2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:选修8 Unit 2《Cloning》(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届《名师A计划》高考英语新人教版一轮复习配套练习:选修8 Unit 2《Cloning》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 Cloning


  Part A



  When Jeff Sparkman draws his cartoon superheroes with colored pencils,he often has to ask other people to tell him what color his masked men turned out to be because he’s color-blind.Now,a new smart phone application(app) can help him figure out what colors he’s using and how the picture looks to most everyone else.

  The DanKam app,available for iPhone and Android for $2.99,is an application that turns the vague colors that one percent of the population with color-blindness sees into the “true” colors as everyone else sees them.In America,an estimated 32 million color-blind Americans—95% are males—can soon have their life improved.

  “DanKam takes the stream of data coming in through the phone’s camera and changes the colors slightly so they fall within the range that people who are color-blind see,” developer Dan Kaminsky told CNET.He came up with the idea after watching the 2009 film Star Trek with a color-blind friend.

  It was then that he got to know more about colorblindness like its varying types and degrees.A vast majority,for instance,have trouble seeing red or green due to a genetic defect(遗传缺陷).Blue-yellow colorblindness,however,is rarer and develops later in life because of aging,illness or head injuries,etc.He started experimenting with one of the most common representations of points in the RGB color model.What the DanKam app attempts to do is to clean up the color space of the image or video signal so that colors can be visible to those suffering from viewing problems.“You can adjust the app to fit your needs.There is a range and not everyone who is color-blind sees things the same.” Says Kaminsky.

  Sparkman,a copy editor at CNET,tried out the app and was pleased with the results.“It would be useful for dressing for a job interview,” he said.But using it for his art is “the most practical application”.It worked well on LED and other lights on electronic gadgets(装置),which means Sparkman can now identify the power light on his computer display as green.


  1.According to the first two paragraphs,we can know that DanKam . 

  A.appeared in the movie Star Trek

  B.can turn vague colors into real ones

  C.is a phone used to help draw pictures

  D.is designed to help people with colorblindness

  2.How does DanKam app work?

  A.It puts LED and other lights on electronic gadgets.

  B.It changes the colors so that color-blind people can see them.

  C.It checks color-blind people’s types and degrees of colorblindness.

  D.It shows one of the most common representations of points in the RGB color model.

  3.It can be inferred from the passage that colorblindness . 

  A.cannot be cured by any methods

  B.is more commonly seen in women

  C.is not necessarily inborn disease

  D.makes people unable to tell any colors

  4.The underlined word “visible” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to . 

  A.portable B.enjoyable

  C.adjustable D.recognizable

  【文章大意】本文是一篇科普说明文,介绍了DanKam 这款能够帮助色盲人士辨别颜色的手机应用程序。

  1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知DanKam是一款帮助色盲人士辨别颜色的手机应用程序,故选D项。

  2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,DanKam软件通过微调颜色使之符合色盲人士的视觉区域,帮他们辨别颜色。

  3.C 推理判断题。由第四段第三句“Blue-yellow colorblindness,however,is rarer and develops later in life because of aging,illness or head injuries,etc.”可知,蓝黄色盲可能是由外因引起的,因此色盲并不一定是一种天生的疾病。

  4.D 词义推测题。划线词所在句解释了DanKam软件的工作原理:通过清除图片或录像信号中的颜色空间使色盲人士也能看见各种颜色。因此visible意为“看得见的”。


  “Plants were supposed to grow larger with increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,but changes in temperature,humidity and nutrient availability seem to have trumped the benefits of increased carbon dioxide,”said researchers from the National University of Singapore.

  45 percent of the species studied now reach smaller adult sizes than they did in the past.The researchers point out that warmer temperatures and changing habitats,caused by climate change,are possible reasons for the shrinking of creatures.

  “We do not yet know the exact mechanisms involved,or why some organisms are getting smaller while others are unaffected,” the researchers said.“Until we understand more,we could be risking negative consequences that we can’t yet quantify.”

  The change was big in cold-blooded animals.Only two decades of warmer temperatures were enough to make reptiles (爬行动物) smaller.An increase of only 1℃ caused nearly a 10 percent increase in metabolism (新陈代谢).Greater use of energy resulted in tiny tortoises and little lizards.Fish are smaller now too.Though overfishing has played a part in reducing numbers,experiments show that warmer temperatures also stop fish growth.There is a recent report on warmer temperatures’ negative effects on plankton (浮游生物),the base of the marine ecosystem.

  Warm-blooded animals weren’t immune from the size change caused by climate change.Many birds are now smaller.Mammals have been miniaturized too.Soay sheep are thinner.Red deer are weaker.And polar bears are smaller,compared with historical records.This isn’t the first time this has happened in Earth’s history.

  55 million years ago,a warming event similar to the current climate change caused bees,spiders and ants to shrink by 50 to 75 percent over several thousand years.That event happened over a longer time than the current climate change.

  The speed of modern climate change could mean organisms may not respond or adapt quickly enough,especially those with long generation times.So,it is likely that more negative influences of climate change will be shown in the future.

  1.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  A.Why do some species become smaller?

  B.Species become smaller as climate warms.

  C.Climate change has many negative effects.

  D.How does climate change in Earth’s history?

  2.The underlined word “trumped” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “”. 

  A.beaten B.increased

  C.strengthened D.equaled

  3.Researchers from the National University of Singapore believe that . 

  A.climate change has more negative effects on warm-blooded animals

  B.all the animals on the Earth have become smaller

  C.too many studies on animals’ sizes have been done

  D.how climate change affects animals’ sizes has not been found clearly

  4.What is the author’s attitude toward climate change?

  A.Optimistic. B.Concerned.

  C.Indifferent. D.Confident.


  1.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,第二段点明主题,即全球变暖导致物种变小。

  2.A 词义推测题。根据前面的转折连词but可以判断,此处指气候变暖所带来的影响弊大于利,故A项最符合语境。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句 “‘We do not yet know the exact mechanisms involved,or why some organisms are getting smaller while others are unaffected,’ the researchers said.”可知,研究者们尚不了解物种变小的具体原因。

  4.B 观点态度题。根据最后一段中的“So,it is likely that more negative influences of climate change will be shown in the future.”可知作者对气候变暖带来的负面影响持担忧的态度。


  A man looking at his smartphone while walking across a railway crossing in Nanjing 1.(have) a close knock on October 22.He was so 2.(absorb) in his smartphone that he didn’t see a train approaching until it brushed past him,3.(throw) him to the ground.This should serve 4. a warning that people should be aware of their surroundings,especially 5. crossing roads. 

  6.(lucky),the man survived,but the incident forced the driver 7.(stop) the train.An 18-minute delay followed the incident,8. led to a break in the running of other trains on the route. 

  Smartphone 9.(addict) has spread like an infectious disease.It’s evident that it will do great harm to society.What’s even 10.(bad),some addicts become impatient with relatives and friends. 

  Some people blame the smartphone for the tragedy,yet in fact people’s weakening self-control and self-discipline are to blame.



  2.absorbed。be absorbed in...“全神贯注于……”。


  4.as。serve as“担任,充当,起……的作用”。

  5.when/while。空处引导时间状语从句,状语从句中省略了people are。故填when或while。


  7.to stop。force sb.to do sth.“强迫某人做某事”。本句中应用不定式作宾语补足语,故填to stop。


  9.addiction。根据空后的谓语动词has spread判断,此处应填addict的名词形式addiction作句子的主语。

  10.worse。what’s even worse“更糟的是”,常用来作插入语。

  Part B


  An old man went to live with his son,daughter-in-law,and a four-year-old grandson.The family ate together at the dinner table.But the grandfather’s shaking hands and  1  sight made eating rather difficult:peas  2  his spoon(勺) onto the floor and milk spilled(溅) on the tablecloth. 

  The son and daughter-in-law became  3  with the mess and set a small table for him. 4  grandfather would break a dish or two,his food was served in a  5  bowl. 

  The grandfather ate alone. 6 ,when he dropped a knife or spilled food,the only words the couple had for him were  7  warnings.The four-year-old son watched it all  8 . 

  One evening,the father noticed his  9  playing with wood on the floor.He asked  10 ,“What’re you making?”Just as sweetly,the boy  11 ,“I’m making a bowl for you and mama to eat your food from  12  I grow up.” Tears down their cheeks,the parents were so  13 .Though no word was spoken, 14  knew what must be done.That evening the husband took grandfather’s hand and  15  led him back to the family table. 

  16  are really sensitive.Their eyes always  17 ,their ears always listen and their  18  always process the messages they absorb.If they see us patiently provide a peaceful home  19  for family members,they will naturally  20  it for the rest of their lives.The wise parent realizes that every day is being laid for the child’s future. 

  1.A.rising B.failing

  C.stopping D.increasing

  2.A.rolled off B.took off

  C.set off D.paid off

  3.A.blamed B.annoyed

  C.excited D.stressed

  4.A.Once B.While

  C.Even if D.Since

  5.A.metal B.silk

  C.wooden D.golden

  6.A.Though B.Otherwise

  C.Therefore D.Thus

  7.A.elegant B.pleasant

  C.sharp D.dark

  8.A.in silence B.in public

  C.in secret D.in particular

  9.A.wife B.father

  C.son D.grandson

  10.A.clearly B.politely

  C.quietly D.sweetly

  11.A.shouted B.responded

  C.returned D.cried

  12.A.where B.when

  C.how D.why

  13.A.burnt B.surprised

  C.ashamed D.encouraged

  14.A.nobody B.all

  C.none D.both

  15.A.happily B.securely

  C.calmly D.gently

  16.A.Children B.Adults

  C.Boys D.Parents

  17.A.shine B.notice

  C.observe D.hold

  18.A.souls B.thoughts

  C.memories D.minds

  19.A.atmosphere B.mood

  C.emotion D.appetite

  20.A.cheer B.follow

  C.adapt D.operate


  1.B 根据上文可知,老人的手已经颤抖了,由此推测他的年龄很大,视力也应该衰退了。fail“衰退”,符合语境。

  2.A roll off“滑落”;take off“脱掉,起飞”;set off“出发”;pay off“还清”。根据语境可知,此处指豆子从勺子中滑落,故选A项。

  3.B 根据下文中的“set a small table for him”可知,老人的儿子和儿媳对于老人总是将饭桌弄得一团糟很生气。annoy“使恼怒”,符合语境。

  4.D 根据语境可知,前后分句之间为因果关系,因此用since。

  5.C 根据上文老人总是打碎碟子和下文老人的孙子制作木碗可知,儿子和儿媳用木碗给老人盛饭。

  6.A 根据上下文可知,尽管老人独自吃饭,但是在弄掉餐刀或弄洒食物时还是会受到儿子和儿媳的苛责。故用though表示转折让步。

  7.C 然而,当他弄掉餐刀或弄洒食物时,从儿子和儿媳处得到的只是严厉的警告。sharp“严厉的,苛刻的”,符合语境。

  8.A 根据语境可知,老人的孙子对父母对待爷爷的做法并未发表意见,只是默默地看着。故选A项。in silence“沉默地”;in public“当众,公共地”;in secret“秘密地”;in particular“尤其,特别”。

  9.C 根据语境可知,此处指父亲问儿子在干什么。

  10.D 根据下文中的“Just as sweetly”可知,父亲是和颜悦色地向儿子问话。

  11.B 根据下文中的“I’m making a bowl for you and mama to eat your food from  12  I grow up.” 可知,此处指儿子作出回答。respond“回答”。 

  12.B 此处意为“我正在做一个碗,等我长大了给你和妈妈吃饭用”,故用when引导时间状语从句。

  13.C 听了儿子的话后,父母流出了眼泪,再结合上文他们对老人的态度可知,这是悔恨羞愧的泪水,故选C项。ashamed“感到羞愧的”。

  14.D 根据语境可知,空处指代上文的the parents,因此用both。

  15.D 父母因儿子的言行有所触动并决定做出改变,自然是变得关爱老人了。gently“温和地,温柔地”。

  16.A 结合上文中的例子可知,父母的言行对孩子有潜移默化的影响。故选A项。

  17.C 孩子的眼睛在观察。observe“观察”,符合语境。

  18.D 他们的大脑会对接收的信息进行处理。

  19.A 此处指“耐心地营造和睦的家庭氛围”,故选A项。

  20.B 如果他们看到我们耐心地为家庭成员营造和睦的家庭氛围,他们自然会在以后的生活中追随这种做法。follow“跟随,追随”,符合语境。


  Protecting your eyesight

  Nowadays most people have bad eyesight.Don’t take your eyes for granted.Here are some tips on protecting your eyesight.

  Eat for good vision.

  Protecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate.Nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin E may help avoid vision problems. 1  You can choose green vegetables,eggs,beans and other non-meat protein sources. 

  Wear sunglasses for good vision.

  2  Choose sunglasses that block 99% to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays.If you wear contact lenses,choose the ones that offer UV protection.It’s still a good idea to wear sunglasses for more protection. 

  Quit smoking.

  Smoking makes you more likely to get cataracts(白内障),optic nerve (视觉神经)damage,and macular degeneration (黄斑部退化).If you have tried to quit smoking before and started smoking again,keep trying.The more times you try to quit smoking,the more likely you are to succeed.


  Staring at a computer screen can cause so many problems:dry eyes,headaches and neck,back and shoulder pain.To protect your eyes,you can position your computer so that your eyes are level with the top of the monitor.This allows you to look slightly down at the screen.Try to avoid glare on your computer from windows and lights.Use an anti-glare screen if needed.Every 20 minutes,rest your eyes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 4   

  Visit your eye doctor regularly.

  Everyone,even young children,should get their eyes examined regularly. 5  They can also find some eye diseases,such as glaucoma(青光眼).The earlier diseases are found,the easier they are to be treated. 


  A.Use safe eyewear.

  B.Look away from the computer for good eye health.

  C.Eye exams help you protect your sight and see your best.

  D.Regularly eating nutritious foods can lead to good eye health.

  E.Wear glasses when examined under the guidance of your doctor.

  F.At least every two hours,get up and take a 15-minute break.

  G.The right kind of sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet(紫外线的)rays.


  1.D 本段介绍了怎样通过饮食保护视力,故D项“有规律地吃有营养的食物有利于眼睛健康”符合语境。

  2.A 根据下文中提到的选太阳镜和隐形眼镜的注意事项可知,空处涉及护眼产品的安全。故A项承接下文,符合语境。

  3.B 本段主要介绍长时间盯着电脑看的危害及保护眼睛的措施,故B项“将视线从电脑上移开以保持健康”最适合作为主题句。

  4.F 上文提到了保护眼睛免受电脑屏幕伤害的方法,而F项中提及的做法也是其中之一,故选F项。

  5.C 空前提到了每个人都应该定期进行眼部检查,空后提到了这样做的另一好处,故C项承上启下,符合语境。


  To achieve determination,we need the followed strategies.First,we should adopt a positive attitude towards fail.Although some smokers have tried in vain to give up smoking over a hundred of times,they should continue their attempts and view their previous failure part of their success because they have tried after all.The same is true which it comes to our daily life.Even if we run into unexpected obstacles(障碍),we should stay optimistic after reaching our goal.Second,when accomplishing a task,we should make the plan.If smokers can’t quit smoking once and for all,they can reduce the numbers of cigarettes they have per day until this bad habit is dropped complete.In our daily life,we should also arrange our tasks in order to importance—the most urgent first,the less important to follow.



  3.第3句:删除hundred后的of。此处表示“一百次”,表达为a hundred times,of多余。


  5.第4句:which→when。固定句型when it comes to...“当谈到……”。



  8.第7句:numbers→number。the number of...“……的数量”。


  10.第8句:to→of。此处指“按照工作的重要程度排序”,应用介词of。in order to“为了”。


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