room, I fixed my eyes on Jeff’s things around me and could almost touch the little boy I knew was gone forever. I looked at the room and, in my heart, I let it go. To hold on would be, as Jeff said, selfish. Now it was time for John, shouldering through the door, his eyes bright with promise of independence, to disappear behind the door. It was time for letting go to happen again.

  31.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably means “______”.

  A. Jeff needed his right to privacy

  B. Jeff finally flew out of the house

  C. Jeff got tired of those familiar stories

  D. Jeff would have less to do with his family

  32.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. John was moving to live with his brother.

  B. John was eager to get a room of his own.

  C. Jeff volunteered to give his room to John.

  D. Jeff refused to let his brother have his room.

  33.How did the author feel about her children’s sense of independence?

  A. Delighted.

  B. Jealous.

  C. Mixed.

  D. Embarrassed.

  34.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

  A. the children did not like to live with adults

  B. all her three kids made the author feel depressed

  C. none of the members in the family thought the same way

  D. the author loved and missed the time together with her kids


  After serving as a ski guide in Utah’s back country for more than two decades, a Park City woman is being recognized by Outside Magazine as 2015’s Best Ski Guide.

  Deb Lovci grew up in Colorado and began skiing when she was five years old. Later she moved to Utah and fell in love with the back country of Wasatch Mountains. Lovci has now served as a Ski Utah Interconnect guide for 27 years. “Anything that you slide on snow, I’m in love with, ” she said.

  Lovci leads ski tours through the back country of six different resorts located in the Wasatch Mountains. Lovci typically takes a group of eight to ten people on a ski tour each day, and on average, she takes 300 customers on tours through the back country each season. She loves showing off Utah’s wilderness. “I love the back country,” she said. “I love the snow science behind it. I love the safety … I just love it.”

  Along with leading ski tours, Lovci is passionate about anything related to activities. She also runs a bed-and-breakfast in Park City, the Old Town Guest House. As “a jack-of- all-trades”, she also runs Alpine skis, Nordic skis competitively, and snowboards, and leads mountain bike tours during the summer.

  Outside Magazine selected five travel guides in various outdoor fields to name as the best in their Best of Travel April issue. Lovci said she was unexpectedly cheerful when she was selected as 2015’s Best Ski Guide by Outside Magazine. “We all work really hard in what we do and we love it and it’s really nice to get acknowledged,” she said. “I work with a lot of excellent guides and the award could have gone to anybody — any one of us. I often recall my ski experiences which were fearful at the beginning, but they helped me achieve a success.”

  In a news release, Ski Utah director of communications, Paul Marshall said, “Deb Lovci is one of the most enthusiastic, focused, knowledgeable guides in the industry. Without her as the forefront of our Interconnect Tour, we would not have the success we have. She has been an enthusiastic part of the Interconnect Tour for 27 years and is thought highly of by our customers.”

  35. What helped Deb Lovci to be selected as 2015’s Best Ski Guide?

  A. Her being ready for any ski risks.

  B. Her love for Utah’s wilderness and her ski experiences.

  C. Her dreaming of the best ski job on the planet.

  D. Her gender and age.

  36. The underlined words “a jack-of- all-trades” in Para. 4 probably mean “someone ______”.

  A. who is very skilled at communicating

  B. who can be recognized as a workaholic

  C. who is enthusiastic about doing business

  D. who can do many different types of work

  37. From Paul Marshall’s words, we can infer that _______.

  A. Lovci should have helped them in the tour

  B. everyone should think highly of Lovci

  C. Lovci deserved the award

  D. Lovci achieved her success with Interconnect Tour’s help

  38. What would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Deb Lovci —2015’s Best Ski Guide

  B. Deb Lovci and Outside Magazine

  C. The Ski Utah Interconnect Tour

  D. Deb Lovci — a ski guide for 27 years


  Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are book-lover or only there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find a shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason is, you can soon be totally unaware of your surroundings. You soon become attracted in some books or others, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointments.

  This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is the main attraction of a bookshop. A bookshop is very much like a music shop. You can wander round such a place to your heart’s content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the greeting “Can I help you?” You needn’t buy anything you don’t want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the back ground until you have finished reading. Then, and only then, are his services necessary.

  Once a medical student had to read a text book which was far too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t obtain it from the library and the only copy he could find was in a certain bookshop. Every afternoon, therefore, he would go along to the shop and read a little of the book at a time. One day, however, he was disappointed to find the book missing from its usual place. He was about to leave, when he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him. Expecting to be told off, he went towards him. To his surprise, the owner pointed to the book which was tucked away in a corner. “I put it there in case anyone was tempted to buy it!” he said, and left the delighted student to continue his reading.

  39.According to the passage ,the main attraction of a bookshop is ______ .

  A. the chance to get free from the reality

  B. learning something from the books

  C. a shelter from a sudden shower

  D. the surrounding of books

  40.The writer thinks that the assistant in a bookshop should ______.

  A. greet customers pleasantly and warmly

  B. not disturb the customers when they read

  C. help the readers to find what they want

  D. not stay in the background all the time

  二、七选五:共 5 题 每题 2 分 共 10 分【贵州省铜仁市第一中学2017届高三上学期第一次月考】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。请将答案写在答题卷上。


  How to find the perfect career

  Too many people are not satisfied with their professional career (事业) and are “stuck” in situations that do not make them happy. Here are some wonderful actions you can take to begin the path to a truly happy career.

  ▲ Talk to your friends.

  Ask them, “what do you think I am best at”, or “what do you think I enjoy doing most”.


  However, their advice may help you decide what you should do.

  ▲ 42

  Read some interesting magazines, books, newspapers or novels. They will give you a constant flow of ideas and keep the mind rich.

  ▲ Talk to the happiest and most successful people you know.


  Be serious with your questions. And see if there is anything you can learn from them.

  Have these people become your teachers and friends.

  ▲ Keep a journal(日记).

  Writing down your ideas is an important practice for your career growth.

  You never know when great ideas will come to your mind!

  ▲ Develop patience.

  You may want a change in your career right now.


  Anyway, doing the practices mentioned above will bring about the right chance much faster.

  A. Read as widely as possible.

  B. This may seem like a strange conversation at first.

  C. Ask them how they realized their dreams.

  D. Changing careers can be very difficult.

  E. Talk to your family members.

  F. But it is necessary to be patient and wait for the right chance to come.

  G. Carrying a notebook with you at all times is also a great idea.

  III 写作 (满分25分)【安徽省屯溪第一中学2016届高三上学期第二次月考】



  参考词汇:利润:profit;安全措施:safety measures

  Dear Sir, I' m writing to talk about the problems of food safety nowadays.


  Yours truly,

  Li Hua


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