2017版高考英语一轮复习知能演练轻松闯关:必修3 Unit 4《Astronomy:the science of the stars(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017版高考英语一轮复习知能演练轻松闯关:必修3 Unit 4《Astronomy:the science of the stars(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Pakistan came into ____________ (exist) as an independent country after the war.

  答案: existence

  2.She strongly objected to my mother’ s marriage.Surprisingly,my mother’s reaction ____________ it was rather calm.

  答案: to

  3.The officer demanded that such things ____________ (prevent) from happening again.

  答案: (should) be prevented

  4.An American plane is reported ____________ (crash) in the Atlantic Ocean with 228 people aboard,the airline’s worst disaster in its 75­year history.

  答案: to have crashed

  5.The two girls are so alike that strangers find ____________ difficult to tell one from the other.

  答案: it/it’s

  6.What makes me ____________ (puzzle) is why he left the country without telling anyone.

  答案: puzzled

  7.____________ was needed at that time,she told me,was some good luck.

  答案: What

  8.During those four years,he worked day and night,thus ____________ (improve) his theory gradually until it was complete.

  答案: improving

  9.There were many fish ____________ (float) in the river because of the serious pollution.

  答案: floating

  10.The meeting was held in a lively atmosphere ____________ everybody felt free to share his ideas.

  答案: where



  Move Earth—it’s no science fiction

  Scientists have found an unusual way to prevent our planet from overheating:move it to a cooler spot.All you have to do is send a few comets in the direction of Earth,and its orbit will be changed.Our world will then be sent spinning into a safer,colder part of the solar system.

  This idea for improving our climate comes from a group of US National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) engineers and American astronomers.They say their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our planet—effectively doubling its working life.

  The plan put forward by Dr.Laughlin,and his colleagues Don Korycansky and Fred Adams,needs carefully directing a comet or asteroid so that it passes close by our planet and sends some its gravitational energy to Earth.

  “Earth’s orbital speed would increase as a result and we would move to a higher orbit away from the Sun,” Laughlin said.

  Engineers would then direct their comet so that it passed close to Jupiter or Saturn.The comet would pick up energy from one of these giant planets.Later its orbit would bring it back to Earth,and the process would be repeated.

  In the short term,the plan provides an ideal way to global warming,although the term was actually concerned with a much greater danger.The Sun is certain to heap up in about a billion years and seriously compromise our biosphere (生物圈)—by cooking us.

  That’s why the group decided to try to save Earth.

  The plan has one or two worrying aspects,though.For a start,space engineers would have to be very careful about how they directed their asteroid or comet towards Earth.The smallest miscalculation in orbit could fire it straight at Earth—with deadly consequences.

  There is also the question of the Moon.As the current issue of Scientific American points out,if Earth was pushed out of its current position,it is most likely that Moon would be stripped away from Earth.This would greatly change our planet’s climate.

  【文章大意】 本文是一篇科普文,介绍了科学家们的一个关于移动地球的设想。

  1.What makes the scientists plan to move Earth?

  A.A few comets are moving to the direction of Earth.

  B.Earth’s working life is coming to an end soon.

  C.Earth will become too hot for mankind to keep alive.

  D.The moon is moving farther and farther away from Earth.


  2.If the plan is successful,Earth will have a working life of ________ years.

  A.12 billion B.6 billion

  C.18 billion

  D.24 billion

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They say their plan could add another six billion years to the useful lifetime of our planet—effectively doubling its working life.”可知答案为A。

  3.What serious problems might the plan cause according to the passage?

  A.Earth might have deadly consequences and man might lose the Moon.

  B.Earth might be moved too far away and man might be frozen to death.

  C.The comet might hit Jupiter or Saturn and never return to Earth.

  D.Earth’s working life might be greatly shortened.

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句及最后一段中的“...if Earth was pushed out of its current position,it is most likely that Moon would be stripped away from Earth.”可知应选A。

  4.What does the underlined word “compromise” mean?







  (2016·山东省济宁市高三模拟考试)I was born on the last day of February.I’ve

  always felt sorry for February,squeezed between the big months of January (named for the Roman god Janus,keeper of gateways) and March (after Mars,the god of war).

  The first Roman calendar,it is said,had 10 months and no February. Beginning at the vernal equinox (春分) with March,it ended with December. In an agricultural society,winter was of little importance,and thus went undivided.

  January and February were added about 700 B. C.

  by the second king of Rome,Numa Pompilius. He made all the months 29 or 31 days,but shortened February,the last month of the year,by giving it only 28.

  Next,it was the church’s turn. In 1582 Pope Gregory  announced a new calendar in Europe. Many changes were made,but the Pope passed up yet another chance to give February equality with the other months.

  It’s messy,even dangerous,changing how we measure time,but Pope Gregory was hardly the last one to try. The League of Nations received over 150 new calendar designs,and the United Nations has considered more proposals since. Each proposal involves something that supposedly modernizes the calendar.

  But I have a simpler proposal that won’t lead to chaos,and will correct the historical injustices against February:move the last day of January and the last day of March into February to make it a normal month with 30 days,and a respectable 31 on leap years (闰年). This would not add or subtract a single day from the calendar year. It’s a great idea. And unlike Julius and Augustus,I won’t even demand a month named in my honor.

  【文章大意】 本文介绍了日历的来历。作者叙述日历的变化过程和以诙谐的手法写出自己对日历的小“创造”。

  5.The first Roman calendar had only 10 months because ________.

  A.February hated to be squeezed between the big months

  B.the god of war always fought with January and February

  C.the Romans did not like the cold winter weather

  D.it was considered unnecessary to divide winter

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段In an agricultural society,winter was of little importance,and thus went undivided可知在当时的农业社会里,冬天被认为不重要。故选D。

  6.Which of the following is closest to Numa Pompilius’ calendar?

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的He made all the months 29 or 31 days,but shortened February,the last month of the year,by giving it only 28.可知Numa Pompilius’ calendar设定的日历以三月份开始,2月份结束。故选C。

  7.The writer sounds ________ in the passage.







  (2016·江西省南昌市模拟)Wise shopping is important for a low budget.The following tips will help you shop wiser.

  Make a shop list before you go shopping,make a list of everything you plan on buying.__1__ It’ll help avoid your impulse (冲动) shopping.

  Only bring the cash you need.__2__Before you go out,put a small amount of cash in your purse to cover all the buying you plan on doing.If the cash runs out,your shopping time is over for the day.

  When it comes to clothes,just buy the basics.__3__ Chances are,you are better off with a smaller number of basic pieces that you can make unique every day with accessories.

  When in doubt,leave the store. Have no idea about whether or not to buy something?__4__ If you decide later that you really,really want it,then you can go back and buy it tomorrow.But chances are,you will be happy when you save your money.

  __5__ Not all shopping friends are created equal.Some of them love it when you spend money because it makes them feel better about their own purchases.Instead of going shopping with those friends,call up some friends who will give you their honest opinions and won’t persuade you into buying anything.

  A.Put it down and leave the store.

  B.Pick your shopping friends wisely.

  C.Try not to shop when you are bored.

  D.You can’t spend money you don’t have.

  E.Buying used is better for the environment and cheaper than buying new.

  F.Before you buy something,ask yourself how often you’ll actually wear it.

  G.The rule is that you are not allowed to buy anything unless it’s already on your list.

  答案: 1~5.GDFAB


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